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  1. #1
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    In a hole in the ground

    Post An erotic, true story of a real life encounter.

    Good morning everybody,

    Several years ago i wrote about a session i experienced with very nice gentleman.
    I wrote it in the narrative form because it sounds too vain in the first person form. Besides, in the first person form, i could have had some trouble writing what i guessed the gentleman could have been thinking. So using the third person is easier for me to create a storyboard for the readers.

    This is a true story and is by no means a "review". But maybe it's a bit of a self promo tactic.
    It's all true, though. Well, for all i know, all he was probably thinking was, 'Shut up and fuck and suck me, bitch!' lol
    But i rather doubt it, you had to be there and feel the moments.

    I wrote this using MS WORD over the course of several weeks in my spare time, and it ended up being twenty pages long.
    This true story now ends up being an erotic short story for many to enjoy.
    So i hope those who like to read might enjoy this.

    I didn't really proof read it so i apologize, in advance, if there are major grammatical errors.

    I've decided to call this simply...

    The Date
    By Dahlia Babe Ailhad

    It was ten minutes before two O'clock in the afternoon.

    In the washroom mirror, a small lipstick brush is applied to her voluptuous, half-red lips.
    Carefully, she moved it over the curved line along the contours of her cupid's bow.

    "Steady. Steady," she thought to herself, holding her breath so as to not move and cause a mishap as she carefully did the corners of her opened-wide mouth.
    She finished with coloring in the rest of her lips with the lip paint that keeps on sticking even after so much licking.
    Her blue eyes, carefully outlined with black mascara, and her usually blond lashes brushed impeccably black. Her eye lids, shadowed with a dusting of light shades of soft purple, pink and white, blinked every few seconds, as she focused on the art being created in the mirror.
    When she was done, she returned the lip stick brush back into the Color Stay lip stick tube and she reached for the blush and the large brush and applied the rouge to her cheek bones.
    She smiled widely at herself and noticed her front teeth had some lipstick on them. She reached for her toothbrush and an opened box of baking soda in the bathroom cabinet where the towels were rolled up like beach towels and stacked inside the cabinet. She wet the bristles of the brush and dipped it into the baking soda box and started to brush the front of her, already brushed, teeth.
    When she was done, she reached below the sink for the mouthwash and poured some into the cap, a quarter full, and put it to her lips and tilted her head back to let the liquid pour into her mouth. She rinsed out the cap under the faucet and replaced it back onto to plastic bottle and placed it back below the sink while she swished the liquid around in her mouth. After a few moments, she spit it out directly into the drain with the water running slightly to wash it down the drain.

    "There. All done!" she told herself as she stood back and moved her face from left to right to make sure her face looked okay.

    She returned her make-up back into her make-up bag, located to the right of her, on the washing machine, and cleaned the purple eye shadow and blush powders from out of the bathroom sink with a cotton pad she had moistened with a dab of make-up remover. She tossed the cotton wipe into the toilet and flushed it away.
    She reached beneath the sink for an old, dry cloth with which to tidy up the sink and wipe the faucets clean of any water and soap so that it all glistened in the light.
    She, then, opened the bath curtain and proceeded to do the same to the bathtub faucets, and dried the water from off of the bath wall tiles and the floor of the bath tub.
    She took a few steps across the washroom and reached again into the cabinet above the washing machine and removed a clean towel and face cloth and placed them on the towel rack on the wall above the bathtub, and she slid the shower curtain closed, again.
    For a brief moment, she silently looked at the lace-embroidered pink flowers and light blue vines and leaves on the plain white, cotton bath curtain which her late mother had left to her. She felt sad and then a little angry at the memory of her late mother.

    "Oh, Mom," she lamented, "i had so many questions to ask you."

    Her watch read three minutes before two O'clock.

    Stepping into the hallway, she looked at herself in the full length mirror near the front door and gave herself one last look.
    From feet to head, she saw the shiny, black, patent leather, five inch stiletto boots that went up to the bottom of her knees. Her slim cyclist's legs, firm and shapely, snugly fitted into a pair or taupe colored, thigh-high stockings.
    Her hands, each with a gold ring on each ring finger, with finger nails painted red, lifted up her black polyester mini skirt to reveal no elastic bands at the top of her stockings which were held up by a black garter belt. She slipped her hand into her black gaff (g-string) and gave her five inch long clit one final tuck and then secured the gaff into place again. She turned sideways to make sure there was no bulge in her skirt. She re-adjusted the height of her skirt and lowered it just enough so that her mid drift showed a bit.
    She rolled up of the cuffs of her tight, polyester/spandex black blouse with a white flower pattern one time, and reached to the small dresser in the hallway and picked up her lip gloss and applied it to her lips. When she's was done, she slipped the tube into the top of her stocking for later use.
    She looked at her watch to check the time. It's one minute before two O'clock.

    She reached for the small container of Listerine breath strips, and placed one green strip onto her tongue and one under her tongue. Feeling them dissolve, she said to herself, "I wish these things didn't contain Aspartame."

    She stood at the washroom door and waited while she checked her watch, again. It was two O'clock.

    "Dingggg Donggg!" the doorbell chimed.

    She knew by how long the ding sounded before the dong which followed that the guy was deliberately holding the doorbell button pushed to create a long pause between the ding and dong sounds. She laughed half out loud because she thought it was rather cute of him to be standing out there and pushing and holding the button like that.

    Her feet froze in place as she began to count ten seconds in her head, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."

    She heard the door open as she stood near the washroom door, and looked at the front door, from the other end the hallway.

    She waited to hear the front door be locked from the inside.


    A man quietly entered the apartment through the inside porch door.
    He was tall, about six foot two, with salt and pepper short hair. He wore gray suit-trousers, black shoes, a black leather jacket and a gray scarf.
    He noticed her standing sideways as she leaned against the wall at the other end of the hallway. She had her head turned to the right to face him. The hand facing him was placed by her right side and the other hand slowly twirled her blond/auburn hair around one of her fingers.
    She had one leg bent, with the bottom of her boot against the wall so he could see her leg in that classic and provocative, prostitute pose that every body knows so well.
    He looked at her, beginning from her boots and moved his eyes up rather quickly, as if to sum her up in a quick glance.

    When he reached her face, he chuckled and shook his head a few times in disbelief as he quietly blurted out the words, "Oh, fuck! Yes!"

    Her lips broke into a big smile. He smiled at her as his eyes gave her a longer second look as he started to remove his jacket and scarf.
    She slowly walked to him, swaying slowly from side to side. By the time she reached him, his arms were already outstretched to take her by her hips into his arms.

    When she got close enough to him, she looked into his eyes and said softly, "Hello, i'm Dahlia, but it's better if you call me, Babe. I'm so very happy that you're here. Thanks, for trusting me."

    Without another word, she slipped gently into his manly arms and they silently embraced each other.
    She heard him smelling her perfume as he firmly held her young, firm body close to his. She felt his large hands gently caressing her back in slow, rotating movements.
    He liked the feeling of the material of her satiny blouse. It felt slippery and smooth, and caused him to fantasize about sliding his hard cock deeply between the top of her smooth thighs and into her tiny, wet ass hole, spreading it open while she lay there letting him do it. He became aroused by the thought.
    The side of his face was bent forward onto the top of her head. He imagined she was his faithful lover. He enjoyed the thought.
    His warm palms lay flat across her young back, and he gently caressed the material of her favorite, satin-feeling top. He felt her bra strap through the fabric, and wished that they were real implants.
    But he's there, holding her, regardless of the fact that they are not real. He came to feel her sexy ass, lips and throat caressing the shaft of his cum filled member. The situation was all too real. He couldn't believe he was actually holding in his arms the girl he'd been fantasizing about for months but had felt suspicious by her advanced deposit policy. He had tried other t-girls and could have easily went back to them for seconds as they were pleasing and gracious enough to him.
    There was just something about Babe that made him take a chance on her. The way she smiled in her photos, maybe, or perhaps, it was the overall happy mood of her photos. He wasn't quite sure what it was but it didn't matter at that moment. He took it all in and felt happy to be there.

    Her face was gently snuggled into the crutch of his arm and the front of his body. She smelled the scent of his musky cologne and she stood there melting in his arms for a few moments that seemed like a pleasant eternity for her. Every man who visits her and holds her close makes her feel as though she's in a dream.
    It's not just any man who gets to meet her even if she is an escort. She only allows the gentle men who know enough to respond to her ad the correct way. All they have to do is read.

    With one arm around his waist and the other placed with palm opened on his chest, she felt his heart racing within the thick cavity.
    She pulled herself closer to him and hugged him a little bit tighter. His firm embrace tightened, also.

    After a few moments, she gently pulled away from him and wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and went up on her toes a bit and slowly placed her red, glossy lips against his lips. He leaned forward and moved in to kiss her.

    Their lips touched faintly and then, she slowly drew away from his lips only to slowly and deliberately move forward, again. She softly kissed the left corner of his mouth with hers opened slightly. She moved her mouth to the right side of his mouth but slid her tongue across his lips until she reached the other corner of his mouth.
    Her opened palm slowly headed downwards along his chest and stomach to where she felt something quite hard in the front of his trousers pressing against her body. Very gently, she began to slowly caress his crotch with her fingertips, up and down along his hard bulge.
    He made his dick jerk a few times by doing a few kegels.

    She felt it moving, and whispered, as she caressed his very hard cock slightly harder, "I think Tony the Tiger wants to come out and play inside my little minou.

    She pulled her face back a bit, with her lips still close to his, and looked into his eyes. She waited for his response, their noses almost touching.

    "I think so, too." he whispered back to her - he was almost breathless.

    Just as he finished his sentence, she slowly slipped her warm, wet, tongue between his moving lips and rubbed his cock, up and down, with her little hand. She gently touched all around the groin area, and then back to his throbbing cock, and down to his thighs and back to his cock. Up and down she rubbed him.

    "Mmmm. It feels really grrrrrrreat, Mr Tiger." she smiled, her eyes looked up in the corner of their sockets at his relaxed face.

    Her other hand had suddenly moved to his buttocks and gently squeezed as if she was feeling a loaf of bread in the shopping market.
    Her hands felt warm and so welcoming, and her tongue was so minty fresh as it probed in and out of his stunned mouth - her lips were opened and soft as they touched him.
    She began to lick the back of his teeth as her upper lips pressed slightly against the space between his nostrils and his upper lip as she wiggled the tip of her tongue inside of his mouth as if searching for his tongue.
    He got the message and moved his tongue to finally touch hers. They started to softly French kiss.
    Their lips were gently locked against each others'. Their tongues rotated in multi directions in smooth, gentle, passionate movements and danced together, wet and intimately, as she rubbed his cock through the outside of his cramped trousers.
    His both hands explored the back of her. He slid his hands down to her ass and clutched it firmly and went back up as his hands passionately alternated from the material of her satiny slippery, smooth blouse, back down to her ass cheeks in her mini skirt.
    He fantasized her cheeks rubbing along the wet shaft of his flaming, red hot, rock hard cock.
    Round and round their tongue went as if on a hypnotic, cosmic merry-go-round. Both of them felt a little dizzy. He turned her slightly and moved her backwards so that her back was against the wall. She held on to his shoulders as he repositioned her.
    He went for another kiss as his two hands passionately felt her up. He was just about to touch her clit when she stopped him by blocking his way with her two hands.

    Startled, he said to her, "What's up?"

    Aren't you forgetting about something?...something we agreed upon when we spoke on the telephone?" she raised her eye brows and pouted at him.

    "Ahh yes," he said, "i have it. I have it, don't worry." he reached into his back pocket and pulled out some folded bills and told her, "It's all there, as agreed." he placed the money into her hand.

    She opened the fold and counted it in front of him. "Sorry, sweety," she told him, "i don't mean to be impolite but it has happened before where a guy had donated less than was agreed upon, and i found out later only after he had left when i counted it."

    When she finished counting, she kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you, very much for coming to see me. Go on in and have a seat on the sofa in the living room."

    She opened a curtain that was hanging in the door way that separated the hallway from the living room, and she gestured that he go in. He went into the living room and noticed it was quite clean and organized. Straight a head was an off-white sofa and just to the right of it was the arm chair. It was nothing fancy or ultra modern but it was quite cozy. Above the arm chair, hanging from the double room separator was a bamboo blind which was let down to block off the other adjoining room. The walls were painted a light pastel blue and all the woodwork was painted a dark Spanish brown. Above the sofa was a large mirror in a dark brown frame very close to the color of the Spanish brown on the woodwork. There were real wood end-tables and a coffee table, each covered with glass. Each end table had a shiny, gold colored lamp with white lamp shades each with a box of tissue paper along with various little nick knacks placed on them.
    The floor had a white lamb skin sectional carpet which showed some years of wear.

    As he sat on the sofa, she was still in the hallway placing the donation in a secret location. He scanned the room and noticed a few aloe vera plants on either side of the room in the corners which sat on two orange-colored guitar amplifiers with the Roland logo on them. He tried to notice a guitar somewhere but none were seen. The television was an older model with the old style tube - thick and deep. He noticed five television surround speakers in the corners and a sub woofer under the coffee table. There was one speaker on the back of the sofa just under the mirror.
    He looked up saw that the ceiling had been splotched with uneven circles of the same color paint that was on the walls. Above the wall, opposite the sofa, was a long wall to wall shelf up near the ceiling, and it held various things.

    After a few seconds, the curtain opened and she entered into the living room. She went to where he sat on the sofa and her red finger nails started to unbutton his shirt. When she was done, she helped him take it off. She carefully held it by the collar and placed it onto the arm chair - making sure it lay flat on the cushion. She, then, slowly straddled herself, facing him, on his lap, placing each of her knees on the outer sides of his legs.

    He placed his hands on the back of her thighs as she lowered herself on to him.
    She softly placed her arms around the back of his neck and slowly moved her face towards his until her red lips were touching his. She kissed him with a slightly closed mouth as softly as she could and kissed him three times before he slid his tongue between her lips. She drew it into her mouth and started to suck it softly as she gave his groin a gentle little grind with her ass cheeks. His hands came up from under her thighs and went onto her hips and he pulled her back down on to his hard dick. She smiled and then opened her mouth and French kissed him romantically. Her perfume filled his nose, intoxicating his senses, her ass cheeks filled his hands, intoxicating his fantasies.
    As they kissed, both of them were letting out little moans of passion. By this time, his hands were now exploring her more fully. He touched the top of her thighs enjoying the top of her thigh-high stockings. He rounded his hands around her thighs, sliding his hands along her leg til her knees where he gave her a little squeeze, and then slid them onto her stiletto boots and then down to the heels that were as pointy and hard as his cock was, as he explored his prize.

    She placed her hands on the back rest of the sofa and slowly raised one knee and placed her booted foot onto the cushion of the sofa and then did the same with the other leg. As she lifted herself up, their kiss was released with a smacking sound as the suction between their lips broke apart.
    She stood up on the sofa with the bottom of her mini skirt in front of his nose. Her hands were on the wall for support. His hands slowly traveled up her stiletto boots, passing her stockinged knees, up along her meaty but slender thighs, passing the top of her stockings where they were held up by the garter clips. He placed her silky garter strap between his index fingers and thumbs and he slowing slid up along the garter belt up under her skirt until he reached the top to where the lacy garter belt was, and he softy opened his hands and placed his warm palms flat on her young body. He caressed her bare, smooth mid-section, enjoying the aroma of her skirt that was lightly scented with perfume.
    She stood there with her hands on the wall, feeling and enjoying his gentle touches. Her eyes were softly closed, her lips were opened slightly, her chin pointed upwards with her head leaned backwards, her long blond/auburn hair flowing down her back. All she could think about was how beautiful his hands felt on her body. She imagined him, hard at work at his job, interacting with co-workers and his eyes focused on what he was doing on the job, as he imagined him in his work place, doing what he does every day, and she felt so beautiful and desirable in the knowledge that he chose to be with her on this particular day above all the others.
    Although he chose her and he seemed to be enjoying her, she, herself, didn't want to be any where else or be with any body else. She felt so lucky to have been chosen by such a considerate gentleman. She imagined how fortunate she would be if only she could always have such a man in her life.

    Suddenly, her eyes opened wide and her distant thoughts were interrupted when she quickly realized his hands were under the front of her skirt. She felt his fingers gently prying into the side of her black, perfumed g-string as he pulled it to one side to get to the contents therein. She felt his warm breath on the base of her hidden and forbidden, and by this time, very erect, circumcised, five inch long treasure, complete with a five inch girth.
    The palm of one hand gently cupped her warm and precious, shaved purse while his other arm slowly slid around her body until she felt his hand wrap around one of her ass cheeks - the tips of his fingers were placed inside her crack. She felt the warm wetness of his tongue as it touched her smooth skin as he gently licked the ridged surface of her shaved purse. The shaft and tip were still contained hidden inside her g-string.
    He licked her purse with a hot, flat tongue as if she were an ice cream. Her eyes softly closed again and she stood there, hands on the wall, weak in the knees, her head high in the clouds, her thoughts in a place that seemed like a Heavenly place, as he sat there beneath her as he licked and worshiped her beauty.
    Again, her thoughts were interrupted as she felt the top of her g-string being tugged at by his probing fingers.
    Her eyes again opened, and a look of momentary confusion spread across her face until she quickly realized what it was he that he wanted. She wished he would have just kept licking her but she remembered the deal they had.

    He almost had her erect treasure in his hand when she slowly lowered herself back onto his lap and placed her arms back around his neck, as before.
    She kissed him softly and deeply with her opened, red lipped, minty mouth. His opened mouth took her tongue inside, again. Slowly and passionately they French kissed.
    She slowly pulled her face away and moved her mouth to his right ear. The scent of her hair filled his nostrils.
    She was breathing very softly as she licked and started to suckle his ear lobe as she slowly and deliberately moved her left hand onto his very hard crotch area.
    She squeezed his cock and then whispered softly near his ear, "May i put it in my mouth, now, please?"

    "I'd like that." he said.

    She slid herself onto the carpeted floor between his legs and caressed his legs and crotch with her warm hands. He looked at her with male anticipation. She looked at him and tilted her head slightly sideways. She gave a little grin, raised her eye brows and batted her eye lashes several times while she gave both of his thighs a firm but gentle squeeze.
    He smiled.
    She reached for his belt and with a good tug, she pulled it open and started to unzip his trousers. She asked him for a little help to wiggle himself out of them.
    She slid them down to his ankles, and then she stood up and aligned the seams and placed them on the nearby arm chair so they wouldn't crease. She went back onto her knees between his legs and saw the hard bulge in his underwear.

    She reached and touched his underwear and held his cock while still inside. She softly stroked him that way for a few seconds and then she slid her painted finger tips into the top of them and gently tugged them down. He raised his bottom to facilitate the action. She slid them down to his ankles and removed them, finally tossing them with a girly overhand throw onto the arm chair. Her eyes focused on his long, hard, straight, circumcised cock that pointed to his belly button.

    She smiled at him and comically said, "Please, excuse me, sir. I just happened to notice that your trousers are off and that your cock is very hard. Would you mind if i sucked your dick?"

    He just looked at her, straight faced, and made his dick jump with a couple of kegels.

    “Oh look,” she said, “it has a mind of it's own and nodded a 'yes'. ”

    She wrapped her warm hand around the base of his rather thick member and she started licking from the base and slid her flat tongue up to the tip. She slid up and down again a few times and then when she reached the top the last time, she opened her red lips as wide as they would open and she inserted him into her mouth, and she very slowly moved her head down until it was all in her mouth. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed.
    She held his dick there, in the back of her mouth for about a full minute as she moved the back of her tongue up and down on his shaft as he moaned.
    She pulled her opened mouth away and slowly lowered her mouth again until he was all the way in. Then, ever so gently, she closed her lips and she laid her tongue flat on his cock shaft, and slowly raised her head as she moved her tongue with sideways, back and forth, movements on his cock skin, as she pulled it out.
    He moaned a bit more.
    She lowered her face back onto his dick until she reached the base, and again, she just held him there in place and just let him enjoy the heat of the inside of her red lips, feeling her hot, wet, tongue ever so slightly moving. She kept him there - both motionless in the afternoon sunlight that shone through the window located to his right.
    She felt her treasure becoming harder as she imagined how it must look to an outsider looking in. She caressed his calves and thighs in slow, soft, long movements, dragging her nails gently across his skin to remind him that he was in the presence of a woman.
    She slowly began moving her head up and down as she started to make long slurping sounds as the saliva oozed from her lips.
    She went all the way up to the top, suck on the mushroomed head ever so gently while swirling her tongue in circles around the head and then she lowered her opened mouth back down to the base again. She did this for a few seconds and then she repeated the tongue raise with the shaft deep in her throat.
    With his dick in her throat, he reached his hands to the back of her head and gently pushed it down a bit lower to get deeper. She opened her mouth widely to assist his efforts. He moaned a relieved sigh and put his head back and closed his eyes.
    She very slowly lowered and raised her head up and down, When she put it deep, she opened her mouth and pushed it in so that just the head of his cock would enter and exit her throat. His dick was deep inside of her face. He moaned again as he began to raise and lower his hips in a fucking motion.
    She placed her hands under his bum and gently pulled his body up slightly with the same rhythm as his as he gave each upward thrust with his hard, throbbing cock pushing into the back of her tight mouth and throat.

    Her hand movements were telling him with a tender and permitting body language, 'Fuck my face! It's okay to fuck my face. Can't you feel that i like it when my face is fucked. You know that i want to let it cum in there. Fuck my mouth and throat and let your cum explode.'

    He began thrusting in and out of her mouth and throat, faster and faster, holding her head in place as she gagged loudly.
    She was on her knees as the back of her mouth was being raped. She felt helpless and just kept her mouth wide open. He looked down at her as saw her saliva oozing from out of the sides and bottom of her red lips. It trickled down onto his balls and into his ass crack.
    In his mind, he imagined a soaking wet pussy, soft and tender, as it dripped female juices all over his hard tool, trying to, and willingly, drain him of his hot cum. His thoughts were all over the board fantasizing so many things. So many ideas as she kept it up and as he looked again at her with her eyes closed. He knew he could cum so fast if he let her continue like this.

    With one of her hands, she reached down between her legs and felt herself. She was very hard. She began stroking herself in her own special way. She lifted her mini in case she squirted onto her skirt. She squeezed it and stroked it and she felt excited.
    She was feeling his lust in her mouth and his hands on her head and she felt like such a slut, such a dirty, worthless little whore, a cheap worthless cocksucker who was only good for one thing and one thing alone - sucking hard cocks and getting fucked in her tight little ass hole.
    She was becoming so turned on by her own filthy thoughts of herself that she gently pushed his hands away from off of her head and she started to bob up and down, willfully ramming his hard cock in and out of her throat as she moaned like a hungry little bitch who was starving for hot cock, sucking his dick as if it were the devil's own cock to save her own soul. She had completely forgotten where she was and with whom she was, and forgotten what she was doing - how she was kneeling - all she could see with her closed eyes was the white flash of light caused by the impact of his hard cock forcing it's way into her opened throat.

    She began to stroke herself faster and faster.
    Still on her knees, she opened her bent legs wider so that her purse would touch the floor as she self-teabagged the carpet and imagined that some other person was beneath her licking and sucking her full purse - she was becoming so weak mentally, as if she were no longer there, like she was someone else.
    All she could think of was the two of them coming at the same time so that she could imagine in her mind that his squirting hot load was actually her own cum if he happened to squirt into her mouth. If he did cum, she would then imagine that she was sucking herself off and cumming in her own mouth.

    He couldn't handle any more without blowing his load so he stopped thrusting and tried lifting her face away from his cock as she tried to continue with the duty at hand as she stroked herself, and almost coming all over her own hand.
    He continued to lift her face to face him and she stopped the blow job.
    She looked up, breathing heavy as she gasped for fresh air, looking slightly dazed and a little bit confused.
    Her chin was all wet and glistening with her own saliva. She wasn't quite sure if he had cum in her mouth, or not, as she didn't taste or feel anything at all.
    She looked at him with her eyes filled with tears. Her chin still wet and glistening. There were straight, little, tear-stained paths that went down from both of her eyes down her cheeks and disappeared under her jawline. Her red lipstick was still fairly in tact. (Good ole Cover Girl Color Stay). Her waterproof mascara prevented black streams of tears on her cheeks.

    “Did you come, sweety? I didn't feel or taste anything. Did you cum?" she asked him still on her knees, as she discreetly wiggled her bottom around as she slid her g-string back into position to cover her hard clit.

    "No," he said. Sweat glistening in the light on his forehead.

    "Did you?" he asked her.

    "No, but i almost did. You almost got me. Just the idea of it almost made it happen."

    "Stand up!" he politely ordered her. As she began to stand, he moved up to the end of the sofa cushion.

    When she was up, she pulled her mini skirt back down into position, but it was difficult to hide her erection in a tight mini skirt. It was right there, the shape of it was seen under her skirt, pointing straight up to her belly button like a highway road-sign arrow.
    He outstretched one of his hands and clutched one of her ass cheeks and gently pulled her closer to him. She had to make quick, little mini steps so as to not fall over onto him.
    Her mid drift was touching his nose when he stopped pulling her closer.
    He lifted her skirt slowly and looked up at her face. She was nervously biting her top lip slightly with her bottom teeth as she tried to avoid making eye contact, not knowing where to look.
    He put his fingers into the top of her g-string and slowly slid the g-string down.
    His hands kept slowly pulling the g-string down the front of her legs in what seemed, to her, to be a whole hour.
    Her mind raced as she closed her eyes and gently touched the top of his head with her finger tips. She began to slowly run her fingers through his hair.

    Trying to politely ignore what he was doing down there, she looked uncomfortably around the room. Until she heard him whisper something from what seemed to be from miles and miles away and far below.
    "Finally!...." he whispered, smiling a satisfied smile as he looked at her carefully trimmed little patch of pubic hair, looking at how clean the rest had been shaved smooth.

    She quickly and nervously looked down into his eyes trying to guess what he had meant by that.

    Then he continued, "...She's, finally, unveiled." he finished his vocalized thought.

    She could feel herself blushing as she realized what he had meant.

    "Aww, that's so sweet." she gushed.

    "Well, it's true." he said, "I've been looking at your online profile pics for months, and you never, ever show your cock. So in a way, i unveiled you, today."

    “It's true, eh? She agreed, “I've been unveiled. My secret is out.”

    He began to gently hold her in his hand, and then he asked her, “How come you never change your profile pics? You always use the same ones.”

    She thought for a second and then asked him, “Well, do you think that i look the same as in my photos?'

    “Yes,” he said, “you do, but you do look much taller in person.” he waited to see her reaction to his funny remark.

    She chuckled and said, “You're a silly. Do you mean to tell me that you thought i was only a few inches tall?”

    “No, “ he chuckled back, “I read that you were 5 foot 6 and a half inches tall.”

    “Don't forget that half inch, eh? she interjected, “It means i'm all grown up, now.” she said smiling. “But seriously, if i still look the same, why would i spend the money to make new photos? I am not a pic dispenser, you know?...just so men who will never meet me get to jerk off to my new pics every so often. I have a mouth for that and my mouth is here. If they can't take the time to visit me, in person, i see no reason why i should feel obliged to give out free pics to the world every few months. Nothing on me has changed that much. Well, maybe a little wrinkle here and there. You know what i mean?” she asked.

    “I do”, he told her, “Now, i get it.” There was a moment of silence and then he said, “Oh, uhm, speaking of getting it,....” He playfully mocked what she had said to him earlier, and asked her, "Oh, excuse me, Miss Babe, but just i happened to notice that your cock is in my hand. Would you mind very much if i sucked your very nice cock for you, please?"

    She said, "No! I don't want that."

    Astonished by her reply, he asked, "But why not, Miss Babe?"

    She bent down and squeezed his cock and said looking into his eyes, "Because boys have cocks and girls have clits."

    She stood up straight again and took her flacid clit out from his hand. She held it in her hand off to one side, and then she slapped his cheek with it. "See?" she smiled. "Doesn't that feel like a nice suckable clit?"

    "Yes, it does, Babe. I'm sorry. Thank you, for correcting me." he responded.

    She smiled, and said, "It's okay, sweety." as she softly placed her hands at the back of his head and gently urged his face closer to where she stood.

    His hands reached for her legs, again, and he started to caress them.
    Soon enough, she felt his warm breath in her groin area. She closed her eyes and she felt him draw it into his warm mouth. She reached for her lip gloss that she placed into the top of her stocking and applied a fresh gloss to her red lips. When she was done, she tossed the tube onto the arm chair, to her right.

    Slowly, he sucked her tenderly, and it felt nice to be there. She quickly became hard and aroused again and began to move softly in and out of his mouth.
    He put his arms around her and held her closely as he deep throated her five inches of confusion. She felt his tender hands lovingly squeeze her ass cheeks, again, and he started to caress her body, like before.

    "I like when you touch me like that, baby." she whispered. "It really relaxes me a lot and makes it all feel a hundred times better when you touch and caress me softly, like that."

    He continued sucking her for several minutes.
    After a few minutes, she asked him to relax and to sit back with his back on the sofa back rest. When he did as she asked, she stood up on the sofa, again and slid herself back into his opened mouth and she began to fuck his mouth slowly trying to go as deep as possible. She pulled it all the way out to the tip and slowly pushed it back in, again, trying to reach the back of his nouth.

    He gagged on her and told her, “Not too deep, please, Babe. I don't do this very often.”

    "Sorry." she said. "I tend to get a little carried away."

    She stood still for him and let him do it at his own pace as she stroked his hair and felt his biceps and shoulders.

    He sucked her in a very amateur fashion. She could tell that he didn't really know what he was doing and she knew he would not be able to make her climax with the way he was doing it.

    Finally, she had to say something. “Would you like me to cum in your mouth, sweety?” she asked.

    He stopped and looked up at her and said, “I really want to taste you but i don't know if i am talented enough to bring you to that point.” and added, “I am not sure if i can make you cum.”

    “Well, don't feel so bad. I am really hard to make climax, it's true. I've been spoiled for most of my life by good suckers. But i can show you how to get me, if you want.”

    “Sure,” he said, “that would be great.”

    “Okay, so just do as i say, okay? she said.

    He looked at her as she took his right hand, holding it by his wrist and by the tips of his fingers.
    She held his fingers straight and gently squeezed them so that they touched each other.
    Then, with his palm facing up, she gathered up a wad of her saliva in her mouth, and licked his palm from the base of his hand to the tips of his fingers, spreading her magic saliva all over his hand.

    Then she closed her hand and rubbed her fingers and thumb into her own palm and said, "Do this."

    He did as he was told.

    She made another hand gesture with her own hand to demonstrate how to make an “O” shape with his hand. Then she placed her own hand against her mouth to show him where to put his hand against his mouth.
    When he did as she asked, she put her clitty into his “O” shaped wet hand and she slid her clitty in and out of his hand and mouth.

    “Lick it when you feel it in your mouth, sweety.”

    He nodded.

    “And when you feel me cumming,” she added, “please don't take your hand away because even after i am finished squirting, i still won't be done. I need to keep going unit i go soft in your hand. Okay?“

    He nodded again.

    She added, ”When you and most men would normally stop after you cum, i need to keep going because i like and need the extra stimulation. That's where i get the most intense sensations.”

    He nodded again.

    She began to thrust herself slowly and steadily into his hand and mouth and he licked her as she had instructed. He noticed how she pushed hard against his hand to make it go deep into his fake throat (which was his hand).
    It was feeling really nice on her clit and she started to thrust and bit harder. He pulled his face away and started to jerk her off with his wet hand. He was surprised to see that she started to go soft.

    She stopped his hand and looked at him, ”No, sweety, if i get jerked off, i go soft right away.” she politely instructed,

    “How come?” he inquired curiously, wondering what sort of answer he'd get. “How do you masturbate, then?”

    “I'm not sure, exactly, how to say it but if i do it to myself, it feels okay but i really have to imagine that it's happening, sort of, the other way around as it actually is. Meaning, i have to think that my hand is sort of pushing something into me and that my clit, as it passes through my hand, is not really entering my hand but goes inside of me, another part of me, instead, and my hand is actually not my hand but somehow and....” she stopped, for a moment, and tried to search for some better words. When she couldn't find any, she became a little frustrated, “Anyway it's really complicated to try to explain. Just try to understand that if it's done to me by another person, it just makes me feel like too much like a boy and that just ruins it for me, big time. I don't even like to see it being sucked. If i watch someone sucking me and i see it even in their mouth, i lose my erection, right away. So, the less i see of it, the better it is.”
    Realizing that she had been rambling, she stopped to look for clues of interest on his face.

    He sat looking up at her face for several seconds with a blank expression as he tried to process all of this information. He couldn't imagine the intensity and all of this mental anguish she had just described about a perfectly human action such as, self masturbation.

    'Such difficulty', he thought, 'and yet, she tries to explain it with such ease as she, herself, searches for a better way to phrase it all - as if she was still trying to fully understand it as she lives each day.'

    She tapped him on the shoulder and extended her hand to his, as she smiled at him.

    “Let's have fun, okay? Give me your hand.”

    He gave her his hand and she tugged on it as if to tell him to get up from the sofa.
    When he got up, she wrapped her arms around his waist, and tilted her head back a bit. She went a bit on her tippy toes, in her boots, and moved her face up to his, slowly.
    He lowered his face to hers and she started to give a few light pecks on his mouth. He pecked her back. He placed his arms around her shoulders, under her hair. The last peck turned into a slow moving very, very relaxed French kiss.
    He smelled her perfume, again, and it was so sexy. He grabbed her and rolled his tongue around her mouth, much free-er than before. She took it all in, even opening her lips and relaxing her face and opened mouth, just to feel his tongue sliding across the confines of her lips. She heard his breath and smelled his musk and felt his arms holding her.

    After that soul kiss, she took a step backwards with his hand in hers. As she turned to face the doorway, she told him, “Come! Come, come!”

    He followed her, not really knowing what to expect. Why was she leading him towards the door in which he entered the room? Was the date over? Did he say or do something wrong to offend her? The thoughts flooded his head.

    “Where are we going?” he asked sheepishly.

    She turned to look at his face, and smiled. Then she made a single tsk'ing sound with her tongue against the back of her top front teeth, while she inhaled a breath that was loud enough for him to hear, as she exhaled, she rolled her eyes upwards in their sockets, shaking her head sideways, her eye brows raised, and she reached down to his cock with her other hand.
    She looked into his eyes and smiled, again, with her hard wrapped firmly his dick.

    She said with a playful, obviously joking, sweet voice, “Come on, boy! Heel!” and yanked his dick slightly to follow her, as though he were a puppy being trained.

    He, being a quick-learning pooch, followed without a word.

    She opened the curtain again and they were back in the hallway, where they first met. She lead him down the long hallway that was fitted with imitation Persian carpets. The walls and ceiling were terracotta painted with the base boards, again, with the Spanish brown.
    There was a small dresser in the hall way with a lamp on top.
    He followed her deeper and deeper into her apartment and headed towards the kitchen entrance a few feet passed the washroom door.

    As they walked, his eyes went down to her ass and legs to watch her walk, to check her out, to take it all in. As if she knew, her other hand reached behind her mini skirt and gave the skirt a little tug, downwards. Her hips rocked slightly from side to side with her blonde/auburn hair flowing down her back. He liked being lead around like this - the view was nice.

    When they reached the kitchen entrance which had a hanging bamboo beaded curtain, she opened a door to her left. Soft jazz was heard playing softly through speakers at each corner of the room on the same wall as the head board of the large bed..
    On top of each speaker was a stuffed animal: a teddy bear, and a sitting, long-eared rabbit.
    The room had a pleasant perfumed odor to it as he entered. He inhaled a deep breath - trying to absorb as much of her as possible.

    She crawled onto the bed on all fours and struck a pose as she lowered her body onto the mattress and raised her ass and heels in the air. Her both hands reached behind her and raised the mini skirt up passed her bum cheeks. She slowly wiggled her floating bum, back and forth.

    'Oooh, her bedroom.' he thought, 'Nice.'

    He gave the room another quick scan and noticed the full length, tiger print curtains covering the window. A huge queen size bed which greedily took up most of the available floor space. It was so large, in fact, that there was only about on foot of space between it and the wall and furniture with which to navigate around any given side of the bed.
    The walls were painted a sort of golden honey color, and the ceiling had the same sort of design as the living room but it had wiggly painted lines of which some resembled swimming sperm. There was a ceiling fan, and a table fan sat on the dresser in front of the window.
    The bedroom set was of high quality and the surfaces were, also, covered with sheets of glass like the table tops in the living room.
    On the wall there hung, directly above the center the head board of the bed, a row of three track lights, and above the lights, hung a gold and black, wooden frame in which contained an Egyptian papyrus with the image of a seated, ancient Egyptian god being served by a servant.
    On the right side of the frame hung two other frames of two Egyptian faces. One was of Nefertiti and the other was of Tutankhamun,
    On the right side of the papyrus, hung two, brass, middle-Eastern plates, on each of which were engraved designs.

    “Come, baby,” she said giving a hard slap to one of her ass cheeks.

    He crawled onto the bed face first and placed his wet tongue directly into her crack and licked her up to her hole. She wasn't expecting it and she jerked a bit and then giggled.
    He spread her cheeks open and slid his tongue inside of her hole as she moaned, softly.
    After a few licks and pokes of his tongue, she pushed her ass to his face and felt his nose as he exhaled hot air into her crack. She reached behind with her hands and spread her cheeks open to make it easier for him to rim her.
    He licked her with long, slow, up and down motions, and made her crack glisten with his saliva. He reached under the front of her and felt her clit was hard. He straightened up and held her hips. She reached umder her tummy between her legs and gently finger tipped his hanging balls as he rubbed his cock along the entrance to her ass and just pushed slightly, spreading her hole open a little bit with each little push.

    She brought her hand to her mouth and gave her hand a good lick and then, reached between her legs again and took hold of his cock with her slippery hand.
    He began to fuck the wet smoothness of her hand between her legs, and his eight inches felt nice in her hand.
    She held it tighter in her hand as he started to become more and more aroused as he moved his cock in and out through her hand as though he was really penetrating the warm depths of her smooth ass cheeks and succulent hole.
    He caressed her ass cheeks with one hand and with the other hand he took his dick and began rubbing the big head on her tiny entrance. Her hand lie there waiting to be needed again.
    She felt nice as his hard cock rimmed her hole. He wanted to ram it inside of her and pound away but knew he should wait for her cue.

    After a few minutes, she asked him to lie beside her and to put his head on the pillows near the head board, which he did. As he looked up, he noticed a two large rectangular mirrors, one was facing the bed, at mattress level, and the other one was suspended from the ceiling and was positioned at a 45 degree angle facing down at the mattress. From where his head was on the pillow, he was able to see the both of them with just their feet missing in the mirror.

    She got up on her knees and leaned over his face and placed her tongue between his sucking lips. He sucked on her tongue as she pulled it out and slid it back in several times. She reached down and clutched his hard dick in her hand and started to milk it, softly and slowly. He wrapped his arms around her and started to French kiss her, again. She started to jerk her hand a bit faster and he began bucking under it. She moved her head to his cock and as she jerked him, she opened her mouth and followed his rhythm until her hand was pushed up against her mouth as he fucked her hand and face like she showed him how to do in the living room. She scratched his leg gently as he fucked her hand and mouth faster and faster. With her elbow on the mattress, she used her hand to lift his ass up in the same welcoming way as she did on the sofa, as her other hand milked his long cock as he pushed it deep into her tight grip and flicking tongue. She began to taste something salty and realized it was his pre-cum.
    She quickly released his cock and moved her mouth away as she got up to kneel in front of him. He tried to take his cock into his hand but she intercepted his attempt.
    She licked a wad of saliva on his hand and put it against his mouth, like before. She quickly penetrated his hand and began to fuck his face and hand as she moved herself in long, slow, deep motions in and out of his hand and then his mouth. Her hands were on the wall for support as the front of her thighs and her ass contracted with each inward thrust. She pushed into him with long, slow thrusts as his other hand held her smooth ass cheek with which he pulled her into his direction as he flicked the tip of her clit with his tongue as his other hand served as a tight, wet hole for her to fuck.
    It felt nicer and nicer as she went a bit faster with long thrusts. She became more and more excited and started to go faster and faster.

    As he used his hand against his mouth, he understood how well a simple mouth had to suck this girl just to get her to cum. She took a long time getting there but she tried hard to please him to try to give him her juice as she didn't stop fucking him once.

    She felt her juices coming to a boil. She felt herself starting to sweat. He felt her cheek becoming damp. She was going strong and steadily in and out of his wet hand and mouth. She started to quake slightly as she moved.
    In her head, she started to repeat the words to herself, over and over, 'This is what he wants! This is what he wants! Give it to him, girl! Let him have it all! Cum in him. He wants it! He wants it!'

    Suddenly, she stopped moving. He wasn't sure why. Then, he felt a throbbing from inside her purse which moved like an earthquake up the shaft of her clit. He felt her hot juice squirt into his mouth, filling it with a sweet, clean taste.
    She was very discreet as she expressed her intense orgasm with long and steady inhales and shaky exhales.

    “Caress me!...Slowly!...All over me!...Please?” she begged in a whispered panicky voice as she began to slowly move herself in and out of his hand, again.
    He did as she said, and she let out short, almost silent moans as he caressed her legs and ass slowly in long gentle movements.

    “Yes!“ she gasped.

    Her body violently jerked, sporadically, from the intense friction applied to the tip of her clit as it re-entered his hand and mouth over and over.
    Her face contorted into painful looking expressions followed by open mouthed expressions of yearning, mixed with angry looking teeth grinding, smiles of satisfaction, determination and submissiveness. She was on an intense, sexual roller coaster, a total slave to her physical needs and mental lusts.
    She was only beginning, however.

    He didn't know if he should move away. As far as he was concerned, she was done – she had blown her little wad.

    He tried to push his head back into the pillows to move away, but she quickly begged him to not move.
    When her clit went semi soft, she moved his hand, that was holding her clit, away, and begged him to continue with his mouth.

    “Don't stop, baby, please.” she gasped, “Just keep sucking and licking me.”

    Her body twitched and writhed in ecstasy as he sucked the tip and licked her soft shaft for another four to five minutes until her body completely stopped its involuntary twitching and jerking that was caused by his continuing tongue and lips.

    She let out a long, slow sigh and whispered, as if speaking to no one, ”Mmm, that was so nice.”

    She leaned back a bit and hovered over his chest, her knees on the mattress. She placed one hand under her purse and lifted it up slow and hard and she held it like that. He saw her finger joints turning slightly white from the pressure she applied to herself.
    Grabbing her clit with her other hand, while still pushing up with the hand under her purse, she made a circle shape with her thumb and index finger and squeezed her shaft with it and pulled it towards his mouth that still had the tip inside.
    Suddenly, he felt a couple more drops of her sweet honey as it dripped onto his unexpected tongue. Realizing what had just happened as she tried to give him every drop, he moaned, wrapping his arms around her ass cheeks and pulled her groin closer to his face to show her that he would drink more if there were any. He opened his clitty holster widely so her soft clit could rest in it until she was ready to move away. He sucked at it and felt it stretch and lengthen in his mouth, and then return to it's sleeping size when he lessened the suction.

    When she was satisfied, she rolled over and fell beside him on the bed on her back.
    Looking up into the mirror, she smiled and gave him a little wave with her hand. He waved back at her. She rolled over to face him and cuddled up to him with one leg over his, and one hand on his chest.
    He placed one arm around her shoulder, under her, and they began kissing and sucking each others' lips softly.
    They ended up French kissing, again, deeply, and she tasted her juices on his tongue.
    His hands caressed her face, neck and shoulders.
    He skimmed over her fake breast forms which were still covered in her top. He didn't mind, really. They helped give her the shape she wanted, and they didn't feel half bad as he gave them light squeezes in his palm. She put her face to his ear and whispered a very soft 'thank you' as she licked his ear lobe and drew it between her lips.
    He gave her a little squeeze around her shoulder and she sighed in his arms.

    In the silence in their thoughts, as the jazz radio station quietly continued to play music, they lie on the bed and caressed each other, tenderly.

    After a few minutes, she kissed his cheek and slithered down his body and was soon facing him while lying on her side. She unzipped one of her boots and removed it. She asked him to unzip the other boot and to remove it for her. He did as she had asked.
    She began licking his shaft and his balls until he got hard, again.
    She discreetly reached under the comforter on which they were lain and found an unused condom that she had placed there earlier. It already had been removed from the wrapper and was just there waiting for her to reach for it. She concealed it, hidden, in her hand.

    She opened her mouth and put his cock into the back of her throat and wrapped her lips around the base and she sucked his dick in the back of her mouth.
    He had tapped her body as if to indicate that he wanted her to go into the 69 position. She did as he wanted and moved her bottom over his chest. He inhaled her clit, that was still soft, into his mouth.

    With her free hand, she stroked his hard, wet dick softly as her saliva evaporated away as she stroked and dried him. She held his balls tenderly, and carefully slipped the non-lubricated condom into her mouth. She was still caressing his balls with her dry hand when she held her mouth over his hard cock.
    She placed her teeth on the rim of the condom that was in her mouth, and slid her opened mouth downwards, unraveling the condom onto his dick, undetected. He moaned at the tightness of the condom. He didn't see what she had done but it felt different in a good way. He assumed it was some sort of professional thing she was doing.

    Meanwhile, he was still hoping that she could get hard again as he sucked her clit, slowly, as he pushed his head into the pillow and raised it again to draw her into his mouth.

    With his dick now covered, she deep throated him once again very deeply and forced herself to gag a few times. She silently spit a wad of her thick saliva into the palm of her hand and squished it around a little bit by closing her hand and moving her fingers and thumb around so that it would spread around evenly in her palm so that it would not stream out of her hand when she moved her hand.
    She carefully got up from him, leaning on her elbow. Trying not to make contact with the comforter against her wet palm. She turned around and faced him and placed her dry hand palm down, flat on his chest as she squatted over his dick with her knees pressed together gently on the front of his body. She reached behind herself and spread her saliva into her crack and into her tight hole with her fingers.

    She grabbed hold of his long, hard cock and lubed it as she guided it into the opening of her wet teeny weeny little hole.

    She looked into his eyes and whispered softly, “Just push your bum up and keep it up, okay? Please do not, push further into me than i allow, alright?...or else you're really gonna hurt me with your huge tiger of a cock. Alright?” she asked.

    He said, ”Okay, Babe.”

    She continued with her instructions, “We'll start slow at first, until you've spread me open in all directions. Once you're inside of me, just let me get used to your size, at my own pace, as i ease you into me. I'll let you know when you are able to go on your own. Okay?” She asked.

    “I understand.” he confirmed.

    He watched her face and felt his cock becoming warmer and tightly squeezed as she slowly allowed it to penetrate her. Her face looked as though she was having some trouble getting him in. After a few seconds, she closed her eyes and smiled as she shivered and began to slip down his hard shaft until his dick disappeared inside of her. She opened her eyes and looked at him dreamily.

    “All gone!” she said in a baby voice. “Big cock, all gone!”

    “Feels nice in there, Babe.”

    “It does, eh?” she said smiling.

    He felt her tightening and loosening her hole around his cock as she sat there on top of him. She was looking at his face searching for clues to how he was feeling.
    She reached for his two hands and placed them onto her stockinged knees. He started to caress her inner thighs at the top of her thigh highs.

    “Can you take these off, now.” he asked. “They feel nice, but i would love to feel your skin, too.”

    She unfastened the top two garter clips for him, first. Then, she unfastened the back two and said, “Roll them down, if you like. There aren't any elastics holding them up. Bring them as far down as you can for now and when we change positions, i'll let you roll them right off. Is that okay, with you, sweety?”

    He nodded.

    She began to raise her bottom upwards a little distance and then she shimmied back down, again. He felt the tip of his dick entering into a second tight hole, deep inside of her.
    She sighed calmly and went up again all the way to the tip, using his chest for leverage.

    She looked at him, and asked, ”Are you ready?”

    He nodded.

    She loosened her hole and slid steadily back down long his shaft with her palms flat upon his chest. As she slid down, she gave his two lips a quick, wet lick starting with the bottom lip and finishing at the top lip with a quickly executed upward nod of her head, then she blew softly at his mouth to make his mouth feel cold so that she could see whether he would wipe it away with his fingers or lick it away with his tongue, instead.
    She licked her lips and waited to see what he would do.
    He licked his lips. She looked directly into his eyes, and she softly bit at her bottom lip. She leaned forward, and very gently placed her warm palms on the sides of his face.
    Her fingers felt like feathers as they touched his skin.
    She put her lips on his, opened her mouth slightly, and lay her wet tongue flatly onto his closed mouth, and she slowly dragged it across his lips, leaving a rail of wetness in its abandoned path. Before she even could reach the other side of his mouth, he had already drawn it into his mouth and started sucking on it. She passionately swirled her tongue in slow circles around the tip of his tongue.
    She moved her little feathers slightly across his face towards his ear lobes, and she continued in a straight line with each hand going around the back of his head until her hands met each other at the back of his neck. She massaged him gently by pushing her finger tips gently but firmly into his neck muscles, She moved her feet towards his head a few inches and raised her behind again. Using his neck for leverage she went down and then up and back down and up, grinding on his hard cock.

    “Fuck me, gently?” she asked.

    He began to raise his ass to push his cock into her as she lowered her ass at the same time.
    The dance had begun. She started to grind his shaft as his cock became wet with her anal juice mixed with her saliva. Squishing sounds were heard as her cheeks slid an inch along his groin letting his dick re-enter the second sphincter deep inside of her. He was already deep inside when she pushed onto him to keep his dick deep inside, when she started grinding more and more on his full eight inches.
    It felt so good he put his hands on her shoulders and started to push her down. His head went back and his ass raised to get deeper into her.
    He let out a few moans as she rode him. She thought she could waste him, right there.
    It just felt too good to waste, so she stopped pushing and fell forward on top of him, causing him to slip out of her.
    She lengthened her body so that her legs were straight; her toes touching his shins and she kissed his neck, sucking and biting him, gently. Her body pressed against his. His arms around her back. She lay her face half on the pillow and with her chin half on his shoulder.
    He took her upper arms with his hands and maneuvered her onto her side, and she rolled over onto her back.
    He quickly got up and knelt in front of her. She raised her two knees and let them fall to each side so that her legs were wide open, he removed her stockings and placed them beside her head and let his hand travel down her body, over her shoulders, over her breasts, onto her tummy, and passed her uncovered private area, and over her thighs, and finally to where he had only felt stockings until that moment.
    He went lower towards her knees and felt her lovely, smooth, soft skin for the first time.
    He gently squeezed her legs and thighs and felt the softness of her. Then, he grabbed his dick and aimed it at her hole and immediately felt the condom, and chuckled, saying, “Where'd that come from?”

    She shrugged her shoulders and said, “I'm not sure. I think you must have put it on at some point.” she smiled coyly.

    Then she moved her body down a bit and raised her ankles to one side of his head.
    He grasped onto her both ankles with one hand, and began to lick her calf that was closest to his face. His nose caught a faint scent of perfume, and he raised his other hand to hold her two feet in the air, up in front of his face as he kissed them and licked them wildly and rubbing them against his cheeks. She felt his tough bristles scratching her skin but she didn't say a word.

    She spit loudly at her hand and bent to one side to reach his dick and she lubed it up really good, and said, “Stick it in me.”

    He opened his eyes, grabbed his dick, and rubbed it up and down along her wet crack.
    She was already pushing her hole open. When he reached her hole she relaxed it and, in, it slipped.

    “Go easy at first, okay sweety?”

    He didn't say a word in response. He just licked her legs and felt her thighs and knees with his hands as he slowly slid in and out of her.

    She loosened her hole when he pushed his manhood into her hole, and she tightened her hole as tightly as she could when he pulled it out of her. Finally, his fantasy was becoming reality as he glanced down at her sexy ass as it sucked on his hard cock. He looked as he entered and re-entered her tiny hole that was spread open as it sucked on the girth of his thick cock, over and over, again.
    He looked at the top of her legs where they met her ass cheeks and he saw the full length of his dick sliding in and out of her ass.

    Don't cum inside of me, yet. I want more.” she said.

    He moved her legs to have one on each side of his head and he slid his arms over the insides of her knees and he leaned forward bending her from the hips so that her knees were opened and close to the sides of her face, as he held himself up with his hands on the pillows. He started to fuck her slow and hard and he went a bit faster the more she squeezed his arms.
    He gave her a one good hard bang and she yelped and quickly moved her hands to her sides and pushed against his hips to try to counter the impact. Again he came down hard and her head went forward and then crashed back down onto the pillow under her head. She grabbed at his skin and clenched his skin using her nails as he made impact again. Her head came up again and again fell back on to the pillow with each thrust. He began to get very very excited, and she heard his breathing become heavier and heavier.

    “Don't cum inside of me.” she whimpered.

    “I wanna cum in that ass.” he said.

    “Please, don't do it.” she complained as she licked her lips at his face. “Don't! No! You're not allowed. Come on, slow down. Let's rest a bit, please. It hurts. Stop.” she pretended to whine.

    He stopped when she said it hurts and laid down beside her on his back. He was full of sweat.

    She got up and went right for his cock and shoved it in her mouth, sucking it extra hard because of the condom. She grabbed onto the condom with her hand and felt it was a bit wet inside and she squeezed it to allowed the condom to move up his dick a bit, and then, she pulled down hard enough so that the stretching rubber would stimulate the tip of his cock. She repeated this covered hand job for a few more strokes as he lie there with his eyes closed, and then, she deep throated his dick right to the base and forced it into her throat several times up and down until she heard him moaning. She quickly realized she could make him cum, an she released it right away. Without a word, she went onto her hands and knees to the other side of the bed.
    He opened his eyes after a few seconds trying to figure out why everything had stopped so suddenly until he looked around and found her looking over her shoulder at him with a big smile on her face with her ass facing his direction.

    “Arf! Arf!” she barked playfully while moving her bum from side to side. “Woof? Woof? Ruff! Ruff!”

    He got up on his knees and went to her and pierced himself back inside of her warm ass.
    He held on to her hips and slowly started to fuck her while he held her in position. He started to move faster again fucking her with the full length.
    She started to do as she did before and squeezed her hole shut tightly as he pulled out of her and then she let it relax as he nailed her.
    She dropped to her tummy and raised her ass high in the air with her hands, palms down, beside her head.
    His cock slipped out of her wet hole. She shimmied her ass from side to side until he managed to re-enter her. He turned to his right and saw his body on top of hers in the reflection of the mirror. She turned her head also to face the mirror when their eyes met for a second or two.
    She smiled at him, closed her eyes and raised her ass and slid her cheeks along his shaft until he was deep inside of her.
    He placed his two ankles between her feet and he spread her legs open until she was almost spread eagle on the bed. He placed his legs on top of her's so that she couldn't move, and the, he grabbed her wrists and held her firmly in place.
    He looked again at the mirror and started to slowly slide his long dick all the way in and all the way out as he watched their profiles in the reflection. His body was raised above her and all that touched her was his feet, hands and penis. She was slim and smooth and he liked her satiny top that she left on because it helped him fantasize that he was screwing some chick from work who he had his eyes on for a while. She laid there helpless under him. He began to steadily reach his comfort zone and he fucked her with long, hard thrusts. Watching their reflection in the mirror,he focused on her ass as it rose to welcome each thrust, feeling the tightening and loosening of her hole, and how she slightly tied to resist and break free from his strong controlling hold, he became very excited.

    She heard his breathing become heavier again. She knew he was going to take her this time and no faked, pretend, con-job for more fuck-time was going to make him stop, this time.

    ”Do you want to come inside of me, baby? Are you gonna cum?”

    “I think so.” he said. “It's getting close.”

    “No.” she said,.

    “Oh yes.” he said as his thrusts became slower and harder.

    “Okay, then.” she said. “You'd better cum inside of me, now, if you want. It's okay! I want you to.”

    His thrusts were stabbing her as he shoved it inside of her and held it there, and pushed, trying to get it deeper.

    “Oh, fuck me.” she begged. “Make it cum inside of me so you can feel your cock sliding into your hot, silky cum as you slide in and out of me like a little, fucking slut. Fuck me! Use me! Fuck this little slut. Fuck this horny, little bit....”

    “ Argh!” he growled into the back of her neck, as he fell onto her tender body and smelled her hair, pushing himself into her.
    His cock throbbed as it pumped out shot after shot after shot of his hot cum into what felt like her bare ass. His dick slipped through his hot cum that filled the condom as he kept screwing her warm, sweaty ass cheeks. He kept fucking her ass as he reached his hands down to feel the outer sides of her legs and ass - his full weight pinning her down as she lay still and silent, feeling his hands as they caressed her.

    He stopped moving and quietly rolled off of her and lay on his back qwithhis eyes closed. She checked to make sure that the condom was still on him. It was and it was full of his hot, white cum.
    She cuddled up to him and laid her head half on his shoulder and half on the pillow, and with her finger tips, she lightly finger tipped his forehead, blowing softly to cool his head a bit. She lay there quietly just enjoying what she was doing. Nothing needed to be said and nothing was said.
    There was peace in the room as the jazz station played a soothing, slow, instrumental rendition of Hoagy Carmicheal's Stardust.

    With the side of her face on his shoulder, her eyes were fixated on his one closed eye that was in her view, as he lay there, motionless – completely drained - feeling only her fingertips moving slowly across his whole face, very lightly, very sweetly.
    It was as if she was trying to lull him to sleep.
    After a few minutes, she felt him shudder slightly as his body began to cool down. She reached over and slowly pulled the comforter over the two of them and she returned her face back to the warm spot on his shoulder, again, and slowly closed her eyes. A single teardrop escaped from the corner of her eye and landed unnoticed on his skin.

    As the two "lovers" lay still, their image was still being reflected in the mirror, the mirror which nobody even noticed, now.

    The End


    5 out of 5 members liked this post.
    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 12-03-2014 at 05:02 PM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  2. #2
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: An erotic, true story of a real life encounter.

    Great story, Babe!

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: An erotic, true story of a real life encounter.

    Nice story for bedtime reading....

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    In a hole in the ground

    Red face Thank you.

    Aww! Thank you, lads.

    I'm happy you enjoyed the story.

    I have written others, all based on true events.
    Maybe, one day, i'll post them. Maybe i won't.
    I am (was), sort of, saving them for my escort memoirs.


    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  5. #5
    Member Rookie Poster
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    New York

    Default Re: An erotic, true story of a real life encounter.

    Fantastic. I had to read it in stages, or I would not have lasted, myself. Thank you.

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    In a hole in the ground

    Smile Thank YOU!

    Hi Dima,

    You are most "well cummed", i think.

    I'm happy you enjoyed it, even in stages.


    1 out of 1 members liked this post.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  7. #7
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    In a hole in the ground

    Question Hmmm

    I'm sure i had placed a thumbs up icon beside the title of this thread. WTF? It's gone?

    Hi Gentlemen,

    Want more stories from me?


    1 out of 1 members liked this post.
    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 01-21-2015 at 07:14 PM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  8. #8
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Thames Valley, UK

    Default Re: An erotic, true story of a real life encounter.

    Hi babe,
    I loved the story; very erotic and sensual and would very much like to read some more ...

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  9. #9
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    Thumbs up Re: An erotic, true story of a real life encounter.

    Great story....

  10. #10
    Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Hmmm

    I loved this even though it required several...sessions to get through.
    I found it beautiful, well written and inspiring.
    I hope you enjoy my own efforts in the Club Anaconda stories in this forum.
    I'd also love to write about you some time, with your permission, of course.

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