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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    Quote Originally Posted by DaphneCruz View Post

    The bulk of the "research" on vaccines and their effectiveness and testing of vaccines is paid for the pharmaceutical companies as they are the ones trying to get their drugs pushed forward. Naturally it will you know how it will turn out.
    and 2. there are studies and papers that do show how vaccines are bad, but it will never be enough until it over powers the tremendous amount of "research" by the pharmaceutical industry that has way more money.
    At the start of the Peer Review you linked there are three components to core main critique. The first concerns the commercial importance of the pharmaceuticals industry and the use it makes of its money to lobby Congress on behalf of its producers, but which is presented as 'institutional corruption'; second that this 'corrupt' lobbying system has resulted in Congress under-funding the FDA to the extent that it cannot properly monitor the activities of 'big pharma', and lastly that the commercial nature of the pharmaceuticals industry has in effect commercialized the role of physicians, and 'undermined their position as independent, trusted advisers to patients' (Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs, p7-.

    Much is made throughout the Peer Review of the extent to which the industry generates the product that it sells, that it uses its powers to 'correct' misleading impressions -to protect its business as much as its reputation (this is where it become 'corruption')- and that people suffer as a result.

    But what is also of note is that while the documentation of adverse effects of vaccination are recorded, it is not necessarily the case that vaccination as a procedure is considered 'bad' to you use your term. In the article that begins on p725 (The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-Up) what Russell Blaylock is arguing that the fault may lie, not in the vaccinations per se, but the number of vaccinations administered to children within a short space of time, which is in no way claiming that vaccination is 'bad'.

    It has always been the case, and still is, that vaccinations can have adverse effects on the child, but that remedies are also available to treat these cases -the link to the NHS documents below puts it into simple words. However, what is the alternative procedure to prevent a child from contracting Measles and Polio to name just two diseases that have been dealt with effectively by vaccination? Because that is the key point: the fact that Smallpox has been eradicated universally through vaccination; that incidences of Polio have been dramatically reduced though vaccination, but persists where vaccination is either absent due to war or law and order issues, or local opposition.

    Vaccines work, and have save millions of lives. If you want to attack 'Big Pharma' then offer the medical profession an alternative means of inventing, testing and introducing medicines to treat illness. If not, or in addition, do regulate the industry more than it is at the moment, even though a generation of conservative politicians will insist the industry must regulate itself. Then ask why physicians in the US in particular prescribe addictive opioids which are not prescribed in the UK or, say, in Japan -suggesting that there may be a cultural issue in medicine in the US which is not met elsewhere.

    There are some complex social and political issues here, but the basic format is tried and tested, and to deny the success of vaccines is to deny too many people the right to live without illness or even death.

  2. #32
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    I got the impression you claimed to have hundreds of peer reviewed articles establishing a connection between vaccines and autism. In the middle of this discussion you post:

    Quote Originally Posted by DaphneCruz View Post
    ...Here's a pdf with hundreds of articles/studies with links etc...
    True enough the PDF links to hundreds of articles and studies. I’m scrolling down and choosing one at random now. ...Here it is.

    “American Journal Of Public Health • April 1989
    The role of secondary vaccine failures
    in measles outbreaks
    Author information
    Mathias RG1, Meekison WG, Arcand TA, Schechter MT.
    Department of Health Care and Epidemiology
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver
    An outbreak of measles in 1985-86 in a community where measles vac-
    cine trials had been carried out from 1974-76 allowed the assessment of
    the role of secondary vaccine failures in previously immunized children.
    A total of 188 children from the vaccine trial were followed. Of these, 175
    seroconverted initially while 13 (6 per cent) required re-immunization (pri-
    mary failure). A total of 13 cases of measles, eight of which were laboratory
    and/or physician-confirmed, were reported in this cohort. Of these, nine
    cases occurred in the 175 subjects who had hemagglutination inhibition test
    (HI) and neutralizing antibody responses following the initial immuniza-
    tion. These nine cases represent secondary vaccine failures. An additional
    four cases occurred in the 13 subjects with primary vaccine failure. We con-
    clude that secondary vaccine failures occur and that while primary failures
    account for most cases, secondary vaccine failures contribute to the occur-
    rence of measles cases in an epidemic. A booster dose of measles vaccine
    may be necessary to reduce susceptibility to a sufficiently low level to allow
    the goal of measles elimination to be achieved.

    I can’t help notice that it doesn’t even address the issue of vaccines and autism. In fact the article suggests that some children may need to be re-immunized against measles!

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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  3. #33
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    The one article in the PDF (linked to above) that promises one-thousand pages of full-length reports linking vaccines to heavy metal toxicities, autism and other alleged risks is the ten year old 2008 Medical Veritas article by Russell L. Blaylock, MD entitled, “The truth behind the vaccine cover-up.” The link given there is . The Box link has been updated and it now contains twenty reports. Not one-thousand. Not hundreds.

    The first is a four page 2011 report published by Not an organization with an independent view. There are no detailed description of experiments or statistical analysis of data. The author doesn’t address the issue of autism. He does anecdotally suggest vaccines may induce atrophy of the immune system (presumably because the artificially immunized system doesn’t have to work hard enough) and he worries that the genes of the live or dead biological components of a vaccine might jump to the human host and be past on through their progeny. The evidence he cites is genes jumping in corn crops.

    The second is an article by Bernard Rimland, PhD and Woody McGinnis, MD of the Autism Research Institute at San Diego, CA. The article appears in the Laboratory Medicine no.9 vol.22 Sept 2002. It makes a case against those vaccines that contain the preservative Thimerosal. Mercury, and other heavy metal based preservatives are no longer used in vaccines. I think, someone can check on this, that sort of usage is banned by the FDA.


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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    There was a time when science did some scary stuff, it probably still does, but with a 'fetal heartbeat' identified at six weeks -identified not by a doctor or a scientist but politicians ignorant of the life they seek to protect- we now have fossil fuels referred to by officials of the US Government as 'molecules of freedom'...The Big Bang Theory may have ended, but endless re-runs of this permanent self-deprecation and abuse by fake scientists has met its match in linguistic torture by the US Government-

    Mark W. Menezes, the US under secretary of energy, and Steven Winberg, the assistant secretary for fossil energy introduced the new vocabulary.

    “Increasing export capacity from the Freeport LNG project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving America’s allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy, Mr Menezes said in the statement...

    Meanwhile, Mr Winberg’s statement read: “With the US in another year of record-setting natural gas production, I am pleased that the Department of Energy is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of US freedom to be exported to the world.”

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  5. #35
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    More depressing stuff from the zombie government. The only thing one can say in defence of the US is that there is clearly a chasm between the average American and the country's scientists, and the government, and that of the two, it is the latter that will change in a few years time -but after who knows what damage has been caused?
    The Trump administration is disregarding science and expertise across a wide range of government work, as documented by whistleblowers and groups tracking agency decisions.
    Trump officials are censoring warnings about the climate crisis, moving critical agencies out of Washington and enacting far-reaching changes in what facts regulators can consider when they choose between industry and the public good.
    The White House and its agencies have kept their own experts from explaining how pollution from power plants and cars is increasing global temperatures, threatening both lives and economies.One former climate scientist for the National Park Service, Maria Caffrey, filed a whistleblower complaint this week and testified to Congress that she was blocked from publishing data about how coastal parks could flood as the seas rise.h

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  6. #36
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    It's very American of me not to be up on English affairs, just like I'm not really up on French, German, Chinese, or Russian affairs. We pretty much have our hands full playing with ourselves, trying to picture a future where Gays and Evangelicals, Blacks and Rednecks walk hand in hand towards the future.
    With so many different opinions, it's critical we find leaders to both understand, oversee, and see over
    their individual commands.

    World Class Asshole

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    What are 'Englsh affairs'? And what does the above post have to say in response to the assault on science by the President and his supporters? Maybe Politics & Religion is a waste of time because people like you can't be arsed to think for a moment about what the real issues, as if nobody cares anymore, which is how the monsters devour their victims, when there is nobody opposed to them willing to take action to stop the slaughter. By your imbecile inaction, you sustain and embolden the Confederacy at the expense of the USA. So when it comes to make the final choice, where are your dollars? In the swamps of DC or the swamps of Louisiana?

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  8. #38
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    What are 'Englsh(sic) affairs'?
    What's wrong, Stavros, problems at home? Angry at me or your own demons? Your Country is in deep shit, what are you doing about it, standing on your soapbox orating on a porn forum? Where did you get your Science degree? Up your ass? Or is it arse? Ha ha ha!
    Tell me exactly how your superior English intellect stopped your own Country from seceding from the Union? You're insulting the iceberg on the deck of the Titanic! In England and the USA, it doesn't matter which side you're on if the Country is split in half. Half my Family is from Mississippi! I really am related to Robert E Lee. The day after my 43rd birthday, I found out I am totally disabled. Always have been, always will be. That's what gives me the Authority to LAUGH at you! English Pride, Southern Pride, Foolish Pride. Insult me some more, gayboy, I'm here for the fight. You stand with Science, I'll represent Stupidity. Half the people will be on my side. That's my opinion, and that's a fact.

    World Class Asshole

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    They don't call me broncofan mediator extraordinaire for any reason whatsoever. Still, I'm gonna take your best points.

    Stavros: you're off-topic. What you wrote has nothing to do with your President's assault on science and your inaction enables him.

    Buttslinger: To quote Nietzsche you point one finger at me and I'm gonna flip you off twice! Your country is headed toward disaster brexit and you have at least two dysfunctional political parties. Also a bunch of irrelevant stuff about my Mississippi relatives.

    I decided to omit the gayboy remark because I think it is unbecoming of a member of intercontinental porn forum parliament. I find you both out of order and sentence you to ten minutes in the Jill Stein sweaty asshole thread. Now let's get back on topic. Thanks!

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Science and Stupidity:When Opinon replaces facts

    I stand guilty as charged.
    I will announce your punishment soon.

    World Class Asshole

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