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  1. #31
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    WikiLeaks wins major journalism award in Australia

    By Glenn Greenwald

    The Walkley Awards are the Australian equivalent of the Pulitzers: that nation’s most prestigious award for excellence in journalism. Last night, the Walkley Foundation awarded its highest distinction — for “Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism” — to WikiLeaks, whose leader, Julian Assange, is an Australian citizen. The panel cited the group’s “courageous and controversial commitment to the finest traditions of journalism: justice through transparency,” and hailed it for having “applied new technology to penetrate the inner workings of government to reveal an avalanche of inconvenient truths in a global publishing coup.” As I’ve noted before, WikiLeaks easily produced more newsworthy scoops over the last year than every other media outlet combined, and the Foundation noted: “so many eagerly took advantage of the secret cables to create more scoops in a year than most journalists could imagine in a lifetime.” In sum: “by designing and constructing a means to encourage whistleblowers, WikiLeaks and its editor-in-chief Julian Assange took a brave, determined and independent stand for freedom of speech and transparency that has empowered people all over the world.”
    What makes this award so notable is that the United States — for exactly the same reasons that the Foundation cited in honoring WikiLeaks’ journalism achievements — has spent the last year trying to criminalize and destroy the group, with some success. Showing the true colors of America’s political class, U.S. politicians like Dianne Feinstein plotted to prosecute WikiLeaks for its journalism and Joe Lieberman thuggishly demanded that private corporations cut off all funds to the group (most of which complied), while others, like Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin, branded them Enemy Combatants and called for them to be treated lik Terrorists. Meanwhile, the Obama administration — while parading around the world as defenders of Internet freedom and a free press — harassed its supporters with laptop seizures at airports and Twitter subpoenas. Recall that the Pentagon, all the way back in a top secret 2008 report, declared WikiLeaks — which also received the 2009 award from Amnesty International for excellence in New Media — an enemy of the state and plotted how to destroy it.
    It is telling indeed that the U.S. — with the backing of its subservient allied governments — has devoted itself to the destruction of the world’s most effective journalistic outlet. It is equally telling that the Obama administration has subjected the accused WikiLeaks leaker, Bradley Manning — who is accused of (more accurately: credited with) having exposed endless amounts of illegality and corruption – to pre-trial detention conditions so harsh and inhumane that its own State Department spokesman vehemently denounced that treatment and ultimately resigned over it. As I argued last weekend in the UC-Davis pepper-spraying context, the U.S. loves to flamboyantly offer rights . . . provided they are not effectively exercised to challenge those in power; as soon as they are, the exercise rights of those rights is severely punished rather than protected.
    That is exactly what has been done to WikiLeaks by the U.S. Government — serious threats and punishment meted out to this group for the crime of adversarial journalistic exposure of government wrongdoing (in contrast to the large media outlets that typically serve the Government’s interests) — and the awarding of this prestigious journalism award in Australia makes that even more vividly clear. Equally telling is that while Australian journalists have vocally defended WikiLeaks for engaging in pure journalism, the American actors who play the role of journalists on TV in the U.S. have almost unanimously scorned and denounced WikiLeaks for the greatest sin in their eyes: undermining, exposing and defying political authorities. In sum, China revealingly imprisons the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize winner while the U.S. Government works to destroy the group that has uniquely displayed “courageous and controversial commitment to the finest traditions of journalism: justice through transparency.”

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    Ben i don't understand how you can say completely unfounded rape allegation until he is tried in a court of law and if he has committed these rapes he must be locked up

    live with honour

  3. #33
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    Quote Originally Posted by russtafa View Post
    Ben i don't understand how you can say completely unfounded rape allegation until he is tried in a court of law and if he has committed these rapes he must be locked up
    Julian Assange hasn't been charged with anything. He's wanted for questioning. Even Wikileaks hasn't been charged with anything.
    And, yes!, if he did commit rape and is found guilty in a court of law [not the court of public opinion] I want him thrown in a cage for a very long time. But, again, at present, he hasn't even been charged. Which is odd. I mean, why haven't they even charged him? Why is he under house arrest when NO charges have been brought against him?
    I mean, charge him with rape. What are they waiting for???
    To treat Assange in such a manner is quite despicable. As, once again, no charges have been brought against him -- or even wikileaks. I mean, why don't they charge wikileaks????
    They whole thing is odd. Not entirely sure what the U.S and British -- and Swedish -- governments are playing at.

  4. #34
    Professional Poster runningdownthatdream's Avatar
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
    Julian Assange hasn't been charged with anything. He's wanted for questioning. Even Wikileaks hasn't been charged with anything.
    And, yes!, if he did commit rape and is found guilty in a court of law [not the court of public opinion] I want him thrown in a cage for a very long time. But, again, at present, he hasn't even been charged. Which is odd. I mean, why haven't they even charged him? Why is he under house arrest when NO charges have been brought against him?
    I mean, charge him with rape. What are they waiting for???
    To treat Assange in such a manner is quite despicable. As, once again, no charges have been brought against him -- or even wikileaks. I mean, why don't they charge wikileaks????
    They whole thing is odd. Not entirely sure what the U.S and British -- and Swedish -- governments are playing at.
    It's not so odd that he hasn't been charged based on how the Swedish system works.

    Incidentally their criteria for rape would make the majority of men and women I know to be rapists....i.e.: if a man said he was a doctor and had sex with a woman and it turned out he had a doctorate in quilting instead of medicine, said woman could charge him with rape because he used false pretenses to get her in the sack. Apparently the charge by one of the women is that Assange abused his power over her (based on his popularity) to convince her to sleep with him. She willingly did so but afterwards felt 'violated'! I wonder how many people over here roll over in the mornings without the beer goggles on and have regrets!? Here, you'd make an excuse and head for the door, apparently in Sweden you can accuse the other person of rape!

  5. #35
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    I thought the rape charge was because the rubber broke. If memory serves, they were her rubbers. I haven't seem nuch about this for a while, but the story I got was that she went on a stalking trip to find & meet the dude. She seduced him (of course he's a guy so it doesn't take much), Invited him to her place in another town, paid for his round trip ticket, & fucked him at least 3 times that she admitted to. But the rubber broke. The mainstream press hasn't said whether it broke in her pussy or her ass. I wonder if Sweden has tried to extradite the CEO of the Trojan co or maybe KY...

    Of course he hasn't been charged with anything.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
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  6. #36
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
    Julian Assange hasn't been charged with anything. He's wanted for questioning. Even Wikileaks hasn't been charged with anything.
    And, yes!, if he did commit rape and is found guilty in a court of law [not the court of public opinion] I want him thrown in a cage for a very long time. But, again, at present, he hasn't even been charged. Which is odd. I mean, why haven't they even charged him? Why is he under house arrest when NO charges have been brought against him?
    I mean, charge him with rape. What are they waiting for???
    To treat Assange in such a manner is quite despicable. As, once again, no charges have been brought against him -- or even wikileaks. I mean, why don't they charge wikileaks????
    They whole thing is odd. Not entirely sure what the U.S and British -- and Swedish -- governments are playing at.
    Ben, the situation is quite simple -Assange was in the UK when the allegations were made and Sweden applied for an extradition order which was granted by a UK court -various appeals mean that Assange's final judgement should be before our Supreme Court possibly before Christmas -the Supreme Court was set up the last Labour govt to replace the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords. Assange's problem was that when asked to give an address, he gave a post office box number in London, which is not acceptable to the Court. The only other address he could give was his mother's house in Australia, because he has been a wanderer with no permanent address, which is why he was refused bail. Subsequently he was released from prison when a friend applied to the court for bail on the basis he live at her address in Suffolk.

  7. #37
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  8. #38
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    A reminder about WikiLeaks

    As the risk intensifies that Assange may be prosecuted for his journalism, it is vital to remember what's at stake

    By Glenn Greenwald

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Julian Assange Explains WikiLeaks Disclosure...

    Wikileaks' Julian Assange seeks asylum in Ecuador embassy:

  10. #40
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