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  1. #821
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    I guess this is what the World looks like when WWIII is not an option. I don't see any other possible description in the history books except for pathetic. Nothing matters now except for the 2020 election, and the by the book oversight of the Trump Carnival. Meanwhile... Trumps approval rating just rose to the highest it's ever been- 46% It's like a four four with a six eight on top of it...
    I would not consider impeachment, to be off the table. In fact with Trump digging in and refusing to co-operate, this seems to put even more validity in the obstruction of justice case. I finally wrote my congress woman, a fairly lengthy letter, with my reasons for impeachment. The short version, is that we need to take a stand on the principle of Truth. And that it will payoff in the long run as, more people will be exposed to the evidence, of the seriousness of russia's actions. Secondly I brought up my idea that Trump's public statements, (including Twitter, be considered a part of an obstruction charge. Some believe that it cannot be done openly, but I feel that is not a valid argument, considering the public is now basically a 'party' to the issue of impeachment.
    Thirdly, I brought up a term, I heard on a broadcast, of Michael Isikoff, that Trump should be charged with "dereliction of duty", in regard to, protecting our elections from foreign intervention.

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  2. #822
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz View Post
    ... The short version, is that we need to take a stand on the principle of Truth...
    Nevermind the truth Yoda, did you catch my 4-4, 6-8 musical reference? That is the beat of the Grateful Dead song "That's it for the Other One" and I think what's going on now is you've got Democrats playing the judicious 4-4 and you've got Trump 6-8 craziness playing on top of it. The Music is drowning out the Lyrics.
    Of course you're right, Democrats need to be right, Republicans want to win. And I've heard talk that without impeachment proceedings, Schiff and Nadler's arguments lose weight. When 800 Prosecutors say Trump is a Criminal, what more do you need?
    On the other hand, I've heard impeachment is exactly what Trump wants, because it would raise his favorability numbers like Bill Clinton and his gangbuster Economic Numbers. If it comes down to the Truth vs Nailing Trump, I want to nail Trump.
    But if the past two years have taught us anything, it's that I have no idea what's going on. It sounds to me like Trump is going to face a mountain of charges after he leaves office. The Important thing is to get a Democratic President in, then we can investigate the Hell out of the entire pack of liars.
    It's like the Army, there are rules for everything, and exceptions to every rule. Whatever gets a Democrat into the White House is the side of the coin I want to bet on. The truth right now is an awful thing. Four more years of Trump is inconceivable, I hate to repeat myself, but if Nixon had Fox News, Agnew would have been President, not Carter. The Democrats HAVE to be right.

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  3. #823
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Trump is on the road to hell and he won't be satisfied until everyone follows him. Ockham's Razor says Satan is behind this, Trump is too stupid to pull this off himself. A washed up billionaire can't get a dime from any American bank, so the nation hands him the keys to Ft Knox.
    Every so often a Judge or Prosecutor explains it all clearly and truly: the fault falls on Trump and his former Republicans. But MSNBC Journalists come off as bickering children when they say the same thing. If Trump offered to walk away now for no prosecution, I'd say no, he needs to pay.
    What is nobler in the mind of man, rising above the fray, or charging in to save the day?

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  4. #824
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Trump is on the road to hell and he won't be satisfied until everyone follows him. Ockham's Razor says Satan is behind this, Trump is too stupid to pull this off himself. A washed up billionaire can't get a dime from any American bank, so the nation hands him the keys to Ft Knox.
    Every so often a Judge or Prosecutor explains it all clearly and truly: the fault falls on Trump and his former Republicans. But MSNBC Journalists come off as bickering children when they say the same thing. If Trump offered to walk away now for no prosecution, I'd say no, he needs to pay.
    What is nobler in the mind of man, rising above the fray, or charging in to save the day?
    ya.. Satan playing it's part for sure

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  5. #825
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Trump is on the road to hell and he won't be satisfied until everyone follows him. Wait a minute, this is last week's post. Today is "I dare you to Impeach me" day. Time for the Democrats to huddle up yet again and win this game in the second half. I think it's a safe bet to speculate that there is plenty of "there" there, it would be hard to imagine a wild claim against Trump that didn't come true. Go for it, Nancy.

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  6. #826
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Face the fact, Buttslinger, the American poliical system has either been put into abeyance, or is in the process of being dismantled. Barr claims to be Attorney General of the USA but is in fact just another shit-eating, spew-babbling tRumpMonkey, who, along with President Dopey Donald, Mitchell McConnell and Lindsay Graham regard the Constitution of the USA as toilet paper, Congress a chamber pot of useless waffle-warriors who can be ignored most of the time, publicly insulted and abused as and when required.

    God's President will not be denied, he must be adored, his will be obeyed, just as he now decides if I can or cannot buy a Huawei phone next year, so great is his power. He sits on the iron throne and will sit there for as long as he likes -what can you do about it when there is only one law, the law of Dopey Donald Targaryan, father of fireless dragons, first and last of his name, King of Vandals and the New Confederacy, God's chosen abortion-fascist, border-wall brickie and slayer of the seven freedoms.

    Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
    Where knowledge is free
    Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
    By narrow domestic walls
    Where words come out from the depth of truth
    Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
    Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
    Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
    Where the mind is led forward by thee
    Into ever-widening thought and action
    Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.


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  7. #827
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    I thought Samwell's little joke about "the people" choosing their leader fell flat on the GoT, but the facts are "the people" chose Donald Trump, and unless Putin really did fix voting machines then the USA is getting exactly what it deserves.
    Remember the Republican Party Leaders wanted nothing to do with Trump, it was the voters that said they no longer wanted a Republican, they wanted a Fox News cartoon character, they wanted a response to Obama. They wanted a President they could fall in love with, and they have.
    I think Pelosi sees that a unique opportunity has arisen, with one knockout punch to Trump, you take down the whole party. I'm pretty sure Trump laundered millions and millions of Oligarch dollars. If true, and it's leaked, there's no way to spin that. This week a couple Judges laughed the Republican lawyers out of the Courtroom. If Trump's two Supreme Court Stooges find Trump innocent, and then the truth about Trump surfaces the next week, all the better.
    Of course this is a dangerous game.
    If Trump loses the 2020 election, he'll die under investigation. If Trump wins, the Western World as we know it will die.

    While Nixon was embroiled in the Watergate Scandal, he passed The Endangered Species Act, and a few other bills. Trump is a completely different animal. I do think he's cracking up. He may break before we get the pleasure of breaking him. If Trump is truly disgraced, will the Fox News crowd grow a conscience? Or will they blame the Democrats? Unknown.

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  8. #828
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    I think the centerpoint of everything, whether one concedes that russia attacked, and that it was significant. in the recent words of Jared Kushner, "It was just a couple of Facebook posts." Trump has been consistent in evading russia's responsibility. And how could one investigate the start, including the Dossier, if it's central premise, is/was true? I see that investigation, as trying to string along the idea that, russia is innocent. That is why, I believe that impeachment, will put more evidence, out to the american public. And the fact that Trump did not lead the defense of the attack, says everything.

  9. #829
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    With Trump in the White House, The Rubes are dictating policy. They don't want to discuss Russia, because that's a losing hand. They want to talk about Judges and the Economy, where they are winning. One thing I remember from the GoT last episode was some guy discussing the power of THE STORY, and I think anybody who saw Trump in Helsinki knows there is a whale of a story going on there, and it's a mystery story, which makes it even more curiosity raising. More provocative.
    Republicans are trying real hard to edit THE STORY, and they've been successful enough to send their donors two trillion "middle class" dollars, and 16 billion to farmers, to shut them up.
    This AG Barr investigation of the investigators is an attempt to narrate the story, but like everything attached to the Trump administration, I can't understand that they don't understand how this is going to end. Like any good story, this one has lots of questions and possibilities. But REALITY owns the future, and if history is any judge, it's about time for Trump to lose. Actually, it might be better if we give Trump another year to drag the entire Republican Party down with him. They can come back in 17 years, like locusts.

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  10. #830
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz View Post
    I think the centerpoint of everything, whether one concedes that russia attacked, and that it was significant. in the recent words of Jared Kushner, "It was just a couple of Facebook posts." Trump has been consistent in evading russia's responsibility. And how could one investigate the start, including the Dossier, if it's central premise, is/was true? I see that investigation, as trying to string along the idea that, russia is innocent. That is why, I believe that impeachment, will put more evidence, out to the american public. And the fact that Trump did not lead the defense of the attack, says everything.
    The Mueller Report was limited by its intentions, and the fact that it was not Mueller's intention to recommend prosecution, which is someone else's job. Just as Bob Woodward in Fear declined to investigate the financial background of God's President, so the relationship with Felix Sater and the claim that the two men by selling real estate to 'certain Russians' were, in effect, laundering money from the Russian Mafia has not been part of the report yet provides the ingredients of the explanation for the odd relationship the Russians appear to have with the man David Frum has called America's No. 1 Liar. Add in the flows of 'lovely dollars' from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, and you find a President compromised by his financial connections long before he entered the White House, but who uses that Office to make even more money, while protecting the very people who by their actions would be in prison in America. And that is before the mystery of Deutsche Bank lending $2 billion to an American with close to a zero credit rating.
    It stinks.
    And when the same President who joined the Russian campaign agaist the USA in 2016 now applauds the North Korean leader for insulting Joe Biden, you can ask: whose side is he on? Because it ain't the USA.

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