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  1. #261
    Platinum Poster martin48's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    The Videos That Are Putting Race
    and Policing Into Sharp Relief

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  2. #262
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    I hate cops..always taking my weed

  3. #263
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

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  4. #264
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    It seems like there are two separate issues with the Sandra Bland case..1.Was her arrest justified?...and 2.Was she murdered?


    1. While the trooper had the absolute right to pull her over if she committed an infraction ...I think his actions escalated way too quickly. You need a thicker skin on a job like that. Unless she was extremely confrontational (which she very well might have been) I don't see it going that far in most realistic scenarios . You really want to avoid putting your hands on someone unless it's absolutely necessary. Plus it's an infraction!!! ( Also...personally ...I found her quite attractive, so if it was me, I probably would have went out of my way for it not to go the way it did...just male human nature...but it does seem from clips of the video that she might have been taller than the maybe he felt challenged)

    2.I watched the facility's camera recording, (I think YouTube has 12 min. so far) without the gratuitous captions placed underneath ... I see nothing that screams large scale murder conspiracy...because I think it's extremely unlikely that people in the Sheriff's office and correctional facility and medical examiner's office would all conspire to murder a woman and agree to cover it up... all to possibly protect a trooper with barely a year on the job.
    Hell...I could be wrong...anything is possible, but...
    Stop fucking getting your news from twitter and facebook!!!!!
    Jesus fucking christ....what?!! are we all 16-18 year old girls now?!!!

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  5. #265
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    The missing word in my post before the exclamation points was "Infraction" in italics...don't know why it came out blank.
    So in summary: I think the trooper in this case deserves to be fired from this job ( part and parcel because of what happened )...but....I don't believe there was a 'cover-up' murder.

  6. #266
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    There is an interesting article below in which it explains that "thanks to Pennsylvania v. Mimms, a 1977 decision...the U.S. Supreme Court said a police officer may order a legally detained motorist out of his car at will."

    Apparently the officer, Encinio had made a traffic stop before his encounter with Bland but did not order that motorist out of the car, so it seems that Encinio was riled by Ms Bland's refusal to put out her cigarette -it is legal to smoke in a car in Texas, but it is not legal to refuse a police officer's request which it seems is why Ms Bland was arrested and ordered out of the car. But she then became involved in a scuffle with the officer and ended up being charged with 'assaulting a public servant' which also suggests that the first charge the officer claimed to have arrested her on was not on the charge sheet. She had bail set at $5,000 and was put in a cell on her own because she was deemed to be a 'high risk' to others. Her family were unable to raise the $500 or 10% of the bail in time to get her out of the Country Jail.

    What has not been established is whether or not the officer deliberately sat on her tail so that she may have looked into her rear view mirror and concluded he needed to pass quickly so that she immediately changed lanes to let him pass without making a signal -or if she 'broke the law' by doing so in an act of forgetfulness or for whatever other reason. We must be aware that an officer pulling over a car might get shot by an angry motorist., but, crucially, it is the fact that a trivial incident became a tragic one because it led to a woman being jailed in solitary confinement during which she was heard weeping and without being attended to. She had been moving to Texas to take up a temporary post at the Prairie View A &M University, but I am assuming that with a charge of 'assaulting a public official' which probably comes with a prison sentence (?), she sat there in the cell and concluded her job was gone and with all the other things that happened in her life there was no reason to carry on. Had she been with someone else it is conceivable they would have been able to talk her down and get her through it, and who knows, she may have got off with a fine rather than a prison sentence, that we shall never know. It would appear that the staff of the Waller Count Jail had a duty of care and that in this they failed.

    And that if anyone is ever pulled over by an officer, they must shut up and do as they are told, as Sullum concludes in his article:
    " (Encinio) was annoyed by what he perceived as Bland's failure to respect his authority. He later told her that he had been ready to let her go with a warning and that she had only herself to blame for the way the encounter ended."

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  7. #267
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    This story is written between the lines. Texas is a LAW AND ORDER state. When I used to hitch-hike down to Florida EVERYBODY knew you don't hitch through Texas or you'll get locked up.
    It's no great surprise that this cop inserted himself into a problem that wasn't a problem til he got there.
    Of course that's only my opinion.
    I'm thinking Sandra Bland was wasn't driving real good because she was stoned off her ass and this cop wanted to investigate. So he cooked up this chickenshit excuse to pull her over. This kind of stuff happens all the time.
    Lots of towns in WHITE AMERICA don't want drifters hitching through their town or black kids driving the streets at 3AM and they don't mind their cops exercising their powers to keep the streets clean and WHITE.

    Summer TV is unwatchable, I missed the details of this case, anyway, the dentist who killed Cecil the Lion is the new asshole of the hour.

    But it is eternally written in stone that even when a cop is an asshole you comply. Show him your license and registration and move on. Sandra Bland is the tip of the iceberg, there are hundreds of thousands of black faces in jail.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #268
    Veteran Poster Cuchulain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    It seems there are a few folks from the 'comply, submit, BOW YOUR HEAD' crowd here. Fuck that shit. That cop had no legal authority to order Ms. Bland to put out her cigarette. He did have the power to order her out of the car but he had no valid reason to do so other than ego. He had no reason to threaten her with a taser OR to rough her up after she left the vehicle. The big, tough policeman certainly could not have been afraid of her. Of course "I feared for my safety" is the excuse that bully cops always use to justify their use of excessive force.

    Yeah people, it's easier (and probably safer) to just go along and do whatever officer Friendly tells you to. Just swallow your pride, toss your civil rights on the trash pile and be a good little sheep. Again, I say fuck that shit. Know your rights and stand up for yourselves. You don't have to be aggressive but you don't need to be submissive either. Don't reinforce bad behavior.

    Always film any encounter with the police if you can. Video is your best protection against abuse. The fact that so many citizens ARE filming has brought police misconduct into the national limelight. Changing the cop mindset of "I can do whatever the fuck I want" won't happen overnight. But cops (too few) are actually being disciplined, fired, even brought up on charges now. We'll all be better off when the lads with badges and the guns learn that they have to behave legally and ethically.

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  9. #269
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    no no no, compliance with a uniformed officer of the law has nothing to do with bending over. If you go to prison you'll be bending over and spreading your cheeks to some guard for the asking. And if you don't comply in jail you WILL get a beat down.

    I've seen the Judge dress down cops all the time in court. If you think the cops are assholes, wait til you get locked up in jail for pushing a cop. Jail is full of assholes lots worse than cops.

    If you wanna be all radical and shit get the cop's name and badge number and find out where he lives if it makes you feel strong and free. Don't tell anybody, though.

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  10. #270
    Veteran Poster Cuchulain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    No. If you allow a someone in authority to bully you and tread on your rights, that IS bending over. Rights and legal protections didn't come easily. I think we've got a civic duty to defend them. Do you really think Americans should fear prison for demanding that police behave properly?

    A judge dressing down a cop is no big deal. It doesn't change anything. Putting a spotlight on bad behavior does. Jail may be full of assholes, but so are a lot of police forces. You're obviously a guy who is willing to go along to get along. I've never been that way and it's a little late in the game for me to change. "Pushing a cop"? Where did I suggest physical confrontation with an armed-to-the-teeth thug who can probably get away with killing you?

    Ain't nothing radical about exercising your constitutional rights. Yes, you should always get names and badge numbers in case you want to file a complaint. Why do I give a damn where he lives? I'm not planning on stalking anybody for Christ's sake.

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