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Thread: Connecticut

  1. #11
    Banned for being a shit stain on humanity. Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Gun crime soars by 35%

    (UK Daily Mail) – The Government’s latest crime figures were condemned as “truly terrible” by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.
    Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.
    Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362.
    It was the fourth consecutive year to see a rise and there were more than 2,200 more gun crimes last year than the previous peak in 1993.
    Figures showed the number of crimes involving handguns had more than doubled since the post-Dunblane massacre ban on the weapons, from 2,636 in 1997-1998 to 5,871.
    Unadjusted figures showed overall recorded crime in the 12 months to last September rose 9.3%, but the Home Office stressed that new procedures had skewed the figures.
    With new recording procedures taken into account the actual overall rise was just 2%, the Home Office said.
    Shadow home secretary Oliver Letwin said: “These figures are truly terrible.
    “Despite the street crime initiative, robbery is massively up. So are gun-related crimes, domestic burglary, retail burglary, and drug offences.


    why yes, banning guns works so well.

    “The only word for this is failure: the Government’s response of knee-jerk reactions, gimmicks and initiatives is not working and confused signals on sentences for burglary will not help either.

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  2. #12
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Unfortunately little children are correct: Monsters do exist.
    But they're not in closets or under beds...they are all around us...they look like us...they act like us (well..not always)...but they are monsters.
    How else to explain killing little children. Kindergartners. Absolute innocents.

    There will be no justice served, either for punishment or revenge.
    ...because this monster killed himself. Unfortunately that was not the first thing he did, but the last.

    I am not a religious man, at least not for a very long time. I no longer believe in a "God"...or that Jesus was his son...or in heaven and hell.

    But I hope the parents of the dead children do, because that is the only solace they may have - believing that their small and innocent children are now in heaven.
    ...and that the monster is being punished in a medieval version of hell (perhaps something from a Bosch painting) least until their anger dissipates (if it ever does).

    We'll learn more in the coming days about what happened and perhaps some of the underlying reasons.
    ...and we'll have discussions on gun ownership...and perhaps the proper treatment of the mentally ill...
    and how to handle monsters.
    Dialogue on these matters is a good thing.

    ...but right now this is just really, really sad.

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  3. #13
    Professional Poster maxpower's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Quote Originally Posted by beandip View Post
    Almost without exception since 1996 all "school shooters" have been on prescription drugs. Ya know....the new faddish ones prescribed for ADD and such bullshit symptoms / nonsense. Well, gee, read the side effects of these drugs which PERMANENTLY alter your brain.

    The drugs come before the guns. But no, we'd rather have some intellectually lazy knee jerk lib-tard reaction and spout off about guns.

    Yea.....ban guns.

    Oh yea, "spoons made me fat"

    What a dearth of vacuous minds......................................

    I think you need to look up the definition of "dearth." Or "vacuous."

  4. #14
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Quote Originally Posted by beandip View Post
    Gun crime soars by 35%

    (UK Daily Mail) – The Government’s latest crime figures were condemned as “truly terrible” by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.
    Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.
    Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362.
    It was the fourth consecutive year to see a rise and there were more than 2,200 more gun crimes last year than the previous peak in 1993.
    Figures showed the number of crimes involving handguns had more than doubled since the post-Dunblane massacre ban on the weapons, from 2,636 in 1997-1998 to 5,871.
    Unadjusted figures showed overall recorded crime in the 12 months to last September rose 9.3%, but the Home Office stressed that new procedures had skewed the figures.
    With new recording procedures taken into account the actual overall rise was just 2%, the Home Office said.
    Shadow home secretary Oliver Letwin said: “These figures are truly terrible.
    “Despite the street crime initiative, robbery is massively up. So are gun-related crimes, domestic burglary, retail burglary, and drug offences.


    why yes, banning guns works so well.

    “The only word for this is failure: the Government’s response of knee-jerk reactions, gimmicks and initiatives is not working and confused signals on sentences for burglary will not help either.
    The figures you quote are ten years old.

    Have a look at the table below and check where the US stands in respect of ownership and homicide, then check England and Wales. Scotland, the other component of mainland Britain, had no firearm homicides for the period shown.

    Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country

    The Guardian 22 July 2012

    Where are the world's guns - and which countries have the highest rates of firearms murders?

    The Aurora shooting has re-lit the arguments over gun control in
    the US.

    How does the US really compare on firearms? The world's crime figures are collected by the UNODC through its annual crime survey. It has a special section of data on firearm homicides - and provides detailed information by size of population and compared to other crimes. It is not a perfect dataset - some key nations are missing from the data, including Russia, China and Afghanistan. But it does include the US, UK and many other developed nations.

    The Small Arms Survey is also useful - although it is from 2007, it collates civilian gun ownership rates for 178 countries around the world, and has 'normalised' the data to include a rate per 100,000 population.

    It shows that:

    With less than 5% of the world's population, the United States is home to roughly 35–50 per cent of the world's civilian-owned guns, heavily skewing the global geography of firearms and any relative comparison

    So, given those caveats, we can see which countries have the highest ownership rates for firearms - and which have the highest gun murder rates.

    The key facts are:

    • The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
    • But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people
    • Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean

    The full data is below - what can you do with it?
    Data summary
    Gun murders and ownership

    Click heading to sort table. Download this data

    % of homicides by firearm

    Number of homicides by firearm

    Homicide by firearm rate per 100,000 pop

    Rank by rate of ownership

    Average firearms per 100 people

    Average total all civilian firearms

    SOURCES: UNODC & Small arms survey
    Albania 65.9 56 1.76 70 8.6 270,000
    Algeria 4.8 20 0.06 78 7.6 1,900,000
    Angola 34 17.3 2,800,000
    Anguilla 24 1 7.14
    Argentina 52 1,198 3.02 62 10.2 3,950,000
    Armenia 13 9 0.29 52 12.5 380,000
    Australia 11.5 30 0.14 42 15 3,050,000
    Austria 29.5 18 0.22 14 30.4 2,500,000
    Azerbaijan 6.5 11 0.12 115 3.5 290,000
    Bahamas 61.2 52 15.37 98 5.3 17,000
    Bahrain 0 0 0 18 24.8 180,000
    Bangladesh 43.6 1,456 1.12 169 0.5 700,000
    Barbados 40 8 2.99 76 7.8 21,000
    Belarus 2.5 12 0.12 79 7.3 710,000
    Belgium 39.5 70 0.68 34 17.2 1,800,000
    Belize 52.3 68 21.82 62 10 29,000
    Benin 137 1.4 120,000
    Bermuda 0 0 0
    Bhutan 115 3.5 22,000
    Bolivia 119 2.8 260,000
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 24.7 18 0.48 34 17.3 675,000
    Botswana 102 4.9 87,000
    Brazil 70.8 34,678 18.1 75 8 14,840,000
    Brunei 0 0 0 137 1.4 5,400
    Bulgaria 29.7 51 0.67 88 6.2 480,000
    Burkina Faso 149 1.1 148,000
    Burundi 145 1.2 200,000
    Cambodia 36.7 187 1.44 109 4.3 600,000
    Cameroon 119 2.8 340,000
    Canada 32 173 0.51 13 30.8 9,950,000
    Cape Verde 96 5.4 9,500
    Central African Republic 153 1 40,000
    Chad 149 1.1 109,000
    Chile 37.3 353 2.16 59 10.7 1,750,000
    China 102 4.9 40,000,000
    Colombia 81.1 12,539 27.09 91 5.9 2,700,000
    Comoros 127 1.8 11,000
    Congo 122 2.7 100,000
    Congo, Dem Rep 33.2 248 1.56 137 1.4 800,000
    Costa Rica 57.3 201 4.59 64 9.9 430,000
    Côte d´Ivoire 124 2.4 400,000
    Croatia 34.7 17 0.39 26 21.7 950,000
    Cuba 4.4 27 0.24 104 4.8 545,000
    Cyprus 26.3 5 0.46 6 36.4 275,000
    Czech Republic 11 20 0.19 38 16.3 1,600,000
    Denmark 31.9 15 0.27 54 12 650,000
    Djibouti 119 2.8 22,000
    Dominican Republic 65.5 1,618 16.3 99 5.1 450,000
    East Timor 177 0.3 3,000
    Ecuador 68.7 1,790 12.73 142 1.3 370,000
    Egypt 69.1 453 0.57 115 3.5 1,900,000
    El Salvador 76.9 2,446 39.9 92 5.8 400,000
    England and Wales 6.6 41 0.07 88 6.2 3,400,000
    Equatorial Guinea 29 19.9 100,000
    Eritrea 169 0.5 20,000
    Estonia 3.9 3 0.24 65 9.2 123,000
    Ethiopia 174 0.4 320,000
    Fiji 169 0.5 4,000
    Finland 19.8 24 0.45 4 45.3 2,400,000
    France 9.6 35 0.06 12 31.2 19,000,000
    Gabon 46 14 190,000
    Gambia 157 0.8 123,000
    Georgia 13.3 24 0.55 79 7.3 330,000
    Germany 26.3 158 0.19 15 30.3 25,000,000
    Ghana 174 0.4 80,000
    Greece 34.9 29 0.26 23 22.5 2,500,000
    Grenada 0 0 0
    Guatemala 84 5,009 34.81 49 13.1 1,650,000
    Guinea 145 1.2 110,000
    Guinea-Bissau 129 1.6 25,000
    Guyana 61.3 85 11.46 45 14.6 110,000
    Haiti 164 0.6 190,000
    Honduras 83.4 5,201 68.43 88 6.2 500,000
    Hong Kong 0 0 0
    Hungary 5 7 0.07 93 5.5 560,000
    Iceland 0 0 0 15 30.3 90,000
    India 7.6 3,093 0.26 110 4.2 46,000,000
    Indonesia 169 0.5 1,000,000
    Iran 79 7.3 3,500,000
    Iraq 8 34.2 9,750,000
    Ireland 42 21 0.48 70 8.6 360,000
    Israel 11.7 6 0.09 79 7.3 500,000
    Italy 66.7 417 0.71 55 11.9 7,000,000
    Jamaica 75.6 1,080 39.4 74 8.1 215,000
    Japan 1.8 11 0.01 164 0.6 710,000
    Jordan 38.8 26 0.49 58 11.5 630,000
    Kazakhstan 12.5 210 1.34 142 1.3 200,000
    Kenya 86 6.4 740,000
    Korea, North 164 0.6 130,000
    Korea, South 1.7 14 0.03 149 1.1 510,000
    Kosovo 30 19.5 415,000
    Kuwait 18 24.8 630,000
    Kyrgyzstan 8.3 28 0.54 156 0.9 45,000
    Laos 145 1.2 71,000
    Latvia 4.6 5 0.22 32 19 280,000
    Lebanon 36.5 31 0.76 28 21 750,000
    Lesotho 122 2.7 47,000
    Liberia 13.2 17 0.43 129 1.6 51,000
    Libya 40 15.5 900,000
    Liechtenstein 100 1 2.82
    Lithuania 2.5 6 0.18 160 0.7 135,000
    Luxembourg 42.9 3 0.62 41 15.3 70,000
    Macedonia 62.5 25 1.21 20 24.1 490,000
    Madagascar 157 0.8 150,000
    Malawi 160 0.7 92,000
    Malaysia 13.4 64 0.24 133 1.5 370,000
    Maldives 62.5 5 1.63 85 6.5 21,000
    Mali 149 1.1 143,000
    Malta 0 0 0 55 11.9 48,000
    Mauritania 129 1.6 50,000
    Mauritius 2 1 0.1 44 14.7 180,000
    Mexico 54.9 11,309 9.97 42 15 15,500,000
    Moldova 3.3 8 0.22 83 7.1 300,000
    Monaco 0 0 0
    Mongolia 1.4 3 0.11 126 1.9 50,000
    Montenegro 21 23.1 150,000
    Morocco 101 5 1,500,000
    Mozambique 99 5.1 1,000,000
    Myanmar 111 4 2,000,000
    Namibia 51 12.6 260,000
    Nepal 13.3 84 0.3 159 0.8 205,000
    Netherlands 30.7 55 0.33 112 3.9 510,000
    New Zealand 13.5 7 0.16 22 22.6 925,000
    Nicaragua 42.1 338 5.92 77 7.7 395,000
    Niger 160 0.7 93,000
    Nigeria 133 1.5 2,000,000
    Northern Ireland 4.5 5 0.28 25 21.9 380,000
    Norway 8.1 2 0.05 11 31.3 1,400,000
    Oman 17 25.4 650,000
    Pakistan 57 11.6 18,000,000
    Panama 75 569 16.18 26 21.7 700,000
    Papua New Guinea 145 1.2 71,000
    Paraguay 56.1 466 7.35 37 17 1,000,000
    Peru 50.8 757 2.63 33 18.8 750,000
    Philippines 49.9 7,349 8.93 105 4.7 3,900,000
    Poland 7.1 35 0.09 142 1.3 510,000
    Portugal 33.8 44 0.41 72 8.5 900,000
    Puerto Rico 94.8 692 18.3
    Qatar 16.7 1 0.14 31 19.2 520,100
    Romania 1.3 5 0.02 160 0.7 160,000
    Russia 68 8.9 12,750,000
    Rwanda 164 0.6 58,000
    Saint Kitts and Nevis 85 17 32.44
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 30 6 5.49
    Saudi Arabia 7 35 6,000,000
    Scotland 93 5.5 280,000
    Senegal 125 2 230,000
    Serbia 33.1 45 0.46 5 37.8 3,050,000
    Seychelles 96 5.4 4,600
    Sierra Leone 87.7 128 2.28 164 0.6 34,000
    Singapore 5.9 1 0.02 169 0.5 22,000
    Slovakia 11.2 10 0.18 73 8.3 450,000
    Slovenia 15.4 2 0.1 47 13.5 270,000
    Solomon Islands 0 0 0 174 0.4 1,800
    Somalia 66 9.1 750,000
    South Africa 45 8,319 17.03 50 12.7 5,950,000
    Spain 21.8 90 0.2 61 10.4 4,500,000
    Sri Lanka 21.1 291 1.48 133 1.5 300,000
    Sudan 93 5.5 2,000,000
    Suriname 48 13.4 60,000
    Swaziland 86 6.4 72,000
    Sweden 33.9 37 0.41 10 31.6 2,800,000
    Switzerland 72.2 57 0.77 3 45.7 3,400,000
    Syria 112 3.9 735,000
    Taiwan 15.9 128 0.56 106 4.4 725,000
    Tajikistan 15.6 15 0.22 153 1 65,000
    Tanzania 137 1.4 550,000
    Thailand 39 15.6 10,000,000
    Togo 153 1 60,000
    Trinidad and Tobago 72.1 365 27.31 129 1.6 21,000
    Tunisia 178 0.1 9,000
    Turkey 16.9 535 0.77 52 12.5 9,000,000
    Turkmenistan 2.4 5 0.1 114 3.8 180,000
    Uganda 10.5 280 0.87 137 1.4 400,000
    Ukraine 4.5 100 0.22 84 6.6 3,100,000
    United Arab Emirates 24 22.1 1,000,000
    United States 60 9,146 2.97 1 88.8 270,000,000
    Uruguay 46.5 93 2.8 9 31.8 1,100,000
    Uzbekistan 133 1.5 1,200,000
    Venezuela 79.5 11,115 38.97 59 10.7 2,850,000
    Vietnam 52.9 834 0.99 128 1.7 1,100,000
    West Bank & Gaza 72.4 105 2.95 118 3.4 125,000
    Yemen 2 54.8 11,500,000
    Zambia 11.7 28 0.35 68 8.9 230,000
    Zimbabwe 65.6 598 4.78 106 4.4 400,000

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    But pleasures are like poppies spread
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  5. #15
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Hmm. That didn't work too well. Here's the web link.


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    But pleasures are like poppies spread
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  6. #16
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    We've discussed this before. People do awful things and certainly someone driving to a school and blowing away little children had to have a mind filled with malice. But he also had to have the means to do it. When guns are not within reach it takes more than malice to commit a crime.

    Someone who is out of control with anger or who hates the world cannot go to their local school and start mowing people down unless they can get their hands on equipment designed to take life. Now we may find that not all of these attacks could be prevented with better gun control but it stands to reason that some of them could. Some people would not kill if they could not easily come by the means to do it.

    Hopefully we have this conversation more often in this country and on intelligent terms. Either that or we listen to those like Beandip who have no sense of decency, no understanding of cause and effect (see his unthoughtful and vague comments about psychiatric meds) and are basically political deviants who don't mourn for dead children but fear they may be used as an excuse to take away their beloved armaments.

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  7. #17
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    We've discussed this before. People do awful things and certainly someone driving to a school and blowing away little children had to have a mind filled with malice. But he also had to have the means to do it. When guns are not within reach it takes more than malice to commit a crime.

    Someone who is out of control with anger or who hates the world cannot go to their local school and start mowing people down unless they can get their hands on equipment designed to take life. Now we may find that not all of these attacks could be prevented with better gun control but it stands to reason that some of them could. Some people would not kill if they could not easily come by the means to do it.

    Hopefully we have this conversation more often in this country and on intelligent terms. Either that or we listen to those like Beandip who have no sense of decency, no understanding of cause and effect (see his unthoughtful and vague comments about psychiatric meds) and are basically political deviants who don't mourn for dead children but fear they may be used as an excuse to take away their beloved armaments.
    Great post Broncofan.

    As for Beandip - if he's happy to compare US gun homicide rates with the likes of Colombia and Vietnam, that's up to him. But surely the more valid comparisons should be with stable western democracies, not rogue or dysfunctional states.

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    But pleasures are like poppies spread
    You seize the flow'r, the bloom is shed

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    Great post Broncofan.

    As for Beandip - if he's happy to compare US gun homicide rates with the likes of Colombia and Vietnam, that's up to him. But surely the more valid comparisons should be with stable western democracies, not rogue or dysfunctional states.
    I agree. I think the comparison would be to countries with similar social structures, similar gdp per capita, but without every other person running around with guns. The comments about the psychiatric medications are also very unhelpful because he does not mention which ones he objects to. Lithium for bipolar disorder? Anti-psychotics for schizophrenia? Anti-depressants for depression? Stimulants? First of all many of these medicines lower rates of violence and the use of stimulants in those with ADHD do not appear to be associated with violence unless there is a co-morbidity like bipolar disorder or unless they are misused.

    I think anyone with a conscience who has ever worried that they could lose control understands intuitively the nature of the problem we're dealing with. The more distance you put between an unstable mind and the means of taking life, the safer everyone is. The problem is that death is too easy to procure!

  9. #19
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    Eighteen little children killed today in the worst school massacre in American history. Together with eight adults. A man with a handgun.

    Will it change anything/ Will America's slavish obsession with guns be challenged by this slaughter of the innocents?

    C'mon all you gun fans. Are you celebrating your freedom to bear arms tonight?
    Tell us bewildered Brits about how its "people not guns that kill people."

    But it won't change anything will it? The NRA lobby is too powerful.
    I consider myself of the left. But I'm opposed to outlawing guns.
    Anyway, President Obama would have to come forward. He, as the President, would have to lead the way.
    But the gun lobby is very strong in America, it's very powerful. You'd have to tackle that. (My cousin is English. He doesn't think anyone should own a gun or guns. So, we've had deep debates about the issue. Again, I'm not opposed to gun ownership. But we certainly have to address some deep social problems.
    Michael Moore pointed out that Canada has more guns per capita. So, what's going on? Is it the culture? Inequality? Lack of public health care?)

  10. #20
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connecticut

    Obama Tearfully Mourns Children Killed in Sandy Hook Mass Shooting

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