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Thread: The Errand

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    Professional Poster BluegrassCat's Avatar
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    Default The Errand

    not written by me!
    written by ruwild originally posted at
    contact the writer at

    The Errand
    by ruwild

    It was an awesome spring day and Angel needed to run across town to pick up some promotional pictures for the opening of her new club 'The Androgynous Room'. It was to be a place for all types of people to meet and mingle. The extra warmth from the sun convinced her to drive the new Jaguar convertible she had just bought. Angel slipped into a black Polo shirt with matching shorts and pair of tennis shoes. The shorts weren't skin tight but they were snug enough to cause someone to do a double take if they happened to look at her crotch. Angel just couldn't resist teasing people.

    As Angel was pulling out of her driveway she noticed her new neighbor was out getting his garbage cans from the curb. His name was Brian and he was a really nice guy. He wasn't super cute but he was average looking with dark brown hair and a trim body. He had thrown a house warming party for all of his neighbors a few weeks back and Angel had spent a lot of time talking to him. She had made a comment to him about what a nice guy he was and it had caused an instant grimace to appear on his face. Brian had replied,

    "I'm sorry, but to tell me I'm a nice guy isn't all that great of a complement anymore. I have found that most women don't want to be with nice guys, they want to be with exciting guys, and any woman who has told me they think I'm a nice guy won't date me." Angel had quickly come back with,

    "I know several women who would love to be with a nice guy like you." (And a couple of them are pretty well hung too! she thought.) Brian asked,

    "But would you want to be with a nice guy like me?" Angel said,

    "Well, I .... um .... am not really looking for a .... steady kind of ...." Brian interrupted her,

    "In other words, no. Listen, I'm not asking you out on date, but you just proved my point. You are a beautiful woman and I'm sure you date much more exciting guys than an average Joe like me." He reached over and patted her on the knee and said,

    "I really need to do some mingling. I'll talk to you later."

    With that night running through her mind Angel stopped the Jag by her new neighbor and casually asked,

    "Got any plans for the next couple of hours?" Brian set the cans back down and leaned on the passenger door with a wary look on his face. He asked,

    " Why? What do you have in mind?."

    Angel related her errand to him and asked if he would like to ride along. "Or am I too much of an unexciting average Jane for you to spend time with me?" she asked playfully and flashed her best movie star smile at him. Brian replied, "Touch'e Angel. Let me get my wallet and lock up the house." He was back in less than 30 seconds. It seemed he liked her offer after all.

    As they rode along, reveling in the warm spring day they talked about all different kinds of things. Music, movies, cars, sports, books, and Brian said,

    "I've never met a woman who is interested in as many of the same things as I am. It is very refreshing."

    After they arrived at the studio, Angel went inside to pick up the pictures. While she was inside Brian was thinking to himself that he found Angel fascinating as well as beautiful and even though he was sure he didn't have a chance in hell to be with her he wanted to let her know he was interested in her. Angel came back out of the studio with a manila envelope in her hand and got back in the Jag. She slipped the envelope between the passenger seat and the center console and they left the parking lot to start back toward home. Brian could feel his chance slipping away from him and so he said to Angel,

    "I know you asked me along just to be nice, and I don't want things to be uncomfortable between us since we are neighbors, but I feel that I have to tell you that I think you are beautiful, smart, and incredibly fascinating. If you would ever like to go out or something I would love to spend more time with you." It all came out in a rush and Brian could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he waited to be crushed with a polite "no thank you". To his amazement Angel was looking over at him and smiling. She said to him,

    "I do have one stipulation in my dating life and that is I only date guys who are adventurous. Can you be one of those guys?"

    "Angel," he replied "I would be anything to be with a woman like you." The sincerity in his voice made Angel do something she had not planned on when she had asked him to ride along with her on this errand. Angel said,

    "From talking with you on the way over I feel that you are a pretty open minded man. Take that envelope and look at the pictures in it. If you still feel the same about me after looking through some of them, we'll continue on with this, otherwise just put the pictures back in the envelope and I'll drop you off at your house when we get there."

    Brian picked up the envelope and pulled the pictures from it. The first picture was of Angel standing in a skin tight, electric blue, mini dress. She had her right hand on her hip and the other was running through her hair while she tilted her head back with a dreamy look in her eyes. Her right leg was crossed in front of her left and they looked impossibly long. The dress was scooped very low in the front and her breasts looked full and round. Brian couldn't think of a single reason why this picture would change the way he felt about her. The next picture was a little different. Angel was wearing the same dress, but this time she had both hands on her hips and was facing the camera full on with her legs strait, shoulder width apart. The look in her eyes wasn't dreamy anymore. It was commanding, and there was the unmistakable outline of a very large cock running up from her crotch to about where her navel should be under the dress. Brian stared agog for a second thinking, 'it must be a dildo.' When he glanced over at Angel's crotch he noticed for the first time that there was a slight bulge there. Angel saw him sneak a look at her crotch and that started her balls tingling.

    Brian looked at the next picture. In this one Angel was dressed in a white sleeveless button up shirt and very tight blue jeans. A straw cowgirl hat and tan ostrich skin boots finished the outfit. There was a bale of straw on the ground beside her. She had her thumbs hooked in her pockets and a piece of straw in her mouth with a playful smile on her lips while her riveting blue eyes peeked out from under the brim of the hat. Brian's hands were trembling a little as he went to the next picture. Angel was in the same outfit, but this time her shirt was unbuttoned so you could see her white lacy bra filled with her full breasts and her left foot was up on the bale of straw. Her right hand was on her hip while her left was on her knee and the look on her face was all business. Running down the inside of her left thigh was again the unmistakable outline of a big cock in her blue jeans. It reached half way down her thigh. Brian looked over at Angel's crotch out of the corner of his eye and the slight bulge he had seen before was now much larger. As he watched, Angel wiggled in her seat to get more room in her shorts, but the room was quickly stretched tight again by her growing cock. Brain was breathing hard as he looked back to the pictures and went to the next one.

    This time she was wearing a little Catholic school girl outfit. A white shirt with a little green plaid skirt. Her long blonde hair was in a pony tail and she was holding several books to her, too big for the shirt, chest. She had on knee high stockings, but instead of patent leather school girl shoes she had on 5" black spike heeled pumps. The look on her face was very innocent and sweet. In a trance, Brain went to the next picture. There was Angel, but this time she looked anything but sweet and innocent. The books were scattered on the floor in front of her. The shirt looked like it had been torn open and the front clasp bra was undone showing hard nipples and firm breasts. Angel's legs were bent at the knees a little and her hands were on her upper thighs holding up her skirt with her wrists. Under her skirt the plain white panties were pulled to one side and her cock was sticking straight out from her crotch with her tight balls below it. The look on her face was of pure lust. This time when Brian looked over at her crotch there was no room left for any kind of denial. Angel's cock was hard and sticking out of the left leg of her shorts. It looked very big. She must have released it while he was engrossed in her pictures. Brian looked back to the pictures in his lap one more time. The lewd school girl Angel was looking back at him with her big cock sticking out from her crotch. He could imagine her telling him she wanted her cock sucked and her nipples played with at the same time, and definitely right now. He glanced back over at the real thing and now it looked even bigger than in the pictures. Brain looked up at Angel's face, but she appeared to be looking at traffic as she worked her way toward the freeway. He looked back to the pictures in his lap. There were a lot more of them to look at as he found his own words haunting him. "I'd be anything to be with a woman like you." His resolve began to firm up as he looked at the next picture.

    Angel was wearing an off the shoulder pink and white checked housewife's dress with a frilly little white apron. She was half sitting on a stool and the heal of her right shoe was hooked on one of the rungs. The dress was way shorter than anything June Cleaver would have worn. It didn't even cover the white garters and stockings she was wearing with the pink 3" pumps. Her hair was done in a 40s style with big ringlets and she was holding a blue bowl of cookie dough in her right arm. A small bit of dough was on her left index finger and she was smiling that playful smile again. It looked as if she was happy to have her man home. Brian quickly went to the next picture. And there was Angel sitting on the stool with both her feet on the floor and her legs spread wide. The dress was pulled down in front with her full breasts hanging out and her nipples hard. The look on her face was enough to tell you that this housewife was the one to wear the pants in the family! There was a little bit of cookie dough at the corner of her mouth and she was holding the dress up around her waist. She wasn't wearing any panties and her cock was standing up proud and hard with a big glob of cookie dough on the head of it. In his mind Brian saw himself kneeling between her legs to lick the cookie dough from the head of her huge cock and he could almost feel her hands on his head getting ready to feed him more of that cock. Brian knew right then what he needed to do.

    Angel was starting up the on ramp to the highway when Brian put the pictures back in the envelope and dropped it on the floor. She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realized that she must have guessed wrong about Brian being an open minded man. Brian looked over at Angel's crotch to the hard cock sticking down the inside of her left leg. He could have sworn it was bigger than the last time he looked! In his mind he flashed to vision of her on top of him with her big breasts pushed in his face and every inch of that big cock buried inside him as she bucked her way to an orgasm. His eyes moved up her body across her flat stomach to her breasts. He could see her hard nipples pushing though her bra and shirt. When he got to her face he saw the look of disappointment and realized she thought he wasn't interested in her cock! Brian quickly leaned over and put his face in her lap. He started frantically licking along the exposed length of her big cock. A big smile spread across Angel's face as she spread her legs farther for him. Brian kissed and licked it but he couldn't get it into his mouth because the shorts held it too tightly against her leg. Angel could see his frustration so she reached down and undid her shorts. She was out on the highway now, so she put the car on cruse and bracing her feet on the floor she raised her hips up, and with Brain's help pushed her shorts down, kicking them off onto the floorboard. Now all she had on were her black lacy panties and they posed no problem as Brian easily pulled them out of the way. Brian put his mouth over her cock and took a little more than half of it in his mouth until he gagged. Angel was in heaven. Brian was extremely eager as he sucked her like there was no tomorrow, each time he went down on her cock he tried to get more of it down his throat. The poor dear didn't realize that at that angle there was no way he could possibly deep throat her big cock.

    Brian reached up and began to squeeze Angel's breast through her shirt. He pinched her hard nipple as he sucked and gagged himself on her big cock. Angel was trying to watch the road, but she kept glancing down to watch Brian. She just loved looking down past her breasts across her flat stomach to watch some guy as he did his best to choke down her big cock. It gave her a sense of power and control she found simply intoxicating. Angel thought it was a good thing the cruse was on because she would be well past the speed limit right now if it wasn't.

    Angel had received head in a car before but not in a convertible, and the thought of someone driving by and seeing Brian's head bobbing in her lap was a giant turn on. So much of a one, that when she saw the semi up ahead of them going slow in the right lane, she moved into the other lane to pull up along side of it. As she pulled along side of the cab Angel reset the cruse to pace the truck. When the driver noticed them his mouth fell open and the look on his face made Angel laugh. She reached down, grabbed her shirt and pulled it up to flash her boobs at him. When she did he blew the air horns, scaring the hell out of Brian and causing him to sit up and showing the trucker Angel's big cock! Angel smiled one of her trade mark million dollar smiles and threw the trucker a kiss, then she hit the gas and sped off down the highway, laughing with her boobs hanging out in the sunshine.

    Brian took a minute to take in Angel. The long legs with the huge cock standing up between them, the flat belly leading up to her firm round boobs, and her beautiful face with the long blonde hair flowing in the wind. 'Wow, is she hot!' he thought. Brian leaned over and took her closest nipple in his mouth, but Angel wasn't interested in that. Grabbing his head she pushed his mouth back down over her big hard cock until he gagged again. Angel took her foot off the gas and let the Jag slow back down till the cruse caught again. Brian was back to doing everything he could to pleasure Angel. He sucked her, moving his head up and down as fast as he could, fucking her with his mouth and still trying desperately to get all of her big dick in his mouth. Each time the head of her cock hit the back of his throat, Brian gagged on her. She loved the feeling of a guy's throat gagging on her cock almost as much as she liked it when a guy deep throated her. After the trucker had seen them Angel thought Brian might loose his nerve. He gagged again and she smiled, it didn't appear that he'd lost his nerve or interest. As she thought about the look on the trucker's face again Angel felt the first tingles in her balls that said soon she'd be coming hard in Brain's mouth.

    Angel spread her legs as wide as possible so he could get all of her he could handle in his mouth. Angel couldn't help grinning as she realized what it must have looked like to the trucker. Here was a beautiful blonde driving down the highway in a new Jag convertible, the top down, her left arm up on the door holding the steering wheel while her other hand was on the back of some guys head pushing it into her lap. Then she flashed her boobs at him and when he blows the horn the guy in her lap sits up and it turns out to he's sucking on the hot looking blonde's big cock! Angel couldn't take it any more. With her hand pushing hard on the back of Brian's head her cock exploded into his throat. The force of the orgasm caused Angel to straighten her legs and push her hips up off the seat. Angel exploded again and again into Brian's mouth as he gaged and coughed trying not to drown in her come. The rumble strip on the side of the road brought Angel back to reality as she steered the Jag back onto the highway. Angel's heart was pounding as she tried to relax. That had been an incredible orgasm! Brian was still making little gaging and choking noises from her lap as he continued to suck on her cock. He was much more gentle now and less frenzied.

    Angel pulled her shirt and bra back into place. She watched in wonder as Brian continued to reverently use his mouth on her. Her cock had lost some of it's hardness but wasn't going completely limp. It seemed to be holding steady at about three quarters hard. Angel looked in the rearview mirror but couldn't see the truck anymore. They were going to be back home in about 30 minutes but Angel didn't want this adventure to stop yet. She was hoping that Brian would prove to be still more adventurous. As she began to think of what she wanted to do with Brian her cock went quickly from three quarters hard back to rock hard. The sudden change in her caused Brian to look up from her crotch. The look in Angel's eyes told Brian that he was in for much more. There wasn't enough room on the drivers side of the car for Brian to sit on her cock while she drove, so that was out. If someone else was driving they could have done it in the passenger's side .... maybe another time. Suddenly Angel knew what she wanted to do to Brian. If the Jag hadn't had anti-lock brakes Angel would have slid it to a stop on the side of the road. Her heart was hammering with the excitement of what she was about to do! Angel grabbed Brian by the hair on the back of his head and pulled him off of her throbbing cock.

    "Get out and go to the back of the car." Angel ordered.

    Brian looked uncertain as he reached for the door handle but he went ahead and got out of the car. At the same time Angel got out and went to meet him at the trunk. Angel had on her shirt, bra, lace panties, and her tennis shoes. Her cock was so hard she wondered if she could pop a hole in the quarter panel with it. Brian was standing at the back of the car as Angel stepped up to him, grabbed him and bent him over the trunk of the car. Brian was wearing a pair of gym shorts so all Angel had to do was to push them and his under shorts down around his ankles. Angel gripped his ass cheeks in her hands and spread them apart so she could see his tight little ass hole puckered up and waiting for her big cock to stretch it out. Luckily for Brian her cock was still wet from his mouth. Angel used only her hips to line up the glistening head of her cock with his sphincter and in one long steady push filled him entirely with her womanhood. Angel reveled in the feeling of penetration. She loved the way it felt as the tip of her cock wedged into the tight sphincter, forcing it to open up and accept the length of long hard cock that followed it. Brian's sphincter gripped her thick shaft spasmodically all the way to the base where her balls bumped against his. Brain moaned as Angel filled him for the first time. As soon as she was inside him all the way Angel moved her hands to his hips and started to slowly pump in and out of him. Time was of the essence. They couldn't spend too much time fucking on the side of the road before someone jealous called the cops. The chance of getting caught by the cops made the whole thing so exciting Angel knew it wouldn't take long for her to come inside Brian's tight ass. Some cars went by as Angel began to really pump Brian's nice tight ass. The feeling of his tight virgin sphincter squeezing the shaft of her hard cock was about to put her over the edge when she heard what she had been waiting for, the rumble of a semi truck. Angel glanced over her shoulder and sure enough it was the same trucker they had passed before so she started to fuck Brian as hard as she could. As the trucker drew near and realized what was going on he started to blow the air horns. Angel could feel the vibration of the horns in her balls and with one last shove pushed the entire length of her cock into Brian and sprayed her come deep inside him. Brian cried out himself and shot a load of his own onto the pavement. Angel only stayed inside Brian a for a couple of seconds after the truck had passed before she pulled out and told him,

    "Come on, get in the car!"

    He pulled up his shorts and they jumped back inside the Jag. Angel hit the button to put the top back up. When Brian looked at her she said, "The cops are going to be looking for a convertible Jag with the top down. Maybe this will throw them off the track." Brian smiled and looked back at Angel's crotch where her cock was still at least half hard. He wanted to take her back in his mouth but wasn't sure if it would be alright. Brian watched her body move as she locked the top down but he couldn't take his eyes off of her cock for long. It didn't seem to be getting any limper as she put the car in drive and pulled back out onto the highway. Brian was longing to suck on Angel some more and when Angel looked at him she saw that he was staring at her cock. So she reached over and took him by the head, pushing his face back toward her cock she said,

    "I sure hope you didn't think you were finished, because we are just getting started!"

    Brian opened his mouth and it was suddenly filled with Angel's cock. He started to suck on her again, gaging as he took a little too much, and thought I can't believe I'm doing this! He tilted his head and looked back up across Angel's flat stomach, past her wonderful boobs, to Angel's smiling face. Angel was glancing back down at him as she drove the car and she said to him,

    "You look so cute with my dick in your mouth. Since I don't have to be down at the club till around six this evening, I think I'll be spending the rest of the day driving around while you suck me. And when I need a little something more, we'll just pull off the side of the road again for a quickie. As a matter of fact, I could fuck the hell out of you on the hood!" As Angel mentioned this thought, her cock grew just a bit in Brian's mouth. "I sure am glad you decided to come along on this errand with me." Angel said as she returned her hand to the back of Brian's head and drove past the exit that led to their homes.

    3 out of 3 members liked this post.

  2. #2
    Veteran Poster
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    May 2008


    this one might be my new favourite


  3. #3
    Rookie Poster
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    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: The Errand

    A favorite fantasy of mine and well written.

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