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  1. #51
    Professional Poster loren's Avatar
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    Cum find me.

    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Good luck, and stay safe.

    Just because I'm telling you this story doesn't mean that I'm alive at the end of it.

  2. #52
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDee View Post
    Anytime Badgrammar,
    I'm not an Internet tough guy and if you actually we're prior service you would know that a LCDR is not marines but a navy O-4. I'm about action and not talk so anytime you feel like opening your cum deposit and behaving like a man come down to the EODMU 3 at NAB Coronado in San Diego and ask for me. See, I'm not like your other officers who avoid conflict, I embrace it.

    Apparently you didnt read the whole thread to see why I stated it was unsat for him to request a freebie. You are no different than any of us who use our MOS/rate/designator/ or AFSC to get poon-tang at the local dive bar but it's another thing to attempt to solicit free poontang on a forum because you're deploying. If you're prior service then you would completely understand that that is a character failure.

    LCDR Truth
    I said you remind me of them. I'm in NJ right now. Just leting you know that you bleed red like the rest of us and no one would give a fuck about you being a E.O.D. You put on your pants on the same way as everyone else and when you start runing your mouth like this you will get knock the fuck out by an ordinary guy who works as a security guard. Get my point yet? And to let you know I was drop at second phase. That means I made through Hell Week. Class 271. I don't like officers. I can't stand how big their egos are. No wonder your like this. I see the character failure but let him be, Who gives a fuck. You are being self righteous witch itself is a character failur.

    Last edited by Badgrammar7; 03-01-2012 at 09:05 AM.

  3. #53
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbazz View Post
    Also, it is you who is the douchebag who apparently thinks that because you are an LEO and a service member, that you are something special, or better than the average citizen. Fuck off and cut the OP some slack.
    Not just that but he does not realize that he’s acting like a complete hypocrite. He seeks or expects recognition for what he was and did and that is no different than the services members that ask for a discount for being in the military. He’s been in the military for too long and has that shity E-6 and above personality. I Assume.

    Last edited by Badgrammar7; 03-01-2012 at 09:06 AM.

  4. #54
    Rookie Poster BigDee's Avatar
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by Badgrammar7 View Post
    I said you remind me of them. I'm in NJ right now. Just leting you know that you bleed red like the rest of us and no one would give a fuck about you being a E.O.D. You put on your pants on the same way as everyone else and when you start runing your mouth like this you will get knock the fuck out by an ordinary guy who works as a security guard. Get my point yet? And to let you know I was drop at second phase. That means I made through Hell Week. Class 271. I don't like officers. I can't stand how big their egos are. No wonder your like this. I see the character failure but let him be, Who gives a fuck. You are being self righteous witch itself is a character failur.
    Don't worry, I'm sure most of your senior staff NCO's and officers didn't care for you as well as I'm sure your biannual evals reflected that. You failed to complete your assigned training in second phase for class 271 which means you washed out and did not complete the assigned training that other candidates were able to successfully complete. For the rest of your life you will be that guy we see on base and out in town and think to ourselves, "he did not have the right stuff". He wanted to be called a seal, EOD tech, or SWCC operator but did not prepare himself for the actual basic/initial training. You are an attire/wash out and will always live with that label as an attrite or washout. Now, if you had gone back after washing out and completed the course/program I would respect you as everything in life is timing, but you are not.

    Yes, I would like fries with that Badgrammar7.

    Not respectfully,
    LCDR Truth

  5. #55
    Rookie Poster BigDee's Avatar
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by Badgrammar7 View Post
    Not just that but he does not realize that he’s acting like a complete hypocrite. He seeks or expects recognition for what he was and did and that is no different than the services members that ask for a discount for being in the military. He’s been in the military for too long and has that shity E-6 and above personality. I Assume.
    "Good luck with your future endeavors Badgrammar7".
    That is the same speech I gave to EOD washouts like yourself. Take your walk of shame, go back to your barracks and call your mom and blame the schoolhouse and instructors for not giving you the chance or extra instruction that you feel you needed even though no one else in your class needed. You are a washout/attrite in my eyes, your shipmates, your hometown, the entire Navy and Marine Corps but most importantly, your parents. They may not have VERBALLY stated it to you, but you know they felt. You are a failure.

    Not Respectfully,
    LCDR Truth

  6. #56
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    its called

  7. #57
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDee View Post
    Don't worry, I'm sure most of your senior staff NCO's and officers didn't care for you as well as I'm sure your biannual evals reflected that. You failed to complete your assigned training in second phase for class 271 which means you washed out and did not complete the assigned training that other candidates were able to successfully complete. For the rest of your life you will be that guy we see on base and out in town and think to ourselves, "he did not have the right stuff". He wanted to be called a seal, EOD tech, or SWCC operator but did not prepare himself for the actual basic/initial training. You are an attire/wash out and will always live with that label as an attrite or washout. Now, if you had gone back after washing out and completed the course/program I would respect you as everything in life is timing, but you are not.

    Yes, I would like fries with that Badgrammar7.

    Not respectfully,
    LCDR Truth
    Go to Buds, you pussy. I bet you would quit in indoc. I'm proud of myself for making it that far and I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. By the way I'm doing fine in civilian life. I never quit training but the ones who do quit, go out to sign up for E.O.D. I know a few who did.

    LOL biannual evals? You're a fucken dork! I got Must Promotes and early promotes on my evals and I didn't care for them.

    Last edited by Badgrammar7; 03-05-2012 at 08:12 AM.

  8. #58
    Rookie Poster BigDee's Avatar
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by Badgrammar7 View Post
    Go to Buds, you pussy. I bet you would quit in indoc. I'm proud of myself for making it that far and I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. By the way I'm doing fine in civilian life. I never quit training but the ones who do quit, go out to sign up for E.O.D. I know a few who did.

    LOL biannual evals? You're a fucken dork! I got Must Promotes and early promotes on my evals and I didn't care for them.
    Negative. Our washout rate in EOD is 70% and always has been. Candidates who attrite (quit/DOR/fail to complete) BUD/S are ineligible for admittance to the special operations community of EOD or Diving at the navy diving and salvage training center in panama city unless the sailor has a minimum of two years fleet experience after their dismissal from BUD/S and EP fitreps and evals. We are also a special operations community and do not like washouts like yourself fucking up the ebb and flow of good order and discipline. I know this is factual as I served as a class officer and instructor for dive physiology at the school house for 2.5 years.

    You my friend have lost this discussion/argument. You are a quitter and always will be in the eyes of your parents, friends, and girlfriends. I'm glad you left active duty as the navy has no place for personnel like yourself who grew up in lala land watching navy seal and green beret movies and never properly prepared for intensive physical and academic instruction of NSW training.

    Not respectful
    LCDR Truth

  9. #59
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDee View Post
    Negative. Our washout rate in EOD is 70% and always has been. Candidates who attrite (quit/DOR/fail to complete) BUD/S are ineligible for admittance to the special operations community of EOD or Diving at the navy diving and salvage training center in panama city unless the sailor has a minimum of two years fleet experience after their dismissal from BUD/S and EP fitreps and evals. We are also a special operations community and do not like washouts like yourself fucking up the ebb and flow of good order and discipline. I know this is factual as I served as a class officer and instructor for dive physiology at the school house for 2.5 years.

    You my friend have lost this discussion/argument. You are a quitter and always will be in the eyes of your parents, friends, and girlfriends. I'm glad you left active duty as the navy has no place for personnel likeembrasement yourself who grew up in lala land watching navy seal and green beret movies and never properly prepared for intensive physical and academic instruction of NSW training.

    Not respectful
    LCDR Truth
    You judge others and their morals for asking discounts for being military, but yet you are an officer in united states navy qnd you admit that you spend all your money on illegal prostitution with transsexual hookers. You are a hypocrite and a fucking embrasement to the us armed forces. Your ego and smug is another story, you need humble pie for that. I also never quit , so shut your mouth, you navy seal wannabe

    Last edited by Badgrammar7; 03-11-2014 at 08:07 PM.

  10. #60
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: i am deploying out of the country

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDee View Post
    Negative. Our washout rate in EOD is 70% and always has been. Candidates who attrite (quit/DOR/fail to complete) BUD/S are ineligible for admittance to the special operations community of EOD or Diving at the navy diving and salvage training center in panama city unless the sailor has a minimum of two years fleet experience after their dismissal from BUD/S and EP fitreps and evals. We are also a special operations community and do not like washouts like yourself fucking up the ebb and flow of good order and discipline. I know this is factual as I served as a class officer and instructor for dive physiology at the school house for 2.5 years.

    You my friend have lost this discussion/argument. You are a quitter and always will be in the eyes of your parents, friends, and girlfriends. I'm glad you left active duty as the navy has no place for personnel like yourself who grew up in lala land watching navy seal and green beret movies and never properly prepared for intensive physical and academic instruction of NSW training.

    Not respectful
    LCDR Truth
    You judge others and their morals for asking discounts for being military, but yet you are an officer in united states navy and you admit that you spend all your money on illegal prostitution with transsexual hookers. You are a hypocrite and a fucking embrasement to the us armed forces. Your ego and smug is another story, you need humble pie for that. I never quit and never had quit, and you don't know me personally, so stop with the assumptions. Stop being trying to act tough behind your computer, it contradicts everything you are trying to sell here about yourself.

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