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  1. #1
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Question Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    Hi everyone,

    Do you believe in conspiracies like....NASA never went to the moon?
    Do you believe NASA landed on the moon and found an abandoned alien space base?
    That NASA found a dead alien crew and a dead alien female with dread-locks and a pretty sexy looking face (for an alien)?
    Do you believe that aliens live in the core of the Earth?
    Do you believe that aliens on the moon told the last Apollo astronauts or NASA to never return to the moon and that's why NASA has never been back on the moon?

    Do you believe that ancient man (more like apes) were genetically modified by the Annunaki to be a slave race to mine the gold from the Earth?
    Do you believe that Nibiru will cause the Earth to be flipped again when it passes (again)?

    So many questions to ask...but really, it all boils down to you believe in conspiracy theories?


    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

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    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  2. #2
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    Nope, can't say that I am.
    ...and definitely don't believe in any of the posted examples so far.

    ...also don't believe in 911 Truther stuff or Haarp weather control.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Professional Poster Lovecox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    What if conspiracy theorists part of the conspiracy? Yikes!

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Veteran Poster transfan8591's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    Yes I do.

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    "The world can't tell you who you are. You've just got to figure out who you are and be there, for better or worse."

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up That topic of 911 again. Hmm Okay.

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post

    ...also don't believe in 911 Truther stuff...
    Hi there fred,

    Thank you very much for your New Yorker's opinion.

    I, personally, can't believe that jet fuel caused the towers to come down at the rate at which they fell.

    I hope you can take the time one day or night to listen to the remarkable Dr Judy Wood. She wrote a fantastic book called, Where Did the Towers Go?
    She does not accuse anybody really, BUT she does point to a special energy that may have been used to bring the towers down.

    Think about it. Check this out.
    I'll post a video for you and i hope you can give her a chance to maybe help you to see something that not many people have considered.
    She talks about things that nobody has.

    I hope you have a listen to her lecture
    She's really interesting and smart.


    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  6. #6
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Yikes!!! Lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovecox View Post
    What if conspiracy theorists part of the conspiracy? Yikes!

    Hi lovecox,

    Yes, that coild be part of the whole conspiracy thing. lol

    It would be really a BIG "yikes"!! indeed.

    Thanks for that comment. You really do strike a chord in many people.



    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  7. #7
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    3 out of 3 members liked this post.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  8. #8
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    When you consider the many crazy ideas conspiracy theorists hold, you see a list of some of the world's most repellent ideas. HIV-denial, Holocaust denial, the 9/11 truth movement, denial of the descent of man from other species over hundreds of millions of years, the myth that vaccines cause autism, or that the polio vaccine was a western trick. Paranoid, ignorant, dishonest, and often hateful. The ideas don't come out of nowhere. They start with some sort of bias and from there spring forth every logical fallacy and means of obscuring reality known to man.

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  9. #9
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    I am not personally denying the possibility that there could be conspiracies or that people could be systematically wrong in their perceptions. But the ideas that are categorized as conspiracy theories are defined by a pathological form of thinking.

    The conspiracy theorist purports to do the one thing (tell the truth) that by disposition and ideological orientation he is incapable of doing. He will ignore mountains of evidence and yet cling to a sliver of something aberrant to support an untenable thesis.

    A Holocaust denier will ignore the words of thousands of survivors for a quotation from a camp guard that he thinks sounds exculpatory for the Nazis. An HIV denier will ignore the dozens of like-minded people dying of opportunistic infections and rare forms of pneumonia for someone who has survived a few years on carrot juice and eschewed anti-retrovirals. It is definitely a human sickness.

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  10. #10
    Trans admirer and friend Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?

    conspiracy theories are...

    really hard to disprove, and prove. so people go back and forth with the "yes it happened", "no , it didn't happen" things.

    Did NASA put men on the moon?
    Well, they told us they did. They have pictures and video and testimony that "proves" they did. *proves is in quotes, because, that's them telling me they did. which is just as valid as me saying I was on the moon too, if I make up some convoluted fake story and have perfectly photoshopped pictures, testimony and other evidence ( i know, bad example, but the reality is in alot of these "theories" , you can not believe either side fully, until you see it for yourself)

    Can i get on the fucking moon , and see the footsteps or equipment left behind? No. So, the theorists are not entirely wrong be default. The CAN have a point too...

    Do I believe they did land on the moon ? yes.

    Like Broncofan said.

    I personally believe that the Holocaust did happen. Can i prove it 100% without a shadow of a doubt? I don't have access to "real" holocaust survivors, or witnesses. All i know about the holocaust, is from what I've read. and I believe it.

    People want proof. some people want even more proof. others want 100% proof. some people don't give a fuck.

    I know I ate this morning, but because I'm skinny, some theorist (a neighbor) perhaps might think I'm sick (i'm not, i have a very good metabolism). But in his eyes, I'm sick, and even If i tell him "i eat healthy, and have a clean bill of health" , he might go home and still think I'm sick.

    go figure.

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