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    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Hung N The City - Ch. 16 - One Last Visitor

    Hung N the City – Ch. 16 – One Last Visitor

    (New Manhattan, August, 2088 )

    “Vadim Kozlov, this court finds you guilty on 359 counts of first degree homicide, 113 counts of second degree homicide, destruction of public property totaling over one million dollars, as well as criminal conspiracy. I hereby sentence you to death by electric chair. That's right, I'm ordering an ancient form of execution just for you. You're scheduled for three days from now on Saturday evening at eight o'clock.” The judge slammed her gavel and adjourned the courtroom. The guards escorted Kozlov outside to a transport pod, which took him across the city to the New Manhattan Tower, commonly referred to as “Sleep Tower” for the high number of executions that took place there.

    Twenty minutes later, the pod landed outside the facility and Kozlov was taken to the cell that would serve as his final home for the next three days. Even in the dead silence of the tiny room, he never showed an ounce of stress or worry. Saturday finally arrived and at seven o'clock in the evening, as he prepared his mind for death, a guard informed him of a final visitor waiting in a private room on the top floor of the facility. Though confused as to who it could be and why a special room would be needed, he complied as the guard applied cuffs, opened the cell and walked him down the hall accompanied by another guard carrying a shotgun. After an elevator ride to the top floor, they escorted him to the dimly lit room, twelve feet in each direction, with only a long table and eight chairs around it. They removed his cuffs and left, locking the door behind him. He saw the shape of a female body with legs crossed, seated in a chair across from him in the shadows. The lights came on and there sat Merkina. She invited him to sit down. Unsure of the bizarre occurrence, he slowly seated himself in the chair, staring at her with a burning hate before she started the conversation.

    “Vadim Kozlov...the most infamous bomber in over thirty years, right here in front of me again, awaiting execution.“

    “You...What the fuck do you want? You here to gloat? To celebrate? To rub death in my face? My job is done, I've killed hundreds of your people, and no matter how good you feel, you can only kill me once. I win, bitch. So why don't you fuck off?”

    “Still a rebellious little boy I see. But you're wrong, I didn't come here to gloat. I came to talk mostly. Pulled some serious strings to get access to this room.”

    “There's nothing for us to talk about, bitch! Fuck you! What's stopping me from beating you to death right now?”

    “Oh my, such anger, darling. You know my background and training, which means you know that putting hands on me won't work out for you, so just listen. Two important things I want to tell you. First is, well...I...know about Misha, your daughter.”

    “Don't. Don't you say her name. Don't you dare.”

    “She was killed in the 2082 mini nukes. It was a misjudged attack from our government and it took your little girl. I get it Kozlov. You weren't justified and you're still a terrorist but I understand what drove you to madness. You still deserve your fate, but I want to extend you an offer that most death row inmates don't get. I'm offering you sex, with me of course. I know, weird but I also know you enjoyed my Estelle in that interrogation room. She's getting hard between my legs right now. I believe you want me one last time. Truth be told, I want you one last time myself. Let's make this simple. The offer stands for the next ten seconds. If you're not interested, just say nothing and I walk away, you go back to your cell and stare at the walls til they come get you. Your choice.”

    Merkina remained seated for ten seconds awaiting Kozlov's response. He continued to stare at her, saying nothing. With ten seconds gone by without a word spoken, she stood up and slid her chair under the table. As she approached to reach for the door behind him, he lunged from his seat, enraged and finally losing control of his calm demeanor, overcome by hearing Misha mentioned. He collided hard with Merkina, knocking her to the floor. A violent scuffle ensued as he tried to apply a choke while atop of her. Before he could secure his hands around her throat, she grabbed them and overpowered him, slowly pushing his arms up and away from her neck, while smiling at his failed attempt. Unable to get a hold, Kozlov wiggled from her grip and took a swing, which connected with her left cheek. As he swung once more, she evaded and quickly sat up, wrapping him into a headlock and using her long legs to flip him onto on his back. She pressed her body into him and pinned his arms above his head. As he struggled to get free, she leaned down and whispered into his ear, “This foreplay is giving me some serious fucking lady wood right now!”

    Releasing him, Merkina stood up, breathing heavily from the exertion and excitement. Kozlov rose to his feet, and let his defensive stance fade as she backed away toward the wall, smiling still and holding her bruised cheek. After a moment of staring at each other without saying anything and calming their nerves, she slowly began walking to him. Now standing intimately close, his gaze dropped down to her crotch briefly. Merkina gently kissed the side of his face, which he didn't resist. Following the soft caress, she pushed him against the wall and they locked lips tightly. The intensity peaked as they threw inhibition aside. She began undressing, removing her jacket, white shirt, and boots. While continuing to kiss, she unzipped her black leather pants and pulled them down. Kozlov felt her semi-erect dick spring forward from her pants and hit his leg. He looked down at it, admiring it no less than when he first saw it during the interrogation. The circumcised head turned pink with arousal as thick veins became visible along the skin of the shaft. As it continued expanding, his heart surged with anticipation as he grabbed it and began slowly stroking.

    Kozlov enjoyed feeling her warm breath and soft tongue as she sensually kissed along his neck. Her moans of pleasure were the most welcome sound to touch his ears in months. Seeing and touching her body was no less satisfying, especially during his final hour. Merkina whispered, “Estelle wants a kiss. She's waiting for you.” Once again finding himself enslaved to her irresistible influence, Kozlov wasted not a second kneeling down to see the shaven Estelle up close. The fully swollen head stared at him, covered in a crusty film of discharge from her most recent ejaculation. The smell of a sweet fragrance applied many hours earlier was still present, but beginning to be overpowered by her musky genital aroma. He gripped it and squeezed, making the head momentarily swell bigger, then took it into his mouth. She twitched and uttered a primitive grunt from the sensation, thrusting her hips back and forth, pounding the rear of his throat. After getting into a rhythm, Kozlov caressed his hands upward along her toned abs, feeling them contract with each excited breath she took. He was powerless against her addictive sexuality, indulging a desire which was always kept hidden. With each passing minute of sucking her massive member, he was thrilled to be pleasuring her, thrilled to see her body language become more submissive, thrilled to finally be able to shamelessly suck the dick of a beautiful woman. His uninhibited performance caused Merkina to feel a tingling sensation all the way to her fingertips, an arousal so strong and intense that it was nearly too much for her.

    Close to what she was certain would be the best orgasm in recent months, she pushed him onto to his back and knelt down, kissing along his body while rushing to remove his prison jumpsuit. Straddling herself atop Kozlov in the cowgirl position, she reached behind, stuck his cock in her ass and slid down his shaft slowly. He nearly came just from feeling the tight grip of her warm rectum. She immediately began grinding against him hard and fast, her tall frame easily rocking his body against the carpeted floor with each forceful thrust. Never before had he been ridden with such vigor, such burning and hectic passion from a woman that enjoyed indulging her ravenous urges. Merkina slapped him hard on the face, leaving a red bruise the same as his punch left her with. Her erect dick flopped up and down against his stomach. He reached up and caressed her soft breasts, soon feeling his own orgasm building under her relentless riding. She grabbed his hands and pinned them to the floor while leaning forward, arching her back deeply with each movement. The sound of their frantic breathing and bodies slamming against each other filled the room. She then surprised him by moving her hips in a circular motion, as if belly dancing. Kozlov was in disbelief at how good she was, with skill and passion unmatched by any vaginal woman he had ever been with.

    After a few more minutes of crazed riding, her body then clenched tightly as she gasped for air. Kozlov felt her warm cream shooting out onto his stomach and saw the strained look of an overwhelming orgasm in her expression. She continued riding while stroking herself through the powerful ejaculation, some of which landed on his face as it burst rapidly. Even the quickest glance at her face told a perfect story of the bliss she was experiencing. Her beautiful energy, unchained sexuality and tantalizing assets soon caused the most intense release Kozlov ever experienced. He squeezed her thighs and let out a caveman-like slow grunt, as strong waves of pleasure took hold of him, exploding inside of her so hard that the contractions of his buttocks momentarily lifted both of them a few inches off the floor. Merkina stayed on top. Feeling him coming deep inside made her orgasm last longer, in its visceral grasp that caused her legs to shake.

    Following the strong mutual orgasm, Kozlov felt a reluctant connection to her. Despite her manipulation, past and present, the emotions that sharing her body in his final moments made him feel was simply too strong to fight. The reality of the encounter being his last one remained ever-present on his mind as the minutes passed. Merkina saw the softened look on his face, and wiped from it her semen, rubbing it on her breasts. He looked on in admiration of her beauty and kinky behavior, despite her being the sole reason of his fate being sealed. Like their first encounter, he was dealing with the inner conflict of wanting her sexually while deeply hating her at the same time, this time with a twisted feeling of love added.

    As she began to stand up he grabbed her wrist, saying, “Wait. Lay down next to me.” Intrigued, she complied with his request and laid down, placing her left leg atop of his. As she glided her finger softly along his stomach, he reached for her dick, which was still erect and began to massage it. She smiled while looking at him. Understanding that he now wanted a more sensual experience, she grabbed his and did the same, stroking gently. They held eye-contact through the mutual stimulation, although Kozlov couldn't get a full erection, lacking the sexual stamina of his partner. Her soft moans of arousal remained music to his ears. She slid her leg along his, and they started kissing, as he continued giving her a hand job. Fully enjoying his effort, she rolled over to her back, and he positioned himself on his side to continue pleasuring her.

    He leaned down and took her in his mouth, sucking slowly. Her feet curled, and she squeezed her breasts, absorbed in the moment. Encouraged by the obvious pleasure she was experiencing, he increased the pace and sucked harder, feeling her head expanding more inside his mouth. After the next several minutes, she was nearing the peak of pleasure once more, at which point he squeezed the base of her cock to stop it. Her nails dug into the carpet as she moaned from the torturous tease, begging him in a higher-pitched voice, “Fuck...Yes...Yes. You're good to Estelle. Ahhh, you're so fucking good to her! Yes, keep going! Yeah, yeah, yeah!” He then grabbed and massaged her balls. With legs starting to shake, she again begged him, almost in tears, to continue sucking.

    Her dick suddenly squirted against the flesh of his mouth, followed by a loud scream as her body twitched while she came even harder than the first time. Kozlov pulled her cock from his mouth and stroked it with a slow and tight grip, causing her load to shoot with high pressure clear past her head, against the wall two feet away. He focused on observing the muscles of her toned curvy body contracting tightly until her orgasm was finished. Merkina kept her eyes closed and laid catching her breath as the strong climax faded. As she drifted into a calm state of post-orgasmic euphoria, Kozlov rested his head on her stomach and caressed her flaccid dick. He wasn't trying to arouse her again, but simply wanted to feel it in his hand as it softened.

    After fifteen minutes of silence, she sat up and said, “It's time for me to go now.” She kissed him on the cheek and started getting dressed as he sat staring at her. Everything felt surreal to him as he watched her put each piece of clothing back on, knowing that every inch of bare skin being covered brought closer the instant her intoxicating presence would be gone forever. Kozlov then felt a deep loneliness. He got one last look at her dick as Merkina pulled her pants up and stuffed it tight against her leg, showing the usual bulge she had. The guard informed her through the intercom that their time was almost up and they would be in to prepare Kozlov for his execution shortly. Before leaving, she reminded him that she still had one more important thing to tell him.

    “Okay, so I already told you that I know about Misha. Now, the second thing is, the mini-nuke that hit the town she was in, was based on your genius bomb designs. That's right. You were in France eight months before it happened, refining your blueprints. The U.S. Military sent a secret agent after you to steal those blueprints. This agent sneaked into your apartment while you were banging some cheap whore and copied your files, and you never knew she was there. Want to guess who that agent was, Kozlov? She was about my height, half white, half Asian, currently works as a cop, and has a background conducting interrogations on terror suspects. Her name starts with the letter M and ends with A, and she has a really big dick.” She walked closer to Kozlov and leaned down, as his eyes grew with shock and rage.

    “And you just had that really big dick of hers in your mouth.”

    “ No, no, no...No! Nooo!! You lie!! Nooo!! Fuckin bitch, you fuckin bitch!!!”

    She backed up and headed for the door, as he tried to rush at her, but was unable to with the jumpsuit still at his ankles. The guards made their way in and restrained an enraged and screaming Kozlov. Merkina looked back from the doorway and said, “So I did come here to gloat and rub it in your face, after letting you get me off, of course. Goodbye, Vadim.” She walked away with a sinister smile on her face. As she made her way to the elevator, his haunting screams of agony echoed through the halls. Ten minutes later, she met with Governor Bensen again, who she hadn't seen since the interrogation at Merkina's precinct. She arrived to observe the execution.

    “Governer Bensen, what a surprise. Don't usually see politicians in this place. How are you?”

    “Hello, agent Anderson. I'm well. I came to see that bastard cook so I'll be even better soon! I can't wait. When does it start?”

    “Any minute, we can go in now. Shall we?”

    “Absolutely, let's go. Didn't think I'd see you here either, myself. That's quite a bruise. Rough day in the streets?”

    “Oh yeah, I definitely had a rough encounter tonight. I won though."

    Merkina and Bensen made their way to the dark observation room, among dozens of others. As the women sat down, they expressed mutual satisfaction to each other, with a hint of flirting. A few minutes later, the curtain opened and there sat a rapidly breathing Kozlov in the chair, with his head shaved and electrodes attached. A hood was then placed over his head. With no last words offered, two-thousand volts were sent through his body for several minutes, eventually igniting his flesh. Both ladies reacted with laughter. Burned and blistered beyond recognition, Kozlov was soon pronounced dead. After waiting for the media and other guests to leave, they went outside to the empty parking lot, where Merkina asked the governor how she felt. After a brief pause, Bensen grabbed her and pulled her in for a passionate kiss, both women groping each others bodies in urgent lust. Separating their faces, she then grabbed Merkina's crotch.

    “I think you know exactly how the fuck I feel, so how about we do something about it, agent Anderson?”

    Author Note:

    Hi everyone. I figured that since Merkina has been my main character in this series from day one, it would be a good idea to show you all what I always imagine she looks like. Here she is. Thanks for reading.

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    Last edited by Subsonic; 04-22-2018 at 11:56 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hung N The City - Ch. 16 - One Last Visitor

    Awesome pleae dont stop writing

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.

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    Thanks! No worries, I have plenty of story ideas, and big plans for my girl, Merkina.

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    hope big red turns up

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