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    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Hung N the City - Ch. 18 - Ladies Always Need Blowjobs

    Hung N the City - Ch. 18 – Ladies Always Need Blowjobs

    (New Manhattan, April, 2089)

    There stood the woman of Dave's deepest desires. The taste of Dr. Kerrington's cock was still in his mouth as he made his way back to the busy waiting room following his STD test and physical. A gorgeous blonde bombshell herself, Kerrington still was no match for who now had his attention. His eyes stared into the bold curves of his amazon goddess in a mini skirt and high heels as she checked in at the patient kiosk. Being on his way to have a prescription filled, he finally shook free of the pulsing excitement of seeing Big Red for the first time in nearly a year. In the months since, he often reminisced over seeing her walk into his booth at work and present him with the most menacing dick he'd seen. That day, her unique presence was immediately familiar as he vividly recalled aimlessly running into her as a teen many years prior, being knocked to the ground by the impact as she walked away with cold disregard. Those piercing eyes, the burn scar on her face, the bright red hair were all too striking to ever forget. Dave learned while blowing her at work however, that she could be softened. She had a gentleness buried deep that he managed to pry from within her using his finesse at pleasing lady cocks. He was addicted to the idea of doing it again ever since.

    As she turned around to find a seat, Dave walked toward the exit on the left leading to the pharmacy wing. His blood surged hard enough to make him feel a bit lightheaded, breathing deeply while walking and calming himself. Each footstep felt like walking on air, with pure adrenaline numbing almost everything for the moment. In the pharmacy, the overcrowding continued, with both lines, one for men and the other for women of both genitalia, backed up with dozens of people needing medicine. Stepping into the long line, Dave's nerves were finally settling as the wait began. Time passed rather quickly, being occupied by thoughts of both Dr. Kerrington and now Red. Her imposing and sexy aura was even more powerful than he remembered, a prime example of genetic superiority, even among her penis endowed sisterhood. His eyes remained fixed straight ahead as his imagination fired off with brutally explicit fantasies of her.

    Twenty minutes later Dave was third in line. The corner of his eye suddenly noticed Big Red in the estro line just a few feet away. It moved faster and she was soon speaking to the pharmacist, and giving Dave time to look at the visceral arousing sight of her bare legs, accentuated by her high heels. To his surprise, she raised her voice and exclaimed, “What the fuck do you mean it's not ready right now?! Give me my fuckin medicine! No I can't come back in two hours! What? No there is nobody else that can come get it for me, you stupid fuck!!” Dave, feeling emboldened after getting Dr. Kerrington to drop her pants for him earlier, made another bold move and intervened. “Excuse me. Miss...excuse me.” She turned and stared straight into him like a predator. He continued, “Hi, I'm really sorry to stick my nose in your business. My name is Dave. I serviced you last year at the local Lizzie's Oral Service. Anyway, I overheard your issue and just wanted to offer help. I could pick up your medication and drop it off at your place, if that helps.”

    She continued looking at him for a moment, processing the odd proposal in the midst of her anger. She then reluctantly said to the pharmacist, “He can pick it up for me. Where's the fuckin consent form?” He held out and activated the med bracelet on his wrist so she could voice sign for her medicine to be retrieved and delivered by a third party at six o'clock that evening. He then scanned Dave's eye to complete the arrangement and the angered Big Red walked away, disappearing into the busy street. Gathering himself from the bizarre event, Dave remained in line, feeling thrilled at having wiggled his way into yet another unplanned encounter with an estro. He knew it was foolish to expect anything sexual to happen upon arriving, but at the very least, the possibility was there if he could charm his way in.

    With his own medicine in hand and having over an hour before needing to return, Dave decided he'd pass the time by having lunch at Sandwich Sammy's, a local shop a few blocks away. After standing in another line moving at a snails pace, he eventually made it to the automated menu server. It was a fine occasion for his favorite, a deluxe hot ham and turkey cheesy on extra thick Italian bread, topped with lettuce, pickles, mayo and bacon. A side of sweet noodle soup and raspberry tea completed his order. Sitting alone at a corner table, he savored every juicy bite while watching people come and go. He admired a nice looking woman in jeans and black leather jacket a few tables away. Her tall stature and dark blue hair were a welcome distraction, allowing Dave a break from the exhaustive fantasies about Red. He then remembered that the odds of anything beyond a mere delivery actually happening were slim. The sobering realization then caused him to feel some sorrow that the highlight of his day was nothing more than the possibility of a cock in his mouth. As time passed, his mind labored for how to turn the brief encounter into a sexual one, thinking that he might ask to use her bathroom as a way to at least have a moment to get a dialogue initiated. In the midst of pondering, he received notification that her prescription was ready, half an hour early. He quickly arose and headed out, back to the pharmacy.

    Following a few minutes in the estro line, the pharmacist handed Dave a small bag and he was off, headed to the address printed on the label. Being that it was ready ahead of schedule, he decided to save money on cab fair and walk to Big Red's apartment, about a mile away. En route, he looked at the bag in hopes of seeing her name listed, but was disappointed to see that it said 'confidential', which was standard practice for anyone delivering medicine on another persons behalf. He found it humorous that after all this time, he still didn't know what her name was, but rested assure that he would know soon enough. Further along in the trek, it also soon became apparent in the darkening evening sky that the Becker Heights area she lived in, was less than inviting. Unpleasant characters walked the streets. Graffiti was sprayed along the sides of condemned houses. His nerves became a bit unsettled as he walked deeper into the ghetto, at one point even seeing a hooker further down the street lift her skirt and stick her huge flaccid cock into a customer's car window, while two more stood on the street cheering her on.

    Dave's radar chip beeped in his ear, indicating he'd arrived where Red lived, at the Vargas Apartment Complex. He briskly ascended the stairs to the third floor. At the landing, he was met with the sight of a drug fiend seated on the floor, incapacitated with a needle in hand. Making his way to 324 at the end of the hall, the sexual moans of a woman were heard from the apartment across the hall. A moment after knocking on the door, it opened and there stood Red, barefoot with her long hair hanging down freely and wearing a white silk robe that hanged just above knee level. As usual, her striking presence captivated Dave. His eyes quickly scanned over her body, struggling to avoid staring at her thick, toned legs. She reached her hand out. Upon handing the medicine over, he was mustering the courage to ask permission to use her bathroom, when the door closed in his face before he could utter a single word. His half-baked plan failed and it seemed his incredible luck that day had finally abandoned him. Following a brief moment to accept disappointment, he headed back toward the stairs. The moans from across the hall were now screams, as the unknown woman enjoyed what sounded like a savagely good fucking.

    “Hey you.” Dave looked up, while setting foot on the first step down, seeing that Red stood outside her door. “You said you're the kid from Lizzie's, right? Dave or something?” He replied, “Uh... yeah.” She then asked, “Care for a drink?” In disbelief, he fought to contain excitement while turning back, making his way into her apartment. She invited him to have a seat on the sofa. His senses were again in overdrive at being alone with her. Looking around, everything from the floors to the ceilings to the furnishings were of high quality, stark contrast to how the rest of the building appeared. She clearly had enough money to live in a better area but chose not to for some reason. As she prepared drinks, Dave was surprised at her talkative mood.

    “You probably saved his life, you know. That pharmacist today. I was ready to snap his fuckin neck right there when you spoke up. He's alive, thanks to you. Anyway I remember that awesome blowjob you gave me. One of the best I've had for sure. Just took me a while to recall because well, I get my dick sucked a lot. But I figured the least I could do to show appreciation for that and bringing me my medicine was to offer a drink. You've turned out to be quite handy, I'd say.”

    “Thank you, I appreciate the gesture. And for what it's worth, yours is probably the biggest I've ever serviced.”

    “Ha, yeah I have an anaconda for sure! Half the fun of sex for me is to see if the person can take it without bitching out.'s a toast to you being a damn good sucker and reliable errand boy!”

    As Red walked over to join Dave on the sofa, he enjoyed seeing the shapes of her large breasts and dick swinging around behind the robe and now knew for certain that she was naked underneath. She took a seat and they touched their glasses of wine together. He loved being so close, seeing her incredible legs crossed as her body sat turned toward him. Having showered recently, she smelled of sweet lavender. This was a side of her that was previously unseen, different from the rugged demeanor she normally showed. She took a slow sip and continued the conversation. “So...did you like having my dick in your mouth that day?” Nearly choking on his wine at her bold question, Dave nervously replied, “I did. When you pulled it out, I was thinking how I could manage it, but the challenge was fun.”

    A subtle smile appeared on her face as she held eye-contact. “What else did you like about my dick?” He noticed her legs moving slightly before answering “Your foreskin. The way your shaft smoothly transitions in color from pale to pink toward the head.” Again she asked, “What else did you like about my dick?” He added, “That thick vein on the side that branches out into smaller ones. The moist feel it had from sweating in your shorts.” While taking another sip, she turned further toward him, right arm atop the sofa, and her head rested against her fist. She moved her left leg closer, still crossed over the other. “You know...when you interrupted me at the pharmacy, it was kinda hot. After I left and calmed down a bit, I was thinking that you had some serious balls to do that. Honestly it gave me a hard on. Seems as though you enjoy making me hard, Dave.”

    In the intensifying situation, Dave let his eyes drop for a second, noticing that just enough of her robe had draped to the side to reveal her growing erection. He then replied, “I love making you hard. I've thought about it every day since I had you in my mouth.” Big Red looked down, noticing that it was exposed and then looked back up at Dave, saying nothing. She made no effort to cover up. The slight change in her gaze to a more seductive one was a clear invite. Looking down again, he saw it growing, pushing further along her thigh. Still she held eye-contact while reaching down and slowly untying her robe. Dave's eyes locked on all ten inches as she grabbed it with her right hand, slowly stroking. After lifting her right leg up and laying it across the cushion beside him, she took the last sip from her wine glass and said, “Well...that all sounded good but I'm not really convinced. You plan on doing anything to convince me just how much you like my dick?”

    Feeling an out of body level of excitement, Dave reached over and grabbed it, the shaft having a tough feel despite not yet being fully erect. His slow hand strokes made it grow to full size in a matter of seconds. He leaned forward and stretched his mouth around it, enjoying the taste of her large foreskin. Long strokes of his head up and down caused her to moan. He caressed her foot next to him on the sofa, feeling its curvature as she became more aroused. He then placed his right hand at the base of her cock and moved it along with his head. She placed her hand tightly on the back of his neck and he knew from vast experience that she was enjoying his performance. Dave lost himself, never before having been so enthused and thrilled to have any woman in his mouth. He had a genuine hunger for her dick and savored it like a starving man being given a hot meal. Faster and harder he sucked, so good that Red bit her bottom lip and moaned louder as her head laid back on the arm of the sofa. Her fingers dug into the cushion. Dave's saliva slid down her shaft and balls. He was possessed, hellbent on fully working her over and even moaning from the excitement himself, something he'd never done before.

    A few minutes in, he released her for a pause to catch his breath. It was the first time he'd ever needed to calm himself in the middle of servicing a cock. He knelt down to the floor on his knees. Red shifted over to the edge and leaned back, raising her long legs straight up, spreading them sideways in a spectacular display of sexuality. Dave lifted her low hanging balls and shoved his tongue directly into her ass. She gasped in surprise and giggled at his aggressive move, further satisfied by his raging passion. The sour musky taste was addictive as he thrust his tongue in and out of her pink hole several times for over a minute. Returning to her dick, he gripped it tightly at the base and continued sucking, alternating between deep throating and gliding his tongue along her iron shaft at multiple angles. Red soon lost control and screamed out momentarily, nearly driven mad by a blowjob to die for. Her fast approaching orgasm was certain to be fierce and intense.

    Hearing her moans deepen and seeing the expression of overwhelming pleasure on her face, Dave knew she was going to come any moment. He maintained the unrelenting pressure and pace. Her legs began to shake. Sooner than even he calculated, Red suddenly exhaled loudly and fired what seemed like a shotgun blast of her seed against the back of Dave's throat, causing him to choke. He let go and she quickly sat upright, placing her feet on the floor. Before he finished coughing, she pulled his head back toward her, as more of her load shot outward with immense force. Veins protruded from her neck and arms in the grip of climax. Thick white bursts struck his face as she stroked vigorously and whispered, “Open your fuckin mouth.” Dave opened and she shoved herself to the back of his throat once more, forcing him to swallow her explosive ejaculation. She held his head still with a relentless grip and again he choked as her dick pumped it's load out. As his eyes watered and turned red from gagging, she continued whispering to him, “Yes. That's it. Swallow it. Fuckin swallow it. Good boy.” He continued choking for a moment before she released him, at which point he fell to his back desperate for air. She knelt down to the floor, placing her knees at the sides of his head. Hovering above him, she stroked and dropped the final gushes onto his forehead, letting out a primal beast-like scream for several seconds until she was finally done.

    Upon finishing the most barbaric orgasm Dave had seen, she stayed in place for a moment, also catching her breath. Her raging dick started to soften, resting on his face as it returned to hanging, while he was thoroughly exhausted, laying on the floor under her. Soon after, she arose and tied her robe, heading to the bathroom to wash her hand. Dave got back to his feet, stunned at what just occurred. She tossed him a damp towel to wipe his face and said, “Well, that was fun, but...time to go.” He walked toward the door still in a daze, with the taste of her cum in his mouth. As he exited into the hallway, Big Red handed him a 250 dollar silver coin. “Just me showing more appreciation for a good job. Maybe I'll see you again.” She then swiftly closed the door in his face and it was all over. As Dave turned to head for the stairs, the door across the hall opened. A hot young brunette, whom he figured was the screamer from earlier uttered, “Hey can you two keep the fucking noise down in the future? Thank you.”

    Back on the ground level, he left the Vargas Apartment Complex and headed back down the dark streets of Becker Heights. After walking a few blocks, he noticed a woman in a black leather jacket, leaning against a police car and looking at him. He soon realized it was the blue-haired woman from Sandwich Sammy's. “David? David Marshall? I'm agent Merkina Anderson, with the NYPD. I'd like to ask you some questions regarding your relationship with Ms. Ormella Sullivan.” Dave then realized that he'd again forgotten to ask Big Red what her name was. Satisfied to finally know it, he repeated it aloud, “Ormella...” Merkina continued, “Yeah, you know, tall red-haired chick you just met with, remember her? Don't play dumb with me, kid. Let's take a ride to the station and have a chat.”

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 18 - Ladies Always Need Blowjobs

    Awesome stuff as always

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  3. #3
    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Hey thanks a lot. She finally has a name!

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 18 - Ladies Always Need Blowjobs

    Very good wish I was there too.

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