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  1. #791
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    The area around St Petersburg is responsible for a huge slice of the World's Cybercrime woes as well as child pornography. They got my Mom's IRS refund a few years ago, ended up in the Brighton Beach section of New York. They have been fucking with our elections for years but we've been fucking with them as well.

    As much as it seems that Trump is winning, he is on defense now. AG Barr is going to promise ice cream, cake, and a full reveal of the Mueller Report, but we've already seen Mitch McConnel block it's release in the Senate, and Barr announcing the White House has to edit the 900 page document before we see it.

    It's good the Republicans are clinging to their religion, guns, and Trump. They can go down with the ship. The Russians have an economy about as big as New Jersey, and the Republicans have a President with SAT scores less than the pages of the report that will eventually do him in. Give Trump all the rope he wants, we'll use it for the hanging. When the sugar high Trump's base is feeling wears off, they're going to find out Trump wasn't lying to Democrats all this time, he was lying to them. For thirty years conservative media has been chanting "Democrats bad, Republicans good, Democrats bad, Republicans good, Democrats bad, Republicans good", that's why things are so fucked up now.

    Before Trump came along the Republican party was on the ropes, all they had was obstruction. I hope Obstruction does them in.

    World Class Asshole

  2. #792
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz View Post
    One thing that I think particularly dangerous, and insidious, is Trump's use of the word "witch hunt". He implies that there was no factual basis, for the investigation. The narrative also implies that everything was made up, by a 'deep state' just to attack him. In various discussions in comments sections, I have asked, 'What about Facebook, and Twitter. Are they part of the deep state?' I have gotten little response, except that, 'it didn't make any difference'. Yet it was still a crime, an attack against the US election. So an investigation of the Trump campaign, for possible conspiracy, was warranted. I believe the release of the Mueller Report, will support the idea, that the investigation was a about a real threat vs, Trump's position. Does anyone, have an idea of Trump's latest position, or if he has acknowledged, that there was a real attack?
    I'm not aware that he has changed his position. Unfortunately, the Republican party is now so subservient to Trump that I think they will back pedal on any real action to address the problem of interference because that would not suit the narrative that it was all a witch hunt initiated by Democrats. This is asking us to ignore a number of things:
    - that Mueller spent nearly 2 years looking into it before concluding that there has not enough evidence
    - that people around the Trump campaign consistently lied about contacts with the Russians
    - that Trump and his associates have an unusual number of financial links and dealings with Russians
    - that Trump was clearly very anxious about the investigation
    - that Trump has been so unaccountably subservient towards Putin, including backing his denials
    - that a number of Trump associates have been charged with crimes or convicted

    I suspect it will be some time before we see the Mueller report and it will be heavily redacted. I know there may be reasons why some things can't be made public, but I can't see why Democrats on the relevant committees can't see the whole thing. If nobody outside the Administration ever gets to see the full report that will be highly suspicious.

  3. #793
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    I've heard a few journalists of late ask Trump spokespeople if Trump believes Russia attacked us, and they say of course he has, Trump has been the toughest President against Russia that ever existed. When asked how that squares with the facts, they veer off into some Junior High mumbo jumbo shit. When Adam Schiff schooled his accusers yesterday in The House, the three Republicans were obviously perplexed.
    There is a reason Trump didn't testify in person to Mueller, and there is a reason Trump doesn't go on any network besides FOX anymore. Lying on Fox News has no consequences.
    I hope everybody sees that shadow boxing with Trump on the issues is a waste of time, you have to punch him in the gut with your left, and knock him out with your right. And you can only do that on Election Day. The Republicans are better than Democrats about getting their flock to the polls, and having their vote count more because of gerrymandering and dirty tricks. Many of the Laws of Junior High School still ring true: you gotta put up or shut up. It's the Democrat's fault Trump is in the White House now, not Republicans.

    World Class Asshole

  4. #794
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Puppet? No puppet. You're the puppet!

    I wonder what Trump's funeral will be like? Solid Gold coffin? Will all his ex-trophy wives be there? Will Obama say a few kind words? Will Sean Hannity be weeping like a little girl in the front row?
    How about his Presidential Library? A copy of The Art of the Deal, a Bible, and a thousand magazines with Trump's picture on the cover?
    I wonder if Bill Barr and Betsy DeVoss signed NDAs?
    I wonder what kind of Health Plan Trump offers all the illegals that work at his Resorts, Hotels, and Golf Courses?
    Most of all I wonder what Trump and Putin talk about when no one else is there......

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    World Class Asshole

  5. #795
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    It has been said of the Casino business, 'the house never loses', until a man entered the business who not only lost, but lost so bigly it took the rest of the town with it to the knacker's yard. 'Make Atlantic City Great Again!' Yeah, right. And what happened to Atlantic City will happen to the US by the time this crook is done with it.
    Fascinating article, here are some extracts-

    When Donald Trump opened the towering Trump Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City in March 1990, he declared it “the eighth wonder of the world” and joined in the celebrations at a launch ceremony filled with portly actors dressed as genies brandishing tacky golden lamps. Even though it was purchased with almost $700m worth of junk bonds – which meant the Taj had to come up with $94m a year just to pay off its debts, and $1m a day to be profitable – Trump insisted the casino would make Atlantic City great again, returning the area to its prohibition-era glory days.

    At one point, Trump had three casinos in Atlantic City, employing 8,000 people and accounting for nearly a third of the area’s gambling revenues. But they eventually became unsustainable thanks to a mixture of enormous debts, rival venues, weak local demand and negative press, which suggested Trump’s businesses were facilitating money laundering – something later given credence when the Taj was fined $10m for failing to report suspicious transactions. Two, the Trump Castle and the Taj, now have new owners, but the famous Trump Plaza, which once hosted Wrestlemania and Mike Tyson fights, stands derelict and is set to be demolished.

    The failure of the now president’s five Atlantic City businesses resulted in thousands of job losses and put dozens of local contractors out of business because they were, much like the elephant sculptor, unpaid. Yet, during his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump boasted of how he took “incredible” amounts of money out of Atlantic City, borrowing cash from third parties so his own wealth wasn’t affected by his various businesses going under. According to Rose, his legacy is best reflected by Atlantic City’s 7.4% unemployment rate – nearly double the national average. “When Trump failed with his casinos,” says Rose, “he turned Atlantic City into a ghost town. His legacy still haunts the boardwalk.”

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  6. #796
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Man! If anybody had doubts where Bill Barr is at, there's no doubt anymore! It's a cartoon White House! What a cast of characters!
    I hope the Dems get vindictive enough to take advantage of this opportunity and ice the 2020 election. One big win solves everything.
    Angry Democratic Traitor Coupsters who worked on Mueller Report:
    If you're listening, please leak the juicy parts of what you found.....

    World Class Asshole

  7. #797
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Here is a take on the collusion case, against trump that i have not heard any commentators discuss. The key way that Trump was able to beat the case, was that Manafort was his back channel, to the line of inquiry, on conspiracy questions. he had a joint defense agreement with Trump, meaning he could legally share any information from Mueller's operation. So all Trump had to do was to make sure, everyone told similar stories. Thus he could not get evidence, about the June '016, Trump Tower meeting, etc. Mark my words. It will be revealed in the report release.

  8. #798
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    The President's relentless and merciless attack on the Congresswoman Ilhan Omar reveals a key component of the election strategy he intends to use from now until polling day in November 2020: the Democrats are anti-Jewish and anti-American and cannot be trusted.

    To achieve this, the President has been advised to take ownership of 9/11 so that it is no longer a National Tragedy, but one whose memory is cherished and preserved by the Republican Party, shit on and insulted by Democrats. Whoever advised him -Stephen Miller, John Bolton, Mitchell McConnell or even Junior- Ilhan Omar, regardless of the death threats she has received- will be the poster girl of the campaign: the hijab-wearing anti-American who merely by existing confirms the Democrats are an existential threat to the USA. He even gives Omar powers she does not possess, such as this garbage-

    Before Nancy, who has lost all control of Congress and is getting nothing done, decides to defend her leader, Rep. Omar, she should look at the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and ungrateful U.S. HATE statements Omar has made. She is out of control, except for her control of Nancy!

    Yes, it is sick, and yes, it is dangerous. And yes, it is a brazen act that reverses the truth, that it was the Republican Party that sowed the seeds of al-Qaeda in the 1980s, that it was the President himself who used 9/11 to line his pockets with $150,000 of compensation he did not need, and who openly boasted that with the twin towers gone, he owned the tallest building in Manhattan.

    None of that matters, for just as the long term aim is to undermine the public's faith in the Presidency and Congress, so Congresswoman Omar, inexperienced and new to the snake pit, is the 'star' of the campaign -everything she says, everything she does will prove how lost the USA has become, that only one man can save it -a liar, a con-man and a traitor being of better caibre than anyone wearing a hijab.

    He likes it dirty, he will play dirty, but will Americans hand owership of 9/11 to the man least qualified to use it? Just when you thought American politics could not get lower, the spiral turned, and lower it goes.

  9. #799
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Yes Starvos, I agree with everything. But I want to ask you to step back, from some details, and look at the use of energy forces, and take the issue from there. That is, the use of negative emotional energy, and what energy they are getting their power from. Ilhan Omar is now, the highest ranking Muslim in America. So attacking her, is focusing the energy of those who, hate/feed negativity already, and many be create a few new ones. Fear/hate a primal, or closer connected feelings, related to physical survival. DT has throughout the political phase of his career being a focus chanel for negative emotions. Coming out the gate, in his presidential run, he spoke about "mexican rapists", for example.

    I am saying all this to say, we could be more effective, attacking the energy force of hate/negative emotions, rather than persons. Call it what is is, even outside of facts. However facts are the major in defending Truth. But as for energy forces, let's address 'nationalism'. Nationalism can mean pride, and honor of ones ancestors. However, look a 'white nationalism'. It seems to cycle a lot of hateful energy, such as racial superiority, violence, and other negative things. White nationalist often use nazi related symbols. Nazi Germany was a center starting force, the world war, which killed 50 million people. Think of it as the biggest recorded event of human negative energy activity/energy. Anyway, taking this case, if you killed the spirit of hate, and other in white nationalism, you would have ,a movement, based upon pride and ancestor honoring. At least that would be your goal. Any reduction, in the energy of hate is a partial victory.

    I am writing this, probably more for myself that you. But I challenge you to bring up any issue, and I/we could address the underlying spiritual issue, and that would point to a path for a more positive solution. I could lay out the issue of congress woman Omar. But for now, I want to see, what you think of my central idea, of spiritual/philosophical warfare?

  10. #800
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Yes Starvos, I agree with everything. But I want to ask you to step back, from some details, and look at the use of energy forces, and take the issue from there. That is, the use of negative emotional energy, and what energy they are getting their power from. Ilhan Omar is now, the highest ranking Muslim in America. So attacking her, is focusing the energy of those who, hate/feed negativity already, and many be create a few new ones. Fear/hate a primal, or closer connected feelings, related to physical survival. DT has throughout the political phase of his career being a focus chanel for negative emotions. Coming out the gate, in his presidential run, he spoke about "mexican rapists", for example.<br>

    I am saying all this to say, we could be more effective, attacking the energy force of hate/negative emotions, rather than persons. Call it what is is, even outside of facts. However facts are the major in defending Truth. But as for energy forces, let's address 'nationalism'. Nationalism can mean pride, and honor of ones ancestors. However, look a 'white nationalism'. It seems to cycle a lot of hateful energy, such as racial superiority, violence, and other negative things. White nationalist often use nazi related symbols. Nazi Germany was a center starting force, the world war, which killed 50 million people. Think of it as the biggest recorded event of human negative energy activity/energy. Anyway, taking this case, if you killed the spirit of hate, and other related energies in white nationalism, you would have ,a movement, based upon pride and ancestor honoring. At least that would be your goal. Any reduction, in the energy of hate is a partial victory.

    I am writing this, probably more for myself that you. But I challenge you to bring up any issue, and I/we could address the underlying spiritual issue, and that would point to a path for a more positive solution. I could lay out the issue of congress woman Omar. But for now, I want to see, what you think of my central idea, of spiritual/philosophical warfare?

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