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  1. #141
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by interestedParty
    Quote Originally Posted by McManaman
    Quote Originally Posted by interestedParty
    For one thing, if the Axis (please check your spelling before you submit your posts, otherwise you come across as even more of an ignoramus than you actually are) had won WWII, I would not be here, since my grandparents would've been sent to the gas-chambers.
    Oh, i see.. You are jewish (hopefully not the ortodox one, those are real fanatics), that's why you are so fanaticaly involved in this thread. Now i can understand you calling me dumb fuck, etc.. and for all the shit directed to me for misspelling the words of axees and hollocowst..

    Quote Originally Posted by interestedParty
    And just where do you get your 'facts'? Most of my knowledge of WWII pertains to the European Theater, more specifically the Third Reich — and before you ask, that knowledge was obtained mostly from five books: Hitler, by Joachim Fest; Speer, also by Fest; The Order of the Death's Head, by Heinz Hφhne; Inside the Third Reich, by Albert Speer; and Nazi Germany, by Klaus Fischer — if you want to acquire knowledge about a country's history, it's best to read a history book by someone who's from that country — all those authors are from Germany, and, of course, all were affected by WWII. I trust the information I get from Wikipedia, because said information matches information I have gained from other, trusted, sources (including the sources I mentioned above); therefore, I have every reason to believe in the veracity of the facts about the war in the Pacific that I've found on that site.

    You say that I'm not objective — I say that I'm as objective as a human being can be about such things. Doubting history just because it's written down in history books isn't being objective, it's being paranoid. Short of actually being present at a given event, or scouring the world for first-hand accounts (something that most people, myself included, don't have either the time, energy, or resources to do anyway) the only thing a student of history can do is to seek out knowledge from books that are attested to as being accurate (usually by consulting bibliographies, book reviews, and, in some instances, history professors).
    You know, the history is something that can be manipulated by anyone. That's why i do not like the history, i like to see the current facts around me, that's the best evidence of what's happening in the world, and that shows oss who is the bad guy and who is the victim. And look around you and tell me, who are bad guys today? But please, be objective!
    Following your logic, the news is just as vulnerable to manipulation as history. It's all about context: show a video of bomb going off and put whatever narration you want to it.

    The ease of manipulation of news by the news-media — all news-media — is striking. For instance, interviews with prominent figures can be edited so that they are made to look however the journalist wants them to. Man-on-the-street interviews can be conducted in such a way as to make a certain segment of the population appear stupid and/or ignorant. Segments can be shot in order to make it appear that one side of a conflict is more to blame than the other, even if it is clear to everyone involved that both sides are equally to blame. The more removed a story is from the region to which it is being reported to, the easier it is to distort the facts. However, I don't assume that these methods are employed at all — I know that it's possible to do these things, but I also know that it's highly improbable that they actually are done (at least not on any program I would watch). I don't see the point in doubting every piece of information that's presented to me. Empiricism can only be stretched so far before its use starts to border on the absurd.

    You are too dismissive of historical study. A good student of history should know when a source is to be given credit, and when it is to be taken with a grain of salt. A good historian tells his/her reader when an account is verifiable, and when it is dubious. The study of history is fraught with difficulty, but yields tangible rewards. It allows its students to see patterns in current events, and to see how pursuing a slightly different course might yield results that would benefit everyone.

    In regards to the present Israeli incursion into Lebanon, let me make one thing clear: I do not believe it is the correct response to Hezbollah's rocket attacks on Israel. In the end, I believe it will create more terrorists than it will destroy.

    Izrael occupied Golan that belongs to Syria. They build settlements over there, so they are showing the arab world the clear picture of their interests, and that would be to expand and grab more territory. That's the fact that you can find on the maps around the world. Now it's Syria that is represented as a bad country ?!? No lies there. Now, according to the UN agreements, izrael should take significantly less territory from former Palestina, but they occupied a lot more, and now are building their settlements over there on the remaining palestinian territory also. They are expanding their living room by performing ethnic cleansing of arabs that lived there throught many centuries. That's also the fact. Now, Izrael committed a massacre in Sabra and Shatila (i think this is described in Wikipedia) (Wiki - i like that name) and that massacre accordint to some sources was led by Ariel Sharon. Instead of punishing that war crime bastard, Izrael puts him to be a prime minister - tell me about the humiliation of a nation (palestinians). And all that supported by USA. All that are pure facts that happened in modern time, not historical bullshit. I saw this, many other europeans did the same thing, and we are confused. Why? You tell me that. Many of oss see Hezbollah to be a kind of a logical resistance movement, partisans that are fighting against this kind of occupation. Are they really terrorists?

  2. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie Michelle
    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn
    Quote Originally Posted by twowaybro
    Talking about training a new generation 2 hate...this is sick.

    You are right; that is sick. However, so far as any consideration of moral equivalence goes in regard to "training a new generation to hate," there is nothing quite like actually training children to be suicide bombers and then using them as such – something that Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the PFLP have all done (and that's according to non-Israeli government sources like the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group).

    Most, if not all, of the so-called Arab "suicide bombers" in Palestine (i.e., so-called "Israel") are simply bombs that the Israeli government planted itself in order to claim a so-called "suicide attack" as a pretext for its continuing genocide against the native inhabitants.
    So, you are willing to ignore the overwhelming body of evidence put forth by Palestinian organizations who say that the suicide bombers are their own people (Hamas, Fatah, PFLP, etc.), human rights groups, eye-witness accounts, and the Israeli government? No offense, but your position is so weak that it doesn't even merit a debate.


  3. #143
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McManaman
    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    It's simple, you fuck with us, we will decimate you.
    hitler stated something similar during WWII too..

    By the way, they will not only decimate their enemies (which would be an entire arab world) but UN observers too, on their way to make some civilisation over there:
    You dope, hitler wanted to take countries, Israel just wants to keep their's.

    regarding your second comment, the point is when they're attacked they lash out with the ferocity of a junkyard dog. Which is what I admire.

    Don't portray my comments with those of hitler, he was an insecure house painter with a little dick who frightened others with no balls until he poked the wrong lions. If you want to compare me to a historical figure use Vlad Dracula. I would have those attack me impaled on the city streets with nice little signs saying, "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE OR THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU! I DON'T WANT YOUR LAND, I DON'T WANT YOUR OPINIONS! GO FUCK YOURSELVES AND LEAVE ME ALONE! NO TRESSPASSING!

    Ps.. I don't read fucking links, the articles are usually written by morons craving attention.

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    Quote Originally Posted by McManaman
    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    It's simple, you fuck with us, we will decimate you.
    hitler stated something similar during WWII too..

    By the way, they will not only decimate their enemies (which would be an entire arab world) but UN observers too, on their way to make some civilisation over there:
    You dope, hitler wanted to take countries, Israel just wants to keep their's.

    regarding your second comment, the point is when they're attacked they lash out with the ferocity of a junkyard dog. Which is what I admire.

    Don't portray my comments with those of hitler, he was an insecure house painter with a little dick who frightened others with no balls until he poked the wrong lions. If you want to compare me to a historical figure use Vlad Dracula. I would have those attack me impaled on the city streets with nice little signs saying, "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE OR THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU! I DON'T WANT YOUR LAND, I DON'T WANT YOUR OPINIONS! GO FUCK YOURSELVES AND LEAVE ME ALONE! NO TRESSPASSING!

    Ps.. I don't read fucking links, the articles are usually written by morons craving attention.
    Your comments are very infantile. As your auto-portrait on that avatar. Well i wont generalise and say that all americans sound as pathetic as you do in their posts, cause THAT would really be insult to a nation.

  5. #145
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Boston-Cape Cod


    Quote Originally Posted by McManaman
    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    Quote Originally Posted by McManaman
    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    It's simple, you fuck with us, we will decimate you.
    hitler stated something similar during WWII too..

    By the way, they will not only decimate their enemies (which would be an entire arab world) but UN observers too, on their way to make some civilisation over there:
    You dope, hitler wanted to take countries, Israel just wants to keep their's.

    regarding your second comment, the point is when they're attacked they lash out with the ferocity of a junkyard dog. Which is what I admire.

    Don't portray my comments with those of hitler, he was an insecure house painter with a little dick who frightened others with no balls until he poked the wrong lions. If you want to compare me to a historical figure use Vlad Dracula. I would have those attack me impaled on the city streets with nice little signs saying, "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE OR THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU! I DON'T WANT YOUR LAND, I DON'T WANT YOUR OPINIONS! GO FUCK YOURSELVES AND LEAVE ME ALONE! NO TRESSPASSING!

    Ps.. I don't read fucking links, the articles are usually written by morons craving attention.
    Your comments are very infantile. As your auto-portrait on that avatar. Well i wont generalise and say that all americans sound as pathetic as you do in their posts, cause THAT would really be insult to a nation.
    You know you're right. But semi intellectual morons with no sense of humor sometimes cause me to lash out. That being said, I say blow me you fuckwad and generalize all you want, it seems every one does. Because yours and mine opinions don't mean shit in the scheme of things. The difference is haven't realized that yet. You silly Goose!

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