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  1. #71
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir Putin View Post
    That's why I disregard the polls when they say his approval rating is low. Those same polls also predicted last November he would lose. There are many people who don't like him and think he's a disaster as president that still voted for him because they felt Hillary's E-mails were more serious than Trump's fitness for the job.
    By most global standards, Trump DID lose the 2016 election.
    HRC won the popular vote by nearly 3 million.

    Trump won three battleground states, Wisconsin, PA and Michigan by less than 2 total percentage points, or 80,000 total votes.

    The polls were right then. They're right now.
    What most Americans don't understand is if one party is purging voters from the polls or putting up legal barriers specifically designed to suppress minority and poor votes, it's going to skew the final voter tally.

    Anyone who voted for Trump either isn't from the Northeast/NYC, or is just fucked in the head.

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  2. #72
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir Putin View Post
    That's why I disregard the polls when they say his approval rating is low. Those same polls also predicted last November he would lose. There are many people who don't like him and think he's a disaster as president that still voted for him because they felt Hillary's E-mails were more serious than Trump's fitness for the job.
    Yes but the problem is the Hillary's emails were blow way out of proportion anyone who has ever handled classified material would know that those 3 emails were not properly marked and she really had no idea that they were classified I know I have handled such material and there is never any doubt left in mistaken their classification
    Trump played on the sheer stupidity of the voting public. As I have always said the Democrats believe the public is smarter than it actually is and the Republicans KNOW that the public is stupid as shit

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  3. #73
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    I think it's comical how so many people wants to tell others how to protest. I constantly hear "I respect her freedom of speech but not the method". Guess what protest aren't supposed to be convenient, that's why it's a protest. Especially when this administration is targeting people of color and the LGBTQIA community.
    I personally loved it, she showcased that's she's a real human being. She's nude but guess what she's not harming a single person.
    I hope trump administration gets a hold on to this; it'll show how ignorant they are. Where they will bypass the message and just make it sexual. If you just see a naked woman holding a sign then you are the problem.

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  4. #74
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    This narrative of BLM on par with white supremacy is disgusting. I would go into depth what BLM stands for but then you already made up your mind on what you think it should be. To think you can even put white supremacy and BLM in the same conversation shows me what side you relate to. Also to think everything is ran by corporation (which goes into white supremacy) and to make this a better place is just to find an outsider to run it. Is simplifying the problem you have systems of racism and oppression in place. That goes back 200+ years in this country

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  5. #75
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by OrderMore View Post
    I think it's comical how so many people wants to tell others how to protest. I constantly hear "I respect her freedom of speech but not the method". Guess what protest aren't supposed to be convenient, that's why it's a protest. Especially when this administration is targeting people of color and the LGBTQIA community.
    But surely the purpose of protest is to try to change the minds of people who are not already in agreement with the protestor's viewpoint. How many undecided voters do you think would look at pictures of Danni's protest and think "Now I understand how the Trump administration is treating these people unfairly"?

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    Last edited by filghy2; 09-03-2017 at 02:06 AM.

  6. #76
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    But surely the purpose of protest is to try to change the minds of people who are not already in agreement with the protestor's viewpoint. How many undecided voters do you think would look at pictures of Danni's protest and think "Now I understand how the Trump administration is treating these people unfairly"?
    If she had clothes on would the undecided voter opinion change. Look during the civil rights movement MLK, Malcom X, Stokely Carmichael. They spoke eloquently dress dapper down and got beat, arrested, and homes were bomb. People opinions didn't change because they want it to they just say
    They were complaining.

    So if someone see this picture should wonder why a person feels so strongly to protest to do this. Do the research and they would see how in this past 9 months their communities along with others communities has been under attack. So if a undecided person look at her and say there isn't anything wrong with their community that's a bigger people.

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  7. #77
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Why is she protesting against Trump anyway? He's great! Trump is already the best president in the history of America. I wake up every day relieved/joyful/psyched that Trump is the president and not Hillary. He's been such a godsend against the establishment -- from the day he announced back in 2015.

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  8. #78
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Budweiser View Post
    Why is she protesting against Trump anyway? He's great! Trump is already the best president in the history of America. I wake up every day relieved/joyful/psyched that Trump is the president and not Hillary. He's been such a godsend against the establishment -- from the day he announced back in 2015.
    Guess you don't follow current events closely enough.

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  9. #79
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Budweiser View Post
    Why is she protesting against Trump anyway? He's great! Trump is already the best president in the history of America. I wake up every day relieved/joyful/psyched that Trump is the president and not Hillary. He's been such a godsend against the establishment -- from the day he announced back in 2015.
    Okay... I'm sure you do.

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  10. #80
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    Default Re: Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

    Double post

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