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  1. #1
    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Hung N the City - Ch. 15 - Sometimes Ladies Just Need Blowjobs

    New Manhattan April, 2088

    Working another typical day at Lizzie's Oral Service, twenty-year-old Dave sat cleaning his face off as his current customer zipped her pants and left the booth. He didn't recognize the slender brunette but she had a particularly sweet taste to her cum, more so than what he usually tasted. Waiting for the next customer to enter, he closed his left eye, activating its visi implant, and continued reading from it, an article about Lizzie Henderson from a few years prior. In the article she talked about her business idea to open blowjob centers for estromales. The article quoted, “This is long overdue. I believe that us women with penises are entitled to be able to get our beautiful big dicks sucked whenever we are out going about our day. There is nothing better than handling business in the boardroom right after getting my cock sucked. These centers that I am opening will do just that. Any woman with a dick is welcome at any time to be serviced by one of our well trained boys, no charge. Come to Lizzie's Oral Service and cum! As I always say, sometimes ladies just need blowjobs!”

    Interrupting his reading was the sound of another customer making her way to his booth. He smiled and sat up straight, according to company protocol. He then heard police radio chatter getting closer, figuring it must be a law enforcement officer. Sure enough, in through his door walked a shapely young blonde, her badge clearly visible on the tight shirt she wore. He was familiar with many of his customers at this point but not this one. She had a pleasant demeanor, smiling back as she unbuckled her gun holster. Dave could see resting against her leg, a sizable bulge. As she approached, the smell of musky balls became apparent, even before she lowered her pants. Dropping them allowed all of her fully shaved anatomy to hang, swinging around inches from his face. Even after having seen and touched so many lady penises, the shock and awe of their size never failed to impress him. The policewoman was no exception. She said in a teasing voice, “You have the right to suck my dick, anything that it sprays can and will feel sticky against you!”

    Dave grabbed her dick, and was met with a strong stench as the sweaty skin of its shaft pulled away from her thigh. In the warmer months of the year, servicing rancid cocks was the norm. This woman however was noticeably stronger smelling than most. He wondered if she ever bothered to wash her balls when showering, or if she even cared how strong they smelled. Soldiering through, he massaged her generous length, getting the shaft to quickly harden. The taste of her lazy hygiene saturated his mouth as he started sucking. She tilted her head back, legs spread in a wide stance, enjoying his performance as the minutes went by. Dispatch then came through her radio, reporting, “All officers in the area, we have a hostage situation on 673 Greenbraque Avenue; requesting assistance, please.”

    The policewoman then vocalized her excitement and uttered, “Ah fuck yes, danger makes me come every time! Oooh that's it baby, keep sucking just like that, here it comes!” A moment later, Dave felt her warm load, as she gushed against the back of his throat. She shot enough to overfill his mouth, causing some to spill to the floor, as the veins in her neck became visible through the intense climax. Her legs shook as she finished a forceful ejaculation. After taking a moment to gather herself, she pulled her pants back up and hurried toward the door, saying to Dave, “Good job. If I see you on the street, I'll consider not stopping you and busting your balls, since you just drained mine. Gonna tell my friend about you. She's a cop too, her name is Merkina. She'll love your skills. Later, sweetheart!”

    Once again wiping a huge mess from his face, he had little time to regroup as the next woman made her way in less than a minute later. As always, Dave smiled and sat up straight. She was from Kanuskia, formerly Croatia. The country was renamed to honor the large diverse population of estromales immigrating there. Their language was a complex mix of five altogether. The tall and thin, pale skinned blonde beauty walked in wearing a white mini-skirt, wedged sandals with gold straps at the ankle and a black leather vest with nothing underneath, zipped just enough to cover the nipples of her large bust from view. Diamond jewelry covered her neck and wrists, reflecting the great wealth she possessed.

    He wasn't aware of her foreign origin until she approached him saying, “Shi hut sook zin du? Ku...? Zin du?” to which he was dumbfounded. Seemingly frustrated by his lack of understanding, the woman rolled her eyes and stood over him, lifting her skirt. She removed tight red panties, and kicked them to the side. A long, flaccid penis hanged down, with smooth skinned balls covered in thick blonde hair. She pointed to it, saying in a louder voice, “Zin du, zin du! Sook! Sook!” Understanding what she obviously wanted, Dave took hold of her large member, which had a rough feel to its skin and a weird mass of scar tissue on the head. He then remembered reading in the past that Kanuskian estro women went through a rigorous right of passage by having their penises beaten for a month with spiked wooden sticks following circumcision upon reaching adulthood. The belief was that making the penis recover from damage produced stronger erections and stamina.

    Massaging the shaft, he noticed that it did feel stronger than other cocks as he tried squeezing it. Running his tongue along the underside of the shaft, the woman smiled and said in a tone that suggested pleasure, “Ahhhh, ser, ser, mihusin meen, soooook, oooooh.” Dave took her softer words to mean she was enjoying his performance and continued to lick, eventually putting her intimidating cock in his mouth. She became quite enthusiastic, holding the back of his head and thrusting her hips forward aggressively. He gagged, removing her from his mouth to catch his breath. She laughed and grabbed his face firmly, squeezing both cheeks and pulling him forward. Then to his surprise, she leaned down and spit on him. Dave was no doubt shocked at her actions but figured it must have been some cultural custom where she was from.

    Standing back up uttering, “Na na na oya kim sook! Voyip ha!” she stepped forward and repeatedly slapped her penis hard against his cheeks, smearing the spit in the process in what he assumed was her playful way of punishing him for choking. It was hardly playful from his position, as her cock was much heavier and harder than she likely realized. His face stung a bit each time she forcefully struck him with her rough textured shaft as if it were a blunt weapon, in addition to the soreness in his cheeks from the strong grip of her hand a moment before. Never before had any customer acted in such odd ways. The Kanuskian penile conditioning certainly had an impressive end result. This was to be the most unique encounter Dave ever had on the job.

    After several seconds of face beating him with her cock, she stroked it with a tight grip, squeezing hard at the base, and making the head swell even more. A small drip of semen emerged from the tip, and spilled to the floor. Smiling and licking her lips in anticipation, she shoved it back into his mouth, and he followed her lead by resuming the blowjob. With one hand on her shaft and the other caressing her large scrotum, Dave put his full effort into sucking. As her arousal was now peaking, he could feel the head of her cock hardening yet more, to the point of having almost a sandpaper feel to it. Her louder and increasingly energetic moans let him know that his mouth would soon be full of cum again.

    Soon after, she unzipped her vest, exposing firm breasts and erect pink nipples, squeezing them while feeling a tingling pleasure in her pelvic region. Dave looked down and saw her long toes turning white as they pressed down hard into the sandals and knew it was time. She shouted, “Hahhhh, keeee yasoom ahhhh!!” The warm, thick substance coated his mouth instantly. He swallowed as she moaned loudly, feeling her cock pulsating against his tongue through her strong contractions. He kept his mouth in place while she continued bursting down his throat, whipping her hair around in the intense pleasure. The orgasm went on for much longer than most women, as the exotic beauty ejaculated for an amazing twenty seconds.

    Satisfied, she stood still for a moment, taking deep breaths that blew the hair hanging down her face outward. She then tucked her cock upward under the waistband of her skirt and zipped the vest back up. Before leaving, she left him a gold coin on the tip table, worth two thousand dollars, and by far the biggest tip he ever received. She smiled and said, “Han sook. Han.” Dave looked at her still unaware of what it meant and simply smiled back, with her semen leaking down his face and soaking his shirt as she left. He reactivated his visi implant and searched her words, learning that “Shi hut sook zin du”, the first words she spoke meant, “Ready to suck some dick?” He figured the strange woman was impressed to have left such a generous tip.

    Several minutes passed without another customer, giving Dave time to collect himself. During the break, he noticed that the Kanuskian lady left her underwear on the floor. Reaching to grab them, he saw some crusty discharge on the front. He raised them to his face and smelled the intense aroma left behind by her raging dick, to great excitement, before stuffing them inside his pocket. Soon after, the footsteps of the next woman were coming down the hall. Dave smiled and sat up straight. When she stepped inside, he was in disbelief of who arrived. It was her, now middle-aged and still with a painfully sexy, hourglass figure. Big Red, he always referred to her as Big Red since a rather unpleasant run in with her years ago in his adolescence.

    As he walked down the street that day, she came around the corner and bumped into him. The impact of her tall amazon figure knocked him to the ground. He remembered the cold look on her face and the pretty woman she was with. Neither one of them stopped to help him up, continuing to stroll down the street without an ounce of concern as he stood up. Her unique appearance stayed in his mind over the years, from the burn scar on the left side of her face, to the extensive tattoos covering both arms, bright red ponytail and those emotionless brown eyes. Dave sometimes found himself wondering about her. Big Red now stood inches in front of him, cigarette in hand and unzipping tight denim shorts that were obviously made to be revealing, as the cheeks of her shapely backside were partially exposed. A tight, sleeveless button-down shirt formed to the shape of her breasts, and shiny black cowgirl boots covered her feet. She smelled of leather, as the boots were still new.

    After placing the cigarette in her mouth, and digging one hand deep inside of her shorts, she pulled it out. Dave had seen so many lady penises in his line of work that they rarely surprised him anymore. The Kanuskian woman was the first one of intrigue in quite a while, but what Big Red had between her legs was truly one he wouldn't ever forget. It was imposing in its appearance, hanging almost halfway down her thighs, with extra skin from the shaft folded around the uncut head. A mix of sweat and pussy aroma immediately struck his nose, a sure sign this dick had seen action very recently. She pulled her shorts down to knee level, revealing the rest of what awaited, a pair of testicles hanging nearly as low as her dick, with the left one being slightly bigger than the right one. The scrotum skin was stretched from decades of holding their massive weight. Dave felt a bit nervous about sucking her, as the memory of being knocked down replayed in his head, even though she didn't seem to remember him.

    Blowing a puff of smoke down at his face, Big Red remarked, “I didn't come here to have your sorry ass stare at my dick, I came here to get it sucked, so how about you start sucking?” Knowing now that she was every bit as mean as he suspected, Dave set his inhibitions aside and took her in his mouth. A faint taste of urine met his tongue upon making contact with the large foreskin. He had serviced countless women with disregard for cleaning their foreskins of leftovers, and could tell that she also was not the type to pull it back and clean properly. After a few strokes of his mouth, the taste was now musky and salty. As he continued sucking, Big Red's balls swung back and forth, tapping the base of his neck, creating a slight sensation of choking each time. Dave tried to slow his pace to keep her scrotum from tapping him, to which she gripped his head tightly, saying in a stern tone, “Don't fucking slow down unless I tell you to.”

    Rotating his grip of her penis downward allowed relief from her balls hitting his throat, after which he started sucking with more enthusiasm. Her imposing presence and dominating aura was actually becoming an unexpected turn on. Years of sour feelings over their long past encounter suddenly turned into excitement. He felt that satisfying her in this moment was his personal milestone to reach. The cold and hostile demeanor was tamed for the moment, as her eyes grew wider and revealed a subtle softness that was usually absent. He knew that this different energy was assurance that she would soon climax, and fill his mouth with her creamy substance, just as the others had. Employing his best skills, he slowed down and sucked more thoroughly to edge her and let the tension increase. For the next five minutes, whenever she would begin reaching the point of no return, he slowed down and squeezed the base of her cock. Her thighs trembled with arousal from his masterful performance. She dropped the cigarette and placed both hands on her head, nearly overwhelmed by pleasure.

    Her moaning became louder as Dave worked his magic for another eight minutes. Big Red's erection was now at its full stiffness, so hard that Dave had to sit up even more straight to accommodate it pulling his head upward. Exhaling deeply, her legs tightened as the moment approached. As one final surprise, Dave reached around and stuck his index finger directly in her ass. Leaning forward while holding his head, her cheeks clenched so tight that his finger was locked inside of her. The resulting orgasm was forceful enough that her load leaked from his nose as it exploded against the back of his throat. His eyes watered from the sudden choking. She released him and continued stroking for several seconds, shooting more of her load on his face. Saliva dripped from her mouth through clenched teeth and heavy breathing. After a few more strokes, she was finally done.

    Big Red stood doubled over with hands resting on her knees for a moment before pulling her shorts back up. After wiping her hand off with a tissue, she headed for the door. As Dave sat there collecting himself after taking the biggest ejaculation of his life, Big Red looked at him before leaving and asked, “Where have I seen you before? You look familiar.” He paused for a few seconds and replied while wiping his finger, “I've never seen you before, ma'am, you must be thinking of someone else.” Looking back with suspicion, she decided that it didn't matter to her who he was either way and took off. Dave cleaned his face and drifted into reflection over what just occurred, as the smell of her boots faded. Not before long, the sound of a pair of high heels walking down the hall grew louder. Dave smiled and sat up straight.

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    Last edited by Subsonic; 01-26-2018 at 03:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 15 - Sometimes Ladies Just Need Blowjobs

    This story is truly masterful. Love the writing style and topics and loved the thought of the police woman with the sweaty cock! that was really hot. In fact there wasn't much I didn't love. You definitely need to continue this story, please tell me your working on part 2?

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  3. #3
    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 15 - Sometimes Ladies Just Need Blowjobs

    Thank you. I wasn't planning on a follow up to this chapter in particular but I can certainly revisit it after the next few I'm working on now.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 15 - Sometimes Ladies Just Need Blowjobs

    Yeah please do, its the best I've read on here personally. Cant wait to read more of your work my friend

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 15 - Sometimes Ladies Just Need Blowjobs

    Fantastic story. I can't wait to see more.

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 15 - Sometimes Ladies Just Need Blowjobs

    mind blowing ...

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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 15 - Sometimes Ladies Just Need Blowjobs

    awesome man hope big red apears in your stories some more

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