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  1. #11
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    TFW you are incapable of considering other human beings as anything besides sexual playthings.

    Quote Originally Posted by dimdim View Post
    THIS IS WRONG because nature is producing different variations of genders in great numbers when it comes to new borns around the world and it is wrong for doctors to reassign their gender by surgery to make them either female or male WHEN its natural for them to be born as a mixed gender. Surgery is whats UNNATURAL and wrong, their variation of gender is whats NATURAL. See the difference?

    Besides throughout their adult life due to the SURGICAL reassignment their sexual capability may be greatly reduced or little to no sexual feeling at all due to whatever permanent damage to the tissues and nerves had occurred. No adult should have the legal right to destroy a kid's life, even with adults this reassignment surgery should be BANNED unless there is a way thats guaranteed for a 100% fact that no sexual functioning or pleasures will be reduced or altered for worse in any way. GET IT? You can't put a price on such a lose.

  2. #12
    Biatch Platinum Poster Nikka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    love it.....

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    The question is how many adults would want a surgery that would result in 25% or 50% or 75% less sexual pleasure and ecstasy to 100% no sexual pleasure and ecstasy at all for a life time? The thing is parents and the medical system should not be allowed by law to make that decision for a minor because how many of them will regret such a surgery when they become an adult? I WOULD, AND HOW.

    Answer, how many adults would give up their orgasms for a surgery?

    Last edited by dimdim; 06-29-2019 at 01:20 AM.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    Quote Originally Posted by dimdim View Post
    The question is how many adults would want a surgery that would result in 25% or 50% or 75% less sexual pleasure and ecstasy to 100% no sexual pleasure and ecstasy at all for a life time? The thing is parents and the medical system should not be allowed by law to make that decision for a minor because how many of them will regret such a surgery when they become an adult? I WOULD, AND HOW.

    Answer, how many adults would give up their orgasms for a surgery?
    My answer- you couldn't pay me all the money in the world even if 1% is forever gone for a life time. Imagine 50% loss. Question to all doctors, would you want that greatest loss a humanbeing can endure for a lifetime after a surgery?

    Last edited by dimdim; 06-29-2019 at 01:32 AM.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    In pretty much every country where public health insurance funds GRS, you don't just go in and have the chop on a whim. There are standards of pyschological evaluation that need to be met and it's a long process before you get approved for any kind of surgery. It also means that if you do get surgery secretly during a vacation to Thailand without proper approval, it's going to be on you.

    And in a way, having properly approved surgery paid for by health insurance makes more sense to begin with, because you are really being helped to sort out how deep your gender dysphoria really runs. And only then are you able to get surgery, if medical experts conclude that that is the most advisable course of action in an individual patient's case.

    I have no problem at all with the knowledge that some of the health insurance that goes off my salary every month is used to help patients sort all that out, and get surgery if needed.

    I think when people in the U.S. get in a huff about that way of thinking, it has to do with the fact that there is still a strong cultural undercurrent in the U.S. of the idea that anything to do with LGBTQ is somehow a "lifestlye choice". Just like the idea that you "choose to be gay" just can't be weeded out entirely. And IMO it just stems from a profound sexual illiteracy in those who think that way.

    My monthly health insurance payments don't fund people who think it's a turn on to have their dick turned inside out. They go towards helping people with gender dysphoria. It may not be a terminal illness like cancer, but as somebody who battled with depression in his younger years and was able to sort it out with a therapist that was paid for by health insurance, I think I have a deep enough understanding that there is value in taking mental/emotional issues seriously enough to have therapy thereof paid for by the taxpayer.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    Quote Originally Posted by dimdim View Post
    My answer- you couldn't pay me all the money in the world even if 1% is forever gone for a life time. Imagine 50% loss. Question to all doctors, would you want that greatest loss a humanbeing can endure for a lifetime after a surgery?
    Or you could be trapped with the feeling that you have the wrong genitals for a lifetime. Imagine the psychological torture that could cause.

  7. #17

    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    read the document. does it say anything about age? no.
    this doofus video and the hackney article in it is just meant to stir trouble.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gender reassignment sugery for kids in Vermont

    Quote Originally Posted by hardharry585 View Post
    read the document. does it say anything about age? no.

    4.238.5 Conditions for Coverage
    (a) For a beneficiary to receive coverage for gender affirmation surgery, the following conditions must be met:

    (5) Documented informed consent, including knowledge of risks, hospitalizations, post-surgical rehabilitation, and compliance of treatment. For minors under 18 years of age, documented informed consent of a parent(s), legal custodian, or guardian is also required unless the minor is emancipated by court order.

    "I am, a SIGMA Male...

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