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  1. #51
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanj
    listen you dumb fuck...i dont spell
    LOL… I’ve noticed.

    While I would generally agree that spelling isn’t that important, when you call someone else an idiot, ignorant, a moron, or anything similar, it generally helps if you can first demonstrate a level of literacy approaching that of a 6th grader. Otherwise, you just come off looking like a hypocrite who projects his own shortcomings upon others. Nicely done, stupid!

    Quote Originally Posted by seanj
    leave issues like this for people who have atleast an ounce of common sense and intellegence.
    In what is perhaps the greatest of ironies, you actually managed to misspell “intelligence” when talking smack about being intelligent. ROTFLMAO…

    Quote Originally Posted by seanj
    so know why dont you go back to something you do well like posting closeup picks of shemale dick.
    Uh, OK…. You clearly have as much command of this issue as you do of both the English language and your own inane thought process. Find one close up pick of a transsexual cock posted by me. Of course, you won’t be able to because, once again, you are talking out of your illiterate ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by seanj
    and try to comprehend this point if you can.... placing a ban on a breed of dog is basically giving them a death sentence...this has already been happening in denver....a couple of these dogs may be lucky enough to find homes but most will be put you understand that genius???
    So, what you’re really saying is that you couldn’t produce anything stating that I support the extermination of the APBT as a breed – like you stated. That’s what I thought, dumb ass. Seriously, you’re making this too easy. Try and at least get one thing right.

    Quote Originally Posted by seanj
    your the one who attacked me....and your the one who wants to jump in here and have to have the last a little fuckin kid.
    LMAO.. Seriously, are you sure you're not some passive-aggressive teenage girl? Why don’t you go back and read the thread – then try taking some responsibility for your actions, like a man. As for getting the last word in, I let it go, but then you had to post shots at me, so now you can deal with that too. It’s either that or you can continue whining about it like a little girl. Either way, now, I’ll continue to comment on this until making you look like the fool you so obviously are ceases to amuse me.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

  2. #52
    Junior Poster CaliBoy951's Avatar
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    You need to get back to your village, because they are missing there idiot. Dude, you are the poster child for "dumb ass". As far as getting into a pissing contest with, I dont need to, because the entire HungAngels membership have already seen what a simple minded person you are. If my words are to big for you let me know and I will rewrite this post using much simpler words.
    I shared what happened to my neighbor, and what I thought...period.
    Oh yeah, what does all this stuff have to do with what this site is all about?

    P.S. Seanj, when you bring up the "momma" stuff, either you are underage, or really really simple minded. Seanj I volunteer every year for the special olympics, do we know each other?

  3. #53
    Professional Poster DJ_Asia's Avatar
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    enough bitching and name calling already......

    The last time I checked there were bans on:

    fully auto weapons
    Crack Cocaine
    and pretty much thousands of other delightful toys,yet you can still get them from your local thug,gangster,biker,neo nazi,Crip,Blood,Mexican Mafia....blah blah.

    Fact is if you put this ban into effect,the only ones hurt are the dogs themselves and the only people who SHOULD have the right to own them,law abiding,responsible dog owners...the gangbangers will still breed away.NEXT TOPIC PLEASE!

  4. #54
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    Seanj, It may have been said already but I don't have time to read every single post in this thread. I'm a dog owner as well and although no dog is born violent, we know how they become that way. Look, ghetto jackass wannabe thugs are the reason we have leash laws. You can't regulate them because when their dog attacks a civilian, they fuckin run. Worse yet, no one tells on them because of fear. They fuck it up for everyone. I'm for taking the weapon away from them. Just recently a pit attacked another dog in my neighborhood, and the owner was some nasty stoned bitch. Check this out, my dog is a very exotic breed and in the inner city, people are scared of him, but they feel more comfortable around pits. Because in the hood thats all they know. Damn, sometimes I hate living in the hood!

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by J
    thank u for being civil with me, and since u asked, i assume u respect my response, so here goes, yes, ide be totally ok with the ban of all potentially dangerous dogs, i wont lie, i love all animals, but i dont think that u have a constitutional right to own any pet u like...hey, monkeys are my favorite animals, but i dont think they should be sorry, u were honest about ur bias, u love pitts, and in fairness ill give my bias, im scared of dogs with big teeth who i often see on the news shredding a nighbors child...and its always the same story

    honestly...would u save ur kids life if it meant killing a thousand pitts??? honestly admit it, we both know that if there was a ban in place, at least one kids life per year would be saved...
    my point is that ANY dog is potentially dangerous in the wrong hands....and most of those large breed dogs are by their nature, more agressive towards humans than the pit bull....there have been studies done and they show that the american pit bull is responsible for only a very small percentage of all dog bites....another problem is that the pit bull is often blamed when the dog in question is not actually a pit is a "pit bill type dog"....listen, dont take my word on that....if you care to know the truth about the pit bull google the topic...u might be suprised what you find.

    you just cant ban every breed of dog that is a potential threat...banning a dog is basically a death sentence....what would happen if pits were banned, than rots, than dobermans, than mastifs, than german sheppards, ect? would you like to see half the dog population wiped out? maybe you should look more at the dog owners....they are responsible for this not the innocent dog...if the focuse is turned away from the dog and on to what type of regulations can be placed on dogs owners than things would be moving in a more positive direction.

    as far as my kids are concerned i have a 3 year old daugther and a 4 year old pit....they have grown up together and are the best of friends. from the time my daughter was an infant her and my dog play together....they roll around on the ground, she climbs on tops of her, pulls her ears, ect....i have never ever been the slightest concern that my pit would try to bite my daughter...believe me it would never happen...i consider my pit my child also....there is NOTHING i would not do for her...that may sound crazy to you but you should realize that their are many owners and famalies who feel this way about their dogs....that is part of the reason any talk of a dog ban is such an emotional topic.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by J
    ok, in all fairness, i googled the topic and decided to fairly analyze all the info out sorry buddy, but i believe i was right in my assesment...ur being emotional and biased and the facts jutify a ban...while theres a plethora of maniacal urges to oppose the ban on the web, its all coming from pitt owners and they all have the same routine..whereas fair minded good people recognize the reality of the breed and sadly admit that while theres no winner here, its a measure thats long overdo... a site dedicated to dogs called to me sums up my concerns and worries pertaining to the breed beautifully:

    the potential for danger in a pit but is higher than other types of dogs because:
    the pits have a strong drive to chase things...
    they have an intolerance towards other dogs (or smaller animals like cats)...
    pits can be unable to control their excitement level, losing themselves if they get too wound up, even when playing...
    if a pit bull decides he is going to attack something, there is nothing that can stop him once he gets going...

    these are not my words, care to opine?
    pit bulls can be agressive towards other can be dangerous to leave them loose around other dogs....this is a part of the breed...if they are trained and brought up around other they are fine....but yes they can be agressive towards other animals.

    pit bulls have a high prey do alot of other dogs....meaning they love to chase after squirells,ect....not people

    pit bulls have no agression towards fact their lack of agression and the fact that they are not teritorial make them poor watch dogs....since they were originally bred in the early 1800s they were bred with a strong bite inhibition towards humans.

    and ive already said this but i will repeat it again....a dogs temperment measures traits of the dog that show how well they well get along and react to all kinds of situations.....the pit bull ranks higher than most breeds in these tests.

    dont confuse animal agression and prey drive with human agression and temperment..

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by J
    what if i have a pet squirrel??? he doesnt deserve protection from ur pitt??? how bout my cats? fuck, my lil toy poodle holy shit..buddy, ur losing me fast here...ur whole temperment thingy isnt sticking...
    yes pit bulls can be animal many of the other bully breeds.....and yes they can have a high prey many of the other terrier breeds.

    this DOES NOT mean they cant get along with other dogs and just means they sometime need to be trained and socialized around other animals...believe me, its not really a big deal.....i take my pit to a dog park all the time....she is loose and playing with all other dogs and everything is fact the only problem ive ever seen when i was there was from a rot...who clearly hadnt been trained...and from a standard poodle who attacked another dog.

    but this issue is really about pit bull agression towards humans.

    if your are sincerely interested in this topic there is a very good book that covers the issue of dog bites and bsl very well.

    Fatal Dog Attacks
    the story behind the statistics
    by Karen Delise

  8. #58
    Platinum Poster
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    J has a toy poodle?

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  9. #59
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Atlanta, among other places.


    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    J has a toy poodle?
    LOL... That gave gave me pause for thought too.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

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