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  1. #1
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Two recent stories from different countries on the same theme - extremists threatening LGBT events on the pretext of protecting kids. As usual, these people take their cues from the US and copy their methods.

    In many cases the response has been to cancel events on safety grounds, which I think is unfortunate because it will just encourage more intimidation.

    I realise most HA members just want to be left to fiddle while Rome burns, but do you really think your hobby will never be affected if these people are allowed to have their way?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Two reports from today in the NYT and the Telegraph, concern a North Korean defector who thinks the 'woke' US is even worse than North Korea -the woman is clearly on a mission as she has been going on about this for years- this is from 2021

    "A North Korean defector said she viewed the US as country of free thought and free speech – until she went to college here.Yeonmi Park attended Columbia University and was immediately struck by what she viewed anti-Western sentiment in the classroom and a focus on political correctness that had her thinking “even North Korea isn’t this nuts.”
    “I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” Park told Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”
    North Korean defector slams 'woke' US schools (

    Has she been 'disappeared' or arrested for criticising the USA? I don't think so. She has been free to campaign for her brand of Christian activism since she arrived. She claims at Colombia she attended classes where Jane Austen was described as a 'racist and a bigot' though according to Wikipedia she studied Economics there. It also points out that

    "Park first visited North America in 2013 with a Christian mission, going to Houston, Texas; San José, Costa Rica; and Atlanta, Georgia., Park moved to New York City in 2014 to complete her memoir while continuing to work as an activist."
    Yeonmi Park - Wikipedia

    How many people fleeing tyranny in their country have found their version of freedom in the US, free to be straight, gay, Christian, Transgendered? It's not that bad a country, even with the attempt to 'cancel' the cultures that made it.

    Do students of aeronautical engineering attend lectures on the construction of aeroplanes from the point of view of Black Lives Matter?

    Today's lecture on inflation will be given from a Gendered perspective, if you are offended by the augmentation of figures please alert the teacher.

  3. #3
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Post Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Last edited by natina; 06-26-2023 at 12:56 AM.

  4. #4
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Why not?
    Freedom of speech.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    Why not?
    Freedom of speech.
    And it is important because the arguments being made against LGBTQ+ and Trans people in particular, is not based on fact, but an astonishing ability to re-define terms -set aside the Biblical references to Sodom and Gomorrah, here from last weekend in the US is Josh Hawley identifying the greatest threat to the US-

    "“a new Marxism that is rising in this country”, one that tells Americans, among other things: “That there’s no such thing as male and female, that there are not two genders. There’s 2,000 genders and it tells our children that the way God made them is wrong.”“These new Marxists want to give America a new religion. They want to impose on us the religion of woke. It is the religion of transgenderism, critical race theory and open borders multiculturalism, and they are shoving it down our throats,” Hawley said."
    After Roe’s overturn, Republicans target trans rights using extremist rhetoric | Republicans | The Guardian

    Marxism is now just a term of abuse, designed to scare Americans who assume it has an agenda to change everything they believe in. There may be some Marxists who believe there are 2,000 genders but I doubt it, in fact, Marxists tend to be rigid in their perceptions of social reality, most serious Marxist thinkers -eg, Habermas- rejecting the post-structuralist, post-modern narratives of Michael Foucault and Jacques Derrida, a debate lost on Hawley and most people anyway.

    More crucial is the way that the debate Hawley shapes it, does not reach back to 1776 and the Bill of Rights, or indeed to the very concept of Rights in society. His problem is that neither the Bill of Rights nor the Constitution of the US limits Rights to American citizens -they all have the same Rights, something that the 14th Amendment confirmed. Hawley and people like him need to explain why the Constitutional guarantee of equal rights suddenly does not apply to Transgendered Americans, or the parents of Transgendered children. Why their Free Speech needs to be curtailed, but not his.

    But he has no real interest in Marxism; he doesn't know in fact what Critical Race Theory is or tries to do; he targets Multi-Culturalism as if it were a poison eating away at the insides of the USA, instead of being the social DNA of the country since Jamestown and probably before it.

    It is an attempt to re-define what the United States is, by turning its back on the ideals of the Revolution, and the texts that the Revolutionaries created in the hope that the US would be different from Europe. Consider Trump's claim over the weekend that he had an 'absolute right' to retain the classified documents that he did, when the one thing the Constitution was determined to do was to ensure nobody in the US, including the President had an 'absolute right' to anything.

    Free Speech: free to talk rubbish. But rubbish that must be exposed for what it is by those who truly believe in the USA. And note that the people who want to change everything call themselves Conservatives -but conserving very little of what has been created since 1776.

    Last edited by Stavros; 06-26-2023 at 01:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    Why not?
    Freedom of speech.

    "Most time, a man will tell you his bad intentions if you listen, let yourself hear."

  7. #7
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Quote Originally Posted by mildcigar_2001 View Post
    "Most time, a man will tell you his bad intentions if you listen, let yourself hear."

    A few people chanting something is obviously evidence of a wide-ranging secret conspiracy. You don't think maybe they were just mocking people like you?

  8. #8
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Quote Originally Posted by mildcigar_2001 View Post
    "Most time, a man will tell you his bad intentions if you listen, let yourself hear."
    When it comes to quotes, this one seems very relevant to you:

    “The things people choose not to say often reveal far more about them than the things they choose to say.”

  9. #9

    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Virgin Atlantic Tells Cabin Crew That They Can Only Wear Gender Neutral Uniforms On Flights to Just Two Countries (

    A spokesperson explained that ongoing risk assessments are conducted across the airline’s destinations which take into account “laws and attitudes towards the LGA spokesperson explained that ongoing risk assessments are conducted across the airline’s destinations which take into account “laws and attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community”.
    As part of those risk assessments, the airline has reportedly concluded that it is only safe to apply the new gender identity uniform policy on flights to the United States and Israel.

    Draw your own conclusions .

  10. #10
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: The latest noxious US export - the war on LGBT+

    Quote Originally Posted by jerseygirlangie;2072185

    A spokesperson explained that ongoing risk assessments are conducted across the airline’s destinations which take into account “laws and attitudes towards the LGA spokesperson explained that ongoing risk assessments are conducted across the airline’s destinations which take into account “laws and attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community”.[/COLOR]
    As part of those risk assessments, the airline has reportedly concluded that it is only safe to apply the new gender identity uniform policy on flights to the United States and Israel.
    Draw your own conclusions .
    This is a more accurate quotation from the link-
    "A spokesperson explained that ongoing risk assessments are conducted across the airline’s destinations which take into account “laws and attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community”."As part of those risk assessments, the airline has reportedly concluded that it is only safe to apply the new gender identity uniform policy on flights to the United States and Israel. On flights to all other destinations, including across the Caribbean, Africa and India, cabin crew must wear a uniform that matches the gender recorded in their passport."

    I don't get get, as trouser suits have been common for female staff for a long time. It has nothing to do with gender but being a practical form of dress, particularly for long haul flights. If anything, female staff should not wear skirts or dresses or whatever, and female staff on Emirates and Ettihad have to cover their hair as far as I recall, and why should the homophobic bigots of Africa and the Caribbean determine what cabin crew wear?

    Maybe Richard Branson should stop sucking up to Middle East dictators and tell them where to shove their prejudices.

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