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  1. #41
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    Your right, its taking time to make 'America Great Again' after the way Obama deeply fucked it up for 8 years of his bullshit. And in all my years hanging out with TS girls I never met one who wanted to be in the military, it's not CUNT! I guess they found an easier way to make money. Besides, the reason Trump put this bullshit out there (yes I said bullshit because think anyone should have the right to serve if they want but its not my call) is because he doesn't want guys using the military to pay for their transition like the tax payers do for guys in jail. And we got bigger problems in this country then this. No I am not a Trump fanatic so relax

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  2. #42
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    Quote Originally Posted by Veal Cutlet View Post
    Your right
    Glad this is how you began the post; it let me know how dumb it was going to be. Hint: it's "you're" not "your," and if you're old enough to post here, you should know that. You never meeting a trans woman who wanted to be in the military has no relevance to anything so you shouldn't have brought it up. Reality is there are many who do. By the way, trans men exist too. Having to fund care for trans people is minuscule as the link shows in my previous post. And regardless of whether we have bigger problems in this country, we're capable of addressing multiple problems at once. Furthermore, this is a human rights and equality issue. Little more is important than that. You likely try to hand wave this issue away with the excuse of having "bigger problems" just because it's a minority group of which you aren't a part. Grats on outing yourself as unsympathetic to the groups too small to defend themselves and with which you can't relate. That lets us know you're a scumbag. Laughable you trash Obama here; he increased freedoms in this country, (repeal of DADT, trans rights to serve in the military, travel to Cuba, etc.) Meanwhile, between travel bans preventing otherwise legal and documented immigrants from entering and the persecution of trans people, Trump is trying his damndest to undo those freedoms. You may not be a Trump fanatic, but you try to damage control his damaging policies all the same.

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  3. #43
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    Taxpayers spend $3.6 million on every trip Donald takes to Mar-a-Lago. During his first thirteen weeks in office Donald spent seven weeks there. That's $25.2 million in thirteen weeks. It's pretty much what the military spends on Viagra-like drug prescriptions every year.

    Estimates of transgender military personal (active duty and reserve) range between 4000 to 10 000 persons. The highest estimate for the number seeking surgery and hormone treatments is 140. Total cost estimates range from $2.4 million to 8.4 million. This is 10 times what the military spends on erectile dysfunction prescriptions like Viagra. This is pocket change compared to a defense budget of $600 BILLION.

    Trump tweets that he wants to ban transgender persons from military service in order to save money and trim the defense budget. The ban obviously would come nowhere close to serving this end. Clearly the end the tweet is meant to serve is to focus attention back on the toddler in chief and pander to his base by reinforcing their prejudices.

    Trump tweeted that he consulted his generals. Another lie. The generals were taken completely by surprise.

    Trump is all about bans and walls of every kind. Whether he himself is prejudiced and paranoid or just playing to a paranoid and prejudicial base amounts to the same thing. He clearly cares only for himself. He's utterly ignorant. His interests are limited to his money, his notoriety and his power - you and I don't figure in one iota. But he is our president: so whether you’re a supporter or not, if your not a member of his immediate family you’re fucked.

    America great again?! The American Society of Engineers just gave our infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, sewage systems, etc) a grade of D+. With this egocentric child in charge, America is fucked!

    9 out of 10 members liked this post.
    Last edited by trish; 07-28-2017 at 05:02 PM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  4. #44
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    Quote Originally Posted by Veal Cutlet View Post
    Your right, its taking time to make 'America Great Again' after the way Obama deeply fucked it up for 8 years of his bullshit. And in all my years hanging out with TS girls I never met one who wanted to be in the military, it's not CUNT! I guess they found an easier way to make money. Besides, the reason Trump put this bullshit out there (yes I said bullshit because think anyone should have the right to serve if they want but its not my call) is because he doesn't want guys using the military to pay for their transition like the tax payers do for guys in jail. And we got bigger problems in this country then this. No I am not a Trump fanatic so relax
    Most people in this country don't want to be in the military, period(or they want to but never go for it for a tin of reasons) It's not just a trans thing. Also, just because you don't know any trans girls who want to be in the military doesn't mean anything since they already exist in there.

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  5. #45
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    And all this from a draft-dodger who spent his election campaign insulting a war hero, who has blocked war veterans from his twitter feed, who has broken the law on rights at work by dismissing individuals with no advance warning or justification derived from the various codes that govern military service, and who pats himself on the back while the military ignore him anyway. Given that this President has, in policy terms sent no new bills to Congress for their consideration, has failed in his attempt to 'repeal and replace Obamacare', and spends most of his time playing golf or watching tv, Americans might want to ask the question: does the Presidency serve a political purpose? Maybe it is time to reduce it to a ceremonial role, and leave politics to adults instead.

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  6. #46
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    trump is pompous ass.

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  7. #47
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    Quote Originally Posted by Veal Cutlet View Post
    Your right, its taking time to make 'America Great Again' after the way Obama deeply fucked it up for 8 years of his bullshit. And in all my years hanging out with TS girls I never met one who wanted to be in the military, it's not CUNT! I guess they found an easier way to make money. Besides, the reason Trump put this bullshit out there (yes I said bullshit because think anyone should have the right to serve if they want but its not my call) is because he doesn't want guys using the military to pay for their transition like the tax payers do for guys in jail. And we got bigger problems in this country then this. No I am not a Trump fanatic so relax
    This is BS. It's so sad that many Americans can be easily manipulated on topics they have no clue.

    You know how much I spend on my medical services each year from my own pocket ? 2k. That's it

    He's doing this to cause distraction and divert attention from himself/ his issues/or being the constant topic on the news, so he's more than willing dirty up any minority or person's reputation and like someone said he's all about bans and walls. This "expenses he talks about" is just an excuse for one of his dick bans.

    Trump supporters, support every asshole move at every point until it affects them. It's so sad that we have Americans like you who are sheep and talk on topics they're not specialized in. I'm done, I yield. Have a nice day!

    6 out of 7 members liked this post.
    Last edited by jamiethewild; 07-28-2017 at 11:45 PM.
    Anyway, I'm really sick of all the anonymous bitching about transsexuals who expect a donation for NSA sex. We didn't make the world the way it is. You guys just want to take advantage of us for being born deformed with dicks. You cheap, sick freaks.

  8. #48
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    Sorry but your opinion has no credibility with me, in my opinion you're just another snowflake crying cause your candidate lost. You have your opinion and I have mine, that's just the way life is. In my eyes you are totally delusional and in your eyes I am so I guess it's a moot point to argue isn't it? You have a nice day as well!

    We really should not argue politics or religion, I am an idiot for being sucked into this, I am not here on HA to argue politics, its all about the girls and our TS lifestyle here. So I am done and moving on!

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  9. #49
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    Quote Originally Posted by Veal Cutlet View Post
    You have your opinion and I have mine, that's just the way life is.
    This argument is always a sure sign that a person is clueless as to how to respond to other's arguments - as if an opinion has nothing to do with facts or logic but is just a preference (like whether you like olives or not).

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  10. #50
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    Default Re: Trump to ban trans people from military

    When in the wrong, throw out cliché insults like snowflake.

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