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  1. #841
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    In 2000, when they did the Florida Recount, the Republicans pulled out boxes of votes that had been set aside and not counted because of "hanging chads"
    Nobody would have known about them unless Officials showed up and started looking.
    If Moscow Mitch and his Kamarades stole votes in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, would anybody really be surprised? They stole Obama's Supreme Court pick, and admitted they stole it. The stink of desperation must have been pretty bad if the future of the entire Republican Party rested on Donald Trump's shoulders. I'm not one to believe in Conspiracy Theories, but I've never seen an American President grovel before A Russian Premier either. Something stinks.

    World Class Asshole

  2. #842
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    It is a conspiracy theory to reject the most straightforward account of events and supplant it with the hypothesis that there was an elaborate plan involving many people to fool the public.

    It would be a conspiracy theory to believe that Epstein was killed in jail. It would also be a conspiracy theory to think that the circumstances of his suicide were facilitated by people afraid of what he would reveal.

    The most straightforward account is that he committed suicide in his cell because he didn't want to face a lifetime in prison. He had attempted suicide several weeks earlier and at least for a time was on suicide watch.

    It does however require an extraordinary amount of negligence to allow a known suicide risk who is in custody to commit suicide, given that the most common means in prison are by hanging or asphyxiation and there are ways to proof a cell against that.

    The fact is that he is a convicted pedophile facing additional charges who had incriminating information on a lot of people. While I am not jumping to the conclusion at this point that there was foul play, if there was, the most likely culprits are those who head up the penal system, which is in Trump's chain of command. At the very least there needs to be an investigation into how this was allowed to happen.

    It's also an obvious insult to the victims that he was not held accountable for his predation...

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  3. #843
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    It would be a conspiracy theory to believe that Epstein was killed in jail. It would also be a conspiracy theory to think that the circumstances of his suicide were facilitated by people afraid of what he would reveal.
    And guess who's right onto it? Surprise, surprise.

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  4. #844
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    And guess who's right onto it? Surprise, surprise.
    He's such a dangerous clown.

    Of the options we have at this point, none are without issues. If someone killed him, there would be multiple people including prison personnel who have to keep the secret and there will be the autopsy and coroner's report. All you need is one person at the prison to say that they were told to leave a door open or some breach of protocol.

    On the other hand, none of these cells are supposed to contain anything a person can commit suicide with. Even if he wasn't on suicide watch, which he should have been, he still shouldn't have been able to do it. So somehow he found a way....I accept that's the most likely option.

    I guess my question is: what the fuck happened? There really needs to be an investigation, but it is pretty unreal how conspiracy theorists have latched onto the Clintons. If we are moving from the main narrative, the next step would be to look at the stewards of that prison and so on.

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  5. #845
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    There are reports of severe staff shortages in the prison, so most likely it's a mundane story about overstretched staff with insufficient training and experience. Prison suicides are not uncommon, despite all the precautions against them.

  6. #846
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Donald Trump Presidency-Day One

    Warning lights are flashing on the economy, and people are talking about a 1/3 change of a recession in the next year.

    If this happens I can't that see any amount of race-baiting, lying or blame-shifting will save Trump. I know we should not wish for a recession, but if it was the price of getting rid of Trump it might be worth paying.

    The prospect of a recession under Trump's watch is actually a bit scary, given he's an incompetent ignoramus who imagines he's a genius. At least GWB had enough sense to follow the advice of the experts in 2008. There's not much room to reduce interest rates and the fiscal ammunition has been wasted on tax cuts for the rich when the economy was already strong. You can't bully, bluster and lie your way out of a recession. Most likely he would further escalate his trade wars, even though they are big part of the problem.

    Unfortunately, the next Democrat president is likely inherit a poisoned chalice because of the build-up of delayed consequences from Trump's actions.

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