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  1. #41
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Default Re: why do SOME white people think its ok to be racist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother
    I have to go on a little rant here.
    I know I was the one who JUST told another black person to get over rejection from a non-black tranny but....
    I just had an incedent happen and I may try to orginize a boycott(I never thought this would be something I would ever do).
    White people are in general ignorant about a lot of the facets of the "black community".
    Yet when you camly and articulately try to explain to them they become beligerant.
    Sometime it just sucks to be black in are always reminded you are different...people try to put you down in subtle ways.
    Racism is just a bitch.

    Ok rant over
    Hey, what are you doing tonight? You watching this! You ever think about playing hockey, cause you started a real donnybrook here. You want some popcorn.....? opcorn

  2. #42
    Professional Poster Kabuki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by passionatelover
    its not our fault most blacks are fucking pussy's, and yes most are, and no its not cos of your skin, most blacks are pussy's cos you would rather raise a gun then your fist's.
    "Most blacks are pussys"? By the way, most black people don't use guns. They don't say the "N" word or call people "whitey". I swear that some of the people here are VERY ignorant. Please tell me that this is a joke. If not, I'm going to need you to step away from the tv. Stop watching New Jack City, or whatever hood movie you were watching. If every other white person thinks like this, we have a serious problem.

  3. #43
    Junior Poster
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    You have a swastika in your avatar.

    Yes, I made this GIF.
    It's Deisy Rocha, so stop asking.

  4. #44
    Rookie Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncutlove
    You have a swastika in your avatar.
    Jeezis, that symbol was a sign of good luck far before the nazis used it. I guess eagles are bad too since they used to appear in nazi standards. The nazis copied the romans in that regard btw.

    I think you're taking that avatar out of context to make a point. Seems kinda smarmy to me...

  5. #45
    Professional Poster Kabuki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncutlove
    You have a swastika in your avatar.
    It's a sign of good luck in Japan. Adopted by Germany. I think this has been explained to you already. I happen to be in Japan.

  6. #46
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    Hmm... I gotta say, this seems like a pretty silly thread, and most of the comments seem waaay off topic for this site.

    One redeeming note is that I'm happy to see that more and more trailer parks are getting high speed internet. Sorry, couldn't resist, but this thread really has gotten stupid and almost as trite as the am I gay threads...

    I'll say this:

    "why do SOME white people think its ok to be racist?"

    First of all, I think this doesn't really capture the situation described in the original post. It should probably read:

    "why do SOME white people think its ok to be prejudiced?"

    And from an appropriately more human-centric standpoint:

    "why do SOME PEOPLE think its ok to be prejudiced?"

    And the answer is that humans tend to think in generalities. Stereotyping is one way that we're able to deal with the vast amount of information that we need process in our lives.

    Stereotypes are based on experience. The more experience, the more robust the generalization. Experiences are affected by perception. Thus, it stands to reason that narrow world views perpetuate narrow minded generalizations.

    Stereotypes are guides. The danger in accepting stereotypes as canonical data is that without taking into account other information, or formulating a generality based on a sufficient amount of data, any conclusions borne from said generalizations can't be well thought out.

    As far as the escort who doesn't like black dudes, she's prejudiced.

    But I submit that a little perspective is needed. There are a lot of better ways to focus your energy in terms of dealing with race and human issues than being the rosa parks in the boycot of a single tranny whore.

  7. #47
    Rookie Poster
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    Well I think that racism is still around but it definately works both ways these days. I think its more a location thing nowadays.

    I know the south has a bad rep in general about this but I can tell you from first hand experience that here where I live right outside the metro Atlanta area, The racism thing is more Black towards white than the other way around. I am regularly shown "reverse" racisim in my day to day life. I think where ever the majority is thats who's gonna rule the roost so to speak and the minority is gonna feel slighted in some way or the other. I am in the minority so I get slighted and talked down to and pushed aside and regularly done wrong. I don't complain and I normally don't even let it stick with me for long. Thats just life. I know Blacks have it bad in places and the history of the situation leads to what we have now. I assume the ones I live around feel they are getting redemption by treating whites poorly.

    I am not trying to argue with the original poster here or anything. Just saying there are two sides to every coin. I don't doubt he felt racism and I don't doubt other Blacks get treated poorly on a daily basis because of their skin color. But the same can be said from whites too. And other colors and creeds. We all get done wrong at times. It sucks but the only way I know to deal with it is to rise above it all and live my life the way I feel it should be lived. treat others how I wsih to be treated and hope they give me the same respect. If it doesn't happen then I try and remove myself from their company.

    From a non racsist white person I appoligize for your poor and unfair treatment. I hope you can realise that its not all white people who still behave and act wrong. Maybe in your particular area it is but as a whole I think attitudes and perceptions have changed a great deal from the white community. Just remember that everywhere you go someone is being treated poor and unfair and its not always blacks.

    Take care

  8. #48
    Professional Poster Kabuki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ska
    Well I think that racism is still around but it definately works both ways these days. I think its more a location thing nowadays.

    I know the south has a bad rep in general about this but I can tell you from first hand experience that here where I live right outside the metro Atlanta area, The racism thing is more Black towards white than the other way around. I am regularly shown "reverse" racisim in my day to day life. I think where ever the majority is thats who's gonna rule the roost so to speak and the minority is gonna feel slighted in some way or the other. I am in the minority so I get slighted and talked down to and pushed aside and regularly done wrong. I don't complain and I normally don't even let it stick with me for long. Thats just life. I know Blacks have it bad in places and the history of the situation leads to what we have now. I assume the ones I live around feel they are getting redemption by treating whites poorly.

    I am not trying to argue with the original poster here or anything. Just saying there are two sides to every coin. I don't doubt he felt racism and I don't doubt other Blacks get treated poorly on a daily basis because of their skin color. But the same can be said from whites too. And other colors and creeds. We all get done wrong at times. It sucks but the only way I know to deal with it is to rise above it all and live my life the way I feel it should be lived. treat others how I wsih to be treated and hope they give me the same respect. If it doesn't happen then I try and remove myself from their company.

    From a non racsist white person I appoligize for your poor and unfair treatment. I hope you can realise that its not all white people who still behave and act wrong. Maybe in your particular area it is but as a whole I think attitudes and perceptions have changed a great deal from the white community. Just remember that everywhere you go someone is being treated poor and unfair and its not always blacks.

    Take care
    You are certainly correct.

  9. #49
    Veteran Poster
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    LMAO Man there are so many ignorant people here. I mean c'mon is up with some of these comments. LOL it's funny how much covert racism I see thats coming from a few of the regular members of this forum.

    Reality is perception.

  10. #50

    Default Let me explain what I meant.......

    Let me give you specifics.........
    I was listening to a radio show in which a white talk show host was dicussing the James Brown death and funeral.
    He expressed the opinion that the whole funeral arangement was macabe and that the corpse was "on tour" and said severla deregatory thinks about blacks in general.
    Mind you ex-president Ford has also just died.
    So i told him that first of all black people care WAY more about JAMES BROWN and that he was more than a singer but a cultural and political figure.
    This particular talk show host is gay and goes on and on about his lover who died of AIDS several years ago.
    In light of the fact that president FORD has just died and his body was "on tour" the fact that he made these comments seemed racist to me.
    More background:
    This host was repremanded a few weeks earlier for you the word "nigger" over and over again.
    There 2 other black callers right after me that said the same thing I did.
    This particular host claims he knows ALL about black people and the ghetto(so insulting....I cant stand grey girls AND grey boys but I digress).
    Black people grieve differently than white folk.
    Thats just a fact.
    White people are QUICK to toss the body into the folk generally no.
    Thats what I meant when I started this doomed thread.
    Even though i have lived in america my whole life and have been around white people my whole life I am not an expert on being white.
    Conversely NO WHITE PERSON is an expert on blackness.......sorry
    When people who know explain things to you it would behuve you to listen.

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