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  1. #181
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: a refreshing look at Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    Maureen Dowd's most recent assessment in Sunday's NYT
    Frankly pathetic. Nothing on the state of America's bridges, its roads, its railroads, its schools, and when it comes to prisons and I read this: he is now teaming with the Koch brothers, who have spent a fortune trying to kill his agenda, for a criminal justice overhaul. I wonder, are the Koch Brothers the people you go to to reform American's prisons? Are they really so indispensable to the workings of democracy? No mention of the USA's involvement in the currently futile attempt to bomb Daesh into oblivion, no attempt to work out if the USA is battering Daesh in support of the government in Damascus when two years it wanted to bomb the hell out of them..I grant Obama some successes, in a difficult environment and with a terrible legacy, but Dowd's piece was just excuses. You only need ponder the nightmare of a Clinton Presidency to realise what opportunities are currently being missed, though I suspect as you said in an earlier post, the tendency of Congress to stand in the way is as much a part of the problem. Disappointed, not least because we have been told in this last week that the Royal Air Force has been bombing Syria in spite of the fact that Parliament has not authorised it to do so, and David Cameron has said Daesh must be smashed, without saying how or how we will know when it happens it has been smashed, or what happens after that. I sometimes wonder if on the Middle East, Obama and Cameron think we, the people, are dimwits who can be told anything and we will believe it.

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  2. #182
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: a refreshing look at Obama

    I'm getting old, .......
    Maybe what's wrong with the middle east is THE MIDDLE EAST!!!
    I think the British had the bright idea to bring the Jews to Israel when they were in Damascus after WWI.
    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, I guess.

    I don't consider Obama a Lion, or a visionary from God, but after Bush/Cheney, a lawyer in the White House is 50 times better than a damn businessman. Obama talks for ten seconds then stops...........I guess because the average sound bite is 15 seconds. He seems to be on a pretty good roll, even with Republicans owning the other two branches of government.
    Normally two terms means a switch in parties next White House term, but it looks like Hilary to me. (but that could be the Bush curse also) It's when a President is blatantly WRONG, the public screams for change, so I can understand Obama erring on the side of caution. We gotta get Scalia out of the Supreme Court.
    All in all, I'm pretty satisfied, I'll give the Presidential critics 50 years or so to find out Obama's all star ranking. Obama wasn't just broke, he has been buried in debt, a poor American President can't do anything except enact some big Social Program like Social Security or Obamacare.
    Probably after 16 years of Democratic peace and prosperity we'll be ready to invade the middle east again. The public will be sick of a woman on the rag and want a blood and guts Republican.

    World Class Asshole

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