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  1. #11
    Junior Poster livepersona's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by EZWind View Post

    ....well, I guess that explains it...anyone who claims to be in favor of trans rights and yet cannot see this stupidity as discrimination obviously does not have his tray table secured and his seat back in the full upright position
    Just because I support one thing doesn't mean I'm automatically against it's opposition.

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  2. #12
    Junior Poster livepersona's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    1. I think these laws are coming about because of schools and children and not sure it would even be brought up otherwise. I personally could care less about most places as we are all adults. Then again I'm not a women so unsure how they feel about the issue. Police have the ability now to stop and ask for ID. I'm not saying it's right but they do. And I don't think people should be asked of the gender before using the bathroom. Forcing you to use the male bathroom would cause more issues than these laws and is dangerous. I totally agree with that!

    2. I totally agree with you here except I find it difficult to be labeled as discrimination.

    3. I'm not saying that I'm 100% for this law to pass or to enforce it not by any means. Personally for me I need more discussion with people on this board because I only hear what I hear from opponents in the news.

    lysistrata style- I had to look this up! hahahah! You would probably be right

    Thank you - I do appreciate the open and honest dialog.

    Life is short. Just enjoy it.

  3. #13
    Junior Poster livepersona's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy Summers View Post
    So let's breakdown a few issues:

    1) A large number of states do not allow for birth certificates to be changed for transsexuals and most that do require SRS before making the change. My birth state is one such state. I go through life with only the folks closest to me (or who have seen my porn) knowing I'm transsexual. If I go into a men's room it's not only unsafe for me, it's also outting me as a transsexual. Should the state have a right to invade my privacy? What's the compelling community health & welfare issue which should allow them that right?

    2) There are ZERO documented cases of a transsexual molesting or assaulting anyone in the bathroom. So the problem doesn't exist. Even if it did, our existing laws would punish that person quite severely. These laws have nothing to do with public safety. No need for the law exists so the only reason to explain creating them is to legalize discrimination.

    3) You say you are pro-trans rights, but are you willing to publicly acknowledge your legal identity AND the fact that you are into transsexuals in a public forum? I don't know you, but I suspect that you wouldn't. The challenges you will face being exposed as liking transsexuals are only a fraction of the challenges we face as a result of these types of laws. Did you know that 47% of black transwomen have been incarcerated? That rate is significantly higher than any other population. Having laws like this just give another excuse to folks to throw transpeople in jail for no reason.

    I'm beginning to think transwomen everywhere should stop having sex with men, lysistrata style, until these dumbass bathroom laws go away. Maybe then admirers like you would actually support us rather not having the balls to join our fight for equal rights.
    1. I think these laws are coming about because of schools and children and not sure it would even be brought up otherwise. I personally could care less about most places as we are all adults. Then again I'm not a women so unsure how they feel about the issue. Police have the ability now to stop and ask for ID. I'm not saying it's right but they do. And I don't think people should be asked of the gender before using the bathroom. Forcing you to use the male bathroom would cause more issues than these laws and is dangerous. I totally agree with that!

    2. I totally agree with you here except I find it difficult to be labeled as discrimination.

    3. I'm not saying that I'm 100% for this law to pass or to enforce it not by any means. Personally for me I need more discussion with people on this board because I only hear what I hear from opponents in the news.

    lysistrata style- I had to look this up! hahahah! You would probably be right

    Thank you - I do appreciate the open and honest dialog.

    Life is short. Just enjoy it.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    This "reprehensibly stupid" legislation was in response to Charlotte's ridiculous outside of their jurisdiction legislation to say people should be able to use whatever bathroom they identify with. That is asinine! Our bathrooms are not separated by gender, the are separated by sex. This is done mostly to protect women. Trans people (shock) are not the only people who use bathrooms! Just because they may not feel comfortable using a certain bathroom we need a law??? GTFO! How selfish! Maybe some people aren't comfortable the other way around. This is a case of activist not knowing when to stop! This is not something that can be regulated nor should it be! No one is going to hire an attendant for every bathroom and check someones birth certificate before they piss, nor are they going to hire shrinks to check if you are REALLY trans or just some pervert who wants to get into the women's bathroom. Trans people use bathrooms now--- legislation can't change that. If you get your ass beat now you're gonna get your ass beat after the stupid laws too. This is an unnecessary superfluous topic, but one typical of our insane, seems-like-a-good-idea-but-isnt, pc culture!

    "I don't see it that way. I see it as a complete and total betrayal of my testicles!"

  5. #15
    Veteran Poster EZWind's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by livepersona View Post
    Just because I support one thing doesn't mean I'm automatically against it's opposition.
    ...and I'll miss you most of all Scarecrow
    ....sorry, but this just seems like a brainless statement to me. Please explain how one can be in favor of the opposition to a thing while claiming to be in support of that thing.
    ...that's like saying well I support a woman's right to drive a car but it's OK by me if my state passes a law banning women from getting a driver's license.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Bruce Springsteen canceled his upcoming concert in opposition of the bill. That's how you combat bills like this. Put economic pressure on the state(s) in question until they come to their senses.

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  7. #17
    Freudian Slip Platinum Poster Wendy Summers's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by EZWind View Post
    ...and I'll miss you most of all Scarecrow
    ....sorry, but this just seems like a brainless statement to me. Please explain how one can be in favor of the opposition to a thing while claiming to be in support of that thing.
    ...that's like saying well I support a woman's right to drive a car but it's OK by me if my state passes a law banning women from getting a driver's license.

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  8. #18
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    So Wendy:
    Only a few hundred thousand of your closest friends know your secret, huh? How long ya think you can keep it under wraps? We'll throw a cumming out party when you finally climb out of your shell.

    Charlotte "legislation"? I could easily be wrong, but I thought all this crazy was a reactionary response to a court decision. Maybe I missed something.
    Anyway; this can no longer be consiered a superfluous topic since discriminatory & spiteful laws are being passed. They probably won't hold up, but it takes time, & damage will be done to some folks just because of who they are. I consider these attainders, & blatently illegal to start with, but I'm not a lawyer. (Thank the PTBs)

    This isn't about schools. That's a constant bugaboo whenever fanatics try to protect their comfort levels from those who aren't in lockstep with their views of the perfect society. It's always "they-them-those" who are trying to destroy the "moral fibre". Whatever that means. Outside of the bullies, this isn't anissue with kids in school. Just supposed adults who want to control.the thoughts of children, mostly not their own.

    The universal moral code, irrespective of religious belief, is the ethic of resiprosity, also known as "the golden rule". That's where one needs to start when considering these kind of legal attacks on anyone. There's no more heinous act of immorality than to dehumanize another.

    One more thing:
    This is the USA. No one is required to carry any ID at all, let alone a birth certificate. The only way to really tell who's who in the rest room is to have a guard feeling up every crotch coming through the door. Methinks it would be quite entertaining to watch the self-righteous justify that one.

  9. #19
    Junior Poster livepersona's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Quote Originally Posted by EZWind View Post
    ...and I'll miss you most of all Scarecrow
    ....sorry, but this just seems like a brainless statement to me. Please explain how one can be in favor of the opposition to a thing while claiming to be in support of that thing.
    ...that's like saying well I support a woman's right to drive a car but it's OK by me if my state passes a law banning women from getting a driver's license.
    The difference being pro-trans rights like marriage, healthcare, employment, etc. Even to use the bathroom if one has taken or undergoing active steps for a transition. This does not necessarily mean some legal piece of paper, but some formidable action towards transitioning. Make sense?

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  10. #20
    Member Rookie Poster ohiodick's Avatar
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    Default Re: North Carolina House Bill 2

    Stop voting for the conservatives that make these insane laws, or if you do not vote, start.
    Easy way to stop these stupid laws is to NOT vote for the people that pass them. Trying to defend this after its pass is a waste of your time, all you have posted here is correct, but will not change the law nor their mind. Voting,on the other hand will and voting for the people that do not believe in this kind of crap will stop it.
    Go vote and pay attention to who you vote for.

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