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    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Hung N the City - Ch. 17 - Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    Hung N the City – Ch. 17 – Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    (New Manhattan, April 2089)

    The clock struck two-thirty pm and Dave wiped his face and forehead of a fresh warm load from Janelle, one of his regular brunette hotties who usually stopped by every Wednesday to have her dick sucked. She preferred his finesse to the other guys in the shop, and over the previous year had taken enough of a liking to him to strike up conversation during her visits. She mostly vented about her work as a business consultant while Dave had her in his mouth, moaning in acknowledgment. He appreciated her not jerking her hips forward in the excitement too much, like many other estro women, even telling Janelle after the first time servicing her that it was a pleasure not having her nine inch punching the back of his throat. She chuckled while correcting his inaccurate guess of her size, telling him, “It's actually nine and a quarter honey!”

    She tucked it behind the pocket of her jeans, thanked Dave for another satisfying job and said goodbye for the week. He put his jacket on and left early, en route to a doctor's office for his mandatory monthly STD check. Following a ten minute walk through a few crowded city blocks, he stepped into the office to a hectic waiting room and checked in at the kiosk, which scanned his retina for identity confirmation. While seated, he observed patients coming and going, as well as doctors and assistants managing the heavy workload. He noticed especially when women headed into the restroom around the corner down the hall, playfully wondering which ones had something extra between their legs and how he would like to suck them off. Being that Dave had premium insurance as an employee of Lizzie's Oral Service, he was soon called back to an exam room. With the assistant telling him the doctor would be a few minutes, it was a good moment to head to the restroom himself, knowing from past experience that a few minutes could turn into an hour.

    Entering the mens/estro room, he saw standing at a urinal, one of the doctors he'd seen walking about during his wait. The pale-skinned blonde of mid thirties stood a few inches above six feet in four inch shiny black heels. Her white lab coat prevented Dave from getting a good look at her cock, being able to only hear a strong hissing stream loudly hammering the porcelain. With her head looking down, he wondered if she could even see past her large bust. After walking by, taking position a few urinals down, his nose caught the pleasant aroma of her perfume. He peeked over briefly as she finished and shook more than a few times. It was at that moment, barely a precious split second, that he finally caught a visual of what she had, as it slipped from her hand, swinging halfway down her thighs before she quickly grabbed it and succeeded in putting the burdensome mass of it back inside of her slacks. Dave turned his head away, stunned and invigorated at the sighting, now knowing for certain that this bombshell of a woman was tremendously endowed, more than worthy of a proper sucking. Looking once more, he also admired her feet, with pedicured toes and black polish.

    In a most shocking disregard for hygiene, she simply walked past the sinks while still fastening her belt, straight toward the door, with a sign that read, “All staff must wash hands.” Such carelessness was indicative of her arrogance and entitlement, to still have no concern even in the presence of a civilian. Dave saw his own member becoming erect at the thought of her touching patients with dick sweat on her hands. Her foamy, dark yellow and rather foul smelling piss rested in the base of the urinal, the neglected unit's automatic flush mechanism no longer functional. It too had a sign above it which read, “Please flush manually until repaired.” In her mind of course, it meant nothing, and received the same lack of consideration as the sign on the door.

    Back in the exam room, awaiting one of the three doctors in the building, Dave occupied his thoughts with the blonde beauty, hoping she would be his doctor. That massive swinging cock kept replaying in his head as he wondered just how big she could get. Interrupting his imagination was the sound of heels stomping down the hall toward the room. Conditioned by his job protocol, he naturally smiled and sat up straight, as if greeting a horny lady coming through the door any second. His hopes for the blonde were fulfilled. All 164 pounds of her curvy figure stepped inside, now with her top half clad in only a tucked blue button-down shirt, after having taken her lab coat off. She reached for a handshake. “Hi Dave, I'm Doctor Kerrington, I'll be doing your exam today.” He shook her warm hand, with nails also painted black, and a naturally strong grip that was slightly intimidating, the same hand that just had her cock in it. “Your records indicate that you're also due for a physical, do you want to get that done today also?” Dave had forgotten that his insurance notified him about the physical a few weeks prior. Eager to have her touch him for the exam, he promptly agreed.

    As she stood inches in front of him inserting a syringe, the smell of her perfume again colored the air he breathed. Gazing downward, he saw resting tightly against her left leg, the obvious bulge in her tight pants, feeling thrilled to be so close to it. With the blood draw done, she moved onto feeling the lymph nodes in his neck for a moment, while asking how he liked working as a blowjob specialist. “Oh, it's definitely interesting to say the least. I've seen a lot of lady penis, clean ones, not so clean ones, cut, uncut, veiny, smooth, straight, bent, hanging foreskins, pierced, even tattooed...all huge though.” Kerrington replied, “Hmm, that does sound interesting. I've never been to Lizzie's yet, gonna have to stop in one day!” Just hearing her express interest in having a professional blowjob made Dave tingle inside. Her presence became even hotter after he felt something warm touching his hands, which were resting with fingers interlocked, between his legs on the edge of the exam table. Looking down, he immediately noticed Dr. Kerrington's bulge had grown from the mere mention of blowjobs and was now pushing into his hands. Next listening to his chest with a stethoscope, she continued to perform the exam as if nothing weird was happening while the visceral experience raised his pulse. Dave couldn't tell if she truly didn't notice that her dick was literally touching him or if she was fully aware and secretly enjoying a naughty thrill.

    The moment soon came for the testicular exam. “Okay Dave, go ahead and drop your pants.” Oddly enough, he was only mildly erect, mostly flaccid despite intense attraction toward her, and the obvious arousal she was showing. He stood and nervously pulled his pants down, bearing all to her. She slipped on a latex glove and pushed firmly into his groin, having him cough. His faster breathing was easily apparent. Kerrington had him cough several more times, then rolled his balls around in her fingers. As he suspected, her hand strength was a bit excessive and painful, which she seemed to also be unaware of, though he managed to conceal the slight discomfort. Then against his hopes, the inevitable erection became a reality. He said nothing of it, figuring there was no use. She remarked while chuckling, “Don't worry, I've seen this reaction countless times. Totally normal.”

    Finally releasing hold of his scrotum, the exam was complete and she asked if he had any questions. After pulling his pants up, something sprang into mind out of a burning hunger to be in her presence for every second he could. He replied, “Well yes actually. Can you show me how to do a self testicular exam? I'd like to learn, if you have time.” She answered, “Sure, I'll walk you through it. Let's get your pants down again.” After doing so, she took hold of him once more and instructed, “Okay, you're going to grab right here, feel that? Then push in and cough and you'll feel movement inside...” It was simple enough, but Dave pretended to not quite get it. “I'm not too sure I fully understand. How about this, can you show me how you do it? Seeing someone else do it just might clear it up for me. You don't have anything down there I haven't seen at work, trust me. Haha!”

    Kerrington stood looking at him for a moment, with a blank stare too subtle to reveal her feelings regarding such a request. She then turned around and walked over to the door, locking it. Turning back, she approached and reached for her belt. Dave was nearly in disbelief that his trick worked. Even after years of servicing thousands of lady cocks, this was a new level of excitement, as taboo and forbidden as could be. This wasn't supposed to be happening. She was breaking protocol and betraying her oath to medical standards. Not washing her hands after using the restroom was one thing, but exposing herself to a patient was grounds for termination and a medical malpractice lawsuit. But still, they both knew the rules, the rules of society that were unwritten. Women and especially estro women, dined at the table of special treatment, belonging to a class of high privilege. Blind eyes usually turned to even their most heinous deeds and this would be no different, especially given the lack of witnesses. In truth, Dr. Kerrington enjoyed the unexpected opportunity to show off what she knew with absolute certainty was an impressive set of equipment. Doing so under the excuse of medical care was a perfect chance to pull it out. She loved indulging in others' reactions and desired the satisfaction of Dave's as well.

    Time slowed as he watched her fingers snap the belt loose, grab the zipper and pull it down. She then pulled the tight brown slacks from her rounded hips down to knee level, no underwear to be seen. Swaying inches from Dave's face was Dr. Kerrington's dick, in the flesh, emanating a strong, arousing pubic scent. The pink-colored head was natural, with a large foreskin covering it. A thick vein ran along the topside of the shaft. Not a single hair was present amid her perfect waxing. She stood satisfied at his obvious admiration, standing silent for a few moments to let him take in the sight of her assets. Dave then focused on her balls. Their size was astounding, outclassing most he'd seen at work, as they hanged low in her loose, wrinkled scrotum, the left one more so. “Wow! Doctor, these are...really fucking big! Excuse my language.”

    Chuckling in agreement, she replied, “Yeah they're kinda full. My girlfriend empties them for me whenever I need but they never take a rest! Anyway, here is how I do my self exam. See where I'm grabbing? You want to focus on this area right here when you cough. Just like this. Now after I do that, I grab each one and roll it around to feel for lumps, just like this, real nice and slow. See that? Takes a while when you have a sack this big, but yours...well uh, yours aren't nearly as...overgrown as mine, so you're lucky in that regard! Shouldn't take you long at all.” Dave's desire to touch her at that point was too strong to resist. As she stood there massaging her balls, he replied, ”Doctor Kerrington, do you mind if...if I feel them myself? Just to make sure I'm using the correct pressure and everything?” She smiled and said, “Go ahead, grab em!” He slowly reached over and cupped her balls in his hand like a prized possession, immediately noticing how moist and heavy they felt. “My goodness, I don't know how you carry these things around all day. Is this how I should touch them?” he asked as she began moaning in pleasure. “Mmm, that's it. Very good hun. I think you're a natural.”

    Throwing all caution to the wind, Dave looked into her eyes as he ran his finger along the underside of her dick, which was already semi-erect and getting harder. She stared back, content with his bold advance. He then said, “You know doctor, even if your girlfriend takes your dick every night, sometimes ladies still need blowjobs.” With no time wasted, Dave opened his mouth and took all of her, working his magical skills to her delight. Quickly she had a full raging erection and was enjoying what was already shaping up to be the best sucking she had received. “Ooh damn! Ahhhhh shit...Yeah, suck that dick, yes. Oh fuck!” Soon after, Kerrington's assistant called her bracelet intercom. “Doctor, your test results were just sent to your profile.” She pushed the mic button on her bracelet and replied, “Thank you Andrea.”

    A few minutes later, well into his routine, Dave's highly refined skills allowed him to sense that she was indeed nearing the point of climax, as he flicked his tongue around to each side of her stiff shaft while sliding his head back and forth along it. Her deep breathing, sensual moans, and occasional finger twitches were all classic signs of a large load getting ready to fill his mouth very soon. Being the expert he was, he suddenly stopped moving his head, pulled her out and slid his tongue from the bottom of her dick head to the top, up and down, giving special attention to the opening of her urethra. He gripped the base of her cock and squeezed to stop her from coming. Kerrington giggled at his skillful technique at holding off her imminent orgasm, building it up stronger in the process. The move caused her to feel an intense pressure tingling inside her entire pelvic area. He then reinserted her raging dick and resumed sucking in a rapid motion to begin finishing her off, now adding the touch of slapping and squeezing her ass with one hand and massaging her heavy swinging sack with the other. Her uncontrollable moans deepened.

    With the passing of twenty seconds, she suddenly closed her eyes tightly and let out a forceful breath of air that Dave felt breeze against his face. He pulled her out again and stroked with his hand, watching the head of her dick quickly expand to a much larger size that stretched its skin as a thick white gush fired out, hitting his neck and slowly sliding down his chest. The burst was strong but less than he was expecting. He noticed however, that Dr. Kerrington was still moaning as if there was more. In her barely coherent state, she uttered, “Don't stop. Keep going!” Intrigued, Dave stroked harder. In all of his years sucking women's dicks, he was yet to witness what would happen next. Her eyes seemed to glaze over, face turning red and mouth locked open as more bursts suddenly exploded forth with enough pressure to reach the window curtains six feet across the room. Dave continued, exclaiming, “Holy shit!” as burst after burst of cum continued to spray such great distance, further making a mess of the curtains. In his hand he felt the immense strength of her contractions, amazed at how powerful they were and looking on at the magnificent mess she was making while exhaling in a loud sexual euphoria.

    A few moments later her incredible release was finished, and she leaned forward, placing her hands on the exam table to catch her breath. Dave released her swollen, bright red dick, which was still hard as steel, as leftover semen hanged from the tip, swinging around until eventually falling to the floor. Kerrington pulled her pants up, giving Dave his favorite thrill of seeing a well hung lady tucking her burdensome tool away. After zipping up and fastening her belt, she glanced over at the curtain, amused at having ruined it. She then looked at Dave and said, “So that's how you do a self exam. Any questions?” He shook his head 'no' and she pulled up his test results on her retinal viewer implant. “Okay, interesting. You have MGLS. That's a genital bacteria common among Kanuskian women. It usually lies dormant for months before showing up in our tests.” Dave answered, “Ohhh, yeah...I uh...serviced a Kanuskian woman at work last year.” Kerrington laughed, saying, “Damn, you ARE experienced! I'll send a prescription to your med file, you can get it filled over in the pharmacy wing. Andrea will set you up for your exam next month.”

    She headed for the door, looking back to say, “Maybe I'll see you at Lizzie's sometime!” Dave headed across the hall to the restroom again to wash her semen off. A few bursts even managed to find their way to his jacket during her incredible ejaculation, despite it having been laying in a chair on the side of the room. After exiting and walking through the crowded waiting room on his way to the pharmacy, he saw enter through the main entrance, a woman with a unique grip on his emotions, a woman he hadn't seen in nearly a year. His body seized, fixated on her suntanned, solid voluptuous curves as she strolled over to the kiosk to check in. Her denim skirt was beautifully filled out by her luscious hips and backside and short enough to guarantee a clear visual if she were to bend over even slightly. The smooth vibrant skin of her long and muscular legs demanded to be obsessed over. A white tank top showed off toned, tattooed arms and plentiful cleavage, painfully close to revealing her nipples. Matching white high heel sandals boosted her already impressive height. The auburn glow of her long, braided ponytail that hung just beyond shoulder level was a perfect accent to the contours of her jawline. It was her, the one Dave knew only to himself as Big Red.

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    Last edited by Subsonic; 12-28-2018 at 09:59 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 17 - Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    Great stuff as usual

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  3. #3
    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 17 - Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    Quote Originally Posted by kaientai View Post
    Great stuff as usual
    Thanks. I remember you asked for more of Big Red a while back. She will be the focus of Ch 18. I can't wait to get it done!

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 17 - Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    Quote Originally Posted by Subsonic View Post
    Thanks. I remember you asked for more of Big Red a while back. She will be the focus of Ch 18. I can't wait to get it done!
    I can not wait

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 17 - Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    what is Hung N the City? Are you making this and where can I find them? I have a huge fantasy for submitting to a gorgeous woman in high heels with a huge long cock for me to worship and deep throat til she cums down my throat.

  6. #6
    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 17 - Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    Quote Originally Posted by hothunggirldeepthroater View Post
    what is Hung N the City? Are you making this and where can I find them? I have a huge fantasy for submitting to a gorgeous woman in high heels with a huge long cock for me to worship and deep throat til she cums down my throat.
    I'm not sure what you mean with whether I'm making this? Do you mean film? The name of the series is based on the show 'Sex and the City'. I didn't give it much thought when I started and never thought I would make this many chapters. Thinking of changing the name eventually if I continue writing.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 17 - Sometimes Ladies Still Need Blowjobs

    I do hope you keep writing such great reads

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