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  1. #31
    Professional Poster
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    People talking on cell phones in restaurants - Are you that fucking important??? Go outside!

  2. #32
    Marjorie Taylor Greene Is A Nice Lady Platinum Poster Dino Velvet's Avatar
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    People, mostly on tv, who wave their hands around when talking but are not Italian or Spanish.
    Yessir. Waving your hands in the air like you just don't care is rather annoying. I'm not sure if they're trying to engage me in a game of charades or a contest of Karate. Possibly shucking corn 'cuz it sure is corny.

    Last edited by Dino Velvet; 03-06-2014 at 08:06 PM.

  3. #33
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    1. People who do not acknowledge you with a wave or nod when you allow them to cut in front of you in traffic or other similar driving circumstance when you demonstrate you are A MORE FUCKING EVOLVED PERSON THAN THEY ARE.

    2. I once read about a guy who had a friend that knew a dude that considered being annoyed when he dreamt about a m2f never-gonna-op transsexual casually stating at a hypothetical dinner party to a very cool and LGBT friendly mother of three "Well, I'm just as much a woman as you are." Had such alleged statement ever been made it could have potentially led said totally cool, understanding and supportive mother of three to infer that this totally sexy and passable-in-forgiving-lighting-never-even-considered-SRS m2f transsexual was implying that mother of three was an uncaring, insensitive Christo/Fascist for simplying observing a basic biological fact within the context of a thoughtful and polite conversation.

    3. You're not a doctor if you can't write a prescription for oxycodone. At least your not my doctor.

    4. People trying to be clever who don't have the balls to come right out and say what they mean.

    Nice to meet you.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Junior Poster luvs2lick1385's Avatar
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    Mets fans who are Yankee haters.
    The Boston Red Sox

    "Knowledge is good" Emil Faber

    "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" Senator John "Bluto" Blutarsky

  5. #35
    Senior Member Junior Poster Tina Francis's Avatar
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    on my smartphone so forgive the bad punctuation...

    people who don't use their turn signals. people who hand the clerk a bunch of invalid coupons. this happened just the other day; stupid limey woman who can't fucking read "must buy two ". jeeezus! she handed the guy FOUR invalid coupons. people who dont look right when making a right turn. people who belch in public. people who put their feet up on the bus seats or stretch their legs across the aisle. people who let their dog leash block your path. people with loud dogs. salesclerks who dont engage you but in endless checkout chatter.

    the list is endless.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Junior Poster Tina Francis's Avatar
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    oh yeah, forgot to add how infuriating it is to see an endless number of bad, redundant photos posted by the CD's in this forum and on Flickr. i mean how many goddam stupid pics of you do think we want to see?

    for that matter, the same applies to all the tgirls and all their dumb FB selfies. the side shot with one hand on their head, their pumped butt stuck out and that coy little pout. once or twice is all you need chica; 137 times is overkill. and you all know this girl quite well.

  7. #37
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    People that constantly spit...and also - I can't understand how grabbing your crotch, even when speaking in public...or in front of a lady, became so common place...can someone explain the's disgusting.

  8. #38
    President of Russia Veteran Poster Vladimir Putin's Avatar
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    Women who promise to call you and then don't and women who encourage you to call them and then are uninterested when you call them.

    Mentally unhinged people given authoritative power.

    People who go into a meltdown when told "no."

    A person in the front of the line who allows a couple dozen people to cut ahead.

    People who make a mistake and blame it on someone else.

    People who are well off who think they have the moral authority to cast negative judgements about people not as well off as them.

    People who brush off concerns when safety is an issue or when misconduct occurs.

    Politicians who call out the other side for shortcomings and don't hold themselves to the same standards.

    People who come off in a condescending and patronizing way.

    People who offer unsolicited advice.

    People who are ungrateful not matter how hard you worked for them.

    People who throw good friends under the bus for personal gain.

    People who go into a hissy fit when called out for doing something wrong.


    Online trolls.


    People who resort to ad homenim attacks when another person expresses an opinion he/she doesn't agree with.

    And, oh, did I forget? Hypocrites.

    Did I leave anybody out?

    Last edited by Vladimir Putin; 03-07-2014 at 12:30 AM.

  9. #39
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    This one is going to sound mean but I don't mean it that way. When a homeless man comes up to me and instead of asking for money, pretends he wants to introduce himself and talk.

    The common routine is they come up and try to shake your hand. Then they say something innocuous to pretend like they really want to have a conversation with you. Then they ask for money. Just ask for it to start with...I might give it to you, but the charade is too insincere.

    There's also the story about how they just need bus fare, or just got out of prison and need their first ride home. I've been asked for this. We want a friendly society, but how am I supposed to respond to a perfect stranger who tells me they just got out of prison and want a ride home? Can you at least tell me the charge? Oh, you killed someone in a car huh?

  10. #40
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: List your pet peeves

    healthy people parking in handicap parking places.

    what a life

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