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  1. #51
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Why doesnt society teach true empathy, you guys have no idea how demeaning you all collectively make this - direct and ugly insults are so much more painless than the apathetic and concession makers... nobody has replaced the humanity that was stolen, the idea of racial hierarchy is so ingrained in this society, thag everyone BAME has to suffer indignity daily 😄 even with the parades of broken black holocaust survivors in white women wigs, and songs a plenty by black artists about the commitment to perpetuating the self loathing thats part of a traumatised legacy... you still dont get it... im not saying you're all racist... im saying BAME people are seriously non-engaging these dialogues by and large, because the cognitive dissonance is tiring...

  2. #52
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by slave2u View Post
    i have never understood the arguement that says because person a said something wrong, person b gets a free pass to say something just as wrong. does that mean that person c also gets to say something just as wrong?
    That is not the point I was trying to make, which is that some people say outrageous things in public and remain in their job while others only get the one chance. In other words, why do some people get a 'free pass' and others are shown the exit? And is there a link between 'race', gender and opportunity, between reward and punishment?

  3. #53
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    That is not the point I was trying to make, which is that some people say outrageous things in public and remain in their job while others only get the one chance. In other words, why do some people get a 'free pass' and others are shown the exit? And is there a link between 'race', gender and opportunity, between reward and punishment?
    simple answer is i am not sure.
    boris seems to be a case apart from anyone - i suspect it is mostly to do with the idea he is better kept in the fold than blundering around in the wild.

    mostly i suspect that it is a revolving door of "give it a little time and we'll have you back, doing something else".
    however now with people making arses of themselve on social media and people being able to trawl through what they have said and get an 'i am offended' campaign going it is going to be harder for less established people to keep roles. look at toby young.
    and harder for them to come back.

    whether this is a good thing or not is a difficult question. should people be held responsible for a comment made several years ago (l'oreal's recent muslim hair model) or should we be more interested in their recent actions/words? have they changed?
    it does seem that with social media - if you say one thing, even obviously in jest to a mate (some of the things munroe has been slated for are to and about pals) that one thing is enough, everything else is discounted. because far from allowing us to look at issues in all their complexity we are forced to deal in impossible absolutes.

    so in the social media age perhaps your initial question needs to be restated to take into account internet 'moral outrage'.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Munroe has now quite her unpaid post with the Labour Party following relentless harassment by Daily Mail and other so-called 'newspapers'.

    "This is a decision that I've had to make due to endless attacks on my character by the conservative right wing press and relentless online abuse. I refuse to be painted as a villain or used as a pawn in the press' efforts, especially those at The Daily Mail, to discredit the Labour Party and push their transphobic rightist agendas.

    ​"I wanted my appointment to be something positive and exciting for the community, but instead it has turned into nasty tabloid fodder, blown out of all proportion."

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