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  1. #11
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    The two candidates people further left like are Bernie and Warren. Of the two, I prefer Warren to Bernie because I think she's more competent and she's a Democrat. I am not a big fan of cult of personality and I think that's what Bernie has developed. Would be perfectly happy to see some of the policies he's recommended put into action without the baggage of him or his need to be a one man movement.

    I always liked Kamala, and still do. I admit I haven't watched the debates and have heard so-so reviews on her. I agree there are legitimate critiques both of the criminal justice system and her record as well though I don't think anything she's done should prevent her from redeeming herself or altering her perspective.

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  2. #12
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    This article in The Guardian suggests that even places like rural Iowa are potential vote winners for Democrats, indeed it would seem the election is theirs to lose.
    Blackchubby goes to the core of the problem: play it safe, or play it radical? The mix is obvious but I don't see Warren as a popular figure, she has intelligence but lacks charisma, to me. But I don't know enough about the men such as Booker, O'Rourke and Buttigieg to judge them.
    But, will the election be won by young and first time voters for whom a radical agenda is what they want? Labour succeeded in earning 40% of the vote in the UK election in 2017 that was supposed to destroy them, because the polls underestimated the youth vote that turned out -and turn out is always crucial for Democrats, not least because their loyal voters in the Confederacy are denied the right to vote.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    The two candidates people further left like are Bernie and Warren. Of the two, I prefer Warren to Bernie because I think she's more competent and she's a Democrat. I am not a big fan of cult of personality and I think that's what Bernie has developed. Would be perfectly happy to see some of the policies he's recommended put into action without the baggage of him or his need to be a one man movement.

    I always liked Kamala, and still do. I admit I haven't watched the debates and have heard so-so reviews on her. I agree there are legitimate critiques both of the criminal justice system and her record as well though I don't think anything she's done should prevent her from redeeming herself or altering her perspective.
    For some on the far left, there is no such thing as redeeming yourself or altering perspective. Unless its done through a Twitter re-education camp.

    I agree with you about Sanders. While I don't agree with most of her ideas, if given choice between her and him, I would go with Elizabeth Warren.

    Despite all his gaffs at the last debate, I still think Biden gives the Democrats the best chance to beat Trump. At the end of day, that's what the 2020 election should be about. Not enacting some radical agenda that a majority of the country does not want.

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    Last edited by blackchubby38; 09-19-2019 at 04:06 PM.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I'm just glad that Bill De Blasio did the right thing and dropped out of the race. Now he can get back to doing what he has done best. Turning NYC into a shithole.

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  5. #15
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    THe link below looks at Monroe Country in Michigan and suggests that the incumbent will probably hang on to a voting area that it thinks is representative of the US, much as those primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire are said to indicate who the next Democrat nominee for the Presidency will be.

    But two questions arise, both based on the argument that the US changed in 2016 or it did not:
    1) Suppose neither Monroe Country nor those Primaries retain their importance, because the rules have changed -Munroe might remain Republican and Michigan's college votes go to U-No-Who; but suppose he loses Florida and another State?

    2) Suppose the grim truth emerges over the next 12 months: the evidence mounts up against the 45th President: a liar, a crook and a traitor- and the response of the Republicans in Congress, and in the country is this: 'We don't care' -what happens to the values and the laws on which the US has been based since 1776?

    It will be as if a new Civil War had been fought, and the anti-American terrorists who once laid waste to Virginia will have their victory, through State's Rights, through procedural initiatives that enable them to select their judges and policemen, their Senators and Congressional Reps; and it won't even matter anymore if there is a Democrat in the White House -they will simply say NO to any new Federal law, tie the admin in legal knots from circuit courts to the Supreme Court.

    So, is the American experiment in democracy at an end, or has the first four years of Anger been just a mistake than can be corrected?

    Is there a Democrat who can unite the party and the country?

  6. #16
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    The whistleblower who dropped the Hollywood insider tape told us all we need to know about Trump, and as Obama warned us the presidency just amplified who he is. His base will go down in history as well meaning but misguided fools, and the natural course of truth will leave us all as Robert Muellers, ...knowing but powerless to change it.

    World Class Asshole

  7. #17
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    His base will go down in history as well meaning but misguided fools,
    Not to quibble, but why don't we quibble. I've spoken to members of his base and I don't think they mean well. We can pretend that he provided them hope or nostalgia, though we won't speculate what they're nostalgic for, but they've heard the same things come out of his mouth the rest of us have. Not an ounce of respect for process or rule of law or even what makes human beings capable of being civil to one another. If they go down in history as well meaning then history will have gotten it wrong.

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  8. #18
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    If they go down in history as well meaning then history will have gotten it wrong.
    Depends who's writing it,don't it.
    I was called a traitor today, for questioning Emperor Johnson!

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  9. #19
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    The question of uniting the country is one that cannot be answered so long as money is involved in everything and social media continues to be an utter and complete mess.

    At the end of the day, money will flow to both sides creating vitriol to anger the masses and divide the country.

    To those involved in today’s Supreme Court’s work, you did a very good job. Thank you.

    Born of a broken man, but not a broken man
    Born of a broken man, never a broken man

    Latrodectus mactans

  10. #20
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    What exactly did you say about the Emperor? Some of these Conservatives aren't too keen on WIT!
    I do believe the Trump faithful are well meaning, but how stupid do you have to be to trust a man who has lied 12,000 times?
    I do have a serious question for you, Bronco:
    If Mueller's team found proof or evidence of money laundering with Putin's Oligarchs...…
    would that be sent to New York and put on the "further consideration" pile?
    And, if so, could Barr make it all disappear?

    World Class Asshole

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