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Thread: cruising

  1. #1
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default cruising

    Ian had been waiting for this for a long time… a new job in a sunny place… well he hoped as the place was moving…

    A small cruise ship with all the “mod cons”. Swimming pools with swim up bars, saunas, Jacuzzis. The ship toured the med and the Caribbean. The only odd thing had been the application process… a photo in board shorts, swimmers or boxers… and an interview with two of the tallest most striking women he had ever seen.
    However, after working for 8 years in banking he had decided that a yearlong sabbatical was called for. “Ideally a one year contract” he had said to the ladies. They smiled at him, then looked at each other, sharing a small grin.
    “hmmm one year fixed term. It’s unusual but not unheard of. We should warn you though… pulling out of the contract half way through can be very punitive”. Ian looked slightly confused…
    “pull out? Why would I pull out?”
    “well, some guys can’t handle the job” said Kathy. Ian dismissed this… he’d burnt the candle at both ends all through Uni and Work figuring that he’d just take this in his stride like he did everything else…
    “anyway, if your sure, we’d love to take you. Heres the contract”
    Ian couldn’t help but be surprised. “that’s it?!”
    “yea” said Zoe. “just sign the contract and your signed up for a year. Standard terms, no tax, good pay, tips are all yours. Just watch out for the breach of contract section”… wow, he thought to himself, that does look a bit serious, but when was that ever going to happen…?
    He signed… “Fantastic” said Kathy, giving him her biggest smile yet. “see you next month on the boat. As you have experience working a bar you will in charge of one of the swim up pool bars… costumes and a uniform will be provided by us… are you a 31” waste?”
    Rather surprised that she could work this out seeing him in jeans and a shirt he simply said “yes”, in a rather bemused fashion.
    “Ok, well I’ll meet you on the boat and run you through your induction”. She stood up, followed by zoe… and they shook hands, they’re big hands, he thought to himself and then forgot all about it until a month later when he stood on the deck of the boat nervously awaiting Kathy. Who turned up looking beautiful but slightly flushed…
    “early flight in Ian?”
    “Yes, sorry about this. only one I could get that would have me here in time for induction –”
    “And initiation” said Kathy smiling.
    “Initiation..?” he said.
    “Oh, nothing to worry about. Just some playful fun, you know, the usual stuff. You should have no trouble at all“, she said giving his arse a playful smack at the same time. “As you have dropped your stuff up to we’ll just walk and chat so I can keep giving you the tour now”. So as you have seen since we have been talking, there are 3 pools with bars. Jacuzzis and saunas dotted all over the place. 2 clubs, a few shops and a”-
    “is that a sex shop!?”
    Kathy laughed, “yes Ian it is, crew quarters are on the bottom two levels of the ship. If you like tips and a little luxury etc. you may sleep in the guests cabins. With the owners consent of course, but that is entirely between you and them. I don’t need to know… unless you want to tell me of course…” she said slapping his arse again.
    “Can you stop that please?”
    “what, smiling at you? Ian I-“
    “no, slapping my arse, your going to bruise it!”
    “ah, come now… why are you going slightly red then”?
    Ian looked at the floor slightly confused… of course he was going red now, but he had been before too, if he was honest with himself.
    Kathy continued having pretended not to notice “this is the engine room. “fire point is here for off duty employees, rafts are through that door” she said pointing right and continuing on down the stairs. Coming to the third door on the right she stopped and opened the door. “This is my room. You’ll be sharing with me. New staff always get bunked with an experienced member of staff, hope that’s ok..?
    “great” he managed to say whilst thinking of all her underwear that would likely to be strewn all over the place. As it was her long legs, short black skirt and white top were causing him serious discomfort… her legs were never ending, made even more shapely by the pair of heels that must have put her at about 6 foot 2. Slowly tracing his eyes up her body he paused at her boobs which were large, full and round… surely she didn’t actually need that lacy bra he could see through her white top?
    Kathy cleared her throat – “great”- she smiled – “now that your back with me and not day dreaming –“
    Ian’s blush was now so deep he looked sun burnt. “I – I –”, he stammered.
    “Its ok hun – men stare all the time. And besides, I did spank your arse twice. Lets call it even shall we?!” without giving him the chance to respond she imperiously continued “uniforms are in there. Trousers are for the evening only with the white flannel shirts. Swimmers for the day. They’ll probably be uncomfortable at first if you haven’t worn something like that before, but you’ll get used to them”.
    “Worn what befo –“
    -“anyway hun I gotta run. Lots to do before everyone else arrives to get them ready for the guests in the morning. All seasoned staff this time so were lucky, except John, hes a new guy too. Staying with Zoe somehow… poor bloke” she grinned evilly as she left. “see ya at 7 in the main restaurant for induction”.
    “pah how is John unlucky?” said Ian idly to himself. “ok, Zoe’s not as hot as Kathy and perhaps there was a little less compassion in her eyes but she still seemed pretty great…”
    He moved over to the wardrobe and opened it. 4 pairs of trousers and 4 shirts were already there. He opened the draw to put his boxers in and found it full… pulling them out they were all tight fitting briefs… with a note “thought these would look great on you, K xxxx”. “oh hell no” said Ian. Then, thinking he may as well try them on… he slipped his boxers off and as he was pulling them up and arranging himself comfortably he thought of her buying them for him and felt himself start to stiffen, imagining her going through the isles at the shops thinking of him. “not bad I suppose, a little tight – “
    “yea hot stuff, but in all the right places” he turned around to see Kathy standing there. Her eyes slid down his chest.. ah you’ve been working out a little and – ah come on now don’t be shy” her eyes had settled on his package… that he was doing his best to cover with his hands. When Ian’s hands remained perfectly still she grinned “ah well sexy, be like that then… plenty of time for me to walk in and see the rest”. As she said this she opened her wardrobe, pulled out another skirt… unzipped the one she was wearing and stepped out of it. Ian watched, fascinated as her perfectly tones legs and arse changed shape seductively with each movement of her impossibly long legs.. Ian felt himself blushing again.. Something about this girl made him nervous and excited in a way that few girls ever had, grace and sex appeal combined in one stellar person.
    “ok sexy, see ya in a bit. I mean it this time… can’t control coffee stains fortunately. Unless of course I sense you sliding out of those, in which case I’ll be back like a shot.. oh and by the way… try and keep your clothes on in front of the others… they er… may not be so forgiving” grinning mischievously she reached for the door… slipping out and into the hall humming to herself.
    “phew close call”, Ian thought as he sat down on the bed.. it took him a couple of minutes to realise that his hand was on his cock… and that it was now rock hard. Realising that it had been a while, he put his hand on the briefs pulled them away and his cock sprang out… 8” of throbbing fun… before he knew it one hand was gripped tightly about his shaft the other stroking his bell end, thinking about the heavenly girl in high heels being bent over her bed… taking all of him in her arse… he shuddered to completion… disappointed by how quickly he came but astonished by the volume.. after a couple of minutes just gently stroking himself he realised he had better shower and get himself more familiarised with the ship.. 7 o’clock would be around before he knew it.
    Ian went for a walk around the ship. Gradually it started filling up with people. Ian wasn’t sure if they were early arrival passengers or employees. One thing he did notice though, was that the ratio of women to men was 90/10 and that they were all at least 5 foot 8 or over, athletic and well, stunning… “think this could be the best year of my life” he thought as he wandered in at 7 o’clock for the induction.
    Ian walked through the door interrupting Kathy mid flow.
    “Ah Ian, running a little late? no matter, take a seat, introductions etc will be at coffee”.
    It was bang on 7, he was always punctual so her implication irritated him a little. Whilst thinking to himself he was looking around the room. All women, all stunning, and about 8 men. Perfect!
    “welcome to the four new boys, Ian – my roomie who clearly likes fashionable entrances. And John, who I have only met once so far but seems real nice, hes sharing with Zo. Jack and Ryan are yet to be allocated ladies to break them into life on ship”. All the girls grinned, “usual rules re names in a hat for volunteers”. All the girls stood up at this point and slipped their names in. Jack and Ryan looked delighted
    Jack turned to Ian “not sure I’ve ever been that popular”, he said quietly, “though I suppose that could be for Ryan.”
    As a result Ian was laughing through the chorus of “welcome guys” that sounded more like a melody to his ears.
    “you no doubt received your emails and know their jobs better than they do so give them as much help as they need. Right. That covers the induction. Swimmers time and welcome party. Its Tuesday, first groups arrive from 16.00 on Friday”. The new guys looked astonished. “sorry guys, guess you were expecting people to arrive today ey? Well it’s the company’s and our way”, Kathy was now gesturing at all the smiling women “of welcoming you to our company”.
    “Thanks ladies, think I’ll go and get changed”. Said john, virtually running from the room.
    Ian came up to the pool 25 minutes later in a pair of swimmers that he had bought with him. The hubbub around the pool subsided a little as Kathy walked over to him.
    “What are you wearing there hunny?”
    “Swimming shorts” he replied.
    “well yea I can see that, but did you not read the welcome pack or the sign?” Kathy said pointing to the corner. The other girls were smiling and had an almost predatory look in their eyes. Casting his eyes further around the pool Ian noticed john kissing a tall leggy brunette he recognised from earlier. On closer inspection she was holding him off her hips though… what was going on here?
    He cleared his throat. Pulled his eyes back to the blonde in front of him, attempting but failing to keep his eyes sliding down to those nipples that were standing proud beneath the fabric of her bikini, that looked fit to burst. “I guess I should go and change then..?”
    “Yea hun that’s a good idea, and here” she said passing him as glass, “this should help”.
    He looked at the tall glass and sniffed it.. “gin?”
    “yup, and a fair dose of it at that” her eyes slid back up his body and locked onto his “want me to come with you..? I can show you the stuff I bought that you can actually safely wear in a pool”.
    “Hahaha, oh alright then, why not? It took me about 10 minutes to get up here anyway!”
    Back in the room Ian spoke again for the first time “so whats the deal with john?”.
    Kathy paused whilst going through one of his drawers…”deal?” she asked.
    “well yea, it almost seemed like he was the girl…”
    “Yea it did a little didn’t it” Ian could hear Kathy smiling as she said this “working for Pan Atlantic cruises tends to open people’s minds a little though.”
    Ian started to respond. “What do you-“
    But was cut off by Kathy – “whats its going to be then, small and black, small and white, party piece, or birthday suit?!”
    “Er. Gee. Tough call. Small and black and guess. I refuse to wear dental floss” Ian said flatly.
    “Do you know anything about this job Ian?”
    “Yea, I am a bartender on a party ship that sails the med and the Carribean in the summer and the south pacific and Indonesian waters in the winter.”
    “And life on board..?”
    “Just like any other ship isn’t it” he responded. Finally pulling off the towel he had been changing under as they spoke.
    “My god Ian, you’ve got such a great arse! Can I touch it?”
    Without waiting for his response both her hands were all over it, then she bit him playfully – just hard enough to hurt.
    At this he slapped her head away a little more forcefully than he meant to, but she was staring at his front. “my my, I think you liked that a little”.
    For the third time in 5 hours she was making him blush like a schoolboy…
    “Apparently” he said “sorry about the slap, shall we get back?”
    “that’s ok sexy, I like it, next time only do it if I tell you to though” she put one hand on the door and opened it and the other on his arse as she gently guided him out of the door. Two of her fingers seemed to be pushing towards the cleft of his cheeks.
    Ian Jumped forward more confused than ever. “right, party” he managed to say. He put a little distance between himself and Kathy by taking the stairs two at a time. Already he was wondering how he was going to resist her advances for 2 weeks. Let alone a year. Can’t fuck a roomie who is your boss… bad move, no matter how hot she is….
    When they got back he looked over to see John in the same position… however his arm was moving like he was tossing himself off in the pool. “ah that’s gross!” Ian said
    “whats that…?” said Kathy turning to look.
    “John’s knocking one out in the pool.”
    “yea well it’ll be clean tomorrow, looks like Zo isn’t complaining though”. Now Ian looked her head was rolling back a little as if she was the one being played with.
    Ian started to question Kathy “look Kathy, what is going – “
    “Hey Ian”
    “er – hi – er denise is it?”
    “That’s right hun. Fourth year here and have loved every second. Just thought I’d come and welcome you to the crew. Congratulate you on having such a fantastic arse! Gotta have me a piece of that as soon as possible”. Ian turned at the bar, giving her a profile of his torso and cock… Denise started getting a predatory look in her eyes, her nipples were hardening in her bikini. Her dark brown eyes were devouring every inch of Ian’s body, her tight latina body rocking from side to side as she undressed him mentally whilst making small talk.
    Kathy could sense Ian was very uncomfortable by now. “fancy joining me for a swim Ian?”
    Ian accepted gratefully and slipped into the pool with her.
    “well this is great. Most of the women are seriously forward though..?”
    “haha, yea well when I started we used to do a games and teamworking thing for the first evening and day. But it got a little out of hand a few years back when Denise and Zo started… they abosutely destroyed a new starter like you… left us one short for months. Not sure that kid will ever be the same again!?”
    Ian burst out laughing, “my heart bleeds for him. Getting saddled with those 2 his first night here. Asides from you they are the 2 hottest women here.”
    “Saddled by” Kathy muttered quietly so Ian couldn’t be sure what he heard.
    “Sorry”? he said.
    “Seriously Ian its not a laughing matter, takes bloody ages to recruit the right kind of guys”
    “Right kind of guys for what?”
    Kathy looked away from him, “Oh, you know. The sort who really feel comfortable with us”.
    “Well I’m having a great time so far”
    “Yea, I noticed… but you may want to talk to a few of the other ladies”.
    “haha, well. talking to one as stunning as you is good enough for the time being”
    “Yea, but look at her” she pointed to a petite oriental girl who was entering the water by the steps. Great boobs, firm skin and toned legs. Her arse must be incredible, Ian thought to himself.
    “Her name is Suki, and she has the nicest bum I’ve ever seen… except perhaps for yours… you should have a quick chat with her though, so shes kind later.
    “kind later? What do you mean by that?!” he stopped and looked at his watch “Well its 12 o’clock so I guess its time for bed really…”
    “Uh oh”
    “You mentioned bed time”, Kathy said to Ian, then turned to the group. “Ian has just mentioned bed… what happens to the first guy to mention bed!?” all the girls cheered, even john managed to stop what he was doing… to turn and watch… though when he turned, Ian thought his hands then resumed their motion whilst he mouthed “good luck bud, knew it would be you”.
    Kathy was pulling him through the pool to Suki “this is a kinkiness test” she was whispering in his ear as he went. “we know from your interview that your pretty er… open to experimentation… this is just a gentle feeler. I hope. Get on board and you should enjoy yourself. You’ll be blindfolded and I expect things like cucumbers and dildos will be put in your mouth… it what the few female girls we have welcomed got. But just relax Ill be right next to you.”
    Ian was confused as he was led out of the pool. “female girls, sausages and dildos!? What the hell?” next thing he knew he was tied to the chair with his hands behind his back.. suki then came around the front and whispered gently into his ear about how she was going to tease him. He couldn’t take his eyes off her boobs… her nipples were so hard having just come out of the water.. that was still dripping from her hair and top… he was fighting hard to keep down the throbbing sensation that was growing in his swimmers. Suki leant in and kissed him… then rubbed her hand down his chest and felt his cock. “perfect” she whispered in his ear. Then to the watching crowd “perves getting a hard on already! Want to see?” there was a cheer… “ooops, almost forgot” she said turning and winking at Ian, she slipped the blindfold around him… everything went black.
    He could feel her hands tracing down over his skin. Her nails digging into his body and chest as she went. Until she got to his swimmers. She pulled them down and his cock sprung out. Suki drawled, “that’s fucking lovely” he heard Kathy moan somewhere nearby. He could hear a bottle being shaken, then something cool squirting on his head… the next thing he new his shaft was being licked whilst someone massaged his balls…. “Ooooohhh god” he moaned… the licking stopped.
    Suki said… “nope your goddess, pleasure to meet you” then took him in her mouth and went down to his balls licking them with the tip of her tongue.
    Ian attempted to respond, but only managed a long drawn out groan.. which made Suki laugh when she came back up and started to move away. Everyone around the pool was suddenly cheering and Ian tensed up in anticipation. “what do you reckon folks” shouted Suki.
    “DO IT!” was the instantaneous response that was roared. He sensed her walking back over and she lent to his ear… whilst her hand played with his shaft…. “Open wide hot stuff”.
    Ian opened his mouth and felt something big enter. “now close your lips and give it a little suck”. He did as he was told and heard Suki moan. Pretty weird. Why would she moan when hes sucking a big dildo or sausage… felt really soft, yet hard… and really warm… and… was it throbbing…?
    She took it out “how was that she asked?” for the benefit of him and the crowd.
    “er ok I suppose”
    “Ever done that before?”
    “Done what before?”
    “Sucked something that was put in your mouth”.
    “Only an ice cream”.
    Want to try again?
    Er… if you want me to, sure why not? The crowd cheered him, John shouted “nice one mate”. Ian’s cock was still hard as a nail.
    He opened wide. Back it came. Damn this thing was big. He was struggling to get his mouth around the first bit but followed the instructions from an increasingly husky voiced Suki exactly. As more of this dildo slipped into his throat he was gagging uncontrollably. Each time he did she slid a little more in. when he started turning blue she pulled out and yelled “isn’t he doing well!?”
    “Give him it all” was the response from the crowd.
    Kathy appeared at Ians shoulder. “judging by the outrageous hard on you still have im guessing you’d like to carry on? Or we can stop this now”?
    “well I’ve never had so many hot women stare at me before. It’s a real turn on. Especially hearing you purr with pleasure and suki being so dirty”.
    “So your carrying on?”
    “Why not?”
    “Ok then. Don’t say you weren’t offered the chance!” The crowd cheered.
    “Chance for-!?” his words were cut out mid sentence.
    Evidently suki had come back and thrust the huge dildo back into his mouth. However, there was a salty tang to it. “that’s right babe” she said forcing it in further. He started to gag again. It went in a little further.
    “That’s it sexy, take it all” he felt something on his chin, eyes streaming into the blindfold cock now being tugged by god only knew who. He could feel a huge load building up inside him.
    “I got ya sexy-“ said Kathy– her tongue on his balls felt amazing as she pumped his shaft. But his throat was getting sore and salty and then he understood and Suki yelled “Oh yea hun, you really know how to suck my huge cock…” Ian started to struggle but was tied to the chair. Suki put her hands on the back of his head and started fucking his throat then thrust one last time and bang… huge jets of spunk were slapping against the back of his throat, as someone – he assumed Kathy – started to make him cum… each time she pumped his shaft a huge load of cum flew from his swollen bell end. Just as he thought he would choke on Suki and her load, she started pulling her cock out… unloading the 3 final jets of warm cum all over his face. She tasted sweet and salty… he felt ashamed and excited as he writhed around on the seat moaning as Kathy drained him fully. As he started to come back to himself he realised that what could only be a Suki’s enormous cock was still on his face, pushing her spunk into his mouth with her cock. He sucked it off. “now swallow it all” she demanded.
    Drunk, intoxicated on his own hormones, he obeyed, finding that he liked the taste.
    A couple of moments later the blindfold was being untied and he was face to face with Suki’s cummy half erect cock. “clean it all up” she said.
    “oh my god that’s things gigantic” he said with awe.
    Suki laughed “I know, now clean me up!
    Suki laughed again. Took him by the head. “I know you liked it, you came like a firetruck and your still hard you perve”.
    Kathy said ”just do it” when he looked like he was going to protest she said “I asked if you wanted to stop. Granted you had no idea what the hell was about to happen. But now shes started you must let her finish.”
    “Look at me” Suki said. His eyes met hers. He was surprised to see kindness there. “now say thank you”.
    “Thank you”.
    My pleasure, now show me how thankful you are and clean up your mess. Tongue only”.
    “Yes mam”. Holding her balls she guided her head back to his mouth. He licked it clean and was ordered to swallow the lot. Which he did. He had to clean all of the 9 or so inches of her still semi erect shaft too, by the end he was completely humiliated. He could not work out why he liked it either and wondered if that was why he felt a little ashamed.
    Suki grinned at him “give it up for Ian!!!!” the crowd cheered.. she started to untie him and he felt and overwhelming sense of relief.
    Until suki said “hang on a sec… who wants to see me fuck his arse?!” the crowd roared.
    Ian screamed “but I’m not gay! I’ve never done that before”
    Kathy jumped in at this point. “ok ok, think that’s enough for one night. I think Suki has already given him the fright of his life. His voice is cracking… let him keep his butt..!?” The crowd cheered again.
    “for the time being”, Suki said grinning. Ian didn’t know what to say. He looked at the floor confused. Yet for some reason found his eyes drifting upwards to look at her monster which was stretching her thong to breaking point...
    “I think ill go to bed”.
    “I’ll give you a hand”, said Kathy
    Ian head virtually ran for the door to the main areas of the ship with Kathy keeping pace behind.

    thought i'd give this a go... works out a bit of a fantasy for me at the same time.

    Its probably crap, but let me know all the same

    sorry about punctuation... if you like it i'll tidy up the next part.

    8 out of 9 members liked this post.

  2. #2
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: cruising

    Thanks Nice read. BTW where can I sign up for a cruise ?

  3. #3
    piggypiggy Rookie Poster
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    Feb 2009

    Default Re: cruising

    That is superb. Is part 2 on the way ?

  4. #4
    5 Star Poster sukumvit boy's Avatar
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    Default Re: cruising

    Yes ,nice story ,more please!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: cruising

    This is a really erotic fantasy, but is there a Part 2? If not, could I or others continue the story?

  6. #6
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: cruising

    What a fantastic imagination you have! A great fantasy story.

  7. #7
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: cruising

    Sorry for the delayed response... Works been rather arduous...

    Phew, kind of relieved. As it happens there is a part two... I'll try and dig it out

  8. #8
    Senior Member Junior Poster Baggins's Avatar
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    Default Re: cruising

    Missed this the first time around.
    Very nice and looking forwards to the next instalment, also going to get some brochures for the QE2.

  9. #9
    Junior Member lordrb's Avatar
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    Default Re: cruising

    Nice surprise and breaking!

  10. #10
    Junior Member Hungxxl's Avatar
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    Feb 2015

    Default Re: cruising

    Nice story!


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