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  1. #61
    Professional Poster runningdownthatdream's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by APD2 View Post
    Isn't Trump socially very liberal and longtime friends of the Clintons? Still not entirely convinced that he's not a plant by Hillary,let alone a serious presidential candidate.....

    He had Jenna Talackova,the first openly trans US beauty pageant contestant, in his Miss Unvierse contests,a few years back....

    Attachment 944644

    Anyone else think Jenna shared an odd facial resemblance with Ivanka?

    Damn dude.....two shots, two hits. I'm not American so my understanding of American culture and politics is different than yours (assuming you're American) but the way Trump kept ratcheting up his bullshit time and time again led me to seriously consider that he was really on Clinton's team. I think over time though, as he realized that he had support from certain groups regardless of what he said, he started to think he might actually pull it off. Idiocracy come to life........

    And you nailed it with the Jenna/Ivanka comparison!

  2. #62
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Trump is an opportunist.
    He doesn't stand for anything.

    He used to be 'friends' with the Clintons because Bill was the former POTUS and Trump believed he had international connections that could benefit his bottom line.

    Trump supporters are betting that the Donald goes against type and becomes a champion of the common man and puts their interests before his own socioeconomic class.

    But keep hoping.

    I'm saying it right now, if Trump ends up becoming POTUS, this country will be in a recession before the end of his four year term.

    Trump isn't Ross Perot, who actually stood for something.

    Trump is about fame and money and is going to turn being POTUS into a global reality TV show.
    Can you imagine an EMPOWERED Donald Trump with the title of Commander in Chief????

    Good night, AMerica.

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  3. #63
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Donald Trump wants to rally us to the standard of excellence we once epitomised.

    Donald Trump apposes globalism and supports nationalism. - America First means: "no American will ever again feel that there needs come second to that of a citizen of a foreign nation" he says were going to make America Great Again for EVERYONE.

    He wants to invest in infrastructure which is something we haven't really done in decades.

    We're going to build a wall to stop the stream of illegal immigration - millions of American children go hungry every day, why would we add to the problem by bringing in people who we don't want or need.

    He said he will Strengthen our military, take care of our Vets 'who are incredible people' and bomb the hell out of the Islamic state.

    He's going to reopen the coal mines which crooked Hitlary Clinton has vowed to keep the miners out of work. We have an estimated 50 billion in natrual resources on federal land.

    Donald Trumps Free Trade policy will encourage businesses to stay in the United States keeping American works employed - Bill Clinton sign NAFTA and crooked Hitlary Clinton will not hasitate to sign TPP into law, which will be far worse than NAFTA

    Donald Trumps immigration plan will guarantee a birth in the African American community. Black youth unemployment has never worse than it is now.

    The Donald has been a advocate for lgbtq rights in the work place (2000) long before crooked hillary (2003), and crooked hillary? "Don't ask, and she won't tell"

    Vote Trump and Thrive!!!

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    I think you need to ask yourself how much a President Trump would be able to achieve in a system of government that does not give the President absolute power. Just one example -Obama has been unable to close Guantanamo Bay, and I don't see Congress giving Trump everything he wants. But right now Trump is not the Presidential candidate for the Republican Party and until the party meets in Cleveland in July we do not know who their candidate will be, and don't be surprised if Trump drops out of the race anyway as this whole thing started as a publicity stunt to maintain the visibility of the Trump brand, and he really is only interested in money.

  5. #65
    Member Rookie Poster riccadevia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    Trump is a con man.
    It was revealed yesterday his campaign fundraising money had only a little over $1 million left with very little spent on staff, polling and opposition research, because Trump had developed a scam where nearly ALL the money that comes into his campaign is used to pay himself and his family for services rendered.

    It's why Trump gives all his speeches at Trump owned buildings, so the campaign has to pay him for use of his own venue.

    Trump is trying to make MONEY off his campaign budget, which is why the deep pocket Republican donors so far have refused to fund his campaign the 10s of millions of dollars he's going to need to run a general election campaign.

    This from a guy who said he was worth $10 billion and was going to self-finance his own campaign.

    And still people believe this dude is telling it straight.
    Ummm, really?! So who revealed this..? Source?

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  6. #66
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by riccadevia View Post
    Ummm, really?! So who revealed this..? Source?
    Wacky news? The fact remains that our Donald has invested 53 million of his own money, and unlike crooked Hitlary, he hasn't taken money from wall Street or Saudi Arabia "whom persecute gays.

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  7. #67
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    I know you say at the end of your post that you don't think the comparison should be made, but I think most of the what you write is a comparison.
    Of course it's a comparison - I didn't make the Hitler statement nor do I think it's a particularly valid argument. What I'm saying is that he's that sort of personality type. It's pretty unlikely he's an insane sociopath like Hitler but he is using similar political tactics and methods to get into power.

    My worry with him is that by his own admission he is GOING to send the US broke by spending like a drunken sailor and then make a deal - that is to any rational fiscal conservative a nightmarish scenario.

    The worlds economy is already shaky with large parts of South America, Europe, Africa and parts of Asia already teetering on the brink and frankly nobody can afford to prop an economy the US's size up so what that means that if he did spend like he says he will the world economy can only really go one way - a global depression. It would result in 30's levels of poverty in western countries and god knows what in the developing world. The damage could be devastating.

    That's one of the reasons why so many republican politicians oppose him - because they know that policy wise he's proposing things that could damage the long term future of the US.

    The truth of the matter is both Republicans and Democrats are actually fairly close in terms of basic economic policy. Normally whichever one gets in doesn't really matter long term because they try to keep everything stable. Trump on the other hand appears to be proposing fiscal policy that advocates lunacy.

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  8. #68
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    It is scary that Trump analogized sovereign bankruptcy to corporate bankruptcy. But the power of the purse in our country resides in Congress. That does not mean he could not spend recklessly but funds are appropriated by Congress and that would be a check on runaway spending. I don't agree that Democrats and Republicans are all that similar fiscally but that's another thread. Perhaps it's something worth discussing in the politics and religion forum.

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  9. #69
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by riccadevia View Post
    Ummm, really?! So who revealed this..? Source?
    Please read the link.
    Trump is using his campaign as a revenue stream for Trump Inc.

    Donald has already said once more campaign donations come in, he's going repay himself for the 'loan' of $53 million he made to his campaign.

    Believe in a con man and don't be surprised when you're pockets are empty.
    When someone calls themselves the "King of Debt" and describes his debt strategy of NOT PAYING the full balance of any debt owed, which is a big part of the reason Trump Inc. can't get a loan from ANY major bank in the United States, that's called a sign.


    Brick wall head.

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  10. #70
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    Please read the link.
    Trump is using his campaign as a revenue stream for Trump Inc.

    Donald has already said once more campaign donations come in, he's going repay himself for the 'loan' of $53 million he made to his campaign.

    Believe in a con man and don't be surprised when you're pockets are empty.
    When someone calls themselves the "King of Debt" and describes his debt strategy of NOT PAYING the full balance of any debt owed, which is a big part of the reason Trump Inc. can't get a loan from ANY major bank in the United States, that's called a sign.


    Brick wall head.

    Well said.

    3 out of 4 members liked this post.

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