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Thread: Vacation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    here and there

    Default Vacation

    How I Spent My Summer Vacation

    I’m a carpenter by profession and this summer I decided to have a working vacation. I modified my motor home so that the last four feet is very complete tool box. I tow along a SUV. With cellular telephone, satellite TV and internet I don’t have to go home until I run out of work or just get tired of the road. You gotta love the modern era.

    My first port of call was Los Angeles. I picked work in a small commercial building near the Hollywood area. I made a deal with a homeowner behind the jobsite to park my rig in his driveway and plug into his house for power.

    After work on my first Friday in town I cleaned up and decided to go for a walk and check out the area I was staying in. I wondered around for about an hour checking out the shops and looking in windows.

    It was about 6:00 and still pretty warm out. Noticing a bar across the street I decided that I needed a beer. I crossed the street and entered.

    It was a nice place, tastefully decorated, and well lit. Not bright, but not dark like some bars tend to be. I went straight to the bar and ordered a beer. I drank that first one pretty quick to knock the walk off, and ordered another.

    As I sat nursing my drink I checked the place out. It was fairly busy. Quite a few women, some men and a couple of women I wasn’t to sure of. Well to each his, or her own. I was near Hollywood.

    I finished my beer and was thinking about another when the bartender brought one and said that the lady in the blue dress bought it for me. I turned on my barstool and saw a very good looking redhead smiling at me. I raised the bottle and mouthed thank you. She nodded and pointed the chair next to her.

    Liking what I saw I grabbed my drink and headed her way. I checked her out closer as I made my way over. Pretty, shoulder length red hair. She was sitting so I couldn’t tell how tall she was, but could tell that she was shapely. She was wearing a blue print, button down sun dress, and simple sandals. As I approached her table she offered me her hand and said “Hi, I’m Pam”. Taking her hand I thanked her for the drink and told her that my name was Don. She motioned to the chair and I sat down.

    She asked what brought me here, and I explained my traveling carpenter story. She laughed and said “I meant what brought you to this bar?” I smiled and told her that this was the first place that I came to on my walk. I asked her the same question and she told me that she lived nearby, and that it was Friday.

    I was enjoying her company so I ordered a round of drinks. Wine for her and another beer for me. When the waitress brought our drinks I noticed what was definitely a man dressed in drag walk in and head toward a group of people at the far end of the bar. I noted to Pam that there was a very interesting clientele here. She gave me a bemused look and informed me that this was a TS/TV bar and inquired that didn’t I know that? I told her no I didn’t and said “That sure explained some of the ladies here”. She answered “No that explains all the ladies here”.

    I was scanning the room when she said this, and it took a couple of seconds for her response to sink in. When I looked back to her she had a smile that said that she was about to bust out laughing. All I could stammer was “No way”. She of course answered “Way”.

    She asked me if I ready to run. I told her no that I am pretty open person, but would she mind if I asked personal questions.

    She explained to me that she had always felt that she was a woman trapped in a man's body and had decided in her early twenties to live the way rest of her life as a woman. She’d never had any surgery, but did have occasional Botox and fat injections. And was very happy with the way she looked.

    I asked her to stand up “Let me check you out”. She stood, made a slow 180 degree turn, and when she was facing me again she said “Well. What do you think?” I told her that whatever she was doing was working because she was gorgeous.

    Sometimes I am a little dense because it did take a while for the thought to hit me and I asked her that if she had never had any surgery than did she still had a package? She answered yes, that everything down there was intact. This evening was getting more surreal as the minutes ticked by.

    Before I could respond to that bomb she asked if I wanted to “Get out of here?” I clearly remember the next three thoughts that went thru my mind. If curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought him back; my chances of being satisfied tonight had just doubled and what the hell, when in Rome. “Yes” I answered “Let’s go”.

    We left the bar hand in hand and headed up the street. As we walked my mind was reeling, I was having this huge mental argument. What are you thinking? She’s beautiful. She’s a man. Not the parts I’m looking at. On and on like that. I finally ended with the thought that if I chickened out we didn’t know each other, and I would never see her again.

    Pam’s apartment was a nicely furnished one bedroom in a well kept building around the corner from the bar, about a block away. She said to make myself comfortable and she would get us some wine. When she returned I was sitting at the end of the couch with my left arm along the back. She handed me a glass and sat close, under my arm. We clinked glasses and had a silent toast.

    Looking into her eyes I leaned forward and lightly kissed her. She responded and I kissed her again. This time I placed my tongue against her lips which she parted and allowed me into her mouth. We kissed softly, but passionately. Separating she said that was nice and I agreed. We each took a sip of our wine, set the glasses down and went back into each others arms. I placed my right hand behind her head and held her mouth tight to mine. Slowly I slid my hand down and unbuttoned her dress as far as I could. She took my face in her hands and covered it with kisses. With our eyes locked together I slipped my hand into her dress and cupped one of her breasts. She responded by pushing into my hand. As we kissed again she started to tug at my t-shirt which I immediately pulled over my head. I than reached to her shoulders and slipped the dress over her arms and let pool at her waist.

    Her breasts were small, but firm, natural, and beautiful. And they were begging for my attention. I placed my hands under her arms and pulled her to me taking one of these lovelies into my mouth. She wrapped her arms around my head and pulled me closer. With her breast in my mouth I would tongue the nipple then switch to the other. After a while she pulled me away and breathlessly told me to standup.

    When I complied she reached down, removed my shoes and socks. Than quickly had my belt undone and my jeans unbuttoned. With a little tugging and my help I was soon standing naked in front of her.
    Placing her hands on my ass cheeks she pulled me toward her and took me into her mouth. Taking her head in my hands I closed my eyes and floated with that sweet sensation that we all know so well. I didn’t hold tight or try to roughly fuck her face. Instead I was content to stand and let her fuck my cock with her mouth. Now and then I would lower my hands and tease her nipples.

    It wasn’t long before I knew that I couldn’t hold out much longer and pulled out of her mouth. She looked up and asked if I could come twice. I told her given twenty, thirty minutes yes. She smiled and said then let it go. Taking me back into her mouth she sucked me in slow and deep. Holding her face lightly in my hands again I just road along. Finally I knew that there was no more holding out. I let go spasm after spasm of cum. She took what she could, but looking down I could see my cum flowing out of her mouth around my cock and down her chin. All the while she continued to suck me.

    Spent I slipped out of her mouth and collapsed on the couch next to her. She wiped her mouth, picked up her wine glass and took a long drink. Looking at me coyly she asked “Was it good for you?’ laughing I took her in my arms and kissed her.

    Telling her that I thought it was her turn I had her stand in front of me. I reach up and finished unbuttoning her dress and let it drop to the floor. She had on a pair of powder blue thong panties. It was obvious that she was straining to be released. I pointed and said “That looks uncomfortable”. “Well let it go” she replied.

    As I pulled the garment below her pubic area her cock sprang up. Again a surreal feeling. Standing in front of me is this beautiful girl with a great body and yet where it shouldn’t be was a cock. I stared transfixed. She giggled and that brought me out of it. I pulled the panties all the way to her ankles and she stepped out of them.

    I slowly brought my gaze up her body until I was looking into her eyes. She smiled and said “Whatever you want to do, or not do is ok”. She then bent down and kissed me. I returned her kiss hungrily. We separated and she stood up.

    I placed my hands on her ass and cupped her cheeks. Gently teasing my way around her thighs I took her cock in my hand. She wasn’t big, maybe five inches. Her pubic area was shaved. I could almost feel the tension leave her body as I started to stroke her up and down. It was her turn to roll her head back, and than she laid her hands on my shoulders.

    Committing myself to this new experience I leaned forward and took her into my mouth. Her hands came to the back of my head and she gently ran her fingers thru my hair. I continued to suck her and she started to move in and out of my mouth. We settled into a smooth rhythm. As we moved together I would caress her ass and than reach up to tease her nipples. She was moaning softly and I felt her grip tighten on my head. It was about this time that I noticed that I was hard again.

    She pulled of my mouth, bent over and kissed me. She whispered into my ear “I want to cum with you inside me”. Taking my hand she pulled me from the couch. Telling me to grab our glasses she went to the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of wine.

    Entering her bedroom she said that she had a new CD that she wanted to watch. So as I poured us wine she got the television ready. I sat back on the bed. I handed her a glass as she settled in next to me. I placed my arm around her. As the movie started I noticed that it was not a production video. She cuddled closer and said “Home movies”.

    It was a party. There were men, women and T-girls. In the center of the room was a group of people entangled in every position you could imagine. Around the perimeter couples or triples were watching, or were engaged in their own affairs. I recognized a few of the girls from the bar and than saw Pam. She was on her hands and knees being fucked from behind. She was in turn sucking the cock of a girl kneeling in front of her. Laying under Pam a woman was sucking her cock. From there the entanglement continued throughout the group. Mesmerized by the scene in before me I was content the hold her and drink my wine. Under my arm she would alternate stroking herself and than me.

    Suddenly she turned off the CD, and was on her knees facing me. She took my face in her hands and kissed me. Pulling back she said “Fuck me”. Handing me some lube she then turned, got onto her knees with her face on the bed, and her cute little ass up in the air. Slipping behind her I bent forward and started to kiss, than to gently bite her butt. Reaching around her leg I started to stroke her cock. I could hear her moan lightly. Letting go of her cock I spread her cheeks apart and lightly tongued her asshole. She jerked, gasped and then started to push her ass into my face. I took her cock in my hand again and continued to fuck her ass with my tongue. Breathlessly I she said “Now. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me”.

    I got close behind her and lubed up. As I placed my cock against her asshole she reached thru her legs and guided me in. There was some resistance as the head of my cock spread her open, but once in she accepted me hungrily. I started to pump in and out slowly, but when she started slamming her ass back into me I grabbed her thighs I started to fuck her with abandon. There was no longer any touching or teasing. This was pure animal lust. We were each engrossed with our own pleasure, and I didn’t want this to ever end.

    After what seemed like an eternity she rolled onto her back. Pulling her legs to her chest I knew that I needed no further invitation. I positioned myself over her and slipped back in. She than placed her legs over my shoulders and started to jack off. I watched this show as I continued to fuck her. It wasn’t long until I felt her asshole tighten around my cock. She let loose and shot cum onto her stomach. She let go of her cock and brought her hands up to play her breasts. Looking into my eyes, smiling she said “That was real good.” I took her semi hard cock in my hand and started to stroke her. Each time my hand slid over the head of her cock she would spasm and her asshole would tighten around me.

    She brought her legs down and said that she wanted to see me cum. So I reluctantly pulled out and started to jack off over her. Within seconds I cumming. My first shot hit her chin. She laughed and I proceeded covered her from tits to belly button with cum.

    Later as we cleaned up in the shower she asked how long I would be in town. I told her that the project I was on would last for about two more weeks. She responded saying “Good, tomorrow you get to meet some of my friends.” She then went to her knees and took my cock into her mouth.

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  2. #2
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    ha good story i liked it

    If curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought him back; my chances of being satisfied tonight had just doubled and what the hell, when in Rome

    nice line
    anyways good basic concept, nothing revolutionary, but you let the characters develop and respond belieavably

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