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  1. #1
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    Two articles I found interesting.

    "The reason that the vast majority of transgender people DON'T vote for Republicans is they instinctively realize the assumptions required to conclude that living as a transgender person in an America run by Cruz and the FRC is better than living in one run by a Democratic President are completely unrealistic. The odds of a Democratic President personally destroying America that utterly with their policies is roughly the same as your grandmother becoming a roadie for Nine Inch Nails.

    The odds of Ted Cruz following through with the FRC's plan for transgender people in America are nearly 100%, however."
    The former Olympian said: “[The Democratic Debate] is the last place I want to be.”

    Of the struggle for trans rights, she said: “We need both sides… if we’re unfortunate enough to get Hillary as our next President, we need her on our side.

    “Although she won’t be… she couldn’t care less about women. She only cares about herself.”

    When asked exactly which Republican candidates would help trans people, she claims: “All of them. They don’t hate gays or trans people.

    “They are more ‘I want a thriving economy so every trans person has a job’.”
    Discuss. Quite a few of the ladies over the weekend sure did.

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  2. #2
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    The Republicans have not historically been friends of the lgbt community. There are good reasons for assuming that Republicans would treat transgender individuals with the same respect they have historically treated gay men. It is only because the Supreme Court has said that sodomy laws are unconstitutional that states are not allowed to lock up gay men for being in a relationship and presumably violating them. Some of these laws are still on the books but are only enforced in cases of forcible sodomy and therefore are essentially treated as anti-rape statutes that cover non-vaginal forced intercourse. Both Scalia and Thomas wrote dissents in Lawrence v. Texas and they were both Republican nominees who were expressing their view that people are entitled to be morally repulsed by homosexuality and to want to make sex between gay men illegal.

    Republicans fought tooth and nail in many states to ban gay marriage even going as far as to try to amend state constitutions to not only make it illegal, but to provide a constitutional barrier to making it legal.

    Anyhow, there are good reasons that the intolerance Republicans have historically shown to gay men and women would also be expressed when considering the rights of the transgender community. It is right now a current fad among conservative commentators to fight for their right to call mtf transsexuals "sir" because they are suddenly pro-science and believe we should pay strict and literal attention to a person's chromosomal sex.

    So, in conclusion, Caitlin Jenner is ignoring the interests of individuals who are similarly situated by supporting Republican candidates. She may have other compelling reasons to but she is wrong to indicate Republicans have not been anti-gay.

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  3. #3
    Member Rookie Poster volkov2006's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    There is plenty evidence to show that the Republican party is against transgender rights.

    Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee has endorsed the anti-transgender bathroom bills across the country, pretty much telling everyone the republican party is anti-transgender.

    Ted Cruz himself has a good amount of evangelical christian pastors who have made very hideous suggestions about what we as the United States should do to the LGBT community. One said we should put the LGBT in camps, another said to put us on islands to be isolated, and another still has said that we should just execute them. These are men who are within the highest circle of supporters for Cruz.

    Caitlyn Jenner is still in the bubble of a rich, privileged, white person with the rights that money gives her. She does not understand the struggle of actual transgender or LGBT people at large. I myself have not been able to find a job for about a year, others have been fired for being who they are, and many other types of discrimination that she will probably never have to face.

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  4. #4
    Junior Poster nitron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    Ms Jenner , she is a human being. People vote there political bias, a bias that comes to her and all of us, naturally . Can a religious zealot be convert to atheism?

  5. #5
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz


  6. #6
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    Huffington post is filled with angry fascist opinions, rarely ever do they use accurate quotes. business Insider, breitbart & infowars are much better and reputable.

    The one who calls himself 'Ted' is a no-good backstabbing liar' he even lies about his name 'Ted' which is somehow short for Rafael Edwardo Cruz (Canadian who isn't a national born citizen), bought and paid for by the 'business establishment', 'big oil' and yes wallstreet them selves have contributed, the Republican establishment doesn't even like 'Ted' threatening to throw the election.

    Caitlyn Jenner some how becomes Barbra Walters 'person of the year' and was never interviewed, all of this happens after she gets a 'get out of jail free card' from reckless driving killing 1. Political Correctness at work here? I'm just relieved that she didn't Endorse our Donald. #America1st

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  7. #7
    Junior Member Rookie Poster seenowiam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    Sanctimonious stone throwers...

    The words "Conservative" and "Republican" have been hijacked by the likes of Cruz, Crazy Glenn Beck, Rush Limpdick and a thousand other sanctimonious, pompous ass, pretending to be religious, bigots.

    That's one reason they dislike Trump so much. Trump is like a normal person in his "live and let live" attitude. All Trump wants to do is clean up the mess these A-holes made of our country in everything from wasting, blood, lives and money in starting stupid wars to this latest bullshit about bathrooms.

    Trans or not, frankly I don't know why any fair minded, rational person would ever vote for "TED" or anyone who ever uses the two words that makes me sick "True-Conservative".

    If someone ever utters in your presence the words "True-Conservative" take my advice and walk quietly but quickly away.

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  8. #8
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    Trump is anything but normal. He's not even 'like a normal person. "Let and let live" is about as far from his agenda as you can get (think of the wall, or even keeping the nuclear option open in Europe and the Middle East). People say they like him because he says what he thinks. When you think what Trump thinks you're not really thinking. What he does is repeat the shit other people say to each other usually under their breath because they're ashamed. Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Newt Gingrich and the whole load of them over the past decade spoke to the nation's bigots and racists in dog whistles. The only difference is Trump uses a bull-horn. But we do agree on one thing, neither of us understands why any fair minded, rational person would ever vote for 'TED'. I'm guessing the answer is that there just aren't that many fair minded, rational people in the base of the Republican party, including those who are voting for Trump.

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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  9. #9
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    A Cruz back to Canada.

    "& another one bites the dust..."

    The Republican Party is devoid of sane leaders. & the few that come close are showing their true color, yellow. If Trump the Usurper gets the job, ... Uh... Let me think about my prognostications here... I'll get back after consulting the oracle of the magic 8 ball over @ the ouija palace.

  10. #10
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    At the same time the area where I live is heavily blue (PA) and boy you would have a hard time telling the red from the blue. Democratically controlled, rural, and heavily bigoted. They screwed me over almost ten years ago when I applied for unemployment giving me the wrong information. Never vote for another Democrat back here again.

    Heavily blue and filled with child molesting coaches and priests.

    After being around the world and living in a few different countries it opens your eyes.

    The narrative the media plays is what they are paid to tell. You can see it in how they massage the stories on television.

    My favorite was 'Cruz meets with Republican establishment leaders today. Now lets go to a Trump rally where he is speaking to thousands.' Very subtle but easy to spot.

    We have literally become a country that pays more attention to memes than actual facts.

    Reporting used to be a job. Now articles are written by computer programs where you input some keywords, a couple of quotes, and boom the article is spun out to fifty blogs in an hour. 300 words or less is preferred because we have a short attention span.

    Cruz is a Tea Party guy from Texas who came into Congress wanting to shake up the establishment. Then he became the one person to save them from Trump. Pretty ironic.

    The sad part is the Internet and media have become so extremist that no matter what one side does it will be spun to appeal to the loons and crazies.

    Born of a broken man, but not a broken man
    Born of a broken man, never a broken man

    Latrodectus mactans

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