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  1. #131
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
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    I get it, Ben. I think you'll be disappointed.

    Quote Originally Posted by javier81 View Post
    It's merely an observation, based on your statements thus far in this thread.
    Just saying, Javier, I've made a few points, and you haven't made any. I am totally open to a debate on any political matter, as long as the person I'm debating seems to have at least a 3-digit IQ and isn't relying on the other person (me) reacting to the usual rhetorical insults and sub-intellectual liberal idealism just to continue the conversation.

    tl;dr? If you have a point to make, let's hear it. Otherwise, stop wasting my time. It's Friday night and I'm considering a drinking binge.

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  2. #132
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by javier81 View Post
    Wow, you are quite delusional, aren't you?
    "He says what's on his mind!"

    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  3. #133
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    "He says what's on his mind!"
    Most successful people have a filter.

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  4. #134
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
    Save this post.
    My apologies, Ben, I forgot you were on my side. Got too comfortable being the enemy for a while there.

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  5. #135
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    So in summary...

    We, the United States, are involved in a world war of our own making. It's an economic war, and we are winning, have been for quite some time. Since the Korean War, which we categorize as "over since 1953" but in reality is ongoing, we have taken what we want by intimidation and overt, or covert military action.

    So we're the bad guys.

    But we do have enemies, and they aren't the good guys any more than we are. No one is the "the good guys," everyone is out for their own political advancement.

    The USA can do many things at this historical juncture - the apex of our global power; the apex of ANY global power - we are, by far, the most powerful nation in the history of the planet.

    We can rest on our laurels (yes, we can), in which case pseudo-communist China or Russia will eventually win the hearts and minds of our citizens. Our way of life - a comfortable, prosperous way of life - will be threatened by insurgency.

    We can bring war to the planet (yes, we can), in which case we will cast the globe into endless turmoil as we vainly attempt to eat what we have killed.

    We can demand peace (yes, we can), in which case the sleeping nations of the world will be indefinitely subject to the inevitable rise of aggression in hostile rogue countries.

    We can adopt a non-intervention policy (always an option), which will end with the rest of the world against us, as the defenseless nations are progressively taken over by aggressive forces.

    OR...we can negotiate. I don't really care what anyone THINKS about Donald Trump - there is no denying he is a master negotiator. He knows all the tactics, up to and including this one - "You are dealing with an incredibly powerful yet insane person; you better just do what I want you to fucking do."

    The obvious choice is to have a master negotiator at the helm.

    And I definitely don't want to deny the proletariat their opportunity to rage against the machine. That is our right as Americans. Everyone is self-motivated, so whatever is important to YOU, well, it should be noted, it should be analyzed, and if others agree with you, there should be an opportunity for a quorum, and for action to be taken.

    But there has to be a guy who says Yes or No. I'm VERY comfortable with Donald Trump being that guy. He has an eye on his legacy. He's not going to fuck off the Presidency of the United States of America, he wants to be remembered as GREAT!!

    He'll squash the "situation" in North Korea - which is really not much of a situation at all but hey, whatever keeps the people scared, right?

    He'll negotiate a reasonable trade agreement with Russian and China - something we have never had.

    He'll have his war too. Every President wants his war. Against whom? My guess is Iran. No love lost, and I'm fine with that. I've been to Iran. They don't like us any more than we like them.

    In the end, we're looking at a GREAT President, whose main enemy is his own people - people who are far too eager to believe the liberal media (the media's credo: WE are the President), far too prepared to dismiss a great man as a poser, far too inundated in false information.

    We've got great leadership in Donald Trump. He may not be the leader you like. He may be too much for many people. "I just can't deal with Trump right now" is the cry heard 'round the country!

    But here is a man who has been successful at everything he has done, despite the fact that most people don't find him to be "likeable." Even the people who voted for him.

    You don't have to be liked to be President of the USA. You just have to be elected. The citizens of this country are not so stupid that they don't recognize these plain and simple facts.

    USA all the way!

    And now, I'm done with this thread.

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    Last edited by Nick Danger; 05-19-2018 at 07:10 AM.
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  6. #136
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Danger View Post

    He'll have his war too. Every President wants his war. Against whom? My guess is Iran. No love lost, and I'm fine with that. I've been to Iran. They don't like us any more than we like them.
    In the previous exchange we had you asked me to give your President more time to prove himself, yet he himself says that he has already achieved more in one year than any other President, and that, as a matter of fact -as defined by himself- he is the greatest and most popular President since 1776. There is a word for this, which I believe originated in the USA: Bullshit.

    The quote above and the earlier comment in your post that your President is a 'master negotiator' is quite simply rubbish. Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron went in person to the White House to explain why the US should continue to support the Iran Nuclear Deal, but there was no negotiation at all, as your President simply ignored them and made his own decision without even telling his own Secretary of State who found out from Twitter. He has not attempted to negotiate tariffs with China or persuade them to support sanctions against Iran, but threatened them, which is not negotiation; he has not opened negotiations with North Korea -a country that the US Congress has yet to recognize- but threatened them. But when ZTE pointed out that they also had trade links with the US that would lead to job losses there as well as in China, this 'master negotiator' suddenly flipped on tariffs to say the US must save jobs in China! Only then it emerged the Chinese will now invest in his businesses in Indonesia, but if that is masterful negotiation it is for his personal benefit so why doesn't he negotiate for the benefit of the USA? Is he President to line his own pocket, or to serve the people of the USA and their Constitution?

    As for Iran, what happens after you blow some holes in the ground and maybe kill some people? They do retaliate, as they have shown in the past. And come to think of it, if Iranians detest the US so much, why has it been the No 1 destination for Ianian emigrants going back 50 years or more?

    And yes, it does matter that Transgendered Americans have equal rights, because if they don't have the same rights as you they have no rights at all, and that leads one to ask: who's next in the win-lose lottery of American rights? If you don't want to honour your Constitution, get rid of it.

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  7. #137
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Danger View Post
    My apologies, Ben, I forgot you were on my side. Got too comfortable being the enemy for a while there.
    Wow. Only two possibilities here - a send-up or a fruit loop.

  8. #138
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Danger View Post
    So in summary...

    We, the United States, are involved in a world war of our own making. It's an economic war, and we are winning, have been for quite some time. Since the Korean War, which we categorize as "over since 1953" but in reality is ongoing, we have taken what we want by intimidation and overt, or covert military action.

    So we're the bad guys.

    But we do have enemies, and they aren't the good guys any more than we are. No one is the "the good guys," everyone is out for their own political advancement.

    The USA can do many things at this historical juncture - the apex of our global power; the apex of ANY global power - we are, by far, the most powerful nation in the history of the planet.

    We can rest on our laurels (yes, we can), in which case pseudo-communist China or Russia will eventually win the hearts and minds of our citizens. Our way of life - a comfortable, prosperous way of life - will be threatened by insurgency.

    We can bring war to the planet (yes, we can), in which case we will cast the globe into endless turmoil as we vainly attempt to eat what we have killed.

    We can demand peace (yes, we can), in which case the sleeping nations of the world will be indefinitely subject to the inevitable rise of aggression in hostile rogue countries.

    We can adopt a non-intervention policy (always an option), which will end with the rest of the world against us, as the defenseless nations are progressively taken over by aggressive forces.

    OR...we can negotiate. I don't really care what anyone THINKS about Donald Trump - there is no denying he is a master negotiator. He knows all the tactics, up to and including this one - "You are dealing with an incredibly powerful yet insane person; you better just do what I want you to fucking do."

    The obvious choice is to have a master negotiator at the helm.

    And I definitely don't want to deny the proletariat their opportunity to rage against the machine. That is our right as Americans. Everyone is self-motivated, so whatever is important to YOU, well, it should be noted, it should be analyzed, and if others agree with you, there should be an opportunity for a quorum, and for action to be taken.

    But there has to be a guy who says Yes or No. I'm VERY comfortable with Donald Trump being that guy. He has an eye on his legacy. He's not going to fuck off the Presidency of the United States of America, he wants to be remembered as GREAT!!

    He'll squash the "situation" in North Korea - which is really not much of a situation at all but hey, whatever keeps the people scared, right?

    He'll negotiate a reasonable trade agreement with Russian and China - something we have never had.

    He'll have his war too. Every President wants his war. Against whom? My guess is Iran. No love lost, and I'm fine with that. I've been to Iran. They don't like us any more than we like them.

    In the end, we're looking at a GREAT President, whose main enemy is his own people - people who are far too eager to believe the liberal media (the media's credo: WE are the President), far too prepared to dismiss a great man as a poser, far too inundated in false information.

    We've got great leadership in Donald Trump. He may not be the leader you like. He may be too much for many people. "I just can't deal with Trump right now" is the cry heard 'round the country!

    But here is a man who has been successful at everything he has done, despite the fact that most people don't find him to be "likeable." Even the people who voted for him.

    You don't have to be liked to be President of the USA. You just have to be elected. The citizens of this country are not so stupid that they don't recognize these plain and simple facts.

    USA all the way!

    And now, I'm done with this thread.
    Holy fuck! "Trump is a master negotiator", "We've got great leadership in Donald Trump", "In the end , we're looking at a great president". Only in America folks. Only in America can the retarded rationalize the leadership of someone who's dangerously incompetent/stupid. But yeah, the world's worst business man-who no real billionaire respects, and who no American bank would touch with a ten foot pole, and who's only VC's are corrupt third world oligarchs, and who's failures have outnumbered his successes-is the right man for the job. But this is all rhetorical insults ��

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    Last edited by javier81; 05-19-2018 at 09:27 AM.

  9. #139
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Danger View Post
    Most successful people have a filter.
    Yet the president has been praised by his adorers for saying what's on his mind. That was a key part of his appeal for many voters, no matter how stupid or ridiculous or hateful or spiteful whatever was on his mind was.

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.
    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  10. #140
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trannies for Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    Yet the president has been praised by his adorers for saying what's on his mind. That was a key part of his appeal for many voters, no matter how stupid or ridiculous or hateful or spiteful whatever was on his mind was.
    Although I understand the point you are making, is it not better for the President, precisely because he is Head of State, to promote a United, rather than a Divided States? Even if we agree most Presidents have been racists who considered Black people to be inferior beings, they did not say so (Nixon referred to Africans as 'jiggies' in private), what is on their mind is best left inside, whereas Americans should look to their head Head of State for a dignified representation of their country. This is not just lacking in .45, insulting Americans seems to be a key element of the Brand, I have never in so many years heard a man of such limited intelligence relentless in his disparaging remarks about his fellow Americans branding them as 'criminals', 'traitors' and 'liars'; but I am still chilled by that moment in the campaign when the Republican Candidate like a ragged schoolboy mocked Disabled Americans, the lowest point in a low campaign that should have been his last.

    And when is someone going to explain why Transgendered Americans are not worthy of the equal rights they share with every other American citizen?

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