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  1. #41
    I <3 Boobs + Blowjobs Platinum Poster RallyCola's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    So you don't have a problem with it huh? Ok, lets put the shoes on your feet, lets say Mia, took pics of you sucking her dick and her face is in the pic, then she publicly said "Yes we had sex and I did him this way and that way..." and you wake up the next morning with your boy showing you the news line and he says "dude tell me this ain't you" with the most dismal look on his face, you mean to tell me that you would be ok with that? Cause I know I the fuck wouldn't. That's why you don't take pics or do videos with anyone you don't trust! Some TGirls have hidden cameras and dudes don't even know they are being filmed, you ok with that too? You are cool with me but I gotta see your answer.

    I gotta see this one!
    well, let's see...i am not ashamed of anything that i do. if i were ashamed to fuck or get fucked by a transwoman, then i should not be doing it.

    so that said...i can't be blackmailed. a transwoman (actually a girl who used to be on this board) did attempt to do it once, when it had nothing to do with sex, but since i had nothing to hide there, it didn't work. the legal question...if i was SECRETLY photographed and the girl sold the pics for her own gain, i would file suit for damages because i did not permit the pics to be taken. illegally taping someone and profiting from it is different than a dude knowingly allowing himself to be taped/photographed and then whining when such things surface. you can't trust anyone, especially in the digital age where everything is just a mouse click away. I assume that anything i permit, pics or vids, could end up in the wrong place.

    it's simple...there is NOTHING wrong with being involved with a transwoman, unless you want there to be. if you would be embarrassed if someone found out what you are into then you are equally lying to yourself and clearly are not comfortable with your choices. if your mother or best friend can't know that your uvula is being used as a punching bag by a girl with a penis...then you probably don't respect the girl...or yourself.

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    Let's face it...some women just look better with their clothes ON

  2. #42
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    I love, I love this shit to death!!!! Now let me go in!!!

    See the very statements you said irks some point of reality, to be put on a platform with a dash and sprinkle of illusions! Here are the smoke and mirrors and the smoking gun that kills YOUR argument.

    YOU said YOU'RE not ashamed of anything that you do concerning a Transwoman. See, you're not thinking bro, "you, You, YOU"! It's not about YOU!!! If we were talking about Rallycola/YOU we could of ended this long time ago, but it's not about YOU.

    The reality is, people are ashamed. Like me I am ashamed to a certain point but how I fuck a TGirl or a GG is not my mother's business, nor a friend's business this is what you need to understand. Did my moms tell me how she fucked my father to get me here? Hell to the gawd no and she never will and I don't wanna know! what's the cliche, "what happens behind closed doors stay behind closed doors, " whatever happened to that?

    Dam you just proved my point by you having the experience, and you're sitting here saying its ok for a TGirl to run her mouth about a guy she is sexing to the world? Obviously you and Tyga are not two peas of the same pod. What happened to you was some schisty shit, and just because you don't care its ok?

    The legal situation, is nuts! Even if it wasn't secretly one who doesn't want others to know they are fucking a TGirl and trust the TGirl to keep that pic for herself enjoyment and then blast it out to the public is wrong also, not just cause it was secretly done. If the person that doesn't want the pic out there has the right not to have it out there over the one that puts it out there. If the person that's with the TGirl don't want the public to know, he dam sure doesn't want a pic of him out there, I mean logic dude, LOGIC!
    The reality of the backlash Tyga will get that could fuck up his career, (the bullshit he has) because of Mia and her bullshit snitching. Lets call a spade a fucking spade not a diamond! You need to understand loyalty and codes of the fucking street. This is one of the biggest things TGirls talk about is trust, and if they do shit like this, motha fuckas is going to fuck them up or sue their asses and or stop fucking with them. Then the fucked up part is the TGirls that keep their mouths shut get the fucking hammer because of those that open their mouth, that's not fucking fair no way you look at it.

    I saw it myself, Mia looking into the fucking camera trying to be cute and looking down right like an asshole, and says, "Tyga has been very influential in my life". Fuck you mean by that? Oh I get it, code underlining and telling the world she was fucking Tyga! She just fucked herself over. If I was a dude sleeping with Mia I would never fuck with her again! and I would disappear! Of the fucking rack, you know you can't trust her ass with any info!

    There is nothing wrong with dating a Transwoman, dude, YOU are saying this, its obviously not the case with all people. Do you understand that? This is not a joke, Jenny Jones show she had a gay man come on tv to secretly admire a guy, so the guy came on and the gay guy admitted this. The guy was cool, after the show she shot the fuck out of the gay guy and Jenny ass ends up in court! YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH SOME PEOPLE WITH THIS SHIT, IS WHAT I AM SAYING AND PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE HEED! This is basically the first serious post I have made and I see this shit as serious.

    So to end this the guy's friend will scrutinized the guy who wanted to keep it between the TGirl and himself. This is the reality. If it was free range like you try to make it be without any consequences then no one would hide fucking a TGirl. The real world is totally different!

    Quote Originally Posted by RallyCola View Post
    well, let's see...i am not ashamed of anything that i do. if i were ashamed to fuck or get fucked by a transwoman, then i should not be doing it.

    so that said...i can't be blackmailed. a transwoman (actually a girl who used to be on this board) did attempt to do it once, when it had nothing to do with sex, but since i had nothing to hide there, it didn't work. the legal question...if i was SECRETLY photographed and the girl sold the pics for her own gain, i would file suit for damages because i did not permit the pics to be taken. illegally taping someone and profiting from it is different than a dude knowingly allowing himself to be taped/photographed and then whining when such things surface. you can't trust anyone, especially in the digital age where everything is just a mouse click away. I assume that anything i permit, pics or vids, could end up in the wrong place.

    it's simple...there is NOTHING wrong with being involved with a transwoman, unless you want there to be. if you would be embarrassed if someone found out what you are into then you are equally lying to yourself and clearly are not comfortable with your choices. if your mother or best friend can't know that your uvula is being used as a punching bag by a girl with a penis...then you probably don't respect the girl...or yourself.

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  3. #43
    Veteran Poster Instrumental's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    No, you can't and here's why, when a man and a woman get together and if she outs him he sees that as a badge of honor and the guys be like "Yeah you hit that, you sly fox" and they laugh and that shit disappears. A TGirl it's totally different the guys will not high five dude for sleeping with a TGirl as a matter of fact he will get ridiculed for it, and called a fag, now you gotta tell me how that's the same. People that don't fuck with Transgender people do not see it the way you see it, plain and simple.
    Society doesn't treat you or transgender people the same, but that isn't an excuse for you to treat transgender people differently as well. That's a part of the problem. People who should be considered allies to trans people (i.e. those who are willing to have relations with them, sexual or otherwise) don't treat them with the same respect and decency of non-trans people because of what other people think. The reality is, the only way that society as a whole will come to accept transgender people is if we embrace the community. If we instead distance ourselves and act in embarrassment for being around them, it will always be that way. I've been out and open with transgender people. Gotten the odd looks that they have to deal with everyday and guess what? Couldn't care less. If they're uncomfortable that's their problem.

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  4. #44
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    What in the fuck are you talking about? Yo, check this out, you're not going to get 100% of the society to agree with TGirls, period! 2. How in the fuck you think its a reality that the whole community, in the sense of the definition is going to accept TGirls? Its not going to happen. Now that's reality for your ass. You're living in a dream world, people don't have to embrace TGirls. I like TGirls, but I will not be dogmatic to the levels of idiocy, to displace or violate those who are straight on the issue of what I like. I have to measure it by justice. People have the right to distance themselves from TGirls, I mean what the fuck are you talking about? Really? It's not in embarrassment they don't like the shit, why do yall think all cases is about embarrassment? There are people that just don't like the shit and sees it as despicable! Now If I like TGirls should I say that person is homophobic? Embarrassed? No, they are entitled to what they are comfy with. You can't force a whole society such as the United States to accept this, fuck you think this is Greece?

    Quote Originally Posted by Instrumental View Post
    Society doesn't treat you or transgender people the same, but that isn't an excuse for you to treat transgender people differently as well. That's a part of the problem. People who should be considered allies to trans people (i.e. those who are willing to have relations with them, sexual or otherwise) don't treat them with the same respect and decency of non-trans people because of what other people think. The reality is, the only way that society as a whole will come to accept transgender people is if we embrace the community. If we instead distance ourselves and act in embarrassment for being around them, it will always be that way. I've been out and open with transgender people. Gotten the odd looks that they have to deal with everyday and guess what? Couldn't care less. If they're uncomfortable that's their problem.

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  5. #45
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    There are people that just don't like the shit and sees it as despicable!
    There's so much to work with in every one of your posts but I'm going to try to isolate the statements that stand out. When someone says they don't like something or that they see it as despicable they are not explaining the reasoning behind it. What you're saying is that people's aversion is visceral, sub-rational, and not based on reasoning but that society should respect the right of these people to hold prejudices over the rights of those subjected to prejudice to be treated fairly.

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  6. #46
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    Tyga gonna due a sug knight on mia Isabella.
    The hits gonna get hot.
    $5000 can get you hit in this economy.

    Mia isabella might just be another lieing losing TS like some of the other famous lies of the Ts that sleep with Rappers. In my famously words chingaling don't want no tranny dingaling.

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.
    Last edited by natina; 09-04-2015 at 04:45 AM.

  7. #47
    Veteran Poster Instrumental's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    What in the fuck are you talking about? Yo, check this out, you're not going to get 100% of the society to agree with TGirls, period! 2. How in the fuck you think its a reality that the whole community, in the sense of the definition is going to accept TGirls? Its not going to happen. Now that's reality for your ass. You're living in a dream world, people don't have to embrace TGirls. I like TGirls, but I will not be dogmatic to the levels of idiocy, to displace or violate those who are straight on the issue of what I like. I have to measure it by justice. People have the right to distance themselves from TGirls, I mean what the fuck are you talking about? Really? It's not in embarrassment they don't like the shit, why do yall think all cases is about embarrassment? There are people that just don't like the shit and sees it as despicable! Now If I like TGirls should I say that person is homophobic? Embarrassed? No, they are entitled to what they are comfy with. You can't force a whole society such as the United States to accept this, fuck you think this is Greece?
    It's irrelevant that 100% of society be accepting, just enough people be accepting such that one can go about their day to day life without being discriminated against or judged for being trans and associating with transgender people. 100% of society doesn't accept interracial relationships but day to day life is not a problem for those in interracial relationships (in the US at least). We as a community (i.e. the people on this board and those that are a part of the LGBT crowd) already accept trans women, it's just a matter of doing so openly and unabashedly. So long as you are too scared to face the judgement that transwomen receive regularly by openly associating with trans women, you will be holding back progress and insulting transwomen in the process as well. Your comment about people having the right to distance themselves is equally irrelevant. Just because they have the right to do so doesn't make it right to do. And it's not a matter of getting everyone to like having sex or being in an intimate relationship with a transgender women so that point is irrelevant as well. It's about treating transgender people as human beings and not deprecating people just for wanting to be with transgender people in a relationship. People are not entitled to treating people poorly or discriminating against them just for who they are. And obviously the issue is about embarrassment. A person who has sex with a transgender women obviously doesn't dislike trans women and find them despicable. You already admit that you show shame if you got caught for your interest in trans women. That is the essence of embarrassment. Try to keep up dude. And please use coherent English as you are failing to do so consistently and it makes it difficult to interpret.

    4 out of 4 members liked this post.
    Last edited by Instrumental; 09-04-2015 at 05:17 AM.
    Those who anger you control you

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  8. #48
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    There are really two separate issues going on in this thread.

    1. Should t-girls be allowed to be open in their relationships without fear of their partner being "embarrassed", or as insinuated by James, without fear of violent reprisals.
    Answer - Yes.

    2. Is it ok for anyone (GG or TS) to kiss and tell and reveal intimate details of a relationship or affair.
    Answer - No

    3 out of 3 members liked this post.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    What in the fuck are you talking about? Yo, check this out, you're not going to get 100% of the society to agree with TGirls, period! 2. How in the fuck you think its a reality that the whole community, in the sense of the definition is going to accept TGirls? Its not going to happen. Now that's reality for your ass. You're living in a dream world, people don't have to embrace TGirls. I like TGirls, but I will not be dogmatic to the levels of idiocy, to displace or violate those who are straight on the issue of what I like. I have to measure it by justice. People have the right to distance themselves from TGirls, I mean what the fuck are you talking about? Really? It's not in embarrassment they don't like the shit, why do yall think all cases is about embarrassment? There are people that just don't like the shit and sees it as despicable! Now If I like TGirls should I say that person is homophobic? Embarrassed? No, they are entitled to what they are comfy with. You can't force a whole society such as the United States to accept this, fuck you think this is Greece?
    Those who distance themselves from black people based on the colour of their skin would be called racist.

    Those who distance themselves from gay/transexual people based on their "lifestyle" would be called homophobic/transphobic.

    Presumably you would agree with my first statement, therefore logic dictates that you should agree with the second.

    See where I'm going with this?

    Oh, and what the fuck is your last sentence supposed to mean?

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    Last edited by Laphroaig; 09-04-2015 at 07:49 PM.

  10. #50
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Tgirls, keep your mouth quiet!!!!!!

    you put the quote first and then your fucking statement.
    you should of normally learned that in grade 2

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