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  1. #11
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    Quote Originally Posted by timxxx View Post
    Only moron would equate porn to medical care,free medical care is a basic human right in the rest of the civilized world.
    Yep, Moron or Mormon.

  2. #12
    5 Star Poster
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    Quote Originally Posted by RallyCola View Post
    now...i really don't buy that this person was 100% trans like a more traditional trans. I think you, Brenda, are reading FAR too much into what you think the media is trying to do here than what really is. I am sure that this person didn't just steal an identity for medical care.
    Yes if they are going to steal an identity why not steal the identity of a man with health insurance? Perhaps if you don't identify as a man.

    According to this report the person ID'd female at all times.

    Yep, Moron or Mormon.
    Or a moron who is a mormon...with lots of money and nice hair.

  3. #13
    I <3 Boobs + Blowjobs Platinum Poster RallyCola's Avatar
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    i really don't think most people understand how physicians are paid anymore. plus i don't care whether anyone believes i do what i do but because too many FUCKING RETARDED PEOPLE THINK QUALITY MEDICAL CARE IS TIED TO HOW MUCH MDs ARE PAID....

    My salary is paid largely by the department and part from my PI's grants. The 70% of my salary that is covered by the department comes from medical billing that is HIGHLY REGULATED and negotiated rates with insurance companies, the tuition columbia collects from all the new medical, dental and masters students as well as our endowments and private donations. My salary does not come from a bill I send to Aetna. Even private practice internists and family doctors have negotiated rates and are generally not independently billing in many cases.

    If you really think that the quality of your medical care will deteriorate if we had a 100% publically funded system that afforded everyone coverage, you are sorely mistaken. That said, many of you fail to realize that medical school loans are postponed until after residency and fellowship. Moreover, if you get into a quality school/hospital, they will subsidize your loan payments. Finally, there are at least 31 NIH programs beyond F and K awards that repay loans for MDs or MD/PhDs actively involved in research. It is only those docs that end up at shitty matches/residencies/fellowships at local community hospitals that really have to worry about loan repayment. 90% of my class could care less about their loans or repayment. Most of my friends and colleagues want no part of family medicine or private practice and will likely stay within a university hospital setting because the salary and job security are better (automatically tenured because of the MD degree) and malpractice insurance payments are subsidized or non-existent. For those that aren't getting subsidized or are at shitty positions...fuck them...they should have scored better in school.

    The long and the short of it is that medical care WILL NOT be compromised. It is a fallacy cooked up by people who don't understand anything about how modern medical practices work OR how socialized medicine really works in other countries. All you fuckers know is what Fox News tells you. Fucking idiots!

    Sorry...didn't mean to threadjack...but i find it amazing how vocal and UNINFORMED the opposition to healthcare for all usually are.

    Last edited by RallyCola; 03-18-2012 at 11:27 PM.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    Oh no one reasonable thinks that there will be lower quality care. They fear:

    If healthcare is provided at no cost there will be a lack of fully qualified doctors (especially specialist). People will end up being treated by Nurse Practioners instead of MD's.

    '' Government bureaucrats will decide who should get healthcare and then what kind of healthcare.

    '' it will create a less fair system. Most people will be priced out of affording a good private doctor. The haves and rich will, instead of waiting in line, contract with private practioners for great sums of cash money. The best doctors will be able to do that and they will. (In addition to taking in medicaid paitients.)

    The major concern: Government will use healthcare as an excuse to interfere in the most personal aspects of our privates lives from what we eat to how we have sex.

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  5. #15
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    Back on topic: The media misidentification of a woman as being a man.

    The end of that video makes it clear that this person identified as a woman. Then was put in mans jail due to having male parts. I would not be shocked to find out this person has been raped by the time they go before a judge on Monday.

  6. #16
    Silver Poster Ryz's Avatar
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    How do the homeless have such youthful skin, cot dayum

    I use to be a Goon. Now I'm a Pretty Bitch.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Veteran Poster SFTB's Avatar
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    Quote Originally Posted by timxxx View Post
    Only moron would equate porn to medical care,free medical care is a basic human right in the rest of the civilized world.
    Once again, you totally ignore the point, that someone stole a persons identity, and used it to scam the hospitals for years out of several hundred thousand dollars. It's called theft. I'll try to dumb it down for you.

    If someone stole your identity, and used it to order several hundred dollars of tapes and subscriptions from Grooby, you would feel violated. Because someone stole from you, its called theft. Seanchai would in turn unleash the hounds, threatening all kinds of court action once you chargedback all that money and he found out he had been stolen from.

    But I think both of you know all that. Your both playng devil's dumbasses to make a political point. Your point denigrates every girl I know who has worked her ass off doing everything from working fast food, styling hair all the way to porn and escorting to pay for their transition. Shit, they should have just stolen someone's identity and scammed the healthcare system according to you two.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai View Post
    Sounds more like a case of if medical care was free, then there wouldn't have been a problem
    Yea, and if houses were free no one would be homeless. If food was free no one would go hungry. If video games were free we would never be bored. Too bad all of those things require resources to produce. Nothing is free, why would medical care be?

    Last edited by ShitPope; 03-19-2012 at 06:39 AM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Veteran Poster SFTB's Avatar
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    Default Re: "California Man Poses as Woman for 13 Years Really?"

    Quote Originally Posted by BrendaQG View Post
    Back on topic: The media misidentification of a woman as being a man.

    The end of that video makes it clear that this person identified as a woman. Then was put in mans jail due to having male parts. I would not be shocked to find out this person has been raped by the time they go before a judge on Monday.
    Before you go marching on the courthouse, widen your internet searches.

    Somehow the victim who has had to deal with +$100,000 in false debt, and dealing with "failure to appear" warrants for the past 13 years is completely negligible to you. The article also mentions that none of the medical expenses were for "cosmetic purposes" which I guess is their way of saying hormones or gender surgery.

    Now, until you have to spend 13 years of your life constantly calling the credit companies trying to straighten the mess up, going to the courthouse for something you didnt do, always wondering when you wake up if something else has been perptrated in your once good name, maybe show one freaking ounce of sympathy for the real victim?

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