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  1. #91
    Hey! Get off my lawn. 5 Star Poster Odelay's Avatar
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    Talking Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

    This is Rand playing to his right wing base. As a reasonably smart guy, he doesn't actually believe that 50% of the people on disability are committing fraud. He's also a doctor so he is aware of the kinds of debilitating pains and mental disorders that some people live under. To refer to these as back pain and anxiousness is disingenuous.

    I do broadly believe in the idea of personal responsibility that has become the ultimate credo of ultra-conservative dogma. However, I can't abide by the right wing approach to this issue.

    1. Every system is corruptible. It's inherent. You can't design and build an incorruptible system that is used by many people. This applies to computer systems, social systems, religious systems, or any other system. Right wingers want to pull the plug on any system that they don't like and point to corruption as the reason, but they want to keep the plug in for any corrupted system that they do like, e.g. Christian churches. Can't have it both ways.

    2. Our social safety nets help and protect people who badly need it. The right wing seems to never acknowledge the good that these programs do. Again, they point to the idea of personal responsibility and want to do away with the system instead of working on the fraud part.

    3. I don't profess to know a lot about the operations of our safety nets, but my limited experience through collecting unemployment benefits leads me to believe that government is doing a lot to limit corruption. I had to attend employment audits where I had to produce evidence of me seeking employment, i.e. applications, response letters, etc. Had I not produced such evidence the government not only could have stopped future payments but also could have took me to criminal and/or civil court resulting in huge fines and back payment of previously paid benefits.

    Rand is making the case that there are people who look like him (in their 40's) who are collecting disability. I doubt there are very few people who look as fit as Rand Paul who are on disability.

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  2. #92
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

  3. #93
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

    Rand Paul: Republicans Are Responsible For ISIS:

  4. #94
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

    Ran Paul is just simply awesome; not only does he wear boots but he's libertarian.

    "Let them do what they do"

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  5. #95
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

  6. #96
    Junior Poster nitron's Avatar
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    Default Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

    Libertarians ," If you can't contribute, die". Progressive Leftys,"Only White Men are at fault for Earth's problems, die white men". Centrists (dem/rep),"The market controls everything , ...please shop!".....Sorry if I'm a little off topic .

  7. #97
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by AshlynCreamher View Post
    Ran Paul is just simply awesome; not only does he wear boots but he's libertarian.

    "Let them do what they do"
    I so take this statement back

    Rand Paul has no backbone and is weak on immigration - aside from that he's excepted money from PACs and wallstreet


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  8. #98
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    Default Re: What, no Rand Paul thread?

    If he doesn't improve his poll numbers in the next few weeks he'll be relegated to the kiddies table with Jindahl. Oh I forget, Bobby will be watching from his couch

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