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  1. #41
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Hilarious how people piled on the OP for stating the truth. Women (& men) in America have been getting fatter at a ridiculous pace. Obviously diet is the main reason but the lack of social shaming is another big culprit. Now we have to practice fat acceptance when the reality is we should be telling these fat asses to get in shape. Not only do they pollute the beautiful scenery with their doughy bodies, but they raise health insurance costs for everyone. In the past people would make fun of you mercilessly if you were fat, probably one of the reasons their were less fat people (shock). About time we returned to those days. And by fat I'm not talking about people that are soft or have a little extra but lazy bums that have fat rolls and obese people.

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  2. #42
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    I guess if you are over a given age and you want to date women with flat bellies.......guess we have to go down to south America or eastern europe?
    only women i know who have flat bellies and don't need to work out 7 days a week are from eastern Europe or from south America

    "How you doin!"

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Quote Originally Posted by blackchubby38 View Post
    Wait, you're saying "hot" is out of vogue. But are cheering about breast augmentations being down. Which I think has to do more with an appreciation for natural breasts, big or small, and women's butts than an indicator that "hotness" has gone out of style.

    Also I have seen that bralette in a Victoria Secret window. I would hardly call that thing when worn on the right woman boring.
    Breast aug comment was to show women are more willing to say "I love my body the way it is" these days. I cheered because that was always misplaced anyway. Boobs don't make you attractive, especially poorly done silicone ones!

    Victorias Secret only sells bralettes because they have to stay competitive with the Walmarts & Bras R Us types!

    "I don't see it that way. I see it as a complete and total betrayal of my testicles!"

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Quote Originally Posted by zphyer6 View Post
    Hilarious how people piled on the OP for stating the truth. Women (& men) in America have been getting fatter at a ridiculous pace. Obviously diet is the main reason but the lack of social shaming is another big culprit. Now we have to practice fat acceptance when the reality is we should be telling these fat asses to get in shape. Not only do they pollute the beautiful scenery with their doughy bodies, but they raise health insurance costs for everyone. In the past people would make fun of you mercilessly if you were fat, probably one of the reasons their were less fat people (shock). About time we returned to those days. And by fat I'm not talking about people that are soft or have a little extra but lazy bums that have fat rolls and obese people.
    Checks and balances, man, checks and balances. Everything on this planet serves a purpose--- even the things that man thinks are bad.

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    so what you are saying is that 4 beers in you may be a chubby chaser........just saying it because that's where you are leaning with this?

    "How you doin!"

  6. #46
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Quote Originally Posted by zphyer6 View Post
    Hilarious how people piled on the OP for stating the truth. Women (& men) in America have been getting fatter at a ridiculous pace. Obviously diet is the main reason but the lack of social shaming is another big culprit. Now we have to practice fat acceptance when the reality is we should be telling these fat asses to get in shape.
    I didn't think this nasty thread could go lower until reading the above with its appeal to bullies everywhere to get their act together to shame people online. There is a problem with obesity, nobody denies that, but there is also a problem with bullying that has led its victims to commit suicide, often at very young ages. But hey, this thread dedicated to insulting women was never going to recognise diversity as a positive social fact, imposing its own measure of attraction much as the Central Planning machine of the old USSR once ordered a shoe factory to make a million brown shoes but forgot to add the word pair, which was fine for left-footed and wounded war veterans, but not for the rest of the population.

  7. #47
    Professional Poster alyssaluxor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Guys ive noticed when I was in Tokyo I rarely see overweight people. And when i was eating their food there i also didnt get fat easily. Is it because of food also? Because I asked most of my Japanese guys clients there, they said they dont go to the gym but their body is very nice and tone.

  8. #48
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Quote Originally Posted by alyssaluxor View Post
    Guys ive noticed when I was in Tokyo I rarely see overweight people. And when i was eating their food there i also didnt get fat easily. Is it because of food also? Because I asked most of my Japanese guys clients there, they said they dont go to the gym but their body is very nice and tone.
    There are 3 main factors. Yes you are correct in that the Japanese diet generally speaking is a healthier diet than the American one.

    Americans are terrible at portion control - simply put, we eat way too much! Huge portions along with fast food = weight gain.

    And finally, the general lack of exercise when added to the first two reasons above is why in general, you see obesity rates climbing.

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  9. #49
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Quote Originally Posted by SXFX View Post
    DD bladder buster coffee in the mornings are causing the body to go nuts! He's not sure what the sugar content is since it's X number of scoops per your request but he was telling me that his average customer is a 5 scoop plus lady....and per his experience it doesn't matter if you use sugar or sugar substitute your body still goes nuts!

    that and the there he had me confused....
    again per his experience of the women here in NJ about 30miles due West of NYC......his average patient puts away a bottle of wine every other day. And a good number put away a bottle a day!
    There's a lot more to the story than this.

    Part of it has to do with the fact people aren't smoking anymore. Sure, its a good thing in that smoking is unhealthy, but it was doing a lot to constrain peoples' appetites & acted as a stimulant (thus increasing the metabolism).

    Another factor is the amount of high fructose corn syrup being used as a cheaper replacement for sugar in processed foods & restaurant foods. One of the consequences of high fructose corn syrup consumption is that it inhibits the body's full-sensation while eating encouraging increased consumption. Ever notice some fast food fries taste really bad after they cool down? Some add to the frier a white powder consisting of sugars & salts. Start looking at ingredients on the stuff you're using even if you make your own meals at home, its almost impossible to avoid it.

    Then you have this portion sized arms race in the restaurant industry. Remember when fast food drinks came in cups small enough to fit in automotive cup holders? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Today though, a lot of chains give you so much soda that you end up with anywhere up to a litre or more of it if you order a large meal combo. That's your day's worth of calories right there in the drink, and you know they're going to finish that meal (now we're at 200% daily calorie intake) plus probably consume a few sugared coffee(s) in the morning, alcoholic drinks at night, and another meal or two. If you're still counting now we're at 4+ times the daily calorie quota and that's if they don't snack throughout the day.

    Now throw in the sleep deprivation, extra stress from financial instability, and the inevitable back & joint injuries that discourage people from trying to exercise, and you get a negative feed back loop.

    Still worse is that approximately 15% of the US population are now on antidepressants that slow the metabolism and increase weight gain. So people are over worked, stressed out, overly tired, and rather than fix any of these problems they're given pills to treat the symptoms rather than the causes of their psychological problems.

    Related to that: There was a global surge in suicides during the recession following the 2007-2008 housing crash. US and UK alone had tens of thousands of "extra" suicides, a statistical anomaly that shows that a lot of people are being pushed to the breaking point (where they're not likely to care about their body).

    Metabolism changes can have a profound effect. If you only consume 200 calories a day more than you should (which is roughly the difference between a slow versus normal metabolism rate), that translates into a theoretical weight gain of 52 lbs per year. And we both know a lot of people are consuming way more than 200 excessive calories per day. That's like having one soda can too many per day to put it into perspective. It really doesn't take much.

    Quote Originally Posted by SXFX View Post
    I guess if you are over a given age and you want to date women with flat bellies.......guess we have to go down to south America or eastern europe?
    only women i know who have flat bellies and don't need to work out 7 days a week are from eastern Europe or from south America
    Mexico has higher obesity rates than the US does. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself here's the UN report that goes into detail on the subject.

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    Fuck mexico i getting fat now?
    Well it's always been on the chunky side since the 80's when i visited.
    I guess Colombia, Brazil and Argentina is where it's at now......shit!
    $4k to pick up a flat bellied healthy woman if you want to date over 40.....fuck........what's this world come to?

    "How you doin!"

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