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  1. #11
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Atlanta, among other places.


    Quote Originally Posted by White_Male_Canada
    Watch GW ratchet up the pressure in similar manner to how Reagan broke the back of the USSR. Lil` kim just wants his shit back. He ain`t gonna get it, the big boys are in charge now.
    I don't want to turn this into a Bush/anti-Bush debate, but I have as much faith in the Bush Administration to handle this correctly as I did the Clinton Administration. The key to the DPRK is China, and Bush has done a terrible job of dealing with both Beijing and Moscow as it relates to the North. The fact is that neither of these two states will ever functionally participate in a sanctions regime against the North unless Washington takes a dramatically different stance. Note, this doesn't even take into account the deleteriouis effects of South Korea's "sunshine policy," which is little more than an abstract joke that has also been poorly addressed by this administration. In short, a few positive measures notwithstanding, this is still essentially a fiasco.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

  2. #12
    Rookie Poster
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    Default korea missiles

    okay quinn, how should the north koreans be handled?
    why shy away from a debate on the current admins handleing of any foreign policy issue? the DPRK( is that right? anyway you know what i mean) is craving attention from the 6 party talks,AND marketing the tech.
    pakaistan and NK will be selling a (HA) turn-key solution to US hegemony. the missliles don't need to work all the time, it's only the possibility that they MIGHT all work. we invaded a nation on a bullshit story of nuc weapons, a country with out a proven nuc delevery system. ( sorry about spelling, keyboard has some issues). we dance with the pakistanis, jaw with the NK, invade Grenada, Iraq, threathen Iran. why? who got a bomb and who dosen't. the pakistanis sold the tech to ANYONE. thaat program is the most dangerous now. and we do squat.

    i gotta say, if you believe that the missile was intercepted, get off the kool-aid. there was so much microwave radition in that area, birds cooked in flight. no intecept would have gone unnoticed. also why give away any info. if an intecept was planned ( ha) why risk a miss and a foreign landfall and em study? do it in the far pacific.

  3. #13
    Rookie Poster
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    Default part 2

    plus people aren't tsalking about how poorly the Irq war is being handeled and about the latest rape, murder by US forces.
    ps It seems like the kidnapping and murder of the servicemen last week was a eye for and eye response to this latest revelation of rape / murder of iraqui civliians

  4. #14
    5 Star Poster
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    Apr 2006


    Let`s take a pictorial tour of that shit hell hole called North korea,

    shall we,

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