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  1. #11
    @-}--- Professional Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    yeah dying is not a good human habbit I would say...

  2. #12
    @-}--- Professional Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    keep the good work of making thread fufu ... I love the way you do it

  3. #13
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Cars don’t kill people, people do. No. Wait a minute. That’s not true. In the 70’s, Ford Pintos had a problem. Their gas tanks occasionally exploded from rear-end taps. Back then, not all cars had seat belts and people died who didn’t have to. We raised our standards and passed laws. Still, some vehicular deaths are indeed due to drivers. They speed, they get reckless, they get distracted, they don’t use their belts and some drive under the influence. We have laws against all that too. To get a license drivers have to demonstrate their knowledge of the law, the safety protocols, their ability to drive and the ability of their eyes to see the road. If you want to get tougher on manufacturers and drivers alike, I’m probably with you. I just want the same for guns, hunters and marksmen too.

    The media doesn’t create the news, people do. Columbine occurred during the Assault Weapons Ban. As far as I know it was the only mass shooting to take place during the ban. After the ban we had (in order of highest deaths) the Las Vegas shooting (58 ), the one at the Orlando nightclub (49), the Virginia Tech shooting (32), Sandy Hook (27}, Sutherland Springs (26), El Paso (20), Stoneman Douglas (17), San Bernardino (14), Fort Hood (14), Binghamton (13), Virginia Beach (12), Thousand Oaks (12), Washington Navy Yard (12), Aurora Theater (12), Pittsburgh Synagogue(11) and Santa Fe High School (10). If you read local papers you would also see the media reporting weekly on scores of suicides, single shooters and stupid firearm accidents.

    4 out of 5 members liked this post.
    Last edited by trish; 08-17-2019 at 07:02 PM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    In the UK the Dunblane shooting resulted in much tighter gun laws particularly for hand guns. Result (touch wood) it's never happened again.

    There's an argument to be made for shotguns and hunting rifles but there is no need for any civilian to own an assault rifle. The idea that it's a constitutional right to be able to own a weapon designed for one purpose, to kill people is a total joke.

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  5. #15
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by Laphroaig View Post
    In the UK the Dunblane shooting resulted in much tighter gun laws particularly for hand guns. Result (touch wood) it's never happened again.
    Same in Australia since guns were tightly restricted after the 1996 Port Arthur massacre. The "guns don't kill, people kill" crowd like to blame it on mental illness, video games, etc but I'm pretty sure we have a similar incidence of those things.

    A guy with a history of mental illness recently ran amok with a knife in Sydney CBD - killed one and wounded another before he was tackled to the ground. I hate to think how many would have died if he'd had an assault rifle.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member Professional Poster rabbitfufu's Avatar
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    yet alcohol has ruined ….how many families???? alcoholics, beating, abuse, single parents, child abuse etc. how many of you overdrank and had wished they had not!! drinking in high school college drunks, ohhh its ok I'm just having fun, blowing off steam!! but do the alcohol manufactures have to reconcile their companies. ok im wrong the ad says "drink responsible" maybe that should be saying that on a box of ammo, " use wisely"

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  7. #17
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by rabbitfufu View Post
    yet alcohol has ruined ….how many families???? alcoholics, beating, abuse, single parents, child abuse etc. how many of you overdrank and had wished they had not!! drinking in high school college drunks, ohhh its ok I'm just having fun, blowing off steam!! but do the alcohol manufactures have to reconcile their companies. ok im wrong the ad says "drink responsible" maybe that should be saying that on a box of ammo, " use wisely"
    Scotland introduced a minimum pricing for alcohol a few years ago. Probably still too early to judge if there's been an effect but the issue is being acknowledged and some attempts made to minimise the effects.
    Where's the equivalent gun control laws in the US? Why does every single attempt to address the issue get shot down (deliberate pun) by the NRA and other pro gun lobbies? I'll ask the question again, what right does any civilian have to own an assault rifle?

    There is also evidence that younger people are drinking less and moving to low/no alcohol alternatives

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    Last edited by Laphroaig; 08-18-2019 at 10:22 AM.

  8. #18
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by Laphroaig View Post
    Where's the equivalent gun control laws in the US? Why does every single attempt to address the issue get shot down (deliberate pun) by the NRA and other pro gun lobbies? I'll ask the question again, what right does any civilian have to own an assault rifle?
    Nail on the head. With every major public health crisis there should be an attempt to figure out ways to maintain the utility of the activity while addressing its risks. As Trish pointed out, there have been a lot of safety features added to cars, including mandatory seatbelts and airbags. We didn't ban the car (except the pinto; the assault weapon of automobiles because modern life depends on them.

    We tried to ban alcohol and it was impossible to enforce. Most countries have tried to find ways to address the various risks associated with it. Lobbies have not shut down any attempt to address its risks by threatening rebellion as the NRA has with guns.

    What is the utility of guns? People use them for hunting and lawfully for self-defense. But the NRA makes people think assault rifles are protected by the second amendment (they're not) and useful for self-defense. They fire a zillion bullets per second and are best used to shoot lots of people at once. They are a tool that facilitates mass murder.

    The NRA wanted to legalize silencers on weapons. Can you imagine the stupidity?

    Rabbitfufu has said nothing about any of the recommendations filghy made on the previous page. He's made zero recommendations for making drinking less hazardous or preventing drunk driving.

    The subject of alcohol is pure dilution of the gun problem. I hate to say it but he's Mr. Fanti light. Slightly less strident, a bit less obnoxious, but the same sleight of hand. And he thought he was going to get in trouble for posting this thread....lame

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  9. #19
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    Cars don’t kill people, people do. No. Wait a minute. That’s not true. In the 70’s, Ford Pintos had a problem. Their gas tanks occasionally exploded from rear-end taps. Back then, not all cars had seat belts and people died who didn’t have to. We raised our standards and passed laws. Still, some vehicular deaths are indeed due to drivers. They speed, they get reckless, they get distracted, they don’t use their belts and some drive under the influence. We have laws against all that too. To get a license drivers have to demonstrate their knowledge of the law, the safety protocols, their ability to drive and the ability of their eyes to see the road. If you want to get tougher on manufacturers and drivers alike, I’m probably with you. I just want the same for guns, hunters and marksmen too.

    The media doesn’t create the news, people do. Columbine occurred during the Assault Weapons Ban. As far as I know it was the only mass shooting to take place during the ban. After the ban we had (in order of highest deaths) the Las Vegas shooting (58 ), the one at the Orlando nightclub (49), the Virginia Tech shooting (32), Sandy Hook (27}, Sutherland Springs (26), El Paso (20), Stoneman Douglas (17), San Bernardino (14), Fort Hood (14), Binghamton (13), Virginia Beach (12), Thousand Oaks (12), Washington Navy Yard (12), Aurora Theater (12), Pittsburgh Synagogue(11) and Santa Fe High School (10). If you read local papers you would also see the media reporting weekly on scores of suicides, single shooters and stupid firearm accidents.
    How many people would those killers have killed if armed with a bow and arrow?

  10. #20
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    The NRA wanted to legalize silencers on weapons. Can you imagine the stupidity?
    At the NRA's behest, the Republican congress also weakened restrictions on people with mental illnesses acquiring guns, which clearly shows their hypocrisy and bad faith on the issue.

    2 out of 3 members liked this post.

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