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  1. #1
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Prospero vs Krissy

    First, let me state that this is admittedly a true "rant" which has no other purpose than to indulge the carnal side of me, which right now, is asking for a pound of flesh.

    Second, for those of you just catching up: here is the thread referenced in this one, which you should read just for the fun of it.

    Third, let's begin.

    Grooby Krissy

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  2. #2
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    ACT 1: Moderating


    You're a Moderator... it is high, fucking time you act like one. I've stayed out of all "Prospero as Moderator" type of threads but holy hell... If you're not going to act like one... then relinquish the title or create yourself a little stage name that you can hide behind so you're not pissing people off by abusing your role.

    A role of a Moderator should be above reproach, and you should follow ALL the rules set forth by the board... without question.

    You should not be going back and editing your posts after the time (for everyone else) has expired without saying that you've done so. You did this in the above-referenced Doughnuts thread, and I have the screenshots to prove it if you deny that you did so.

    You should not be using the thumbs up / thumbs down thing (which I could care less about, really). You should be neutral... or have the appearance of it.

    You should be watching everything you write to make sure it is above reproach.

    That is moderating. You're not the owner and you're not a regular Member... you're a Moderator. You give up the privileges of having an opinion sometimes to enjoy the responsibilities given to you. You suck at doing your job.

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    Grooby Krissy

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  3. #3
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    Krissy wrote: "Additionally, I hate the hypocrisy. My recent engagement with a moderator here... CLEAR example. Anyone with half a brain would say his question to me was, on its face, racist and the insensitivity of that remark, completely undermined his own point about the insensitivity of my thread. Let me be clear, it is not my opinion that being racist was his intent, but it was worth pointing out to make my point: that the very insensitivity of framing an argument with that type of question in it, severely undermined his own. In other words, my point was almost everything someone says at some point will / can be taken as insensitive. But anyways, when called out on that hypocrisy, it is simply deny, obfuscate, and attack again. For this, he is applauded. Go figure."

    This dear krissy is a total distortion of what went on and I deeply resent your suggestion that I was - in any way - racist. You are posting a totally distorted and poisonous version of our exchange.

    I did not IN ANY WAY accuse you of insensitivity. That was the point made by Chaos not me.

    I simply pointed out that your joke was unfunny and that a few folks here who had expressed sympathy when you posted what was on the face of it a genuine remark about seeking help with an addiction probably felt foolish afterwards. You blew it up into something more serious.

    I compared your joke to the sort of joke I commonly encountered when working with Navajo indians. I spent several months with them. Have you?

    As I also pointed out i regularly challenge people for racism. My record is spotless in this regard.

    You accuse me now of obfuscation. Totally NOT true. Please look again at our exhange and stop making distorted accusations.

    It is YOU who should learn you have made a mistake on this occasion.
    This is your quote. I will destroy it following - point by luscious point.

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    Grooby Krissy

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  4. #4
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    This dear krissy is a total distortion of what went on and I deeply resent your suggestion that I was - in any way - racist. You are posting a totally distorted and poisonous version of our exchange.
    First, let's be sure who us distorting here. When you quote someone, you should take the context. If you're not doing so, you're being dishonest. Which, you've done repeatedly here.

    It is amazing that you left out the TWO times I stated quite clearly that MY point wasn't to insinuate that you were trying to be racist... it was to point out that your question could easily have been taken as such.

    I've stated TWICE now, and I'll state for a third... it is not the [what could be perceived as] racist nature of your question that is the point; it is that it could be perceived as such. In other words, most everything we say, whether by accident or otherwise, can have the perception of being "insensitive".

    So, if you're going to lecture on distorting and poisoning... best be sure that you're actually giving the full context of what people have said that you're quoting, OK?

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    Grooby Krissy

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  5. #5
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    I did not IN ANY WAY accuse you of insensitivity. That was the point made by Chaos not me.
    This is such a ludicrous statement that it is almost comical.

    Unless you're just in the habit of objectively telling people something is "funny" or "unfunny" then when you say something that someone has said is "unfunny"... you're making a statement about it.

    "Huge Joke Krissy.... unfunny I am afraid."

    ... you must have a reason. It is incredibly stupid to believe that you just go around judging "funny vs unfunny" completely and utterly objectively. The above quote therefore, decrying something as "unfunny, I am afraid" must have implication.

    Let's break this down and deconstruct your terse response.

    "Unfunny"... totally, utterly fine. Your opinion, and I wouldn't have said "boo" about it if you had just said that.

    "...I am afraid"... THAT carries implication... weight... meaning. It is characteristically used when you wish to imply negative meaning to something done / stated or something about to be done / stated. The implication here is that what I did in posting the OP was, in some respect "negative"... in other words, "wrong", either morally or ethically. Since it is not really "morally" wrong, the implication is "ethically" wrong. Ethically wrong means it is breaking some inherent code of decency.

    "Krissy.. it was so uncharacteristic that a lot of people here who like you took it seriously. There are plenty of people who DO post serious stuff about themselves, so why would we not take you seriously.

    It is not a failure of our humour if we respond sympathetically and then when you reveal you hoodwinked us are a bit pissed off."

    The above is a partial quote of your very next post to me. The implication is pretty easy to understand - People took it seriously (and BTW - when is "four" = "a lot" ?), including yourself and voiced concern. When they (since you use the modifier "us" I can only assume you're speaking on their behalf, right?) found out the concern was unwarranted, were "pissed off" about it.

    You are partially correct in saying that you never actually accused me of being "insensitive" but nor did you oppose the other person involved in the thread at that point, who was. It is not a stretch then for me to assume that you agree with his point of view since you really never stated an actual reason for finding the joke "unfunny, I am afraid".

    It is by implication and logic that you've accused me of being insensitive in posting the thread.

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    Last edited by GroobyKrissy; 06-07-2014 at 08:27 PM.
    Grooby Krissy

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  6. #6
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    I simply pointed out that your joke was unfunny and that a few folks here who had expressed sympathy when you posted what was on the face of it a genuine remark about seeking help with an addiction probably felt foolish afterwards. You blew it up into something more serious.
    I blew nothing up and you did not "simply point out..." as you stated - as I already deconstructed above.

    You seem incredibly unaware that it was I, as in ME, who stopped the thread immediately when I thought it was going too far... at FOUR (that's 1. 2. 3. 4.) responses... not very many.

    You seem equally unaware to note, or give me credit for apologizing for creating the conditions that created those four responses - IMMEDIATELY and with no qualifiers. I ask you... what in the fuck of all creation could I have done more?

    I love how you took on the offenses of those not even voicing them to try and make your point appear bigger that it was. YOU felt foolish afterwards... NOT THEY. YOU. And then you whined about it. And then later denied that you were whining.


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    Grooby Krissy

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  7. #7
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    I compared your joke to the sort of joke I commonly encountered when working with Navajo indians. I spent several months with them. Have you?

    As I also pointed out i regularly challenge people for racism. My record is spotless in this regard.
    You do mean, Navajo Native Americans, right? I mean, we don't say "Indians" anymore. (Can you see how stupid it is once we start accusing people of being "insensitive"?) Anyway...

    Get this through your head, Prospero. I didn't accuse you of being a racist, I implied (and even basically stated) it could be taken that way. Three times now I've clarified that and yet you still are getting hung up on thinking I've called you a "racist".

    But anyway... so there was no other way to make your point (still trying to actually figure that out) other than bringing the Navajo it it? And you didn't just "compare"... the question implies that if I was part "Navajo", it would explain why I was so "unfunny". This inherently implies that Navajo are "unfunny". While not being the most derogatory thing to say about a people, it is still, at worst racist and at best "insensitive" to phrase an argument around.

    But just for kicks and giggles and because your argument about why what you've said isn't racist is completely amusing... let's pretend I am leveling that accusation at you.


    For fuck's sake... what you said WAS racist. It is the very definition of racism. You took YOUR [negative] observations / experiences with a culture and applied it to an entire and particular group of people, in this case the Navajo people.

    "I spent several months with them. Have you?"

    What in the bum-fuck of all creation does spending time with people have anything to do with racism? Are you fucking nuts? You've basically just given about 100% of all racists an awesome out for their beliefs. Oh, well, I've spent time with Black people and so I can say, "Don't bring Black people to my basketball games." WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF EXCUSE IS THAT?

    Now, as I've already stated, I don't believe it was your intention to do so or to be so... but really. I could care less about your "record". By all accounts, Donald Sterling was about to be awarded A FUCKING LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD by the NAACP... so his "record" must have been great, right? Does that excuse his statements today?

    AGAIN: I'm not saying Prospero is racist. I'm not implying it. I'm stating emphatically that I do not believe he is. I'm stating his phrasing of the question could easily be taken as such, and therefore "insensitive" to the Navajo.

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    Last edited by GroobyKrissy; 06-07-2014 at 08:52 PM.
    Grooby Krissy

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  8. #8
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    You accuse me now of obfuscation. Totally NOT true. Please look again at our exhange and stop making distorted accusations.

    It is YOU who should learn you have made a mistake on this occasion.
    It is obfuscation to post quotes out of context and change your original ones to better your argument.

    It is obfuscation to ignore the points and go off about how non-racist you are, while pretty much proving the opposite.

    It is obfuscation to deny what you've implied and/or said implicitly.

    It is obfuscation to blame others for what you've said... "but.but.but... Chaos said it... not me..."

    Actually, I take that last one back. That's not obfuscation... that just plain cowardice.

    GROW THE FUCK UP. Take responsibility for what you've written, implied, and / or stated.

    I do. I have. I live with it.

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    Grooby Krissy

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  9. #9
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    Ciao everyone! 3.2.1... before this thread is mysteriously deleted so read it while you can!

    Grooby Krissy

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  10. #10
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prospero vs Krissy

    I have no intention of deleting this thread nor of responding to it beyond this.

    1. I did edit ONE post

    this first response.

    "You're brave to post it here. Maybe that helps. I wish you success and recovery Krissy."

    After I saw it was a dumb joke I added

    "Thanks for the bullshit Krissy!"

    2. Yes i used the word Indian in regard to the Navajo who, properly should be referred to as Dine. Their name. So what? I do not take this to be racist. But if you do - your prerogative.

    As for the rest of your rant. Well - let folks here read it. It is, in a word, ludicrous and does you no credit..

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