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  1. #91
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    As long as there is a Kirk you all can go fuck your selves!

    "How you doin!"

  2. #92
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    Quote Originally Posted by SXFX View Post
    As long as there is a Kirk you all can go fuck your selves!
    The only person that I know off that claims to be able to do that is Liberty Harkness .

    Sammi Valentine's Personal Fat Bastard & Self Appointed Teddy Bear Of Tatiana Summer & Evon Rose's Date To The 4th Annual Tranny Awards .... I Hope .

  3. #93
    Professional Poster
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    1: They are trying to stay true to the Prime Directive by not letting the indigenous population see them. A few problems with that that "Spock" did not mention. If the indigenous population is on the verge of extinction by a natural disaster and is not technologically advanced enough to stop it, they are not allowed and can not interfere.

    Thats not what the PD says - it says you cant effect their societies development. It's fine to save them as long as you dont let them see you doing it.

    2: The "cold fusion" devise that "Spock" uses makes absolutely no sense. The Enterprises impulse engines are powered by cold fusion reactors, why would this device act like a cryo bomb device. Also freezing the volcano would that also not freeze the entire mantel of the planet dooming if further?

    In the theory it is super cold thus freezing the surface lava but not the core of the planet - effectively capping the volcano.

    3: The Enterprise under water, 1: the nacelles would be torn off from the nacelle struts( this ship was designed for space travel not going into a gas giant or an ocean). 2: The salt water would get into the Bussard collectors and cause problems to the overall operation of the ship.

    You have spent way too long looking at fictional specs of a fictional spaceship which is of course a different spaceship to the one in this universe

    4: Starfleets uniforms are way to militaristic, they are explorers not soldiers, they remind me of WWII German Army uniforms.

    Following the events of the first film with the crazy time travelling Romulans - Starfleet has lost the calming influence of the Vulcans and has headed down a darker path.

    5: "Spock" and "Uhura"s relationship would not be allowed on ship it interferes with the way they preform their duties.

    Really - and this rule is written where? You just said they were explorers not pure military

    6: "Khan" was located in deep space during Kirks historic 5-year mission and they just stumbled on to the SS Botany Bay. How did the Admiral find him so easily?

    Post crazy time travelling Romulans Starfleet has been more proactive - they already encountered the Gorn for instance.

    7: Since when does the Enterprise have missile tubes, it is an exploration vessel not a combat vessel.

    See 2 + Photon torpedos I rememeber lots and lots of photon torpedos in TOS - Have you see the end of Wrath of Khan

    8: Transporting from London to Qo'noS, really why have starship then? To have transwarp transporting you first must understand transwarp technology. Last I looked Starfleet did not have transwarp capabilities, only the Borg did, and Starfleet does not use Borg tech.

    See film 1 of this series

    9: Personal communicators have a range that reaches from Klingon space to Earth? Last I looked they were used for surface to ship and internal ship communications only. They are not cell phones.

    See transwarp answer to Q 8

    10: The Ketha province on Qo'noS was uninhabited? Last I looked that is where the House of Martok lives. And the Klingons that were there were not of the House of Martok the brow ridges are completely wrong.

    See film 1 - crazy time travelling Romulans.

    11: Praxis is apparently in contact with the Qo'noS how are those two planetoids still in one piece, the gravametric shear would tear them both apart.

    Huh? Are you watching the same shows as the rest of us?

    12: Why is there still disease on Earth? After first contact poverty, DISEASE, and war are all gone.

    Since when - All through TOS McCoy is constantly fighting disease

    13: "Khan" was way to emotional and brutal. He was also messy when he attached the emergency council why use a ship that have pulse like phasers, why not a bomb of a projectile that could take the whole room out at once? He is supposed to be a genius.

    Okay lets explain his plot "Spoilers ahead" Khan wants the attack to fail - he wants some Starfleet guys to come after him because he wants the Admiral to use his new mega ship so he can steal it - his whole plan is to get on board that ship. He knows the Admiral wants to start a war with the Klingons and he is giving him a plausible reason to go there and stir up the hornets nest

    14: "Spock" melds with "Pike" without consent, yes Spock does that with McKoy in TWOK to save his contra. What this "Spock" did is considered in Vulcan philosophy a form of rape.

    Vulcan got blown up - Philospophy may have changed drastically.

    15: Section 31 was way to messy in my opinion.


    16: A secret shipyard in orbit of a Jupiter moon? Apparently Jupiter Station could not see it?

    Things have changes significantly

    17: I hate the Enterprise warp core design is laughable at best and makes absolutely no sense if you understand the way warp drive functions.

    You do know Warp drives are fictional right

    18: The Enterprise brig apparently does not use force fields any more? Why are they using what I can tell is transparent aluminum, and if it is how does that hole thingy move trough it?

    So technology is different after the time line diversed 25 years early - how surprising.

    19: How did the Enterprise make it though the Neutral Zone with out the Klingons not see them coming, and they were adrift in Klingon space for how long with out being found.

    See film 1

    20: "Pike" was give command of the Enterprise again, he was a cripple he would not have been chosen for the new captain. Captains are like astronauts they have to be in good physical condition.

    Since when?

    21: Starfleet/Federation does not have nor believes in the death penalty.

    Time travelling crazy Vulcan destroying Romulans have changed 25 years of the timeline - how do you know what they now believe

    22: Karol Marcus is a scientist and not a part of Starfleet and does not like Starfleet.

    In a totally different timeline that diverged 25+ years ago

    23: The design of the Klingon bat'leth looks hideous, the original one was much better.


    24: "Spock" yelling "Khan" seems way to forced and in completely out of character.

    FFS - the only person he can even remotely call a friend just dies and his half human side just kicked into high gear - he can yell what the hell he wants

    25: Starfleet does not allow augments such as "Khan" to serve in Starfleet. When Kirk is saved using "Khan"s blood even though it does not change his personality or physical ability, but non the less makes him partly augment and would be striped of command until at least he went through extensive testing and even then may be discharged from Starfleet.

    For hopefully the last time crazy time travelling Romulans

    26: Starfleet ships using pulse phasers instead of the beam variant? Starfleet does not develop pulse phasers until the 24th century for the Defiant class.

    Sorry - crazy Time Travelling Romulans

    27: Weapons are now superficial attachments on starships now rather than internal systems?

    Divergent timelines - divergent tech.

    28: "Khan" says that he was put into stasis 300 years ago? That would put him in the late 1800s around 1896. We did not have the ability to make genetically engineered humans at that point let alone cryo stasis devices. In TWOK he says that he was sent into space in the year 1996, which to me makes much more sense than 1896 just saying.

    The actual date the film starts is Feb 24 2259 so lets give Khan a pass that he was put in stasis between 2 and 3 centuries beforehand. In general conversation I dont really expect him to say 224 years and 134 days do you?

    For a hard core Star Trek fan you seem to have missed the whole alternate divergent timeline thing that occured over 25 years before the events of this film and how those events have resulted in a much darker and more dangerous universe as well as a significantly damaged Klingon empire and the planet Vulcan going boom.

    Last edited by alpha2117; 05-21-2013 at 05:30 AM.

  4. #94
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    Hey, I once had a conversation regarding Star Wars vs Star Trek technology . The Trekker just couldn't understand that Star Wars was because the Star Wars timeline was at least 25,000 years in the past, but Star Trek was 300 years in the future . Oh, and all of it was fiction anyway

    Quote Originally Posted by alpha2117 View Post
    1: They are trying to stay true to the Prime Directive by not letting the indigenous population see them. A few problems with that that "Spock" did not mention. If the indigenous population is on the verge of extinction by a natural disaster and is not technologically advanced enough to stop it, they are not allowed and can not interfere.

    Thats not what the PD says - it says you cant effect their societies development. It's fine to save them as long as you dont let them see you doing it.

    2: The "cold fusion" devise that "Spock" uses makes absolutely no sense. The Enterprises impulse engines are powered by cold fusion reactors, why would this device act like a cryo bomb device. Also freezing the volcano would that also not freeze the entire mantel of the planet dooming if further?

    In the theory it is super cold thus freezing the surface lava but not the core of the planet - effectively capping the volcano.

    3: The Enterprise under water, 1: the nacelles would be torn off from the nacelle struts( this ship was designed for space travel not going into a gas giant or an ocean). 2: The salt water would get into the Bussard collectors and cause problems to the overall operation of the ship.

    You have spent way too long looking at fictional specs of a fictional spaceship which is of course a different spaceship to the one in this universe

    4: Starfleets uniforms are way to militaristic, they are explorers not soldiers, they remind me of WWII German Army uniforms.

    Following the events of the first film with the crazy time travelling Romulans - Starfleet has lost the calming influence of the Vulcans and has headed down a darker path.

    5: "Spock" and "Uhura"s relationship would not be allowed on ship it interferes with the way they preform their duties.

    Really - and this rule is written where? You just said they were explorers not pure military

    6: "Khan" was located in deep space during Kirks historic 5-year mission and they just stumbled on to the SS Botany Bay. How did the Admiral find him so easily?

    Post crazy time travelling Romulans Starfleet has been more proactive - they already encountered the Gorn for instance.

    7: Since when does the Enterprise have missile tubes, it is an exploration vessel not a combat vessel.

    See 2 + Photon torpedos I rememeber lots and lots of photon torpedos in TOS - Have you see the end of Wrath of Khan

    8: Transporting from London to Qo'noS, really why have starship then? To have transwarp transporting you first must understand transwarp technology. Last I looked Starfleet did not have transwarp capabilities, only the Borg did, and Starfleet does not use Borg tech.

    See film 1 of this series

    9: Personal communicators have a range that reaches from Klingon space to Earth? Last I looked they were used for surface to ship and internal ship communications only. They are not cell phones.

    See transwarp answer to Q 8

    10: The Ketha province on Qo'noS was uninhabited? Last I looked that is where the House of Martok lives. And the Klingons that were there were not of the House of Martok the brow ridges are completely wrong.

    See film 1 - crazy time travelling Romulans.

    11: Praxis is apparently in contact with the Qo'noS how are those two planetoids still in one piece, the gravametric shear would tear them both apart.

    Huh? Are you watching the same shows as the rest of us?

    12: Why is there still disease on Earth? After first contact poverty, DISEASE, and war are all gone.

    Since when - All through TOS McCoy is constantly fighting disease

    13: "Khan" was way to emotional and brutal. He was also messy when he attached the emergency council why use a ship that have pulse like phasers, why not a bomb of a projectile that could take the whole room out at once? He is supposed to be a genius.

    Okay lets explain his plot "Spoilers ahead" Khan wants the attack to fail - he wants some Starfleet guys to come after him because he wants the Admiral to use his new mega ship so he can steal it - his whole plan is to get on board that ship. He knows the Admiral wants to start a war with the Klingons and he is giving him a plausible reason to go there and stir up the hornets nest

    14: "Spock" melds with "Pike" without consent, yes Spock does that with McKoy in TWOK to save his contra. What this "Spock" did is considered in Vulcan philosophy a form of rape.

    Vulcan got blown up - Philospophy may have changed drastically.

    15: Section 31 was way to messy in my opinion.


    16: A secret shipyard in orbit of a Jupiter moon? Apparently Jupiter Station could not see it?

    Things have changes significantly

    17: I hate the Enterprise warp core design is laughable at best and makes absolutely no sense if you understand the way warp drive functions.

    You do know Warp drives are fictional right

    18: The Enterprise brig apparently does not use force fields any more? Why are they using what I can tell is transparent aluminum, and if it is how does that hole thingy move trough it?

    So technology is different after the time line diversed 25 years early - how surprising.

    19: How did the Enterprise make it though the Neutral Zone with out the Klingons not see them coming, and they were adrift in Klingon space for how long with out being found.

    See film 1

    20: "Pike" was give command of the Enterprise again, he was a cripple he would not have been chosen for the new captain. Captains are like astronauts they have to be in good physical condition.

    Since when?

    21: Starfleet/Federation does not have nor believes in the death penalty.

    Time travelling crazy Vulcan destroying Romulans have changed 25 years of the timeline - how do you know what they now believe

    22: Karol Marcus is a scientist and not a part of Starfleet and does not like Starfleet.

    In a totally different timeline that diverged 25+ years ago

    23: The design of the Klingon bat'leth looks hideous, the original one was much better.


    24: "Spock" yelling "Khan" seems way to forced and in completely out of character.

    FFS - the only person he can even remotely call a friend just dies and his half human side just kicked into high gear - he can yell what the hell he wants

    25: Starfleet does not allow augments such as "Khan" to serve in Starfleet. When Kirk is saved using "Khan"s blood even though it does not change his personality or physical ability, but non the less makes him partly augment and would be striped of command until at least he went through extensive testing and even then may be discharged from Starfleet.

    For hopefully the last time crazy time travelling Romulans

    26: Starfleet ships using pulse phasers instead of the beam variant? Starfleet does not develop pulse phasers until the 24th century for the Defiant class.

    Sorry - crazy Time Travelling Romulans

    27: Weapons are now superficial attachments on starships now rather than internal systems?

    Divergent timelines - divergent tech.

    28: "Khan" says that he was put into stasis 300 years ago? That would put him in the late 1800s around 1896. We did not have the ability to make genetically engineered humans at that point let alone cryo stasis devices. In TWOK he says that he was sent into space in the year 1996, which to me makes much more sense than 1896 just saying.

    The actual date the film starts is Feb 24 2259 so lets give Khan a pass that he was put in stasis between 2 and 3 centuries beforehand. In general conversation I dont really expect him to say 224 years and 134 days do you?

    For a hard core Star Trek fan you seem to have missed the whole alternate divergent timeline thing that occured over 25 years before the events of this film and how those events have resulted in a much darker and more dangerous universe as well as a significantly damaged Klingon empire and the planet Vulcan going boom.

    Sammi Valentine's Personal Fat Bastard & Self Appointed Teddy Bear Of Tatiana Summer & Evon Rose's Date To The 4th Annual Tranny Awards .... I Hope .

  5. #95
    Platinum Poster Ecstatic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    Quote Originally Posted by alpha2117 View Post
    2: The "cold fusion" devise that "Spock" uses makes absolutely no sense. The Enterprises impulse engines are powered by cold fusion reactors, why would this device act like a cryo bomb device. Also freezing the volcano would that also not freeze the entire mantel of the planet dooming if further?

    In the theory it is super cold thus freezing the surface lava but not the core of the planet - effectively capping the volcano.
    Actually cold fusion is not super cold; theoretically it occurs at room temperature, which while relatively "super cold" compared with the millions of degrees at which normal fusion occurs (as in the sun), it's still above the freezing point of water and would not "freeze" a volcano. It's an utterly silly misapplication of physics based on no more than a misinterpretation of the descriptive name "cold fusion."

  6. #96
    Member Rookie Poster volkov2006's Avatar
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    Quote Originally Posted by alpha2117 View Post
    1: They are trying to stay true to the Prime Directive by not letting the indigenous population see them. A few problems with that that "Spock" did not mention. If the indigenous population is on the verge of extinction by a natural disaster and is not technologically advanced enough to stop it, they are not allowed and can not interfere.

    Thats not what the PD says - it says you cant effect their societies development. It's fine to save them as long as you dont let them see you doing it.

    2: The "cold fusion" devise that "Spock" uses makes absolutely no sense. The Enterprises impulse engines are powered by cold fusion reactors, why would this device act like a cryo bomb device. Also freezing the volcano would that also not freeze the entire mantel of the planet dooming if further?

    In the theory it is super cold thus freezing the surface lava but not the core of the planet - effectively capping the volcano.

    3: The Enterprise under water, 1: the nacelles would be torn off from the nacelle struts( this ship was designed for space travel not going into a gas giant or an ocean). 2: The salt water would get into the Bussard collectors and cause problems to the overall operation of the ship.

    You have spent way too long looking at fictional specs of a fictional spaceship which is of course a different spaceship to the one in this universe

    4: Starfleets uniforms are way to militaristic, they are explorers not soldiers, they remind me of WWII German Army uniforms.

    Following the events of the first film with the crazy time travelling Romulans - Starfleet has lost the calming influence of the Vulcans and has headed down a darker path.

    5: "Spock" and "Uhura"s relationship would not be allowed on ship it interferes with the way they preform their duties.

    Really - and this rule is written where? You just said they were explorers not pure military

    6: "Khan" was located in deep space during Kirks historic 5-year mission and they just stumbled on to the SS Botany Bay. How did the Admiral find him so easily?

    Post crazy time travelling Romulans Starfleet has been more proactive - they already encountered the Gorn for instance.

    7: Since when does the Enterprise have missile tubes, it is an exploration vessel not a combat vessel.

    See 2 + Photon torpedos I rememeber lots and lots of photon torpedos in TOS - Have you see the end of Wrath of Khan

    I understand that they have 2 photon torpedo tubes I am talking about the missile tubes in the Enterprises engineering sections hull.

    8: Transporting from London to Qo'noS, really why have starship then? To have transwarp transporting you first must understand transwarp technology. Last I looked Starfleet did not have transwarp capabilities, only the Borg did, and Starfleet does not use Borg tech.

    See film 1 of this series

    9: Personal communicators have a range that reaches from Klingon space to Earth? Last I looked they were used for surface to ship and internal ship communications only. They are not cell phones.

    See transwarp answer to Q 8

    10: The Ketha province on Qo'noS was uninhabited? Last I looked that is where the House of Martok lives. And the Klingons that were there were not of the House of Martok the brow ridges are completely wrong.

    See film 1 - crazy time travelling Romulans.

    11: Praxis is apparently in contact with the Qo'noS how are those two planetoids still in one piece, the gravametric shear would tear them both apart.

    Huh? Are you watching the same shows as the rest of us?

    Yes I am watching the same shows and movies I own them all, I am talking about that the surfaces are actually touching, not that they are just talking to each other.

    12: Why is there still disease on Earth? After first contact poverty, DISEASE, and war are all gone.

    Since when - All through TOS McCoy is constantly fighting disease

    Yes other diseases from out in space I am talking about on Earth, that is what made the Earth paradise.

    13: "Khan" was way to emotional and brutal. He was also messy when he attached the emergency council why use a ship that have pulse like phasers, why not a bomb of a projectile that could take the whole room out at once? He is supposed to be a genius.

    Okay lets explain his plot "Spoilers ahead" Khan wants the attack to fail - he wants some Starfleet guys to come after him because he wants the Admiral to use his new mega ship so he can steal it - his whole plan is to get on board that ship. He knows the Admiral wants to start a war with the Klingons and he is giving him a plausible reason to go there and stir up the hornets nest

    14: "Spock" melds with "Pike" without consent, yes Spock does that with McKoy in TWOK to save his contra. What this "Spock" did is considered in Vulcan philosophy a form of rape.

    Vulcan got blown up - Philospophy may have changed drastically.

    So anytime that there is a change in the way a population live or a catastrophic change rape is then acceptable? So after 9/11 it was okay for everyone to rape people in the streets?

    15: Section 31 was way to messy in my opinion.


    16: A secret shipyard in orbit of a Jupiter moon? Apparently Jupiter Station could not see it?

    Things have changes significantly

    17: I hate the Enterprise warp core design is laughable at best and makes absolutely no sense if you understand the way warp drive functions.

    You do know Warp drives are fictional right

    Yes this is a passion of mine.

    18: The Enterprise brig apparently does not use force fields any more? Why are they using what I can tell is transparent aluminum, and if it is how does that hole thingy move trough it?

    So technology is different after the time line diversed 25 years early - how surprising.

    So physics have completely changes in a new timeline as well?

    19: How did the Enterprise make it though the Neutral Zone with out the Klingons not see them coming, and they were adrift in Klingon space for how long with out being found.

    See film 1

    That does not explain anything. Unless you are telling me that the Klingons only have 1 fleet.

    20: "Pike" was give command of the Enterprise again, he was a cripple he would not have been chosen for the new captain. Captains are like astronauts they have to be in good physical condition.

    Since when?

    21: Starfleet/Federation does not have nor believes in the death penalty.

    Time travelling crazy Vulcan destroying Romulans have changed 25 years of the timeline - how do you know what they now believe

    22: Karol Marcus is a scientist and not a part of Starfleet and does not like Starfleet.

    In a totally different timeline that diverged 25+ years ago

    23: The design of the Klingon bat'leth looks hideous, the original one was much better.


    Again a passion.

    24: "Spock" yelling "Khan" seems way to forced and in completely out of character.

    FFS - the only person he can even remotely call a friend just dies and his half human side just kicked into high gear - he can yell what the hell he wants

    25: Starfleet does not allow augments such as "Khan" to serve in Starfleet. When Kirk is saved using "Khan"s blood even though it does not change his personality or physical ability, but non the less makes him partly augment and would be striped of command until at least he went through extensive testing and even then may be discharged from Starfleet.

    For hopefully the last time crazy time travelling Romulans

    26: Starfleet ships using pulse phasers instead of the beam variant? Starfleet does not develop pulse phasers until the 24th century for the Defiant class.

    Sorry - crazy Time Travelling Romulans

    27: Weapons are now superficial attachments on starships now rather than internal systems?

    Divergent timelines - divergent tech.

    28: "Khan" says that he was put into stasis 300 years ago? That would put him in the late 1800s around 1896. We did not have the ability to make genetically engineered humans at that point let alone cryo stasis devices. In TWOK he says that he was sent into space in the year 1996, which to me makes much more sense than 1896 just saying.

    The actual date the film starts is Feb 24 2259 so lets give Khan a pass that he was put in stasis between 2 and 3 centuries beforehand. In general conversation I dont really expect him to say 224 years and 134 days do you?

    For a hard core Star Trek fan you seem to have missed the whole alternate divergent timeline thing that occured over 25 years before the events of this film and how those events have resulted in a much darker and more dangerous universe as well as a significantly damaged Klingon empire and the planet Vulcan going boom.
    Forgive me for liking Star Trek and it being a very good passion for me. It is a very good thing to look forward to, a better time when all humans work for the betterment of all human kind. Racism, sexism, bigotry, poverty, disease, and war are all a thing of the past it is something I would hope all people would want a better future than what we have coming.
    Also using the alternate timeline argument is the easy way out. It is like saying homosexuality is wrong, you can not give any other reasons but to say that it is wrong.
    Also I understand that this is an alternate time line, but people asked me for my Star Trek fan analysis. I am a hardcore Star Trek fan TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, TMP, and TNG movies, I am not a fan of these movies, that is what this list was for.

    Also why in this thread I get asked for things and when I do am instantly attacked and destroyed for what I like? I am sure all of you have passions that not everyone understands, so why is this so different for me. I have tried to make a good conversation and have a somewhat good debate and all I get is people yelling that I am not a true fan, or that I have no life.

    In conclusion if no one wants my my opinion without attacking my passion I will stop. If we can continue with a good debate like some of us have had then thank you, if not then I give up. I am tired of getting attacked for what I like, I get enough of that from my family and friends. This was one of the last places of sanctuary for me, I have lost all but my wife since I came out as trans, but if I can't have this either without being attacked so be it.

  7. #97
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

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    Sammi Valentine's Personal Fat Bastard & Self Appointed Teddy Bear Of Tatiana Summer & Evon Rose's Date To The 4th Annual Tranny Awards .... I Hope .

  8. #98
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    This movie was awesome for what it was. For those who saw Wrath of Khan then it was easy to predict what was going to happen. However, Robocop (Peter Weller) he was great in his scenes and the USS Vengeance; what an amazing ship that was.

    To the hardcore fans, i dont think they will ever do an exploration movie in their five year mission. I bet the next movie will be them back from a their mission and a war with the Klingons is in progress.

  9. #99
    Old Biddy Silver Poster Gillian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    This will probably start a Nerd War ... in a galaxy far, far away ...

  10. #100
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    Default Re: Star Trek Into Darkness

    Seriously, fuck this movie! Benedict Cumberbatch should've played Gary Mitchell!

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