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  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Default Post your Transsexual Dating Advice

    For all of you that are "in the game" for a relationship, and you have experiences that you would like to share, please share them here for (hopefully) the benefit of all.

    Girls, what are you looking for? What do you find most important? Guys, same. Insights, speculations? Try to keep it within reason - no need to start any arguments. This is a positive thread.

    Me, I just love the sheer diversity and often ecclectic nature of tgirls; they tend to be spontaneous, sensitive and strong, sensual, deep, life experienced, etc etc. I could go on, but there are too many things I like about tgirls, and I'm quite sure it would sound redundent. :P Anway, I have been reading this site for just a little bit now, and it seems like a pretty cool community of people.

  2. #2
    5 Star Poster
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    nyc. dancing. living. smiling. laughing. again.


    don't hate me for this , but my relationship advice is...good luck. seriously.

    sadly, for both tg and prospective partners, they are far too rare in the community. there could be so much love and respect shared, yet it's all channeled into sex for money. it's almost impossible to form a deep and lasting bond with someone unless you're a john first and even then the odds are slim. no offense to the working girls and the guys who keep them working, but until we all understand that we are here to love and respect each other on a whole other level, things won't change. and you can bet your bottom (or top) dollar that society won't open up to us and accept us more until we do, either.

    my point is that we need to have respect for each other and ourselves. i totally understand that sex for money is sometimes a necessity. but maybe we should be asking ourselves why.

    btw, i was in a 10+ year relationship with a ts (we lived together) and amongst all of her friends we were looked at in awe.

  3. #3
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Anway, I have been reading this site for just a little bit now, and it seems like a pretty cool community of people.
    Hah! Fooled ya! Nyah, nyah! :P


    For all of you that are "in the game" for a relationship, and you have experiences that you would like to share, please share them here for (hopefully) the benefit of all.
    No different from your daily 'Dear Abby' column, really. The usual dating BS, with the small tweak of adding an extra dick to the equation. Be polite, don't act stoopid, and try not to poke her in the eye more than once on the first night out.

    I've only been with two T-gurls in my life (Though I have known others as friends) and one was rather sharp-edged (Although stilll very nice) while the other was quite disarming and sweet.

    As for advice...Hmmm...First, bathe (Very important). Unless you naturally smell like mint or cinnamon most women (GG or TS/TG) will appreciate this small effort.

    Try to use words beyond "Ho", "Booty", "Suck", and "Spaghetti" on the first date. Some, nay many, of the gurls I've known and/or chatted with actually appreciate being spoken to in some semblance of an intelligent language.

    Do you want them to be nice to you? Treat you like a human being? Respect you?

    Answer: Do unto others.

    Play safe. Play sane. Play well.

    And report back to us with pictures and vids.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  4. #4
    Professional Poster
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    Sep 2006


    I've never dated a ts woman, I've known a few, been with several, twice as a john, twice as a just hook ups. But I agree with the previous two replies. First, good luck, second its just like dating any other woman. Personalities run the gamut from one extreme to the other and everything in between. Just treat the gril like with respect and don't focus on sex. If shes rude or not wanting any of it just move on, simple and easy.

  5. #5
    Junior Poster
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    Good answers so far. And you guys fooled me, eh? This is NOT a community of cool people? :P

    I would also like to hear from some of the ladies here, and their perceptions.

    Oh yea, what is a "John"? No smartass remarks regarding toilets either, dammit!

  6. #6
    Silver Poster
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    Bay Area, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Alaska Guy
    Good answers so far. And you guys fooled me, eh? This is NOT a community of cool people? :P

    I would also like to hear from some of the ladies here, and their perceptions.

    Oh yea, what is a "John"? No smartass remarks regarding toilets either, dammit!
    __________________________________________________ _______________________

    Wow. You really are wet behind the ears huh?

    A john is a trick, ergo, to quote the most marvelous, "a person who uses the services of a prostitute"

  7. #7
    Junior Poster
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    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ARMANIXXX
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaska Guy
    Good answers so far. And you guys fooled me, eh? This is NOT a community of cool people? :P

    I would also like to hear from some of the ladies here, and their perceptions.

    Oh yea, what is a "John"? No smartass remarks regarding toilets either, dammit!
    __________________________________________________ _______________________

    Wow. You really are wet behind the ears huh?

    A john is a trick, ergo, to quote the most marvelous, "a person who uses the services of a prostitute"
    ha ha! yea yea...well, I DO live in Alaska. And there are no tgirls here...

  8. #8
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.

    Default Re: Post your Transsexual Dating Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Alaska Guy

    Girls, what are you looking for? What do you find most important? Guys, same. Insights, speculations? Try to keep it within reason - no need to start any arguments. This is a positive thread.

    Me, I just love the sheer diversity and often ecclectic nature of tgirls; they tend to be spontaneous, sensitive and strong, sensual, deep, life experienced, etc etc.

    I feel that I am not really asking too much, but here's what I would expect from a mate: Trustworthy, dependable, keeps his word, intelligent, funny, emotionally stable and availible, clean and sober, no substance abusers.

    Ideally he would be between 35 - 55, but that's not a deal breaker. All the other things like looks, how much money he makes aren't really all that important to me.

    As you have stated many of us have, had a great deal of life experiences, indeed I have had more than my fair share. As a result I can usually tell when a person is sincere, or when they are running game. Thus I would strongly encourage them to be on the up and up.

    And when I say 'he'. I wouldn't rule out the right woman if she came along, so it really is more of the right 'person' for me.

  9. #9
    Rookie Poster
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    Know who you are first, and be confident about it. Sit back and think whether you really want a relationship with a girl, or if you just want to get into her pants. The number one problem with asking for TS dating advice is that you're lumping them into a different category as women, which isn't either how you should look at it, or how they want to be treated. That said, a better understanding of why you want a transexual over a GG should be looked at. You can lie to us, but not to yourself, are you just interested in a TS because it's a fetish of yours and you don't want to pay? What is it specifically that attracts you to a TS in lieu of a GG? Any girl can smell bullshit from a mile away, especially one who is getting approached all the time. You have to know what you want and why, and be comfortable in that position before you can be with any girl.

    You have to believe that doing a small, genuinely kind thing for someone will make the world a better place. Those small acts of compassion, those real acts of love, give each other the greatest gift of all-hope.

  10. #10
    Rookie Poster
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    New yawk


    Quote Originally Posted by whatsupwithat
    don't hate me for this , but my relationship advice is...good luck. seriously.

    sadly, for both tg and prospective partners, they are far too rare in the community. there could be so much love and respect shared, yet it's all channeled into sex for money. it's almost impossible to form a deep and lasting bond with someone unless you're a john first and even then the odds are slim. no offense to the working girls and the guys who keep them working, but until we all understand that we are here to love and respect each other on a whole other level, things won't change. and you can bet your bottom (or top) dollar that society won't open up to us and accept us more until we do, either.

    my point is that we need to have respect for each other and ourselves. i totally understand that sex for money is sometimes a necessity. but maybe we should be asking ourselves why.

    btw, i was in a 10+ year relationship with a ts (we lived together) and amongst all of her friends we were looked at in awe.
    Quoted for fucking emphasis to the maximum. my ex and I were dating for little over a year and literally everyone of her friends tried sleeping with me and even when I said no they'd "report" back to her telling her that I fucked them etc. None of them could ever make a concrete enough story plus I'd tell her before hand.

    I'm not generalizing, but new york TS's, especially under 25 are nearly impossible to have a meaningful relationship with unless you want a bottomless pit of drama and frustration. And this is coming from a 20 year old guy who hasn't been "in the game" or whatever you'd like to call it.

    It's a fetish for most, but those of us who have tried to make it work - it fails 9 out of 10 times.

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