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  1. #31
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    Quote Originally Posted by nysprod View Post
    Do you understand that besides talking about things you shouldn't be, you're also creating potential legal problems for yourself?
    you are being ridiculous and naive. I am not naming names, nor am I planning to, although Bree Olson & Mia Isabella already outed themselves publicly. Secondly, legal problems from who? Be specific.

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  2. #32
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    Quote Originally Posted by ARandySavage View Post
    Wonder which TS girls ol Charlie was into? I'm pretty sure he fucked Neveah Skye.
    I doubt it. Ole' Charlie liked to get high & suck the dick not get sucked.

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  3. #33
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    Quote Originally Posted by APD2 View Post
    It's poor form,but there are no laws against it.
    What's poor form? stating facts?

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  4. #34
    Senior Member Veteran Poster RadiusDark's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    Well. I was told this last year by a couple of different models. I guess they weren't lying for once.

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  5. #35
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    You transsexual escort big pimp you!

    Quote Originally Posted by lifeisfiction View Post
    So you book girls to see clients. I did not know you ran an agency for porn stars. Is it similar to Pamela Peaks?

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    Last edited by natina; 11-17-2015 at 07:52 AM.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    So who gave it to Charlie?

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  7. #37
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    Quote Originally Posted by thatOneRandomHornyGuy View Post
    I can't wait till the day when being gay(for males), and/or bi is not a big deal anymore. Attraction to another person regardless of gender should not be such a big deal in todays world with so much bigger shit going on to worry about and fix
    It's a bigger deal when you hide it.

    In today's media climate if Charlie Sheen was seen partying with a tgirl at a club kissing up on her, he would be praised for 'living his truth'.lol

    Love that phrase.

    People were more worried about his coke addiction than who he was fucking, until the HIV thing.

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  8. #38
    Regulator Professional Poster JenniferParisHusband's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    Sadly, the HIV thing was one of most poorly kept secrets in HWD. Some Sony Exec outted him in an e-mail almost 2 years ago. Something about easily winning an over/under on an addict who was HIV+ being able to do 40 shows per year. If you search Wikileaks, it's in there somewhere. There was also something about a bunch of female stars just suddenly quitting the industry and essentially going into hiding the year before that due to an HIV scare, and pretty much most of the names were people who had been linked to Sheen.

    The guy is a piece of shit for having it and then going unprotected with these ladies. I hope they sue the hell out of him, and win. I also hope the bastard gets on the wrong side of an investigation by the LA District Attorney's office. If they do, he's seriously fucked. First, he is looking at a Felony charge for every person whom he slept with, and didn't inform them he was HIV positive (Cal. Health and Safety Code § 120291) So, they mentioned at least 50 girls, and probably multiple occasions with each. Consecutive sentencing is 50+ years. He is also going to get wrecked under the special provision for prostitution (Cal. Penal Code § 647f) where solicitation adds more time to each charge where prostitution was involved. If the LA DA can get a lady to admit he solicited them. It shouldn't be too hard with 50 angry and bitter ladies out there, to find at least one who would be willing to make a deal.

    Really, really hoping the good folks in the DA screw him over the way he did the ladies he didn't tell. Although they'd probably use the minor-included, which 50 consecutive misdemeanors is still pretty harsh, and with the solicitation would keep him away until he's nothing but a memory. He's lucky he didn't do that in Ohio. The mere act of being HIV positive and engaging in sex without knowing and informed consent by the partner, who must affirm knowledge of the HIV and risks, is a First Degree Felony, akin to attempted murder. (Ohio Rev. Code § 2903.11) Each charge there would be a minimum of 6 years, and max of 10.

    If anyone wants the statute details for California...
    Cal. Health and Safety Code § 120291
    Any person who exposes another to HIV by engaging in unprotected sexual activity (anal or vaginal intercourse without a condom) when the infected person knows at the time of the unprotected sex that he or she is infected with HIV, has not disclosed his or her HIV-positive status, and acts with the specific intent to infect the other person with HIV, is guilty of a felony. A person's knowledge of his or her HIV-positive status, without additional evidence, is not sufficient to prove specific

    The minor-included charge in there is Cal. Health and Safety Code § 120290
    Any person afflicted with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease who willfully exposes him/herself to another person (and any person who willfully exposes another person afflicted with the disease to someone else) is guilty of a misdemeanor.

    Cal. Penal Code § 647f
    Any person who is charged with soliciting or engaging in prostitution under Cal. Pen. Code § 647(b) shall be also charged with a previous conviction(s) and with having been informed of positive blood test result(s) if: (1) the prior conviction(s) was for violating Cal. Pen. Code § 647 or any other offense listed in Cal. Pen. Code § 1202.1(d); (2) the person was tested for HIV in connection with the prior conviction(s) with positive test results; and (3) the person was informed of that positive test result(s). If the previous conviction and informed test results are found to be true by the trier of fact or are admitted by the defendant, the defendant is guilty of a felony.

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    Last edited by JenniferParisHusband; 11-17-2015 at 09:37 AM.
    Jus wookin puh nub.

  9. #39
    Professional Poster lifeisfiction's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    I would put money he had paid them off. I wouldn't be surprise. I thought about it, but the question is when did he knew he had and did they know. It will be a whole legal mess where he can certainly out spend anyone that brings a lawsuit. As for prosecutors, who knows, he can afford excellent legal counsel. It will all come down to his interview and if he consulted a public relations firm I am sure he will spin it as him being the victim of his stupidity. We shall see.

    PS: You got me thinking about the jury trial the prosecution has to put escorts on the stand. Those things can really backfire. It is always risky when you put an individual who has a criminal background or criminal record on the stand. Then if he is willing to expose large prostitution rings the state might cut Charlie a solid deal. I have seen the state give some real stupid deals especially when defendant and the state main witness jointly operated and owned a prostitution ring. So this will be something to watch if it becomes a legal matter.

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  10. #40
    Member Rookie Poster Females&Shemales's Avatar
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    Default Re: Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

    His reckless behavior led to this.

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