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    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Hung N the City - Ch. 19 - A Balls Deep Operation

    Hung N the City – Ch. 19 – A Balls Deep Operation

    Note: Usually, this series is mostly random unrelated stories that don't really build upon previous chapters, but the story below is part of what has become a series of it's own since chapter 15. So if you haven't read all since 15, it's still sexual but scenarios and character interactions may not make sense.

    (April, 2089)

    After being picked up by Merkina for questioning about his dealings with Ormella just minutes after leaving her apartment, Dave arrived at the station, in the back of her car. His mind flooded with dread and worry over what was happening. Her eerie silence and refusal to answer him only added to the stress. The elevator ride to the top floor private boardroom was surreal, as he stood right behind her, staring at her plump, shapely ass fitted snugly in tight jeans inches in front of him. It served as a brief but pleasant escape from whatever awaited when the doors would open.

    Entering the boardroom, Dave was greeted by Regina, captain of the precinct. The three of them took a seat and Merkina started the conversation. “Alright Dave. You aren't under arrest. Ormella is a prominent drug trafficker we've been unable to catch for years. She has an elaborate staff all over the city working various legit jobs as cover. Highly organized. Look here, recognize this guy? That's the pharmacist from earlier today. We just arrested him for tampering with the registers purchase records after selling Corti-Azide to you. He was one of Ormella's, an amateur that she didn't properly vet. Now look, I've already run a full background check on you to rule out any long-term association. But the fact still remains that you delivered a drug to her that she's not allowed to have due to her volatile mental state. So here's the deal, you help us collect some evidence from her apartment, or face felony charges and be somebody's fuck buddy in prison for the next ten years. Cute, skinny blondes like you are highly desired on the inside. Your choice.”

    “Officer, I...I don't want any part of this, please, she was mad that it wasn't ready so I just offered to deliver her medication because I remembered servicing her at work. I didn't know she was getting illegal drugs!”

    “I don't give a shit what you didn't know. You still acted as a drug courier and that's a felony. So help us or get ready for a prison cell.”

    “Okay, okay! I'll do whatever you need! Just don't put me in prison! Please!!”

    She then explained that her plan was to remotely tap into his retinal implant to see through it while parked a few blocks away from Ormella's. His task was to head back to her apartment and find her stash of Corti-Azide, which would allow Merkina to obtain a search warrant and finally make a bust. She stood up and headed back to the first floor to gather intel. Alone with Regina, Dave asked what she meant by Ormella's mental state. Regina explained that she was bipolar, had post traumatic stress from the war and that she and Merkina were squad mates. “I don't know all the records, but Ormella received dishonorable discharge for some reason. I want Merkina on this case because she's my best agent but I've kept a close eye on her with it because of their history.” She returned to her office, leaving two guards outside the room, while Dave sat waiting, exhausted with stress.

    An hour later, Merkina came back up. “Alright Dave, it's go time. She's gone for the night. Let's go now.” Soon after, they arrived at the designated location, next to a closed convenient store three blocks away from the Vargas Apartment Complex. “I'll wait here. My comm is connected to your reta, and whatever you see will show here on the screen for me. We also have audio. When you get to the door, I'll run a quick unlock hack from here. Find her stash, your future depends on it. Get going.” Dave was slow to get out, nearly crippled by fear. The night sky added even more terror to the dangerous neighborhood. Arriving at the building, he made his way back up to the third floor. Standing at Ormella's door, he waited nervously as Merkina began her hacking software.

    The lock proved more encrypted than anticipated, requiring more time. Merkina instructed him to knock on the door to avoid looking suspicious and buy time. Following a few series of knocks, he soon heard footsteps ascending the stairs. Soon after, Big Red herself stepped onto the third floor landing. The operation seemed to have gone up in flames with her unexpected arrival. Merkina said to him, “Fuck. Just talk your way in and we'll figure something out.” Approaching, Ormella uttered, “Well, look at this. Wanna explain what you're doing back here uninvited? I don't need another blowjob right now.” Knowing his freedom was on the line, he threw caution to the wind and replied, “I'll just be honest. I...I want your cock in my ass.” She looked at him with intrigue for a moment, then opened the door and walked inside without closing it or saying anything. Figuring she was inviting him in, Dave slowly walked inside and closed the door, seeing her standing in the kitchen, pouring a drink.

    Merkina sat watching intently. Quickly downing a glass of wine, Ormella kicked her sandals off, unbuttoned her tight top and stared at Dave with a wicked yet subdued intent while walking over. She fully removed her top and pulled him in close for a kiss. The large erect nipples of her d-cup breasts and growing erection pushed into his body as their tongues joined. She released the belt to her black leather pants and pulled them down. Again her massive appendage hanged in front of him. Knowing that Merkina was seeing everything was nauseating, more so that she would soon witness what he'd talked himself into by offering anal. Her breathing deepened as she watched, trying not be aroused by Ormella's intoxicating body. She felt some tingles of arousal in her pubic area and looked down, seeing the slight growth in her crotch. She focused on the screen and continued fighting the increasing urge to touch herself, even though her body was starting to ache for it.

    With a full hard on, Ormella finished removing her pants and led Dave into her bedroom. His misfortune became even more dreadful when she positioned him at the edge of her bed, where directly ahead against the wall, rested a large mirror, allowing himself, and thus Merkina to see him in entirety, bent over with Ormella preparing to penetrate. She commented, “Like my mirror? I just love seeing peoples' expressions in it when they feel my big fuckin cock going in!” She reached around and unzipped his pants, aggressively pulling them down to his ankles. “Oooh, ain't this a tight little hole right here! Fuck, baby!!” Dave watched the mirror with his nerves in ruin as she reached for a bottle of lube and covered her shaft, then took a wide stance behind him.

    He tried to keep his head down, looking at the mattress, but to no avail as she grabbed his forehead and pulled him back up so that she could see his face in the reflection ahead. Merkina looked on, no less eager to see Dave get ravaged than Ormella was to be the one doing it. Spreading his cheeks, she pushed the head of her cock inward. Dave gasped from the pressure against his rectum. Further she pushed, in love with the tight sensation. Inch by inch she slowly went deeper and deeper, enough to eventually make his diaphragm hurt with each breath. After nearly a minute of having her cock advancing to the furthest reaches of his rectum, she was completely balls deep. He groaned with strain in a way he'd never done his whole life. Ormella held eye-contact in the mirror, addicted to her dominance and his expression of pain, with a subtle hint of joy at being handled that he was trying to hide from everyone, even from himself.

    Merkina suddenly realized she'd begun caressing her crotch without even being aware, fully absorbed in the incredible visuals. She then muted her microphone and unzipped her pants, finally giving in to unrelenting desire. Being in a parked car on the street where she could be seen by anyone walking by only amplified her excitement with further arousal. She slid her pants down a few inches and Estelle sprang out, flopped onto her stomach and pulsed with hunger for stimulation. Ten hours into a long shift in the spring temperature, the musky scent of her balls instantly filled the car upon exposure to fresh air. The street light standing nearby cast a perfect amount of light into the dark interior, allowing her to enjoy the sight of her long, thick cock puffing up and turning dark pink at the head as she playfully squeezed it. “Ohhh, you fuckin bitch!” she angrily whispered to Estelle, slightly annoyed but highly thrilled at needing to masturbate at such a risky time.

    Ormella thrust full length back and forth. Like a pregnant woman in labor, Dave used deep breaths to mitigate the sting of her massive tool. His entire body jerked forward each time she slapped her strong pelvis into him, almost making him feel like a rag-doll at her mercy. Again he dropped his head into the mattress, and again she reached out and lifted it back up, staring intently at him in the mirror as she plowed harder and faster. Her breathing and moans intensified. “Say yes. Fuckin say yes to my cock, baby!” Barely able to control his voice under her relentless pounding, Dave repeated, “Yes.”

    “I said say yes bitch!!”

    “Yes!..Yes!!” he yelled to her. Merkina was now stroking her shaft with a slow and tight grip, careful not to come before the sex was over. She bit her bottom lip, feeling a tickling arousal to her toes and watched Ormella's breasts flop in a circular pattern as she hammered Dave with fury. The crime-filled streets sang echos of gunshots off in the distance. She feared not in the least, but was instead more excited, lifting her shirt to expose and touch her hardened nipples. Seeing the action through Dave's eyes made her yearn to be in Ormella's position. She could almost feel herself doing the fucking, never having imagined that voyeurism could be such a powerful experience.

    After about seven minutes of constant, merciless thrusting, Ormella gasped deeply and paused. Her hands tightened against Dave's waist and he felt the vibrating contractions of her orgasm. She let off a bloody, near-deafening scream as her body stiffened in spasms and her ejaculation went off inside of him. The visceral sight of her profound orgasm then sent Merkina over the edge. Strong bursts shot out at high speed, landing on her chest. The feeling was so sweet that she removed her hand, and more thick white substance rushed out onto her stomach as she yelled out. Ormella's release continued, pumping so much into Dave that it eventually squirted out of his anus and trailed down his leg. She soon finished and remarked, “Whooo! Fuck that was good...Oh, honey!” Finally released from her grip, he laid on the bed to rest his battered body. She laid down beside him, exhaling in relief. Merkina leaned back in the driver's seat, also catching her breath as her fingers twitched momentarily from such an intense climax.

    About ten minutes later, Dave noticed that Ormella had fallen asleep next to him. Still aware of his mission, he arose from the bed, pulled his pants up and walked with a sore anus back to the main area of the apartment. Merkina turned her microphone back on and instructed him to search the cabinets and feel under the counter tops for secret buttons. Doing so yielded no results. “Wait, wait...the oven. Type in 422 on the temperature. Trust me, just try it.” To his surprise, the code caused a floor board behind him to slide open. Tucked inside was over a dozen unmarked medicine bottles. Merkina exclaimed, “Fuckin jackpot! Guarantee that's Corti-Azide. Now I can get a warrant. Good job, kid! Come on back to the car.” Before Dave could replace the floor board, he looked up and there stood Big Red Ormella, tying her robe and staring at him with a furious gaze that stung his soul.

    “You know, I have eyes in more places than you'd imagine. Something told me to double back home tonight after one of my people told me she saw you in the area. Didn't make sense for a snowflake like you being out here again, especially at night. And here you are, TRYING TO FUCKING ROB ME!!!”

    Dave pleaded, “No, wait!! I'm not!!”

    Merkina watched as she charged at Dave. The screen blurred and went dark, leaving her only with an audio feed to hear the assault happening. She quickly called in. “Regina, she caught him, I'm heading over, send the backup now!” Adrenaline surged through her as she started the car. Before pulling off, she reached down to zip her pants, and noticed that her cock was shockingly erect again. She paused in conflict, feeling a crippling mix of duty to stop a crime in progress, but also a savage arousal from the violent assault, hearing furniture crashing as Ormella threw Dave around the kitchen whilst shouting profanities at him. Such a fetish for violence was what allowed Merkina to thrive in the military and now in law enforcement, but this time she was just too weak, too aroused to be effective. Her hand became possessed and grabbed her cock with a firm grip. Now even harder than it was before, she quietly said to it, “Dammit Estelle, you motherfucker!!!” The sadist in her demanded to be satisfied before anything else. She closed her eyes and stroked with desperate hunger. The more Dave yelled in pain trying to defend himself, the more excited was her twisted, hellbent libido. Echoing sirens of backup units gradually became audible as she continued to masturbate, feeling her whole body pulsing with panicked arousal.

    Within one minute, three police vehicles were close enough to illuminate her car with bright blue and red. At the precise moment she began to ejaculate, the loud sirens masked her hysterical cries of pleasure as they rushed by toward the Vargas Apartments. Her eyes rolled back into her head as another large load shot straight up and struck the visor above the steering wheel. Her back arched while she jerked Estelle around in every direction, gushing wildly all over the dashboard and door panel for another twelve seconds. Such a spectacular climax left her fully spent in a daze, struggling for a moment to regain composure. Regina radioed in, “We're almost on the scene, where are you?” Barely composed, she replied, “Coming.”

    Free and sober from the ravenous urges, she tucked her messy cock to the side and zipped her pants, quickly speeding off toward the complex. Heading up to the third floor, she hurried to the apartment and met Regina, fellow agents and medics tending to Dave, unconscious on the floor from the savage beating. On the sofa sat Ormella in handcuffs. “Well, fuck me. Hi there Merkina, I mean Agent Anderson! Long time. That blue hair looks good on you. So, sending snowflakes undercover now? You know how my temper is. Look what you made me do to that boy, look at him. But hey, nice job figuring out the code, remembering what April 22nd means to me, or to us. Just one thing you should know though. I'm walking free tonight.”

    “The only walking you're doing is into the station. You're under arrest for assault. And after I get a warrant, you'll be charged with possession, trafficking, conspiracy and whatever the fuck else we can think of.”

    Ormella was escorted to her bedroom to be clothed before being informed of her rights and taken in. While awaiting processing, Merkina followed the ambulance to the hospital to learn of Dave's prognosis. Not long after arriving, she was met by Dr. Kerrington. “Agent Anderson? Hi, I'm Dr. Kerrington, Dave's primary physician. The ER called me in to advise treatment. This is unbelievable, I just saw him in my office earlier today. He's a really awesome...person. Very passionate young man. Uhh, anyway he's unconscious. Injuries include internal bleeding, concussion, broken nose, broken orbit, broken jaw, and a detached retina. We're putting him in ICU soon due to possible brain damage. I don't know when, or if he'll wake up. We contacted his mother. You have any questions?” Merkina gave Kerrington her contact info to stay updated on his condition and headed back to the station.

    It was now ten o'clock in the evening. She made her way to the interrogation room around the corner where Ormella was being held. Upon walking in, she was met by the baffling sight of her secret lover, Governor Bensen, whom she hadn't seen since they had sex a few days prior. She held a paper document signed by a federal judge, ordering Ormella's immediate release, along with all charges be dropped and all evidence in their possession be destroyed. Merkina was in total shock, shouting, “What the fuck is this shit?!!! She's a fucking trafficker!!!” Bensen replied, “I'm sorry Agent Anderson, it's a classified government matter.” She continued shouting and Bensen interrupted. “Hey!! Listen, I said it's classified! This is above your paygrade! It's over.” Merkina stood in stunned silence, as an equally disgusted Regina came in, removed Ormella's cuffs and escorted her out. All twenty-one officers in the station, many of whom assisted the case for years, stood and watched as she strolled out a free woman. Merkina ran outside after Ormella and grabbed her arm, standing face to face.

    “I don't know what connections you have but you'll get careless one day, and that's the day I'll take you down, Ella.”

    “Oooh, haven't heard you call me that in years, babe. So you wanna take me down, like how you did in Russia, stabbing me in the fuckin back and getting me discharged?!”

    “I had to! You gunned down twelve civilians in front of our whole squad, you weren't fit to be commanding officer anymore. You were a loose cannon!”

    “They were hiding terror suspects, fuck em!! All you had to do was follow my orders!”

    “I don't follow orders from a murderous psychopath!”

    “But you had no problem taking cock from a murderous psychopath, did you? Worst part is, I still love you. And you still love me. It was all over your face back in my apartment. Admit it.”

    Merkina paused for a moment and then immediately shoved her face into Ormella's. They kissed with a passion that only true lovers could. With forceful moans and periodic breaths, they sucked tongues and squeezed their warm bodies together, feeling each others' rapidly hardening erections. Both women reverted back to the feelings they shared so many years prior as if not a day had passed. After several seconds of the most intense make out they'd experienced since last being together, Ormella angrily pushed Merkina away and turned around, walking to her ride home without looking back. Merkina stood in the lot confused with boiling emotions, on the verge of crying as she watched the car disappear into the busy city. Upon turning around, she saw Regina at the door turn and head back inside without saying anything, after witnessing the bizarre encounter. Merkina glanced up at the stars, more unsure of herself or her future than she'd ever been.

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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 19 - A Balls Deep Operation

    I want this in a bookform you sir are amazing

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    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 19 - A Balls Deep Operation

    Quote Originally Posted by kaientai View Post
    I want this in a bookform you sir are amazing
    Thanks. Writing these is fun and therapeutic for me but I always pause for a while before posting, thinking is this actually any good? So I appreciate the reassurance!

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