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  1. #161
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Wow! see ashley thought it was cute using the N word. it's not cool at all for no purposes, by African Americans or Caucasians!

  2. #162
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    Absolutely not ok to call Michelle a TGirl. There is no real solid evidence she is, there is only speculations. Saying she has an adam's apple is not enough I see women that have what looks like an adams apple all the time. Women with fat pussies have bulges, and Camel toes so that's not proof either.
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  3. #163
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
    Ben why did you post that?

    you do see the question mark behind it right? tell me you do

    I am asking a question never once did I say Michelle is a TGirl. smh You actually posted that for nothing.

    0 out of 1 members liked this post.

  4. #164
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Is it wrong that I want to bang the first lady in her tranny ass with my big black nigger dick?

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.

  5. #165
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Hi everybody,

    I been thinking about this thread and this VERY awkward topic, especially since the O.P. mentioned the word "nigger".
    To be honest, i think this "verbose" post will probably offend the whites more than the blacks. So don't jump too soon. Okay? xo

    I want to post some informative videos in this thread to sort of explain how some famous whitey honky haystack crackers explain their views of the word.

    And then i want to show some videos of some "brothers" talking about it all.

    First of all, i am far from being a racist.

    I am not sure where the word nigger stems from, at all.
    Many of the other "unpopular" derogatory names used are, kind of, clear in their derogatory meanings and are pretty obvious if we only look back into the nasty history of this horrible discrimination against blacks. ie: shines, spear chuckers etc etc - i don't want to get into them all because it's just very unnecessary and very mean and discriminatory and i am not here to rub salt into any wounds. Trust me, that is not how i am.
    I feel really bad that it has come to this - meaning all these years of discrimination against good people.

    I don't like using the term, African-American, because i don't think all blacks, today, are all from Africa.
    It's like calling a Canadian an American. We are different just like all blacks are different.
    So, i hope it's okay if i use "black". Okay? I am being VERY sincere about my honesty.

    Back to the origins of the word in question.
    Maybe the word nigger stems, somehow, from the countries in Africa, called, Niger and Nigeria. I often wonder why they ever called a black man a "nigger"? Why that?
    Maybe someone can explain how THAT word came to be used to discriminate? You know?...where and when in history did it begin? So, i could understand that one.

    Okay now that i have THAT of my chest. I want to continue, please.

    I have noticed that Jewish people never call each other "Dirty Jew!".
    I never heard Scottish people call each other "Stingy bastard!".
    I never hear North American white people call each other "Slave owner!".
    I never heard a Germans call each other "Jew Killing Nazi!".
    I never heard Polish people call each other "Stupid Pollack!"
    The list can go on and on.
    Of course, maybe sometimes they DO call each other these names. BUT, they don't write songs about it so EVERY NATION in the world can hear it and get an idea to call each other or other races those names.
    No race discriminates against itself.
    Except the blacks. And maybe Amerindians do it, too, to some degree.

    And i CAN'T understand, for the life of me, why they (blacks) are so discriminatory against each other.
    I watch videos, and they call each other all kinds of stuff that they DON'T WANT TO BE CALLED by anyone.
    It's not okay for a black man to call another black man a discriminatory name.
    Call him a fu*ker, a jerk, a fool, an idiot, an ass hole, or...or...whatever.
    BUT why use the racist white mans' derogatory words on each other?
    Does it make the insult have more of an impact by using a racist white man's insult? Does it make the "brother" feel white and "powerful" over his black friend? If so, SOMETHING is wrong with your culture.
    You never hear white people calling each other a "honky" EVEN IF the white person just honked his car horn at the other white guy.

    You would never hear a white guy call a white circus lion tamer a "cracker" when the lion tamer snaps the whip at the lions.
    Example: "Oh man, what a fu*kng cracker. Man, you see how he cracked his whip to make the lion jump through the hoop?"

    But yet, all we hear from many black people, is "Nigger this" and "Mother fucking nigger" that. WHY?? How???

    There is too much...apparent hatred amongst the blacks, yet, they call each other brother and sister, which is beautiful to see the unity.
    You all sound so united, like a family - but then you all chop each other up with racist "honky" words for each other.
    You all want to be accepted but it's been drilled into your brains to hurt one another using whitey words.

    It seems to me that many blacks make fun of the "Mr Whitey accent".
    We've all heard Eddie Murphy use the "white office guy's voice" in Beverly Hills Cop 1 when he makes fun of the "brother" in uniform who's been hanging around the whites for too long, right?...remember?...and he makes it sound like a mortal sin to for a black person to sound that way. What gives?
    Do all blacks have to sound like they come from the deep USA south?
    Why not an African accent? There's so many to choose from.
    I think the white society has done a number on you all.
    The jail culture and jargon and attitudes. It's sad to see such fine people stoop to a white slave owner's attitude and use it EVERY DAY against each other.
    And now you blame whites for doing what you all do to each other so openly.

    Here is a great example:
    Do you know what would happen IF the Scots, Jews, whites, Polish, Germans etc...whoever, all started discriminating against each other using the discriminatory words i mentioned before?
    I'll tell you what would happen.
    In time, we would see a shift in language start to take place and we'll be hearing Germans calling Scottish folks "Stingy bastard!".

    We would hear Scots calling Germans, "Nazi Jew Killer!"

    We would hear Germans calling North American whites, "Slave owner!"

    All people repeat what they hear as "acceptable".

    An example:
    Little Johnny, in kindergarten, is called by the teacher to get his milk and cookies.

    He politely tells the teacher, "I don't want any fu*king cookies, thank you. I only want the fu*king milk."

    The teacher says, "(GASP!!) Johnny, that's terrible language! If you say that again, i'll call your mommy and daddy to come to school to talk to you."

    He says, "I don't fu*king care. I only want the fu*king milk. I don't want those fu*king cookies, thank you."

    So, the teacher calls Johnny's parents to school and she tells them about the bad word Johnny is using.

    The mother and father look at each other, completely confused.
    So, the dad says to the teacher very politely, "Listen, Miss (Whoever), if our fu*king son, Johnny, doesn't want the fu*king cookies, please don't fu*king force him to eat the fu*king things."

    See my point? Johnny grew up with that, and he thinks it normal to say fu*k.

    You all make it look normal, even, kind of, cool to discriminate against your brothers and sisters. You do it in all the pop music that's put out to THE WORLD.
    You'd think that the famous, really brilliant black song producers and songwriters would stop that discriminatory crap - because it teaches the whole world to do it.
    And who has to deal with it all?
    Well, just take quick "look-see" at the title of this thread.
    And try to answer that question yourselves.

    It's NOT OKAY for YOU all to do it just because your black. Better still, just keep it amongst yourselves as a joke or a little poke in the tummy for fun.
    What i MEAN is, IF you all want to use the word(s), don't let ANYBODY hear you doing it and then laughing about it and incorporating it into the songs you all dance to and like to listen, too.

    You know, it could be good to use it wisely. I'll suggest an (poor) example.
    Sam (a black kid) comes home from school and his mother sees that he has stolen a toy from a store.
    She could accuse him of acting like a "nigger" and not like a decent child from a decent home.
    In this sense, the word is to make Sam feel ashamed because that's not what a decent child from a decent home does - to steal.

    But why teach the youth of today to accept the nigga word in music and culture?

    And as a result, their white friends and neighbors hear them using it and the nasty word just STAYS ALIVE and always in use. At that rate, it will never die.
    You are all keeping it alive.

    I respect black people, they are good people, well the ones i know, anyway.
    I feel so out of place around those gangsta-hood-types. They act like they hate the whole world because of slavery, and they want to hate all whites.

    Man, i've heard some speeches on youtube from seemingly decent, ADULT respectable black people saying that they want to see all the whites killed. Saying the world would be a better place if the white man was extinguished.
    Now, i can understand that, when i think of how racism STILL exists in the USA. It's scary. I've seen it. I was in Detroit ONCE in 1992, and i got off of a bus with a girlfriend and we tried to walk past the group of black guys who were on the bus and got off at the same stop as we did. Man, we got a little to close to them just trying to pass by and they were so defensive, my Lord. I raised my hands to my chest to show they were empty and nicely explained that we just want to pass.
    I felt it necessary to say "We are Canadian tourists, guys."
    They were understanding but still, i could see and feel the distrust in their eyes. I have never seen that ever in my life until that night.
    They saw white people getting too close, and they were afraid AND ready to defend themselves.

    I am not sure how many black people in here actually realize that it was NOT the American white man who first enslaved them back in the 14th century.
    It is often stated that Spanish captains enslaved the black Africans, but not many will admit that they were Spanish Jews.
    It was actually the European Spanish Jews who went to Africa with Christopher Columbus and enslaved Africans and brought them in TERRIBLE conditions on ships to the USA.
    Check this out!

    Also, black Africans, themselves, enslaved other black Africans in Africa. They actually sold Africans slaves to the Jews who arrived, and they, the black African slave owners, later did a profitable business with the Jews in the slave trade. Look it up. It's all there. I'll even show a video of this for those who didn't know that.

    I am not saying that American whites didn't ever own slaves. But you know what, several American presidents owned slave plantations back in those days. A lot of them, and many were of Jewish descent.
    Most, if not all, rich Jews, were slave owners.
    The Jews used slave labor to become rich with cotton picking, tobacco, and all sorts of profitable endeavors by using cheap slave labor. That's how they became so frikken rich. I am not knocking Jews, but face it, history is history, we can't change history. Well, "they" are trying.
    Monsanto is a Jewish family business. lol

    Who do you think were the rich slave owners in the deep USA south, the poor, white hillbillies? Nope. It was the affluent Jewish families who only posed as Christians. Of course, the native, dumb, white people from the area thought they were of the same cloth as the rich Jewish folks because of the skin color, and they were influenced to hate the slaves and treat them like animals.
    It was so unfair, still is - to see it all continue in our so called "modern" day culture. All the blacks being shot for the stupidest reasons, and the white cops getting away with it. I cry when i hear these stories.
    We are ALL being tricked into hating one another. And we need to love one another and unite - black and white.

    I'll bet that many black people (and maybe all the whites) in here are totally unaware of the hidden fact that that famous IWO JIMA statue of those soldiers holding up USA flag were all black men in a segregated black platoon. The white soldiers didn't want the black soldiers fighting beside them.
    Of course, the press couldn't have printed that story, so they honored white soldiers instead. What a white man lie, that was and still is. Well, except you good folks now know a new truth.
    Read the hidden history for yourselves, it's near the bottom of the article where D-Day is mentioned.

    Just like Elvis was the King of Rock and Rock (laughing).
    So many whites believe that lie, too.

    Just like all those dances that were "invented by the whites" lol. The whites stole them from the blacks.

    All the hit songs that were all taken from black juke joints and then given to white singers and they became hits on radio and TV.
    No one wanted to see black singers on TV in those days. The white producers who were Jewish, took the rawness of black music and got white, clean cut All-American white youths to sing the same songs but with pleasant vocal harmonies so the "white ears" could accept it as WHITE music. Pl__lease.

    The same way two Jewish guys created the radio show, and even did the voices of Amos 'n' Andy in the 1920s. Can you imagine that blacks were laughing at two Jewish guys imitating Southern blacks. It was like black-face but on the radio.

    It seems that Jim Crow exists, still.
    The USA... is the land of the fooled and the tricked. They got you all believing such lies. White power is still alive and well in the USA, even though you have Obama. The whole system is owned by Jewish money and smart Jewish media brainwashing. And i am not being an anti-Semitic for just stating some historical facts. Antisemitism is denying certain things took place and abusing the Jewish culture, religion and people. I am doing none of that, here. I am just stating historical USA facts. Don't blame me for seeing that YOU spilled the milk on the floor. I didn't spill it. Don't say i hate you just because i merely point at the truth.

    I have covered a lot of territory, here. I've spent hours writing this and fingd the videos and other links.
    I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions of HOW slavery started and by whom.
    Face it, the Jewish are far too smart for us. And they keep it all in the family, so to speak. Like the 'Ndrangheta.
    Anyway, i mentioned some videos, remember?
    Have a chuckle at the irony, in these videos, and think about what really should be done.

    I only added this video so you all know how he finished that first bit in the first video. It's funny, but a off topic. We don't have to watch it.

    This is just my two cents on this discussion.
    It's only my opinion on the topic title.
    I don't want people picking apart my post and words to try to engage me in an argument or some competition of knowledge. I am no master mind. I am not university educated nor am i a scholar. I am just a silly t-girl who reads and listens to smart people in my PERSONAL real life.

    Please, you can agree or disagree. But just because someone posts what they know to be true, it's not an open invitation to go into a battle of words just because someone refuses to look at what i presented or they ignorantly refuse to even consider what i have learned from my eldery black friends.
    I am not here to fight with anyone.

    I am not racist against anybody except radical terrorist types who wish to harm innocent people. I love everyone. I love my clients MORE, though, lol.
    Okay, folks.

    I am sleepy now. Very tired. I need sleep.

    Sorry for such a long post. I don't need to be told how long it is. I can clearly see.
    Feel free to "Report" it to the mods and complain about how long it is. I just don't care to hear about it.

    Love one another!

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  6. #166
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    This is my point Exactly! People are using a word they don't know the origin to, and how it came about, before the dictionary was in use! The people using the word I would love for them to tell me or us where it came from and how it got started!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Ailhad View Post

    I am not sure where the word nigger stems from, at all.

  7. #167
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    Ben why did you post that?

    you do see the question mark behind it right? tell me you do

    I am asking a question never once did I say Michelle is a TGirl. smh You actually posted that for nothing.
    Then why is it titled MICHAEL Obama is she a TGirl? Kinda easy to distinguish MICHAEL from MICHELLE.

  8. #168
    Junior Member Rookie Poster seenowiam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
    Is it wrong that I want to bang the first lady in her tranny ass with my big black nigger dick?

    Well, it's perfectly natural to want to do that, she is after all a gorgeous, strong, and intelligent woman.

    But it would be considered wrong by many I think, because she's a married person.

  9. #169
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards in response to dahlia Babe ailhad's question, "where does the word nigger stem from?" View Post
    This is my point Exactly! People are using a word they don't know the origin to, and how it came about, before the dictionary was in use! The people using the word I would love for them to tell me or us where it came from and how it got started!
    Hi jamesedwards,

    I should have did a little more searching last night, but i was too tired.
    I saw your post, today, and decided to continue my search for the origins of the VILE word.

    RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES, it was, all along.
    Nigger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    When you all read this wiki article, you'll notice how they AGAIN don't mention Spanish "Jew". They merely blame the Spanish/(Portuguese).
    Remember the origins of the Jewish slave trade?
    Remember, when you see the "Spanish" being mentioned, they leave out the mention of Spanish Jews.
    It all makes sense, doesn't it, now?
    Where else in history could such a word have come about than from the original European slave traders?

    I find it odd how this thread has, somehow, become all about Michelle Obama being a TG. The original topic has been abandoned.
    There is already a thread about Michelle Obama supposedly being a TG.

    So, i hope the original poster of this thread, and everyone else, too, now knows a little more about the answer to his topic question.
    I've learned something.
    In understanding why nigger is being used in porn, we only have to go back in time to see where THAT word actually came from.

    The reason why it's STILL used, I THINK, is because of the USA black music culture, which, at some time, started glorifying the nasty word.

    Come to think of it, i've never heard Al Green, Curtis Mayfield, Teddy Pendergrass, Sly Stone, Barry White, Smokey Robinson, Cab Calloway, and so many others EVER use that word in their music.

    So now i have question to all the black hip hop, rap music fans.
    Who was/were the first black, USA, performing artist(s) to first use the word "nigger" in their song lyrics?

    I just did a google search to ask that very question, and guess what i just saw? It's so obvious.


    In 1927, the first use of the word, "nigger" was documented in the song, Ole Man River. Written by whom, you will ask?
    Two Jewish guys. Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II.
    Hammerstein penned the lyrics which i have posted below for analysis.

    Notice how Mr. Hammerstein used Ebonics.

    Let's not forget that the Amos "n" Andy radio show was very popular around the same time.
    Here is a youtube video of an original radio broadcast of an Amos 'n' Andy show.

    And of course, as i've already mentioned in my previous post in this thread, that radio show was conceived, written and performed by two Jewish men, Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. That whole show was based on Ebonics. So the voices you will hear are of two Jewish men, not black men.
    ALSO, worthy of mention is that the black audience, at the time, thought the performers were black!!

    Let's not even get into Al Jolson, another Jewish performer, from around that era, who made his fortune by impersonating blacks for whites - while wearing black-face.

    My gosh! When we ONLY look at things correctly, eh? We can learn so much.

    " Ole Man River "
    From the Broadway Musical "Show Boat" (1927)

    Dere's an ol' man called de Mississippi
    Dat's de ol' man dat I'd like to be
    What does he care if de world's got troubles
    What does he care if de land ain't free

    Ol' man river, dat ol' man river
    He mus' know sumpin', but don't say nuthin'
    He jes' keeps rollin'
    He keeps on rollin' along

    He don' plant taters, he don't plant cotton
    An' dem dat plants' em is soon forgotten
    But ol'man river
    He jes' keeps rollin' along

    You an' me, we sweat an' strain
    Body all achin' an' wracked wid pain,
    Tote dat barge! Lif' dat bale!
    Git a little drunk an' you lands in jail

    Ah gits weary an' sick of tryin'
    Ah'm tired of livin' an' skeered of dyin'
    But ol' man river
    He jes' keeps rolling' along

    Niggers all work on de Mississippi**
    Niggers all work while de white folks play**
    Pullin' dose boats from de dawn to sunset
    Gittin' no rest till de judgement day

    (Don't look up an' don't look down)
    (You don' dar'st make de white boss frown)
    (Bend your knees an' bow your head)
    (An' pull dat rope until you're dead)

    Let me go 'way from the Mississippi
    Let me go 'way from de white man boss
    Show me dat stream called de river Jordan
    Dat's de ol' stream dat I long to cross

    (Ol' man river, dat ol' man river)
    (He mus' know sumpin', but don't say nothin')
    (He just keeps rollin')
    (He keeps on rollin' along)

    Long, low river
    Forever keeps rollin'

    (Don' plant taters, he don' plant cotton)
    (And dem dat plants' em is soon forgotten)
    (But ol' man river
    (He jes' keeps rollin' along)

    Long low river
    Keeps singin' dis song

    You an' me, we sweat an' strain
    Body all achin' and wracked wid pain
    Tote dat barge! Lift dat bale!
    Git a little drunk and ya lands in jail

    Ah gits weary an' sick o' tryin'
    Ah'm tired o livin' an' skeered o' dyin'
    But ol' man river
    He jes' keeps rollin' along!

    **The lines "Niggers all work on de Mississippi, Niggers all work
    while de white folks play" were sung in the original 1927 Broadway
    Show. They were changed for the 1936 film version to "Darkies all
    work on de Mississippi, Darkies all work while de white folks play".
    By the time of the 1946 Broadway revival, the lines had changed again
    to "Colored folks work on de Mississippi, Colored folks work while de
    white folks play". And soon after, in the film "Till the Clouds Roll
    By", they had become "Here we all work on de Mississippi, Here we all
    work while de white folks play".
    - So now we know who started the nigger word - the Spanish Jew slave traders in the 14th century.

    - We now know about the first FAMOUS song that ever used the nigger word, Ole Man River, written by Jews.

    But MY question is NOW out there for all you brothers and sisters to discover. Who was the first USA, modern-day, black, music artist(s) to have had ever uses the nigger word in their song lyrics?
    It wasn't any of the black artists i've mentioned.
    So who was it?

    I am not rap or hip hop music fan really, it's far too discriminatory for my tastes. I prefer Motown, soul music, jazz and blues.

    But many blacks like rap music, and i am sure someone out of all of you should know who the first one(s) were to use the word.

    THEN, and only then, can we research WHO was their producer or financial backers - who paid for their success to happen!
    Music producers tell the artists what to do and they even select the songs.

    I have a strange feeling it was Jewish guy. I don't know why.

    First things first, though. Right?
    Who was the first back pop music artist(s) to use any variation of the nigger word? What year was it?

    Last night, in the Songs About Sex Workers thread, i posted two songs by The 2 live Crew, from 1989. They never mentioned the word nigger in the two songs i've posted. And that's probably why i own copy of, As Nasty As You Wanna Be.
    I own an original copy which i got while i was in Europe. My copy was distributed by a German record company, and it says on the back cover,
    "BMG Ariola München GmbH".

    But, i'll have to re-listen to the whole CD, just to verify if THEY mentioned the word on the CD.

    So, maybe that can give you all a starting point (1989)? I...i...don't know. You decide.

    So that's the new question, for now, which should help answer the original poster's question.

    Let's work together to find the missing pieces of this puzzle.


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    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 12-26-2014 at 07:57 PM.

  10. #170
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do white female pornstars get away with saying nigger?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Ailhad View Post

    Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,it's all the Jews fault,Blah,Blah....

    ahhh...another conspiracy.


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