View Poll Results: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our earth?

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  • Yes, i believe aliens exist and visit earth. I believe UFOs and USOs exist.

    19 73.08%
  • I don't even if astronauts, pilots and ex-NASA officials say they do.

    7 26.92%
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Question Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Hi everybody,

    Top NASA officials (who became whistle blowers) believe in aliens.
    The astronauts believe they exist.
    Airline pilots and air traffic controllers believe in them.
    Air-force pilots and personal believe in them.
    Don't you??

    Why not?
    Hmm, i guess because you think they are all wearing tin foil hats? Right?

    Neil Armstrong
    "...There are great ideas, undiscovered - breakthroughs available to those who can uncover one of truth's protective layers" - Neil Armstrong

    Buzz Aldrin

    UFO sightings in outer space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Saw UFO Craft In Space

    This is a long one.

    Your votes will be seen by others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Alien

    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 02-07-2015 at 12:55 AM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  2. #2
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Dr Edgar Mitchell speaks (retired astronaut)

    Dr. Edgar Mitchell ★ UFO Interview 2013 Aliens Are Real And Watching Us - The Day Before


    0 out of 1 members liked this post.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  3. #3
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Na-nu na-nu, everybody,

    Here is a different clip.
    It's shorter - for the Attention Deficit Disorder afflicted.


    1 out of 1 members liked this post.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  4. #4
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Exclamation President Dwight Eisenhower

    Hi everybody,

    This is a Huffington Post video which talks about President Dwight Eisenhower meeting with aliens in the 1950s.
    From what i've read, the aliens were Commander Val Valiant Thor, Donn and Jill from below the surface of Venus.

    Those USA presidents, tsk!...we should never believe THOSE guys, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Alien


    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 02-10-2015 at 07:24 AM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  5. #5
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Timothy Good Interview - Secrets of UFO Existence

    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  6. #6
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Maria Osric and VRIL

    Hi all,

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Alien


    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  7. #7
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: President Dwight Eisenhower

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Ailhad View Post

    This is a Huffington Post video which talks about President Dwight Eisenhower meeting with aliens in the 1950s.
    From what i've read, the aliens were Commander Val Valiant Thor, Donn and Jill from below the surface of Venus.
    You might want to spend the time you waste promoting this drivel asking why people believe something so unoriginal and so false? If you do, you will discover that mystics have been around for more than a thousand years, and that those who were not just deluded used their 'special powers' to make money out of gullible people, from the savants of the Middle Ages, young virgins claiming to have been impregnated by Jesus, to a nutcase like Joanna Southcott -who as is always the case, was possessed of phenomenal secrets about the world, but secrets she could not reveal just at the moment but only to a select group of people (the Bishops of the Church of England in Southcott's case). When she died she left behind a box containing secrets that would change the world which only the Bishops should be allowed to see. But when it was opened, all that was found was a lottery ticket and a gun...

    The Aethurius Society has for years been promoting the claim that Jesus and Buddha are time-travellers who came to earth from other planets, there is a ridiculous woman called Omnec Onec who claims to have come to earth from Venus, is over 400 years old and has a message of peace and love -and please buy her books (they are on Amazon)...she was on the Jerry Springer show but it seems that even with an IQ that cannot be measured and a facility in over 100 languages (which she has not been known to actually speak) she could not name the Vice-President of the USA, and when asked about the spaceship that brought her to earth refused claiming we earthlings are not yet ready for that level of knowledge, its a secret, and so on. The fact that she is in reality a fraud called Sheila Gibson, and used to work as a cashier and a bar maid is the kind of secret she does not want revealed.

    There is no evidence that a Commander Val Valiant Thor ever existed, although there was a character called Captain Valiant Tor who appeared in an issue of the comic book Space Adventures in 1954 at around the time that Frank Stranges was publishing his Christian Evangelist pamphlets (eg GOD-Save My Child! _A Report on Juvenile Crime). The photos of Valiant Thor on the web clearly show two different people, one of whom -the blonde man in the Pentagon- has been identified as a Colonel in the Marines from I think Nebraska or Colorado who was on secondment to the Pentagon at the time.

    Stranges is part of the movement which believes not just in extra-terrestrials but does so because it validates the claim that Jesus rose from the dead and is still alive and doing good work with civilisations in other parts of the universe - it is crucial to his message that you accept Jesus as the son of God, because otherwise the whole of the argument about life on Venus is rendered meaningless, because God created us all.

    Note also, that while these people have an attachment to Jesus and Buddha -both 'Aryans' in the context of Third Reich mysticism- there is no room in their vision for Moses or Abraham or indeed, the Jews, and no place for Muhammad or Muslims. In a youtube clip Omnec Onec, the woman from Venus, confirms to her Norwegian interviewer that 'we' are White like you. Black people might as well not exist. But then courtesy of Walid Far'd and Elijah Mohammed, they promoted their own theory (through the Lost-Found Nation of Islam) that they were the first and chosen race whom God created.

    Stranges also believes the theory that planet earth is hollow and that at the centre of the earth there are multiple civilisations, all far advanced from our own. The claim that a well known figure, Admiral Byrd slipped through the real hole at the 'North Pole' to visit these internal civilisations -needless to say he wrote about it in his diary but the diary has mysteriously disappeared- is undone by the fact that at the time he was said to be flying over the North Pole he was somewhere else, but why let facts get in the way of a good story?

    Stranges has claimed that Commander Val Valiant Thor offered President Eisenhower a cure for cancer, which Ike declined because it would 'wreck the US economy' -yet this caring Venusian who speaks 150 languages did not then decide to come to Europe instead and donate or even sell his cure to the UK's National Health Service, or to ICI, Burroughs Wellcome, Hoechst, or CIBA -the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world at the time. He could have visited Richard Doll in Oxford at the time that Doll was pursuing the research that identified the link between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer...but no. Perhaps because the USA was the only place on earth known to Venusians in the 1950s?

    You can read about all this guff from Rudolf Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, the Aethurius Society, George Adamski, Frank Stranges and a yet greater multitude of worthless rubbish on the web, and none of it is true, but you are free to believe it if you want to.

    Even Richard Dawkins believes that if there is alien life it will be far superior to our own, it always is, because the simple fact that unites all these bogus theories is that they seek a way out from our troubled present, and offer blissful solutions to personal and political problems that are little different from the solutions already offered by religion, and are made by people convinced they are being deceived by their own governments and that there are secret networks of influential people (Jews, obviously; Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Bilderburg Goup, Bohemian Grove etc etc) who are standing in the way between you and eternal prosperity and happiness.

    If there is alien life, on Mars, for example, it is most likely to resemble a mollusc, or a cockroach or something that can survive in extreme environments on the minimal amount of nutrition, as has been discovered with life forms at the bottom of the Mariana Trench where nothing ought to be able to live.

    Crucially, fundamentally, science has no role to play in any of this, because SCIENCE IS BULLSHIT. No evolution, but creative design. No rational explanation of how a space ship works, only secrets.

    Rather than offer you multiple links to pointless excursions into fantasy, you can read a rational explanation of many of these New Age fantasies here -

    the first link debunks the Hollow Earth fantasy, the Articles button at the top takes you to the others.

    5 out of 5 members liked this post.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Arrow Comic books?

    Hi Stav,

    Comic books?

    I'll have a look at your link, and the names you mentioned which i NEVER brought up in this thread, except Valiant Thor and Eisenhower.

    I will say, though, that when people have insight or knowledge about top secret topics, they are usually discredited and then locked up in mental institutions, or murdered.

    (i think)

    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 02-12-2015 at 11:14 PM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  9. #9
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Comic books?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Ailhad View Post
    I will say, though, that when people have insight or knowledge about top secret topics, they are usually discredited and then locked up in mental institutions, or murdered.
    You can say that, but if it were true, you could never collect the stats to prove it. How would you know whether a knowledge claim was true or not? How would you know how many people have top secret knowledge but never tell? There'd be no way know what proportion of those who have top secret knowledge get murdered. It'd all be top secret. So I guess we'll just have to take your word for it.

    What one can say is that claims of physical substance (such as the hollow Earth claim) can often be easily discredited or verified (seismically in the case of the hollow Earth, as hollow spheres have an identifiable, characteristic "ring" which the Earth doesn't have).

    Of course my name is Frangi Guptwami from the center of the Earth and I'm just trying to throw you all off-track.

    Did you know the law of gravity precludes the natural formation of hollow planets, asteroids etc. Were the Earth hollow someone would had to have constructed it that way or have hollowed it out. Oh my God! That's where the asteroid belt comes from!! The asteroids are Earth's old interior!!!

    No wait. That's not true. The asteroid belt is the remains of a destroyed planet that was once populated by people who were about to divulge the top secret fact that.....

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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  10. #10
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    I love the Lies & Myths forum!

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    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

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