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  1. #71
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    OK Sasha, I can't find it on the net, but there was a study that said above all else Republican Voters want their STATUS back. They are well aware that in the Media they are depicted as under-educated hicks. I've never figured out how you can watch Grapes of Wrath or To Kill a Mockingbird and still stand on the wrong side of History. And don't call me dude, …...DUDE!!! ha ha ..Kavanaugh would LOVE you, once he understood you, right? WRONG.
    All my relatives live in the Deep South, I love all of them. There is a reason for everything, and I hope we, as a Nation, get down to it. Warts and all.

    World Class Asshole

  2. #72
    Brooklyn CD ladyboy Veteran Poster CD_Sasha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Doesn't matter what the media states. I know a bunch of uneducated liberals or ovely emotional liberals with useless college degrees who are Democrats too. What's your point? My siblings and I are either IT engineers, aeronautical engineers or studying in Colombia University .. I guess we're the lowest of the barrel when it comes to education right? Everything going wrong with the Democrats is because they keep shooting themselves in the foot with their desperate tactics.

    1 out of 2 members liked this post.
    Last edited by CD_Sasha; 10-06-2018 at 10:52 PM.
    There's no place like

  3. #73
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Tonight, you're right. You scored a big Victory today, Sweetheart, Enjoy.

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.
    World Class Asshole

  4. #74
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by CD_Sasha View Post
    Because I know Trump is not what the liberal media claims he is. The dude was born and is a New Yorker. He's centrist, not Republican.
    Better than expected but still a masterpiece of selectivity. Trump a centrist - you must be kidding. The Trump administration is largely standard Republicanism with extra nastiness. The only real point of differentiation is the America first stuff. That hardly makes it centrist, just a different strand of right-wing politics.

    I'm not going to address every point because there's only so much time you should spend arguing with people on the internet, but here's a few.

    Trump says it like it is - No, he says it like it ain't. Independent fact checkers have found that around 70% of statements by Trump are mostly or completely false. That compares to around 25% for Obama.

    Tax cuts - The tax cuts primarily benefit very rich people - one analysis found that 83% of the benefits would go to the top 1%. Most people's taxes will go up again from 2026 as many of the tax cuts expire.
    Also, the tax cuts are mostly financed by borrowing. Somebody will have to pay for that eventually, and if Republicans are in charge you can bet it won't be the rich.

    Economy - the US economy is doing well, but it was doing well under Obama once the financial crisis he inherited was out of the way. Employment is increasing by around 200,000 per month, but it's been increasing at around that rate since 2011. If you don't believe me you can check it on this site.
    Also, it's not doing as well as the headline numbers would suggest. The share of the working age population in jobs is still lower than in the 2000s, and median wages/incomes have not increased a lot because most of the gains are going to the very rich.

    North Korea - The vague agreement made at the summit was no more than what North Korea had agree to previous times, which they obviously didn't honour. Even Mike Pompeo says that they've done little in the way of concrete steps toward disarmament. Yet Trump is carrying on as if the problem is solved and singing the praise of his new friend Kim Jong-Un - hardly a tough stance. And how much cooperation do you expect from China now he's launched a trade war against them?

    Immigration - It's simply untrue to say that Trump has nothing against legal immigration. They have made it harder to get working visas even though the unemployment rate is very low so the economy actually needs more workers. They are also making it harder for legal immigrants to become US citizens. Refugee visas have been cut severely and Trump backed a bill in 2017 to cut legal immigration by half.

    Don't think that I didn't notice that you avoided the question about how libertarianism can be consistent with supporting a president with obvious authoritarian tendencies.

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    Last edited by filghy2; 10-07-2018 at 02:06 AM.

  5. #75
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    OK Sasha, I can't find it on the net, but there was a study that said above all else Republican Voters want their STATUS back.

  6. #76
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by CD_Sasha View Post
    Phew, I hope that clears things up regarding my views. Sravros, figly and that other guy Buttslinger dude should know that Sasha isn't your typical Trump loving redneck airhead lol
    Sasha, I appreciate you taking the time to air your views and draw up a list of pros and cons with regard to the President and understand as a libertarian why you see little benefit in goverment as it is today, even though it is now the primary source of employment for most Americas, and that without Federal and State contracrs, the US economy would collapse.
    I can't say I agree with you because it is obvious that I do not, but I do think that your perspective seems to be shaped by hostility to the two party system and the candidates they choose who do not inspire you -you may even believe they are responsible for all that you think has gone wrong with the USA in recent years- but that this allows you to either ignore, or just not focus on the specific factors that make this President unique, because he is so lacking in any of the qualities Americans -indeed, anyone anywhere in the world- should expect from their leaders.

    So I understand how you may not like the man, but support the changes he is trying to make, but would suggest that not only are those changes damaging the USA as a country, the fact is that he doesn't care about them. This is a man with no interest in the world in which he lives, he is not even interested in his own country, being ignorant and selfish and utterly without empathy for Americans he has openly abused and insulted, be they women, black or disabled.

    The simple fact is that the two most important things in the President's life are his ego, and his money. Nothing else comes close, least of all the USA.

    Rather than go through the list you provided -your dismissal of the Russian link is worthy of a thread all of its own- I will remark on but one-

    He placed strict ban and temporary halted refugees from countries where there's an active war with Al-queda, ISIS, Hezbollah and Taliban

    First of all, the ban did not just affect refugees but a wider group of people including legitimate immigrants, and people who have been denied entry to the USA because, for example, they have visited Iran.

    It is no accident that Saudi Arabia is not on the list, because the President has financial investments in the Kingdom, and has been the recipient of millions of Saudi dollars in real estate transactions in the USA, all of it in complete disregard of the direct and indirect role that Saudi Arabia as played in the development of international terrorism since the 1980s, because the money is all that matters.

    Indeed, the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the consequence of a sequence of domestic terrorist attacks that began in 1902 with ibn Saud's 'Brotherhood' attacking his rivals, the Rashidi in Riyadh, and ended in 1925 with an attack on Mecca which ended the control of Mecca and Madina by the Hashemites that dated back to Muhammad himself, and that destroyed historic buildings, something the Saudis have continued to do right through to the present day.

    If you want to trace the modern history of Islamic terrorism, it starts with the Brotherhood in Arabia in 1902, and continues through their attacks on the Hashemites in Jordan in 1921 and continues today with Saudi Arabia's support for the Taliban, which it has been doing since it was formed in Pakistan in 1994. And just in case you don't get it, the organization of armed militias which resulted in the formation of the Taliban and al-Qaeda began with the USA and Saudi Arabia supporting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan when it was fighting the USSR there. The roots of the terror that slaughered thousands of Americans on 9/11 lie with you and your choice of allies.
    You creamed their ass, they fucked yours.

    The majority of the hi-jackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia; the Kingdom was directly involved in the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, the civil wars in Syria and Iraq, and has been, though the funding of Madrasas in that part of the world as well as in Europe a major source of extremism which produces literature that demonizes Muslims, such as the Shi'a and Sufi, as well as broadcasting its sickening loathing of Jews.

    So when you applaud crackdowns on the extremists you think have now been denied entry to the USA, ask why it is that the friends and relatives of the 9/11 Hi-jackers can come and go whenever they like, just as the couple from San Bernardino who murdered Americans in 2015 were free to come and go from a place that has no elected government, where teenagers are flogged to within an inch of their lives, and innocent people beheaded in public every week.

    If the support for Saudi Arabia proves that you are supporting a policy that is based on hypocrisy is not enough, look up the record of the Iranian Mujahideen-e-Khalq and after counting the dead Americans ask why it is that Rudolph Giuliani and John Bolton regularly appear on their platforms.

    It is your President who benefits, not the USA. It is his obsession with his ego and his money that enables him to dance with dictators, and piss on his allies because they don't adore him, and don't give him millions of dollars. The USA does not benefit from this because your friends are turning away, because the USA has become not just an unreliable ally, but an untrustworthy ally, and the President doesn't care. Suppose one day you need your friends but we are not there for you?

    The USA has for so long survived and prospered because it has a large and diverse internal market, and for all I know you can exist without trading with China or India, by erecting tariff walls with the EU, by treating Canada and Mexico as if they were silly children. But you are being led by a gambler, a man who has taken risks with other people's money and more often than not, failed to deliver.

    You are now gambling with a Casino President who has put all your money on one bet, that alone is scary. That he is delivering independence to fomer confederate states in the long term may in fact destroy the USA as it once was, but perhaps you think it is a bet worthy of your wealth and security. In the end, you are more likely to be destoyed from within than by an external enemy.

  7. #77
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Good Hunting Filghy, it's a damn shame we have to trash the World to make Trump's base feel good about themselves. My sense of humor may not recover from this never ending river of bullshit.
    Election Day can't get here soon enough.

    World Class Asshole

  8. #78
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by peejaye View Post
    Oh I love you Sasha, I love you
    Don't let them drive you in to a mental institution though, you're better than that.
    "Poor old Collin....he's probably on his way to the "funny farm" which is where most people
    end up who've had dealings with you fruit bats."
    "I'd stay off this section if I were you Vex ; for your own sanity, that other cunt is close to
    coming under lock & key by the Sanity Police."

    If you are going to take up trolling again can you at least have the wit to come up with some new lines? How about something like this one? I've no idea how cancer could prop up a flyover, but it has a nice surreal touch.

    "Your sort are a type of fucking cancer, the sort of rubbish that should be propping up
    flyovers somewhere."

  9. #79
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by CD_Sasha View Post
    Doesn't matter what the media states. I know a bunch of uneducated liberals or ovely emotional liberals with useless college degrees who are Democrats too. What's your point? My siblings and I are either IT engineers, aeronautical engineers or studying in Colombia University .. I guess we're the lowest of the barrel when it comes to education right? Everything going wrong with the Democrats is because they keep shooting themselves in the foot with their desperate tactics.
    Have a drink on me Sasha, saw the news this morning, made me smile

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  10. #80
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    If one is a true defender of violence against women, then 'that one' should apologize to and/or support those women that accused Bill Clinton of rape and sexual harassment. Those women were treated like shit and ostracized.

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    "I am, a SIGMA Male...

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