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  1. #1
    Junior Poster livepersona's Avatar
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    Default North Carolina House Bill 2

    I'm into trans-women, CDs, and think all people regardless of sex or color should NOT be discriminated upon. However I struggle with blindly approving issues like this. I don't believe just because someone who calls themselves trans should just be allowed to use their preferred bathroom. There should be some process to change their birth certificate, be in some treatment, hormones, etc before this should be allowed. I don't know if that's the answer but there needs to be more to it than the gender you self identify with. This is especially troubling with the youth since the issue is not yet known on how adults should handle this. I don't know what it's like growing up having to transition so I can't speak on what's its like.

    Another topic related to this is religion. I'm not religious at all but if someone owns a Christian family business then they should be able to hire someone who fits the values based on their religion. I am for pro-trans rights but I also don't think this bill should be labeled as discriminatory. At this time I really don't see any other answers than a unisex bathroom.

    I understand this is a sensitive subject and want to know thoughts with people more closely related to the issue. Just looking to start a respectful conversation to debate the issue.

    What is everyone's thoughts on this?

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  2. #2
    Veteran Poster EZWind's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by livepersona View Post
    I don't believe just because someone who calls themselves trans should just be allowed to use their preferred bathroom. There should be some process to change their birth certificate, ..... we go again w/ the birth certificate shit. A person should not have to carry around a birth certificate in order to take a leak or have a bowel movement in a public bathroom. North Carolina can go Fuck themselves....and Kansas, Mississippi and Alabama too along with em. There's a list of about a dozen major corporations that are boycotting NC because of this reprehensibly stupid bill including B of A, Microsoft, and the NBA. I hope it buries them in the poorhouse for letting this thing pass.

    "Life is short" you say? ....yes it is
    "Just enjoy it" ? all means....unless ,of course, some twisted bigot or religious nutbag jaggoff tells you you shouldn't be allowed to

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  3. #3
    Junior Poster livepersona's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    I'm not saying that someone should carry around a birth certificate to use the bathroom. What I'm trying to articulate is that someone should actually be transitioning before they are allowed to use a specific bathroom and I don't know how to regulate or enforce that. I would say the honor system but that just doesn't exist in this world.

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    There have been more Congresspeople arrested for misconduct in bathrooms than there have been transgendered people.

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  5. #5
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    OMG!!! Unisex toilets will destroy the world!!!

    Oh wait... I think I have one of those at home.

    Never mind.

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  6. #6
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    I don't give a damn what bathroom any person goes in regardless of whether they are trans or not. I've gone in male bathrooms and saw women in there, I handle my business and leave because idgaf.

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  7. #7
    Veteran Poster EZWind's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by livepersona View Post
    I'm not saying that someone should carry around a birth certificate to use the bathroom.
    ...OK....what you said was..."There should be some process to change their birth certificate," ....WTF is the point of that and how are you going to know it's been changed if you don't have someone at the restroom door checking everyone before allowing them entrance, which would in turn require you to have it on you at all times....sorry, it's a Bullshit concept

    Quote Originally Posted by livepersona View Post
    What I'm trying to articulate is that someone should actually be transitioning before they are allowed to use a specific bathroom
    ...and WTF is the point of THAT? Look, 2 people are dining at separate tables in a restaurant and are dressed in a skirt, nylon stockings and high heels. Under the skirt, one person has a vagina, the other a penis. They both get up and walk into the women's restroom to use the facilities. They walk in, they enter adjoining stalls, close their respective stall doors and do their business. One stands up and one sits down. None of the other people in the restroom knows who did what, and guess what....NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. The sky doesn't's not the end of the world as we know it because somebody with a dick took a piss in a stall in the women's restroom no matter what kind of surgery they've had or what hormones they may or may not be taking. ....again, it's a Bullshit concept

    Quote Originally Posted by livepersona View Post
    I am for pro-trans rights but I also don't think this bill should be labeled as discriminatory.
    ....well, I guess that explains it...anyone who claims to be in favor of trans rights and yet cannot see this stupidity as discrimination obviously does not have his tray table secured and his seat back in the full upright position

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  8. #8
    Freudian Slip Platinum Poster Wendy Summers's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    So let's breakdown a few issues:

    1) A large number of states do not allow for birth certificates to be changed for transsexuals and most that do require SRS before making the change. My birth state is one such state. I go through life with only the folks closest to me (or who have seen my porn) knowing I'm transsexual. If I go into a men's room it's not only unsafe for me, it's also outting me as a transsexual. Should the state have a right to invade my privacy? What's the compelling community health & welfare issue which should allow them that right?

    2) There are ZERO documented cases of a transsexual molesting or assaulting anyone in the bathroom. So the problem doesn't exist. Even if it did, our existing laws would punish that person quite severely. These laws have nothing to do with public safety. No need for the law exists so the only reason to explain creating them is to legalize discrimination.

    3) You say you are pro-trans rights, but are you willing to publicly acknowledge your legal identity AND the fact that you are into transsexuals in a public forum? I don't know you, but I suspect that you wouldn't. The challenges you will face being exposed as liking transsexuals are only a fraction of the challenges we face as a result of these types of laws. Did you know that 47% of black transwomen have been incarcerated? That rate is significantly higher than any other population. Having laws like this just give another excuse to folks to throw transpeople in jail for no reason.

    I'm beginning to think transwomen everywhere should stop having sex with men, lysistrata style, until these dumbass bathroom laws go away. Maybe then admirers like you would actually support us rather not having the balls to join our fight for equal rights.

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  9. #9
    Veteran Poster EZWind's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy Summers View Post
    ....There are ZERO documented cases of a transsexual molesting or assaulting anyone in the bathroom. So the problem doesn't exist. .
    ....there ya could not be put more fundamentally than that
    ...unfortunately, such logic and cold hard facts are lost on these jesus freak reactionary inbred redneck GOP mofos's the same argument they use for the if-ya-can't-beatem-cheatem photo ID voting regulations where there's something like 4 out of a billion cases of actual fraud
    ...I caught the tail end of a piece the other day about how in Kansas there is ( or will be if it passes) a bounty of $2500 offered for turning in a high school that allows a transgender to use the "wrong" restroom. Just boggles the mind in this day and age
    .....what's a po boy to do? For one thing....stay the Fuck out of Kansas for starters.....and NC, MS, AL, TX, the list goes on
    ....also heard that there's a bunch of states that have told their staff people that unless they have official business to attend to, they should refrain from travel to NC. Maybe that's a possible solution...hit em in their pocketbooks....maybe that will knock some sense into them
    ....I have my doubts, but it's worth a try

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  10. #10
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Not to mention it would be far more dangerous for a transwoman going into a men's room, rather than just discretely using the ladies. Lesbians can use the ladies room. Are they perving on the other occupants?

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