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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    I'm an American so I may not understand if this is meant to be sarcasm or not...
    You know what I call people who don't laugh at MY jokes? Humor impaired.

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  2. #32
    Senior Member Junior Poster goatman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    My posts are obviously for entertainment value only, any truth I throw in is just to confuse things even more
    I like that line, mind if I borrow some time?

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by goatman View Post
    I like that line, mind if I borrow some time?
    That line about Blacks being the only ethnic group that didn't melt in the great American melting pot really is right out of the College Bookshelf, I guess if you really wanted to understand racism, police procedure, etc, there are tons of books that feature Authorities on the matter, guys that take the time to be RIGHT. A good Historian has to see through people's colorization of the facts when they filter through tons of eye witness accounts.
    You can't talk about racism here without pictures of chicks with dicks flashing on either side. You can't speak on Fox News without eventually exposing yourself as an asshole. In matters of racism, who you are, your perspective, drastically colors what racism is.

    I consider former Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin a N*GG*R, sorry, I can't stand looking at him. Clinton prosecutor Ken Starr, he's the flip side.

    Stepping outside one's self to see things clearly probably means no hung angels, no gang of personal friends, pretty dry stuff. Being a racist or blaming whites for all the problems in the black community is fun and easy, you'll have lots of friends either way. In history, there is an EXPLANATION for everything. In Eastern Religion, history is a product of the glands. And GLANDS are hot stuff here on Hung Angels!! Let's Rock!!!
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    World Class Asshole

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    I guess my last word on this topic will be the white cop is going to say that years of training and street experience left him no doubt that the perp who ran from justice was trying to wrestle away his stun gun so he could taze a police officer in uniform, grab his police gun and kill him. Then the cop will hope and pray the blood tox on the dead man comes back with signs of PCP and bath salts.
    As for the melting pot, I been thinkin' ..........The American Indian refused to fit into white society, probably because they had no history of it. They would team up with the white man in the French and Indian Wars, but mainly they would either fight the white man or sign a treaty, never melt. The Japanese are notorious racists, probably because they all lived on an island forever. The Europeans who came to America had been co-mingling for thousands of years in Europe, so melting into the great American melting pot was probably pretty natural. The Africans who came to America largely came as slaves, they were slaves in Africa, captured by enemy tribes, building pyramids, so unfortune-ately maybe they're atuned to slaving away in shit jobs, like, what else is new, man?
    The old joke is that the poor Asian comes to American, works 18 hours a day to save up enough to buy a small store, raises a couple kids, then, when the eldest son is 16 and ready to spend a few hours after school in the store to help out says.....
    "nah, I'd rather hang out with my friends at the mall"
    I think in the end economic realities are going to be what kills the USA more than racism, or illegal aliens, or guns, or abortion. There are billions of dirt poor Chinese and Indian people poised to take our cash.

    World Class Asshole

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    The Europeans who came to America had been co-mingling for thousands of years in Europe, so melting into the great American melting pot was probably pretty natural.
    What an absurd load of crap. You have no idea what you're talking about. How did the Jews get on in that great European "melting pot." Or the Romani? Or the Irish? Or the Poles? How have the Slavs been doing co-mingling with the rest of Europe, or even with other Slavs?

    The American "melting pot" is ahistorical nonsense, intended to shift blame for bigotry onto those being marginalized. Oh, your family experienced injustice? Maybe you should have tried harder to assimilate.

    My family emigrated from Scandinavia to Minnesota in the 1860s. It was three generations and almost 100 years before the family spoke English at home. I'm a fifth-generation American of 100% Scandinavian descent. How often to you hear people bemoaning the fact that Scandinavian-Americans just refuse to assimilate and adopt American values? What about those Pennsylvania Dutch who still refuse to speak English and wear regular clothes?

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    I think in the end economic realities are going to be what kills the USA more than racism, or illegal aliens, or guns, or abortion. There are billions of dirt poor Chinese and Indian people poised to take our cash.
    More thoughtless xenophobia. The United States of America is stronger economically right now than it has ever been. There is no chance that any of the things that you mention are going to "kill the USA." Those "billions of dirt poor Chinese and Indian people" are in no position to "take" anyone's cash. If we are careful and do things correctly, we'll be able to exchange US cash for the goods and services that Chinese and the Indians produce, and they'll in turn that use that cash to purchase goods and services that the US produces.

    Macroeconomics is not a zero-sum game. Read a book, dude.

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  6. #36
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by thombergeron View Post

    Macroeconomics is not a zero-sum game. Read a book, dude.
    Ah, another one walks into my web.
    You speak Scandanavian?
    Do the Amish drive cars or talk on the telephone?? THEY"RE you're examples???

    If you ever do your blood DNA, maybe you'll be almost all Scandanavian, but I'm sure the Vikings put a lot of DNA into Europe. What with all that pillaging and raping. Scandanavia is opening up it's doors to Muslims now because they need the tax revenue, nobody else wants to go there. I imagine eskimos have real pure blood. My blood has lots of English and Scottish, and probably lots of other stuff also.
    The kid who mows my lawn's last name is Engvall. My friend's families growing up originally came from Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, MELTING POT. Mainly European Countries. That's what a melting pot is. Scandanavians are 100% included in the American melting pot. People from Arkansas are different from people from Vermont, but they all grow up with the same school books.
    There is a good chance you don't understand my writing style, you don't think there is an American melting pot?
    As for Europe, I don't think there is any continent on the earth with a more diversified population, other than the US.

    There is no doubt the American place as top dog is on the decline. There is no doubt China and India's economic star is rising. If everybody's house is worth a million bucks, that's a bad thing. Economically, it would be better if China was buying Fords and Levis. We are buying much more from them than they are buying from us. In that sense, they are stealing our cash. If you subtracted the 50% of our wealth that the one percenters own, many countries in Europe would be doing better than us.
    The USA is not stronger now than it has ever been. We were better off in the 1950s when Dad went to work and Mom and the five kids lived off his puny salary.

    World Class Asshole

  7. #37
    Platinum Poster martin48's Avatar
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Personally, I don't need to feel responsible for all the actions of my government or its security services now; let alone 200 years ago.

    Living in a city about to celebrate 800 years since the signing of theca Magna Carta and that we hold one in our castle, I believe in what it states:

    • 24. No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.

    I understand the Magna Carta forms the basis of your own constitution

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post

    And Martin, you Brits weren't so concerned about the plight of the underdog when you were colonizing the entire world and up to your ears in the slave trade!

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  8. #38
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by martin48 View Post
    Personally, I don't need to feel responsible for all the actions of my government or its security services now; let alone 200 years ago.
    I understand the Magna Carta forms the basis of your own constitution
    History is about guys knocking other guys off, my 4fathers said it was self evident that all men are created equal, not women, certainly not black men! And what spurred the Magna Carta and the American Revolution? Englishmen taxing folk for their own coffers. MONEY and POWER.
    History is not wrong, people are wrong, and the English Museum is full of stuff you guys looted from your colonization days, those were different times, Abe Lincoln almost had his head eliminated by an Indian when he was just a kid, his wounded brother shot the Indian and then died, I believe. Abe Lincoln freed the slaves only in the Confederacy, and he was the one who sent slaves back to Africa, Liberia, I believe. Thombergeron is half right, I do read books, I just forget them after they re closed.
    If you map Europe every century for the past three thousand years, a different empire is in charge each century, all the way round the Mediterranean Sea blood has been mixing for thousands of years, not so much in Africa, or Australia or Norway. The British are need deep in blood and guns during their time in the sun, the sun never sets on the English Empire!
    This is Our Time now, and it will end eventually, just like every other super power that ever existed. The EAST is rising. Nikka should put her website in Chinese and Korean, lots of money to be made there.
    After Vietnam, the USA changed it's immigration laws so we could save all our Vietnamese friends from a bloodbath. So since the seventies it's been less Europeans coming in to the US, more everybody else. Then there's the Hispanics.
    I think the future is going to be less black/white confrontation, and more alienation by everybody. If you live in an American urban coastal CITY, it is a world apart from a rural American Midwest town. Everybody knows each other in Mayberry, but there were no black people in Mayberry. Or Beaver Cleaver's school. You had Rochester on the Jack Benny show, Beulah, but I don't think you had any real black people until Sanford and Son.
    (Steptoe and Son, Martin)
    I have a sneaking suspicion that Giovanni Hotel and his homies aren't so much after racial equality and the harmonization of the races as they are into getting some of the WHITEMAN cash and whiteman power ....access to all the stuff the whiteman gets. You know, "Uppity"........

    Bullshit aside, it's sad black people have to die to have a conversation about race relations in the US, or kids have to die to have a conversation about guns. Even though we stole this country from the Indians, and enslaved black families, and dominate the world with nuclear weapons, this is the Land of the Free. Free Speech. just pay postage and handling. For a limited time, get two free speeches, just pay extra postage and handling.

    World Class Asshole

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    I guess my last word on this topic will be the white cop is going to say that years of training and street experience left him no doubt that the perp who ran from justice was trying to wrestle away his stun gun so he could taze a police officer in uniform, grab his police gun and kill him. Then the cop will hope and pray the blood tox on the dead man comes back with signs of PCP and bath salts.
    In other words, he's hoping there is something he can do to distract the jury from the fact that he shot an unarmed man three times in the back. At the time he fired his gun the man wasn't a threat to him. There's therefore no self-defense.

    Are you aware of the fact that Native Americans were aggressively displaced from their land and killed? They weren't exactly invited to be part of the American melting pot. Had there been a large influx of Native Americans who were eager to adopt American values, who's to say they would not have been discriminated against? Either way, it's tough to blame them for wanting to continue their way of life on the little land that was apportioned to them.

    I have not read a history book that insists as you say that African-Americans suffered discrimination because of a willful refusal to adopt American customs. That's pretty obviously a false narrative.

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  10. #40
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    Default Re: Those US Police killers again!

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    In other words, he's hoping there is something he can do to distract the jury from the fact that he shot an unarmed man three times in the back. At the time he fired his gun the man wasn't a threat to him. There's therefore no self-defense.

    Are you aware of the fact that Native Americans were aggressively displaced from their land and killed? They weren't exactly invited to be part of the American melting pot. Had there been a large influx of Native Americans who were eager to adopt American values, who's to say they would not have been discriminated against? Either way, it's tough to blame them for wanting to continue their way of life on the little land that was apportioned to them.

    I have not read a history book that insists as you say that African-Americans suffered discrimination because of a willful refusal to adopt American customs. That's pretty obviously a false narrative.
    If that cop can get a jury to believe that Walter Scott was trying to steal his tazer so he could zap him and possibly shoot him, then Walter Scott goes from a guy guilty of a broken tail light to a guy guilty of attempted murder. You can't let an attempted murderer run off into the general population! If he wasn't guilty, why did he run?? Just like Travon Martin, they're going to start a smear campaign against Walter Scott, you watch. Don't believe your eyes.

    One of my relatives down south married an Indian princess, my brother spotted it because my cousin Brenda has eyelids that only Indians have. Maybe Brenda can open a casino. Yeah, I would say Indians did not melt into the great American Melting Pot. And How.

    If I said African Americans suffered discrimination because they didn't want to be "Uncle Toms" I think that might need more thinking or discussion .....there are lots of ethnic groups that were discriminated against, but over the generations they were absorbed into the white side of the room. This is the story Mike told me at the Library of Congress that I have mentioned here before. Mike grew up an Air Force brat in Asia, where he wasn't black, he was American. He didn't become black til he moved to DC. They had a retirement party for one of the big shots, the crowd was salt and pepper. But as soon as the speeches were over and cake and punch were served, Mike looked up and saw all the whites on one side of the room, and all the blacks on the other. Mike said he had never seen this before. If I were black I wouldn't want to be a Tom, just because I wouldn't want all my black friends calling me a Tom. If a black person works hard to better his or her self and family, and fails. Don't blame me!!!

    I believe that Obama sees America not as the shining house on the hill, America is the NEIGHBORHOOD you grow up in. I think in his heart and soul he does what he does to make those black neighborhoods great.
    Then.....Obama, save us from Isis.
    Obama, cut my taxes
    Obama, give me something. Do something for me, solve my problems, save the world.
    I think there are things Obama has set in motion, like Obamacare, that will noticeably change things for the better in a way all Americans will recognize. Lots of the Bush stuff will take years to undo. But there is no human being that that can make a Black Man believe they've been "given" enough. I said it. It's in print. Don't argue with me or I'll shoot you.

    World Class Asshole

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