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  1. #11
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Is it hypocritical when law says its legal to have sex but illegal if you pay esc

    And how about all female massage parlors where women pay for a massage? The woman giving a massage and the one who receives it (especially if its close to or on her butt as she lays on front or laying down the other way---big tits hard nipples) both get sexually aroused and they may go all the way, and its always kept as a secret. I never heard of police closing down an all female massage parlor or fitness club where this in fact happens between the fems.

    Shouldn't adults have the right to receive money by providing a sexual service at their own discretion and risks? There are so many escorts that are 100% disease free like what over 99% of them have no STDs or what?

    Last edited by dimdim; 07-26-2019 at 12:28 AM.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Is it hypocritical when law says its legal to have sex but illegal if you pay esc

    Quote Originally Posted by murmdrum View Post
    what happens between two consenting adults should be none of the "laws" business
    UNLESS..the law cosigned your marriage certificate.
    I fucked hundreds of street hoes, the cops caught me in flagrante delictoa a few times but only busted me once, when I drove my van and two girls into a parking lot, and the cop had to squirm up onto my front bumper with a flashlight. I was arguing with the cop at the station "how can I be guilty of indecent public behavior when I was behind closed doors and officer Muldoon had to climb through some bushes and maneuver himself into the one tiny little spot where he could see me with a flashlight???
    "Look, buddy, either sign the confession and pay the twenty bucks, or get booked, thrown in a holding cell and argue with the Magistrate tomorrow morning"
    If I had been married and my wife found out, I would own the outside of the house, and she would own the inside.

    World Class Asshole

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Is it hypocritical when law says its legal to have sex but illegal if you pay esc

    Of course it's hypocritical, but the law is changing. In ten or so years it will be legal to pay for sex. Largely because of criminal justice reforms, sex workers asserting themselves in the political realm, and states needed new forms of tax revenue. Just contact your leaders and ask that they decriminalize sex work.

    Glad to meet you.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Is it hypocritical when law says its legal to have sex but illegal if you pay esc

    Quote Originally Posted by gaysian71 View Post
    It's a law because it's gods law. Just ask any Jesus freak. Apparently there is an overwhelming amount of people who believe in Christianity. Oh, and then there's those Islamic motherfuckers. While their God is supposedly different. It's the same bullshit and that Christian bullshit. It's all bullshit. But it seems to control a lot of people, including lawmakers.

    All I can say is
    Actually I don't believe prostitution is mentioned in the New Testament in the sense of He was against it, except where Jesus stops the stoning of Mary Magdalene.

    I don't even think it was against Jewish law (Mosaic law) except when the man or woman was committing adultery.
    In many Christian (Catholic) countries prostitution is legal – for example, Spain (the home of the Inquisition) and most (if not all of Latin America – with the exception of Communist Cuba – which is officially atheist). And actually prostitution was illegal in every Communist country during the days of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact – while it was / is legal (controlled but legal) in most of Western Europe.

    Prostitution is illegal under sharia law and in every Muslim country (and that’s not because of Christianity) because the Koran says so. However, polygamy, sex slavery and ‘4-hour marriages’ are perfectly okay under sharia law and Islam (we’ll forget what happens to transgender escorts in places like Qatar when the authorities decide to act).

    The societal objection to prostitution is a commerce related one. In pre-leisure, pre-industrial era societies women had essentially three values. First as housewives (keeping a pre-industrial home was an 18-hour a day job); secondly to bear children (the original pre-industrial labor-saving devices – the more hands on the farm the better); and the third was any dowry (land, etc.) – basically they were assets in a merger as we see in dynastic marriages.

    So if a woman took her value and used it in free trade (prostitution, for example), it weakened society. Remember, marriage started as a business contract.

    But, even then, it existed throughout Europe and wasn’t illegal.

    In the US it was legal (or tolerated) until the early 1900s. What changed? Progressive women and the suffragette movement. Yes, progressive reformers killed prostitution in the US. To them, prostitution enthralled women – and as regards human-trafficking, they had and have a point. To this day, progressives lead the charge against human trafficking and any prostitute is a ‘victim of human traffickers’.

    And when anyone is forced into prostitution / human trafficked it is evil. However, if a person decides – by their own volition - to trade their labor (sex) for value (money), that’s that person’s choice.

    In Costa Rica prostitution is legal. Pimping and pandering is not. Human trafficking still happens but it’s rare. Usually it’s in the rural areas where illegal immigrants (usually Nicaraguans) are enslaved by criminals.

    But the US-feminist NGOs are always on the warpath against ‘sex trafficking and to them, that’s any prostitute or escort. The Catholic church and the evangelical churches could give a shit.

    Last edited by kfortune; 07-27-2019 at 04:14 PM.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Is it hypocritical when law says its legal to have sex but illegal if you pay esc

    But that's not gonna last long. As we speak the movement to decriminalize sex work has gain traction in recent years with movements in DC and New York going strong. It may not happen today, but it will happen eventually. Don't forget we're becoming a service based economy and these states in the meantime are facing deficits and need new tax revenue. Why do you reckon marijuana legalization is gaining traction? Mark my words 10-20 years from now paying for sex will be legal.

    Glad to meet you.

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