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  1. #321
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phobun
    Quote Originally Posted by Helvis2012
    Quote Originally Posted by phobun
    Quote Originally Posted by BiCuriousGeorge
    I would definitely date a ts girl. But the problem I find with most of the girls is they want the guy with either a lot of money, extremely good looking, well built, or all of the above. Average looking guys with a little bit of money and a little bit of a belly don't cut it in this environment. I feel I have something to offer to someone but don't get the chance to show it. So me, and average guys alike tend to be shy or less confident when standing near the "perfect guy". Just my 2 cents.
    Waah! Waaaaaahhhhhh!

    Many women don't like bisexual guys because they want normal, straight, masculine men. But you don't have to tell a girl you're curious about bending over for hairy dudes... just focus on the girl and be a gentleman.

    Why don't you start down the road to self-improvement by going to the gym and improving your body if nothing else. Get rid of the "little bit of a belly" because you are not going to find a mother figure who loves you unconditionally. Working out might also improve your self-confidence, which according to most girls I've known, is a major factor for them.

    And probably most girls would not be interested in someone so shallow and cheesy as to use an avatar like yours, a picture of your cock measured against a beer bottle. The fact you would use such an avatar is probably reflected in other aspects of your personality and interpersonal skills.

    All these factors together likely explain why you're lonely.
    Wow! Just when you thought you heard it all........what a joke! Were you trying to prove his point or was that just an accident?!?!?!?!
    Sympathy is not going to help him get laid. He can wallow in self-pity or he can take action to improve his situation.
    ..Or he can pay.

  2. #322
    Professional Poster LTR_Seeker's Avatar
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    Whats does the women really want in guys seems aloit here are very rigid wont bend like what wrong datigna guy that not cookie cutter perfect

  3. #323
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LTR_Seeker
    Whats does the women really want in guys seems aloit here are very rigid wont bend like what wrong datigna guy that not cookie cutter perfect
    There's nothing wrong with having high expectations..everybody does that, not just the girls. The girls on here sometimes take a lot of criticism for looking for hot guys. However, I find that an awful lot of guys on this site too (can't see what most of 'em look like ..but I'm going with the odds here) are probably looking at girls way out of their league. A lot of guys complain that the girls aren't interested in plain , sometimes bald, sometimes paunchy......sometimes broke and jobless (lol) dudes..but the reality is , that a lot of times those guys are looking at pictures of some of the girls on here..the Ruby's, the Alyssas, the Cinthyas, the Jennifers..etc. , etc...instead of something closer to their own physical match....Not always, but I bet..a lot of the time.

  4. #324
    Professional Poster LTR_Seeker's Avatar
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    Its just dating not likea marriage or gf realtioship i dont think im out anyone league

  5. #325
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LTR_Seeker
    Its just dating not likea marriage or gf realtioship i dont think im out anyone league
    No,no no..I didn't mean you. I don't know what you look like. But a lot of guys do have a tendency to criticize the girls for things that they themselves do.

  6. #326
    Veteran Poster BiCuriousGeorge's Avatar
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    Phobun, I wasn't looking for sympathy. I was answering the question with an opinion to it. You must have some issues yourself to knock me personally when you know nothing about me. For starters, I don't have a belly anymore, I went to the gym and got in shape, (still no 6 pack but firm). I make a decent living and got out of a relationship of a few years with a GG because she was a gold digger who just wanted a sugar daddy. I was stating what I went through and how I feel about it now. As far as you knocking my avatar if you haven't noticed, there are a lot of cock pics and avatars on this site. What do you think you have been looking at all this time? Maybe you feel bad your cock is too small to show anyone. I don't know but I won't judge you. It's all good.

  7. #327
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiCuriousGeorge
    Phobun, I wasn't looking for sympathy. I was answering the question with an opinion to it. You must have some issues yourself to knock me personally when you know nothing about me. For starters, I don't have a belly anymore, I went to the gym and got in shape, (still no 6 pack but firm). I make a decent living and got out of a relationship of a few years with a GG because she was a gold digger who just wanted a sugar daddy. I was stating what I went through and how I feel about it now. As far as you knocking my avatar if you haven't noticed, there are a lot of cock pics and avatars on this site. What do you think you have been looking at all this time? Maybe you feel bad your cock is too small to show anyone. I don't know but I won't judge you. It's all good.
    No need to get defensive.

  8. #328
    Gold Poster Helvis2012's Avatar
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    phobun wrote:
    No need to get defensive.

    "That's what i thought you said."

  9. #329
    Professional Poster
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    OK, so you're asking men who are members of a website forum devoted to transgender women if they would like to be in a relationship with one. I think its a given that a high percentage of them would. Yes, like a lot of guys on this site, I would have a publicly open relationship with a transexual woman that I was in love with.

    But the chances of this happening are virtually zero, so at this point in my life it is just porn, fantasies, and on only five occasions, occasional fulfilled fantasies with transexual prostitutes.

    OK, let's recap. To reiterate the bleeding obvious.

    This is a catch 22 issue for us guys who are admirers of tgirls. You girls don't seem to want to be with a Tranny Chaser because you are afraid he might secretly be gay and a cock luster in denial and will bail on you if you go all the way with SRS.

    And the chances are that most straight guys will turn and run when they find out what you're packing, because they aren't ready for you know what. (Jerry Springer. There's Something About Miriam.)

    And then there's the fantasy of a straight guy falling in love with a girl and later finding out she was born as a boy and it doesn't matter because he loves her unconditionally and accepts her for the person she is inside. There is a one in a million chance of this happening. (The Crying Game.)

    The upshot of all which is...Yes, I would accept a girl nomatter what she looked like physically if I loved her, and I would want to be in a relationship with her. But the chances of meeting a transexual girl by happenstance is virtually zero - I just don't mix in those kinds of circles.

    I once heard a rumour at a place I worked that a woman in another department was really born a male, but she seemed 100% woman in appearance to me so I wrote it off as some snide remark alluding to her assertive attitude; and I wasn't going to go romance her just to find out. I wasn't attracted to her as a person or as a woman.

    Any secretly passable tgirl I encounter in real life - well, what are the chances that I would fall for her and that she would fall for me?

    Pretty slim, I think.

    What if all these fantasies come flailing around?

  10. #330
    Rookie Poster zodiac's Avatar
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    Default Re: Would you Date a Ts? hmmm

    Hey Jane,

    first I'ld like to apologize for some miswriting, I'm dutch, so english is not my first language. I was reading your story and it made me write my first reply on this board ever. I totally agree with your views and I think you explain lots of stuff very clear, how can anybody disagree? The thing with sex and love can be quite complex, especcially if you consider sex (partially) as your profession.
    I think most people get taught a certain picture of people living together, mother and father, the perfect life, the hetero relationship. It's an image most people in the world get accustomed to from birth by their parents (hopefully if they are lucky to be raised by happily married, loving parents), but this image is mentained for most part of their life by the enviroment they live in, kindergarten, primary and high school etc. I think also in this period, people start to develop a certain type of person they fall in love with. But often this type of person does not turn out to be the partner people share the rest of their lifes with. I think in losts of cases haircolor, but also length, level of education, age, color of skin etcetera differs from this image. In some cases perhaps also the gender of the person they love.
    I grew up with two proud parents, but the age-gap between them (16yrs) turned out to be something that crossed their paths in being happy for the rest of their lifes; they divorced when I was about 14 yrs old. Some years later my mother fell in love with somebody, a girl. She said to me she never ever thought about that being possible, but it happened. I was raised to not judge people by how they look etcetera, but that moment made me realise that it is not the looks you fall in love with, it's the person inside, it truly is.
    Why am I here then, on this board? There is a lot of nudity on this board, it's mostly the outsides, the looks that is to judge. I have to confess: I'm a 36 yrs old male with a college degree in architecture, have a full-time job, lots of friends and acquaintances, single and yes I'm highly attracted to transsexual people. It is truly not only the looks, but most of all it is the determination of making your body match your mind, being happy with yourselves, bending your lives into a direction trying to achieve a higher level of happiness. I have utmost respect for all of them, just for being brave enough to go through this process. I love to read the posts everyone makes, especcially the ones telling stories about experiences etc. and yes, I certainly do get turned on by the pictures and videos!
    Would I date a TS? I can't imagine myself getting myself in a situation where this question is relevant. Yes it is a fantasy of mine, but would I pay for it? Dunno. I've never hired somebody for sex and I don't think it is likely I ever will. But as it goes for judging people by color, or gender, the same counts for judging people for selling their bodies. For sure, I would never pay for sex with somebody, whose choise to be selling their body is not a voluntary one. Like I say, I would only have peace with myself doing so, if the person I like to hire, made this decision on her own and with no push from others (who exploid them), and who likes having sex and is in the oppertunity to decline sex with persons they don't want to have sex with, even for money. But then again, I'm not into the hiring for sex procedure, how can I judge all of this.

    Meeting with a TS is like you say: I don't want to be with a TS because she is a TS. I like to date a person and if she turns out to be a TS? SO WHAT, I was already attracted to her in the first place, it would be my fantasy come true. If she was on hormones already or not, pre- or post-op? I hope it wouldn't matter to me if I was to be in that situation. Would I introduce her to family and friends? Ofcourse. I would introduce her with her name, it would be up to her and my friends and family to get to know eachother, like I do with everybody.

    Should we ever meet, I'm looking forward to it, you seem to be a likeable person.

    ps. I'm not quit sure how to sign off this message, I always like to use my real name at the end of a post on the internet, but not sure it is wise to do so now ... I guess I would be one of the few on this board.

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